Setting myself up for a better life.


While in lockdown I had a chance to reevaluate my life and it didn't look very promising. So, I got a little downhearted and moped about and started reading books to pass the time. While reading I found younger women in the stories were marrying older men and I looked into the reason. The main reason was for a better life, the man was successful and could provide a better life for woman. That got me thinking and I wondered if it still happened these days. I realized it did, older men were still marrying younger women and so why not me as well. I'm not a gorgeous model, but I have a good figure and great rack. I'm average in looks and well-read but being in a small town wasn't a plus. But I was wrong, as the owner of the business I worked for was single in his late fifties and well off. Not that I had much to do with him at work or anywhere else. After the lockdown finished. I was back at work as per usual, but then a chance came my way. The supervisor in my section got Covid and had to isolate I was the second in charge you could say. The supervisor had always accompanied the boss on site visits and that fell to me during his isolation period. Not that it was overnight stays or anything like that. We went to site looked around at what was done and being done and returned to the office same day. But I got to know my boss a bit better and at least he knew I was alive. Then he was invited to a formal dinner and needed a partner for the dinner at short notice.
I think he was just teasing when he asked me if I was available to a accompany him. I said I could and that shocked him a bi, I'm sure. Anyway, he had asked and so I went with him, we had a great time. So, I started to be his go to escort to these types of things, formal or otherwise. While making small talk at one these events, he was asked why he hadn't married. He replied he had been too busy at first starting his business and now it was too late. I said it's never too late and he smiled and the other couple we had been talking to smiled also. A week or so later we were working at the office, he asked me why I wasn't in a relationship. I said I'm still looking for mister right and then he asked how he rated in my opinion. I said almost perfect, only almost he replied, I replied everyone can always improve. He smiled and then asked about accompanying him to the city for a meeting and to see a show and stay overnight, seeing the look on my face. He added separate rooms, I decided to tease him and replied pity about separate rooms. His face lit up and he we can share if you want, he had called my bluff so to speak. So, I said OKAY, we went to the city done the business and stayed the weekend and became lovers and several month later we married. That was March this year and I'm now pregnant and everything in my life is so much better now.
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