Becoming a slut
When I was married I was very conservative and only had sex with my husband about once a month.
After my divorce, I turned into a slut.
Not at first. Though.
I dated a few guys and all wanted pussy.
Not gonna happen.
I did fuck one guy.
I met him at the store and he was cute and I was horny.
So, we went back to my place and I fucked him.
One did stick around for almost six weeks.
He still didn't get any pussy.
It's mine and it is there for my pleasure.
Well, I thought I had the world by the balls until covid hit.
Then lost everything.
So I moved to my sister and her husband's farm.
They have a little house on the back side of the farm that they let me rent.
Axel is my step-nephew.
I knew he thought I was sexy.
So I would flirt with him and lead him on and shut him down.
I thought it was funny.
He would take me out and I would dress and act like I wanted to fuck.
But, at the end of the night, I would send him on his way.
My sister told me it was wrong what I was doing.
I just laughed at her and told them how much I enjoyed it.
If Axel brought a girl over I would be a fucking bitch to her.
For no other reason than I thought it was funny.
Then Becky showed up.
Becky was no bullshit and I could not stand her.
She made it plain she was giving Axel pussy anytime he wanted it.
I was jealous of Becky.
I'm the one he should be fucking.
I was bitching to my sister one day about Becky and how she was no good for Axel.
"Well, Mary-Ann, you have had every chance to sleep with Axel and you be the fucking bitch you are fucked that up the same way you fucked up your marriage.
You know why Mark started fucking around on you.
You used that pussy as a weapon of war." My sister snapped at me.
"I did not!" I fired back.
"Bullshit! You laughed about how you would get him turned on and then go to bed in the other room or start a fight so you didn't have to fuck him.
It's your fault.
No one else's, except yours." My sister told me.
"Well, at least I'm not a slut. Like you. I bet you sucked Tim's dick this morning before you got out of bed." I fired at my sister.
"And I swallowed his load too." She fired back.
"You damned right I'm a slut for Tim.
I fucking enjoy fucking him. If the mood strikes me I'll let him fuck me in the ass." My sister smiled at me ruefully.
"I'm gonna tell you something. If you have any plans for anything with Axel.
You better plan on giving him some pussy.
Why do you think Becky is still around?" My sister told me.
Pissed I stormed off only to catch Axel and Becky in the barn fucking.
She was telling him all sorts of dirty things while she leaned up against the gate as Axel fucked her from behind.
Crying I went to my house.
The next day Axel came by to pick me up as I was to go with him to pick up cows.
"No Becky?" I questioned as we got in the truck.
"Not today. It's just you and I Mary-Ann." Axel smiled.
We talked as we made the three-hour drive to the ranch.
After picking up the cows I got to thinking about what my sister had said.
"I've gotta pull over and take a pee at the next rest stop," Axel told me.
When Axel climbed out of the truck, I jumped in the back and stripped nude.
"Come on back here," I told Axel when he climbed back in the cab.
Axel had a lot better dick than my husband ever thought of and an hour later we were back on the road.
I was happy with myself.
I let Axel fuck me like a slut and I even sucked him clean afterward.
In my mind I had him and Becky would go away.
Later that evening Axel asked if I wanted to go on a horseback ride.
I knew what he wanted.
"Be a slut." My sister whispered to me as I left the house.
Not hardly.
I gave him pussy once today.
He should be glad I gave that to him.
I flirted and acted like I was going to give it up.
But, when it came time.
I changed the direction.
Two days later was back.
I was pissed.
Becky also let me know hiw she fucked the balls off Axel up on the ridge.
"He won't play games with you.
He will treat you like a goddess.
But, your gonna have to quit your bullshit games." My sister told me as we set on the porch watching Becky and Axel.
Saturday when everyone was gone.
I called Axel over to my house.
There was no doubt about what I had in mind.
I fucked and tucked Axel all afternoon.
I even let him fuck me in the ass.
I liked anal, a whole lot more than ever thought I would.
For the next week, I fucked Axel as much as he wanted.
I also fucked him for me.
I didn't realize how much fun it was to be a slut.
But, then I turned back into my old self and cut him off cold as soon as I thought I had him reeled in and I had the power over him.
No more pussy.
Your gonna beg and beg and still not get any, I thought to myself proudly.
I started to throw a fit when I caught Axel banging Becky.
I caught him after she left.
"What the fuck! You son of a bitch!" I glared at Axel.
"Mary-Ann. Look. I will not play games.
