Old Teachers are the best Teachers.

first times

Twenty years I was in my final year in school at 18, I was happy, that it was my last year of school. I was looking foreward to training as a carpenter. As I had always love working with wood and having been doing it since I could hold a hammer. I'm quite handy with tools and made little wood boxes for jewellery etc for years. It was a way of making extra pocket money and I even made wooden tool boxes. But I still need to do the course for carpentry to become a fully pledged carpenter. My home room teacher was Ms Bishop 59 slim 5'8" blonde with black rimmed glasses. Good looking for her age, I didn't take all that notice as there were quite a few good looking girls in my class. Not that they were interested in me. I was 5'6" of stocky build, I was not the girls idea of a boyfriend.
I didn't go to the beach or lake, I would be home making things to sell. That how I got my pickup truck. I got it with my own money and paid cash, my uncle Dave (mechanic) checked it over for me. It wasn't flash, but was very reliable. I started doing odd jobs, like repairing wooden fences and porches etc. Not big jobs just replacing rotten or termite eaten wood. It about 3 weeks into the first term that Ms Bishop asked me to stay back a few minutes after school one day. So I went to see her after school, not knowing what it was about. Ms Bishop told me that she heard that I done house repairs and was quite competent. She asked If I could look at her cottage and tell her what needed to be done. It was arranged for me to go over Friday after school at 4.30. I arrived and met her and she showed me the areas, she was concerned about. Most were quite minor, but 1 was a major problem. The corner post at the rear was rotten and sinking and need to be replaced. It was the only wooden post left under the cottage, for some unknown reason it wasn't changed with the rest. Changing it wasn't to much trouble,
but it would take a whole day. We reach a price for the minor jobs and would work on cost of materials and time taken for the post replacement. Saturday morning I saw my Jimmy (Welder) to get him to make up a steel post. Then I went to Ms Bishops and done all the minor jobs, it tooks 5 hours. The next weekend I had the new post and I jacked up and leveled the corner of the cottage, removed the old post after digging around it and using my pickup to drag it out of the way. I installed the steel post and boxed up around it to cencete in place. I went back Sunday afternoon and removed the boxing and filled in the hole. I also winced the old post onto the pickup and left.
On Monday Ms Bishop paid me for my work and said that she was very pleased with my work.
Also she that she had cabin in the mountains that need a bit of work. So we arranged to go and see what was need the sunday, it would about 3 to 4 hours to go there back depending on the time to determine what was needed. I couldn't go Saturday as Sister Terry was getting married. At 9am Sunday morning I picked up Ms Bishop and we headed for the mountains. She had brought a picnic lunch a hour and half later we arrived. I looked over the cabin and made a list of what was needed and doing. While had lunch I worked out a cost for the work and materials. I would a bit over 2 days to do the work if I got an early start. It was decided to do it all on the long holiday weekend in a couple of weeks time. We would leave Friday after school and return on the Monday holiday afternoon. I got all the materials I would need and loaded my pickup and trailer. On finishing school Friday, I went home and had shower and atactched the trailer and got overnight bag. I picked up pickup Ms Bishop at a bit after 4 and we headed for the cabin. We got a bit after 6 slowed by the trailer. While I set up the trailer and things Ms Bishop started dinner. We talked for a while after dinner, than we went bed (alone).
I was up early and started work an hour later Ms Bishop called me in for breakfast. After which I was back working on the cabin.I done all the minor jobs first and had finished them by lunch. After which I started on rear outside wall it was almost falling down in parts. I was unaware that Ms Bishop had decided to have a shower and it was in the righthand corner. While couldn't see into the bathroom as the window and plumbing was on side of the cabin. I didn't hear the water running and while removing exterior timber the whole wall came away from the cabin bathroom and taking the shower curtain with it. There was Ms Bishop totally naked standing in the shower and she didn't cover herself for about minute from the shock of what had happened. All I could do is say sorry and turn away. After a few minutes we regain our composer and I said I had tarp and would put it and I work on the other end on the cabin, while she finished her shower. About an hour later she called me in for a snack and we talked and laugh about. She said "I hope your not too scarred by the sight of a naked old lady". I replied " Your a beautiful woman and nobody could be scarred by the sight of you". Shortly after I was back at work and almost all the rear wall replaced by dinner time. After dinner we talk some more and then I went to have shower. She asked " If I would like her to wash my back". I didn't know what to say at first and then I replied "You beter not as I might get a rise and go a bit stiff". She smiled and said " I would like that". With that she joined me in shower and she took great care of any rises and taught me a lot that night. We slept together that night and the next, we got back from the mountains about 4pm and I didn't get home till just after 8pm. She and I had numerous encounters after that and even after I married 5 years later. We stopped have sex when she turned 73 and went into a retirement home. I still see her and she sometimes gives me a head job for old times sake, when alone in her room.
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