Building her up fast
The sole young female apprentice on a high rise construction site is boned by two tilers in an unfinished apartment...
Tony was not your average sparkie. Workmates were impressed by where their small colleague could squeeze their slender arm and thin fingers to pull those frickin short wires through the bloody small holes the drillers left in the concrete slabs behind the plaster sheets; several storeys up, for the electrical sub contracted team to wire.
Tony liked the electrical trade and was good at it. Antonia by birth, Tony to her male workmates; she was the only female on the building site. And young to boot, just having turned eighteen and getting on with life. A sparkie by trade but a true live wire in bed: when she could get it.
Teams of electricians, plumbers, tilers and painters; were busy today on the seventh floor of the new inner city apartment complex. Tony’s team were wiring. This luxury complex was being built up fast. Circuits, fuse boxes, breakers, wired smoke detectors and automatic sprinklers, plus checking the whole floors backup systems. The work was demanding and subject to endless safety checklists.
Compliance is everything on a construction site. Tony looked like one of the guys in her hard hat and Blundstone boots. Bullshit she did. She had cute rear twin fem cheeked hemispheres; no guy could miss her arse’s rounded adorable grababilty; whenever she bent over. The guys on her team always liked giving her the low and high wiring jobs for a reason.
Her cupid cupcakes were startlingly obvious; either front or side on. She was no flat chested tomboy playing with fuses.
However: what set Tony apart today was her company short sleeved work shirt. It was a stinker of an afternoon. It was stifling hot, no breeze, and forty Celsius in the shade, as the radio kept repeating between the background music. It was still and windless, no breeze yet off the harbour and no cooler several storeys up than it was at street level. It was probably worse; as it was dusty and good ventilation was at a premium.
The guys all had their company shirts and singlets off; the lucky bastards thought Tony, who was sweating heavily around her short sleeved work shirt, her so called twenty four hour extra dry deodorant had given up under constant ‘hard yakka’ and she had the perspiration rings under her arms, she could feel the trickle down the middle of her back.
However; most annoyingly clammy and starting to get chaffy was the sticky moisture around her friggin bra cups and building up between her ample melons and even worse the sweat in her somewhat loose white cotton undies. Fuck that last pair in the draw and her old panties were creeping into her arse crack a bit too, getting itchy sticky and needing to be straightened before her ring got wedgied and sore. Old undies attempting to be a g string at work: Ouch and not practical.
The construction guys had all the advantages here. They were down to their shorts and the pricks were pouring water over their bare chests and backs to get that extra bit of coolness. They looked more than okay coping with the heat. The odd great six pack and shapely pecs. Apart from work and heat, they knew a few cold beers would be their reward, in a couple of hours; at knock off time.
Tony really needed her irritating bra off. It was now bloody uncomfortable. Her panties needed some air flapping through them too. Screw loose elastic panties and the combination of her freshly shaved coochie from last night because it meant her sensitive creased slit mound skin was about to enter rash territory. This was not what a girl wants Friday night after a hard weeks work. Tony felt she could get lucky at the pub tonight. She had her eye on a plumber; Shane. However; she could feel the redness without seeing it, the skin irritation developing along her panty line. Hidden scarlet flesh and the hint of a shaver’s rash like welt ridges over her cute camel toe. She didn’t need a guy; hopefully Shane thinking tonight she didn’t know how to pamper and look after her own coochie and she was a try hard shaving novice. Shit this was heading from bad to worse by the loose panty minute. Also her long brunette hair which was netted under her hard hat needed a temporary release. And by god, her toes needed a wriggle, free from her moisture laden; heavy boots.
First problem for Tony; was the portaloos were two floors down the stairs; the friggin lifts were being tested for compliance at the moment. Not an attractive locale for undressing anyway. She didn’t want to think about it; unisex work site dunnies; too cramped and full of stale piss, these guys didn’t care where they aimed for work relief. They weren’t peeing at their mum’s house.
Tony thought she might risk nipping into an empty room and stripping off but there were guys everywhere; painters, her electrical team, plumbers installing pipes, tile layers: this floor was infiltrated with guys. The bastards seemingly focussed on their current task, would hone with pecker radar, the minute, she tried to demurely or brazenly address her sweat problem.