Not happening.
I'm not gonna hang around and be treated like a needy puppy." AXEL told me sternly.
"I thought you cared about me?" I all but cried trying to manipulate Axel.
"Mary-Ann. Don't fucking play games with me. It's not gonna happen." Azel spat at me.
"But!" I started when Axel cut me off.
"You go figure out what the fuck you want!" Axel glared at me before he turned and walked off.
I was devastated.
No one had ever talked to me the way Axel takes to me.
I tried talking to Axel a few times over the next week.
I even put on some very short shorts and a top that was to small and took him lunch.
I didn't even get a second look from him.
I talked to my sister.
But, she was no help.
She was on Axel's side and her husband just laughed at me.
I had no help.
I wanted Axel.
I wanted him badly.
But, I wanted him on my terms and I wasn't gonna give up until I did.
I started dressing in every seductive thing I could.
If it made my ass and tits show.
I wore it.
I would say some of the lewdest things.
Axel never even flinched.
He ignored me and went on as if I wasn't even there.
Six months passed.
Then seven.
Then nine.
Axel just went on as I wasn't even around.
"You won't win, Mary-Ann." my sister told me as we set on the porch enjoying the cool wind of the coming winter.
"He dont care about anything, does he?" I said to my sister.
"No. Mary-Ann. He does care.
But, he won't be played a fool, and that little slut between your legs won't sway him." My sister told me.
"He should feel lucky to be between my legs," I smirked.
"You're about as stupid as that ole chicken out there Mary-Ann." my sister snapped. "You think you have the only cunt on the planet." My sister glared at me. "If you haven't noticed in the year there have only been about ten different girls that have come and gone and every one of them has a fucking pussy and I guarantee you every one of them has spread their legs for Axel." My sister glared at me. "Fuck your stupid." my sister finished standing up and walking off.
"Feel lucky to be between your legs." My sister said glaring at me as she stood holding the door.
"You don't fucking deserve a man of that quality. You're so fucking stupid. Get the fuck off my porch." She finished as ahe opened the door and went in.
Walking back to my house, I thought about everything my sister had said to me.
I didn't even hear Becky pull up behind me until she honked her horn.
"Get in. I'll give you a ride." Becky said flatly.
I didn't want to get in.
But, I knew Becky had something to tell me.
"Mart-Ann. Your the dumbest bitch I've ever met." Becky laughed.
"That seems to be the census today." I smiled half-heartedly.
"Well, you have all but fucked up any chance you will ever have with Axel." Becky laughed.
"What do you care? It only makes it easy for you." I snapped.
"You dont know shit. Axel and I are just fuck buddies. We have tried dating. It didn't work. The only time we get along is when are fucking." Becky laughed.
"How much do you know about Axel and me?" I asked already knowing the answer.
"Everything. I
Know everything." Becky laughed.
I didn't say a word.
I just set there thinking.
"If you was me. What would you do?" I asked Becky.
"If I was you.
I start giving Axel the pussy he wanted and some he disnt know he wanted.
There is nothing wrong with being a slut for your man.
But, there sure as hell something wrong with being a fucking cunt for no reason.
A man needs pussy to survive.
If he doesn't get it.
He will die inside." Becky said in a serious tone.
"I'm just supposed to give him pussy anytime he wants with no questions asked," I said thinking back to the week we fucked like animals, and hiw good it felt.
"I didn't say he disnt have to earn. On occasions.
But, not every goddamned time. Sometimes he just needs to be seduced and other times you just have to take that dick from him." Becky laughed.
"You think Axel will even let me close to him?" I asked Becky.
"Now, that is something your gonna have to do on your own.
I'm not gonna give you any advice on that." Becky smiled as we pulled up in feint of my house.
"Thanks, Fir the talk." I smiled at Becky when I got out of the truck.
"Mary-Ann," Becky called to me.
"If he takes you back and I ever hear if you're eating him like a bitch again. Our next talk won't be so pleasant. Axel is to good of a man to fucked around." Becky smiled as she started her truck.
I set down in the front porch and thought long and hard.
Climbing into my car I drove over to Axels.
I didn't knock.
I just went on in.
"Mary-Ann?" Axel started.
"Axel. I was wrong. Let me show you hiw wrong I was." I said as I started to undress.
But, Axel stopped me.
I thought he was going to throw me out.
But, instead, he said we needed to talk.
We did sleep together that night.
All night.
Then the next day.
That was three years ago.
