No Records access
Now I know
Simple problem, I was adopted as a baby and the state I live doesn't allow access to the adoption records at all. At 23 attending university and doing quite well I met a girl 21 and we hit it off and married a year later. She was already pregnant(5months), but I wasn't forced I was very happy to marry her. A few years later my adoptive parents died in a car accident in a winter pile up. I was happy with my wife and 2 children and on my birthday, she got me DNA test kit as a present. I done the test and was shocked by the result. It said my mother was my mother-in-law and that meant my wife was my half-sister. My mother-in-law only sister had done DNA test to find relatives they didn't know of while doing a family history. My aunt-in-law was the match, her only sibling was my mother. We had the children tested and no bad was found and have continued on as before I done the DNA test.
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