Bugger it; Tony decided to try and find a room not occupied, not yet started on, maybe along the end of the floor, they were currently all working on. This floor wasn’t scheduled to be finished until next Wednesday. Tony slunk carefully away from her teammate’s current apartment.
There were few doors on any apartments or rooms yet, so Tony side stepped into the entry space of what would be the corner, three bed roomed, harbour view, luxury piece of real-estate. It was additionally stifling because the glazing was complete and air wasn’t circulating well anywhere, especially as she went deeper into the vacant half built apartment space.
All these developing apartments had slight variations to a plan, given the shape of the building and outlooks with or without harbour view balconies. It took a minute to find a smaller room, a bathroom; she could tell by the shower recess space, the basic toilet bowl; the partially started tiling and plumbing fixtures already in place. No time to be fussy, this would have to do.
She took off her hard hat and net, which released her free flowing brunette hair. My that felt better and then eased off her heavy steel capped boots and dark thick socks giving her toes a flex.
Tony then got her work shirt off and flapped it around. She needed more relief. She got her bra off next, very quickly. And she then fluttered her shirt, fanning her over heated chest muffins into some degree of cooled respite composure.
There is a total feeling of bodily freedom for a woman when their breasts are released from a sweaty bra. Tony cupped her two buddies and lifted and separated them. God did they appreciate the release and the firm rising from their wet clammy stricture. Even the muggy warmth of the small room was cooler than a tight, sweaty bra. She used her shirt to dry the space between her twin love puppies. It was all practical. There was nothing erotic happening here.
Normally in a state of undress, Tony couldn’t resist a bit of personal nipple flicking and tweaking. Her coochie however, was demanding a fast release from those goddamn loose undies. They were destined for the bin tonight; how dare they spread a rash on her softest most special skin. Christ her arse crack was uncomfortable too. Those useless panties were grafting themselves deep in her personal ravine. She would have to shop for new underwear after work today.
Wow did that feel better. Tony was fully naked. Her shorts and daggy underwear crumpled on the partially tiled floor. Her shirt quickly fanning between her immodest wide open legs. She finally understood why the Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra had those poor fanning slaves. She could have done with a personal fanner or two right now. She had the naught thought: a fanny fanner and smirked to herself.
Tony felt much better after two or three minutes. Her bra and panties had less moisture already and her shirt had done a terrific job cooling her body. She really should have dressed quickly and got back to work. She knew she had been careful and chosen an isolated room, but your luck can only hold for so long; with guys busy everywhere.
She felt sure she could risk one more minute as she had to check the rash damage forming below. After all; Tony was a young woman and Shane was in her sights for later tonight. She had no intention of presenting scarlet between her legs when it counted.
Tony noticed straight away it wasn’t looking good. Her camel toe cleft flesh was slightly chaffed, closing in on an embarrassing case of pubic mound sunburn. She was giving her between the thighs nether region her full focussed scrutiny. Here was a young woman assuaging her pussy with her own natural moisture, a good dribbly wad of spit. A girl has to make do with what’s available sometimes. This was emergency pussy moisturizer. Our lass was trying to salvage her look for tonight.
The two tilers coming back to finish the bathroom thought Tony was looking fucking good. Glistening shaved camel toe in your face. It’s not every day or any day for that matter that you catch out a girl inspecting her intimate handiwork and cute trimmings between her own legs, head right down, self absorbed in the detail like an over officious building inspector.
Tony wasn’t aware the two guys were there. It was hard for the guys to get beyond her beckoning exposed parted camel toe. This girl actually had great tits too. What the fuck she was doing and why? Well the only thing they both thought was: fuck this is good and it beats tiling any day.
Our petite sparkie heard the guy’s moans of pleasure. Well a sight like this; they couldn’t stifle their delight nor did they want to.
She grabbed at the closest bit of her own clothing to cover her shaved supposedly private recess. It was her bra. Well did that look stupid trying to conceal what had already been explicitly revealed. Though she realised later it was better than grabbing her daggy elastic, sagging, white over large undies.