I never would have guessed how good it felt to let your man fuck you like an slut.
After my divorce, I turned into a slut.
Not at first. Though.
I dated a few guys and all wanted pussy.
Not gonna happen.
I did fuck one guy.
I met him at the store and he was cute and I was horny.
So, we went back to my place and I fucked him.
One did stick around for almost six weeks.
He still didn't get any pussy.
It's mine and it is there for my pleasure.
Well, I thought I had the world by the balls until covid hit.
Then lost everything.
So I moved to my sister and her husband's farm.
They have a little house on the back side of the farm that they let me rent.
Axel is my step-nephew.
I knew he thought I was sexy.
So I would flirt with him and lead him on and shut him down.
I thought it was funny.
He would take me out and I would dress and act like I wanted to fuck.
But, at the end of the night, I would send him on his way.
My sister told me it was wrong what I was doing.
I just laughed at her and told them how much I enjoyed it.
If Axel brought a girl over I would be a fucking bitch to her.
For no other reason than I thought it was funny.
Then Becky showed up.
Becky was no bullshit and I could not stand her.
She made it plain she was giving Axel pussy anytime he wanted it.
I was jealous of Becky.
I'm the one he should be fucking.
I was bitching to my sister one day about Becky and how she was no good for Axel.
"Well, Mary-Ann, you have had every chance to sleep with Axel and you be the fucking bitch you are fucked that up the same way you fucked up your marriage.
You know why Mark started fucking around on you.
You used that pussy as a weapon of war." My sister snapped at me.
"I did not!" I fired back.
"Bullshit! You laughed about how you would get him turned on and then go to bed in the other room or start a fight so you didn't have to fuck him.
It's your fault.
No one else's, except yours." My sister told me.
"Well, at least I'm not a slut. Like you. I bet you sucked Tim's dick this morning before you got out of bed." I fired at my sister.
"And I swallowed his load too." She fired back.
"You damned right I'm a slut for Tim.
I fucking enjoy fucking him. If the mood strikes me I'll let him fuck me in the ass." My sister smiled at me ruefully.
"I'm gonna tell you something. If you have any plans for anything with Axel.
You better plan on giving him some pussy.
Why do you think Becky is still around?" My sister told me.
Pissed I stormed off only to catch Axel and Becky in the barn fucking.
She was telling him all sorts of dirty things while she leaned up against the gate as Axel fucked her from behind.
Crying I went to my house.
The next day Axel came by to pick me up as I was to go with him to pick up cows.
"No Becky?" I questioned as we got in the truck.
"Not today. It's just you and I Mary-Ann." Axel smiled.
We talked as we made the three-hour drive to the ranch.
After picking up the cows I got to thinking about what my sister had said.
"I've gotta pull over and take a pee at the next rest stop," Axel told me.
When Axel climbed out of the truck, I jumped in the back and stripped nude.
"Come on back here," I told Axel when he climbed back in the cab.
Axel had a lot better dick than my husband ever thought of and an hour later we were back on the road.
I was happy with myself.
I let Axel fuck me like a slut and I even sucked him clean afterward.
In my mind I had him and Becky would go away.
Later that evening Axel asked if I wanted to go on a horseback ride.
I knew what he wanted.
"Be a slut." My sister whispered to me as I left the house.
Not hardly.
I gave him pussy once today.
He should be glad I gave that to him.
I flirted and acted like I was going to give it up.
But, when it came time.
I changed the direction.
Two days later was back.
I was pissed.
Becky also let me know hiw she fucked the balls off Axel up on the ridge.
"He won't play games with you.
He will treat you like a goddess.
But, your gonna have to quit your bullshit games." My sister told me as we set on the porch watching Becky and Axel.
Saturday when everyone was gone.
I called Axel over to my house.
There was no doubt about what I had in mind.
I fucked and tucked Axel all afternoon.
I even let him fuck me in the ass.
I liked anal, a whole lot more than ever thought I would.
For the next week, I fucked Axel as much as he wanted.
I also fucked him for me.
I didn't realize how much fun it was to be a slut.
But, then I turned back into my old self and cut him off cold as soon as I thought I had him reeled in and I had the power over him.
No more pussy.
Your gonna beg and beg and still not get any, I thought to myself proudly.
I started to throw a fit when I caught Axel banging Becky.
I caught him after she left.
"What the fuck! You son of a bitch!" I glared at Axel.
"Mary-Ann. Look. I will not play games.
Not happening.