Both guys laughed. Tony laughed too. Wow had she been caught out. Nothing for it but to create complicity and hope she still had energy for Shane later.
Tony had the two tilers work shorts down. Wow: it was raunchy, like a male full Monty revue .Two guys in only their hard hats and boots but with their cocks being shaped up in tandem by hand and mouth. They both already had well aroused peckers due to her pussy preening display.
One tiler spun her around and opened her legs and spat generously between her open cheeks and got his heated meat missile straight into her moist slit. Tilers know how to fill a crack. The other tiler got to work shaping and reshaping her bouncy bosom and her raspberry nipples with his fingers and tongue. Tony kept massaging this guy’s cock.
Talk about sweaty bodies. They were all hot before. Now it was liked they were oiled. Sexual heat had the three of them all trickling droplets, then small streams of moisture over and across each others close bodies. The sex was strenuous and excitedly hard. The tiler behind her was drilling into her. He was going to paste her fully. He was jack hammering Tony; no other description is apt here.
If Tony thought her breasts were clammy before, her twin chest peaks were now covered in copious pearly beady droplets of her sweat and profuse amounts of male spit. It was a treble sprinkled swathe of energy and passion in the cluttered unfinished bathroom; three sex lives were combining and releasing their urgent need. It was blistering, searing sex. Well it was a fucking hot afternoon.
Tony felt the pumping sex between her soaking, now runny thighs. She was keyed up wet. This was awesome sex. She was enjoying being nailed. Our lass was filled with jizz from behind like a rapid fire nail gun. Oh My God; she felt good. Though she was still a tad short of her own full orgasmic release. Tiler one felt great.
Fuck me, was all Tony got to think as the second tiler went in slops and all; hammering his really hard cock with stiff thrusts into her saturated slutty slit. Man was this building her up fast. She was cumming in a frickin rush. Nothing like an extra fresh cock it seemed to really, really satisfy a young woman. She climaxed with a loud groan of total pleasure. Tiler two still had cock thrusting euphoric jizz to add to the slosh inside her pussy; as a true, buzzing, surging femorgasm went through her young body.
The other tiler was now working on her breasts. Sweat was bubbling over all three of their bodies. Dribbles from an already cummed filled pussy were now splashed on the newly grouted floor tiles. Sweat droplets hung like earrings off Tony’s lobes. The two guys were all lathered like frickin over raced stallions. The sweat was resting in the creases of the second tiler’s brow as he shot a full-size jizz wad deep into Tony’s over soused slippery slot. Cum was everywhere; around and in her pussy, gluey globs congealing on her thighs, dribbling down her legs and sprinkling on the floor.
Talk about hot. Talk about sweaty. Talk about scorching sex. It was smiles all round and the realization this was probably undreamed of, unreal location sex, an amazing shared intensity of life in the moment.
Tony and the guys got dressed and said rapid polite farewells. Then Tony headed off to her schedule tasks to finish for the today. While she was so happy inside herself, her body was actually stickier than before but the pleasure of the encounter, her first time with two guys got her through to five p.m.
Two hours later Tony was stunningly feminine in her short light pink summer dress, with her hair fully down and elegant high heels. Oh and plenty of moisturizer soothing and miraculously revitalizing her coochie under her new silk undies.
Well she felt special tonight. The afternoon had been awesome. Still, there’s only the sex anticipated once the last fuck or in this case two was over. Shane was the lucky guy but he didn’t know it yet.
Well fuck Shane. He wasn’t at the pub-club. But Tiler One and Tiler Two were.
Antonia, Nolan and Lincoln, did the after sex introductions, a few hours late and then headed off together; reintroducing their already familiar private bits for more mind blowing; different positions and new cavities; awesome, steamy, three-way sex.
Tony was not your average sparkie. Workmates were impressed by where their small colleague could squeeze their slender arm and thin fingers to pull those frickin short wires through the bloody small holes the drillers left in the concrete slabs behind the plaster sheets; several storeys up, for the electrical sub contracted team to wire.
Tony liked the electrical trade and was good at it. Antonia by birth, Tony to her male workmates; she was the only female on the building site. And young to boot, just having turned eighteen and getting on with life. A sparkie by trade but a true live wire in bed: when she could get it.