I'm not gonna hang around and be treated like a needy puppy." AXEL told me sternly.
"I thought you cared about me?" I all but cried trying to manipulate Axel.
"Mary-Ann. Don't fucking play games with me. It's not gonna happen." Azel spat at me.
"But!" I started when Axel cut me off.
"You go figure out what the fuck you want!" Axel glared at me before he turned and walked off.
I was devastated.
No one had ever talked to me the way Axel takes to me.
I tried talking to Axel a few times over the next week.
I even put on some very short shorts and a top that was to small and took him lunch.
I didn't even get a second look from him.
I talked to my sister.
But, she was no help.
She was on Axel's side and her husband just laughed at me.
I had no help.
I wanted Axel.
I wanted him badly.
But, I wanted him on my terms and I wasn't gonna give up until I did.
I started dressing in every seductive thing I could.
If it made my ass and tits show.
I wore it.
I would say some of the lewdest things.
Axel never even flinched.
He ignored me and went on as if I wasn't even there.
Six months passed.
Then seven.
Then nine.
Axel just went on as I wasn't even around.
"You won't win, Mary-Ann." my sister told me as we set on the porch enjoying the cool wind of the coming winter.
"He dont care about anything, does he?" I said to my sister.
"No. Mary-Ann. He does care.
But, he won't be played a fool, and that little slut between your legs won't sway him." My sister told me.
"He should feel lucky to be between my legs," I smirked.
"You're about as stupid as that ole chicken out there Mary-Ann." my sister snapped. "You think you have the only cunt on the planet." My sister glared at me. "If you haven't noticed in the year there have only been about ten different girls that have come and gone and every one of them has a fucking pussy and I guarantee you every one of them has spread their legs for Axel." My sister glared at me. "Fuck your stupid." my sister finished standing up and walking off.
"Feel lucky to be between your legs." My sister said glaring at me as she stood holding the door.
"You don't fucking deserve a man of that quality. You're so fucking stupid. Get the fuck off my porch." She finished as ahe opened the door and went in.
Walking back to my house, I thought about everything my sister had said to me.
I didn't even hear Becky pull up behind me until she honked her horn.
"Get in. I'll give you a ride." Becky said flatly.
I didn't want to get in.
But, I knew Becky had something to tell me.
"Mart-Ann. Your the dumbest bitch I've ever met." Becky laughed.
"That seems to be the census today." I smiled half-heartedly.
"Well, you have all but fucked up any chance you will ever have with Axel." Becky laughed.
"What do you care? It only makes it easy for you." I snapped.
"You dont know shit. Axel and I are just fuck buddies. We have tried dating. It didn't work. The only time we get along is when are fucking." Becky laughed.
"How much do you know about Axel and me?" I asked already knowing the answer.
"Everything. I
Know everything." Becky laughed.
I didn't say a word.
I just set there thinking.
"If you was me. What would you do?" I asked Becky.
"If I was you.
I start giving Axel the pussy he wanted and some he disnt know he wanted.
There is nothing wrong with being a slut for your man.
But, there sure as hell something wrong with being a fucking cunt for no reason.
A man needs pussy to survive.
If he doesn't get it.
He will die inside." Becky said in a serious tone.
"I'm just supposed to give him pussy anytime he wants with no questions asked," I said thinking back to the week we fucked like animals, and hiw good it felt.
"I didn't say he disnt have to earn. On occasions.
But, not every goddamned time. Sometimes he just needs to be seduced and other times you just have to take that dick from him." Becky laughed.
"You think Axel will even let me close to him?" I asked Becky.
"Now, that is something your gonna have to do on your own.
I'm not gonna give you any advice on that." Becky smiled as we pulled up in feint of my house.
"Thanks, Fir the talk." I smiled at Becky when I got out of the truck.
"Mary-Ann," Becky called to me.
"If he takes you back and I ever hear if you're eating him like a bitch again. Our next talk won't be so pleasant. Axel is to good of a man to fucked around." Becky smiled as she started her truck.
I set down in the front porch and thought long and hard.
Climbing into my car I drove over to Axels.
I didn't knock.
I just went on in.
"Mary-Ann?" Axel started.
"Axel. I was wrong. Let me show you hiw wrong I was." I said as I started to undress.
But, Axel stopped me.
I thought he was going to throw me out.
But, instead, he said we needed to talk.
We did sleep together that night.
All night.
Then the next day.
That was three years ago.
I never would have guessed how good it felt to let your man fuck you like an slut.
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