Teams of electricians, plumbers, tilers and painters; were busy today on the seventh floor of the new inner city apartment complex. Tony’s team were wiring. This luxury complex was being built up fast. Circuits, fuse boxes, breakers, wired smoke detectors and automatic sprinklers, plus checking the whole floors backup systems. The work was demanding and subject to endless safety checklists.
Compliance is everything on a construction site. Tony looked like one of the guys in her hard hat and Blundstone boots. Bullshit she did. She had cute rear twin fem cheeked hemispheres; no guy could miss her arse’s rounded adorable grababilty; whenever she bent over. The guys on her team always liked giving her the low and high wiring jobs for a reason.
Her cupid cupcakes were startlingly obvious; either front or side on. She was no flat chested tomboy playing with fuses.
However: what set Tony apart today was her company short sleeved work shirt. It was a stinker of an afternoon. It was stifling hot, no breeze, and forty Celsius in the shade, as the radio kept repeating between the background music. It was still and windless, no breeze yet off the harbour and no cooler several storeys up than it was at street level. It was probably worse; as it was dusty and good ventilation was at a premium.
The guys all had their company shirts and singlets off; the lucky bastards thought Tony, who was sweating heavily around her short sleeved work shirt, her so called twenty four hour extra dry deodorant had given up under constant ‘hard yakka’ and she had the perspiration rings under her arms, she could feel the trickle down the middle of her back.
However; most annoyingly clammy and starting to get chaffy was the sticky moisture around her friggin bra cups and building up between her ample melons and even worse the sweat in her somewhat loose white cotton undies. Fuck that last pair in the draw and her old panties were creeping into her arse crack a bit too, getting itchy sticky and needing to be straightened before her ring got wedgied and sore. Old undies attempting to be a g string at work: Ouch and not practical.
The construction guys had all the advantages here. They were down to their shorts and the pricks were pouring water over their bare chests and backs to get that extra bit of coolness. They looked more than okay coping with the heat. The odd great six pack and shapely pecs. Apart from work and heat, they knew a few cold beers would be their reward, in a couple of hours; at knock off time.
Tony really needed her irritating bra off. It was now bloody uncomfortable. Her panties needed some air flapping through them too. Screw loose elastic panties and the combination of her freshly shaved coochie from last night because it meant her sensitive creased slit mound skin was about to enter rash territory. This was not what a girl wants Friday night after a hard weeks work. Tony felt she could get lucky at the pub tonight. She had her eye on a plumber; Shane. However; she could feel the redness without seeing it, the skin irritation developing along her panty line. Hidden scarlet flesh and the hint of a shaver’s rash like welt ridges over her cute camel toe. She didn’t need a guy; hopefully Shane thinking tonight she didn’t know how to pamper and look after her own coochie and she was a try hard shaving novice. Shit this was heading from bad to worse by the loose panty minute. Also her long brunette hair which was netted under her hard hat needed a temporary release. And by god, her toes needed a wriggle, free from her moisture laden; heavy boots.
First problem for Tony; was the portaloos were two floors down the stairs; the friggin lifts were being tested for compliance at the moment. Not an attractive locale for undressing anyway. She didn’t want to think about it; unisex work site dunnies; too cramped and full of stale piss, these guys didn’t care where they aimed for work relief. They weren’t peeing at their mum’s house.
Tony thought she might risk nipping into an empty room and stripping off but there were guys everywhere; painters, her electrical team, plumbers installing pipes, tile layers: this floor was infiltrated with guys. The bastards seemingly focussed on their current task, would hone with pecker radar, the minute, she tried to demurely or brazenly address her sweat problem.
Bugger it; Tony decided to try and find a room not occupied, not yet started on, maybe along the end of the floor, they were currently all working on. This floor wasn’t scheduled to be finished until next Wednesday. Tony slunk carefully away from her teammate’s current apartment.
There were few doors on any apartments or rooms yet, so Tony side stepped into the entry space of what would be the corner, three bed roomed, harbour view, luxury piece of real-estate. It was additionally stifling because the glazing was complete and air wasn’t circulating well anywhere, especially as she went deeper into the vacant half built apartment space.
All these developing apartments had slight variations to a plan, given the shape of the building and outlooks with or without harbour view balconies. It took a minute to find a smaller room, a bathroom; she could tell by the shower recess space, the basic toilet bowl; the partially started tiling and plumbing fixtures already in place. No time to be fussy, this would have to do.
She took off her hard hat and net, which released her free flowing brunette hair. My that felt better and then eased off her heavy steel capped boots and dark thick socks giving her toes a flex.
Tony then got her work shirt off and flapped it around. She needed more relief. She got her bra off next, very quickly. And she then fluttered her shirt, fanning her over heated chest muffins into some degree of cooled respite composure.
There is a total feeling of bodily freedom for a woman when their breasts are released from a sweaty bra. Tony cupped her two buddies and lifted and separated them. God did they appreciate the release and the firm rising from their wet clammy stricture. Even the muggy warmth of the small room was cooler than a tight, sweaty bra. She used her shirt to dry the space between her twin love puppies. It was all practical. There was nothing erotic happening here.
Normally in a state of undress, Tony couldn’t resist a bit of personal nipple flicking and tweaking. Her coochie however, was demanding a fast release from those goddamn loose undies. They were destined for the bin tonight; how dare they spread a rash on her softest most special skin. Christ her arse crack was uncomfortable too. Those useless panties were grafting themselves deep in her personal ravine. She would have to shop for new underwear after work today.
Wow did that feel better. Tony was fully naked. Her shorts and daggy underwear crumpled on the partially tiled floor. Her shirt quickly fanning between her immodest wide open legs. She finally understood why the Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra had those poor fanning slaves. She could have done with a personal fanner or two right now. She had the naught thought: a fanny fanner and smirked to herself.
Tony felt much better after two or three minutes. Her bra and panties had less moisture already and her shirt had done a terrific job cooling her body. She really should have dressed quickly and got back to work. She knew she had been careful and chosen an isolated room, but your luck can only hold for so long; with guys busy everywhere.
She felt sure she could risk one more minute as she had to check the rash damage forming below. After all; Tony was a young woman and Shane was in her sights for later tonight. She had no intention of presenting scarlet between her legs when it counted.
Tony noticed straight away it wasn’t looking good. Her camel toe cleft flesh was slightly chaffed, closing in on an embarrassing case of pubic mound sunburn. She was giving her between the thighs nether region her full focussed scrutiny. Here was a young woman assuaging her pussy with her own natural moisture, a good dribbly wad of spit. A girl has to make do with what’s available sometimes. This was emergency pussy moisturizer. Our lass was trying to salvage her look for tonight.
The two tilers coming back to finish the bathroom thought Tony was looking fucking good. Glistening shaved camel toe in your face. It’s not every day or any day for that matter that you catch out a girl inspecting her intimate handiwork and cute trimmings between her own legs, head right down, self absorbed in the detail like an over officious building inspector.
Tony wasn’t aware the two guys were there. It was hard for the guys to get beyond her beckoning exposed parted camel toe. This girl actually had great tits too. What the fuck she was doing and why? Well the only thing they both thought was: fuck this is good and it beats tiling any day.
Our petite sparkie heard the guy’s moans of pleasure. Well a sight like this; they couldn’t stifle their delight nor did they want to.
She grabbed at the closest bit of her own clothing to cover her shaved supposedly private recess. It was her bra. Well did that look stupid trying to conceal what had already been explicitly revealed. Though she realised later it was better than grabbing her daggy elastic, sagging, white over large undies.
Both guys laughed. Tony laughed too. Wow had she been caught out. Nothing for it but to create complicity and hope she still had energy for Shane later.
Tony had the two tilers work shorts down. Wow: it was raunchy, like a male full Monty revue .Two guys in only their hard hats and boots but with their cocks being shaped up in tandem by hand and mouth. They both already had well aroused peckers due to her pussy preening display.
One tiler spun her around and opened her legs and spat generously between her open cheeks and got his heated meat missile straight into her moist slit. Tilers know how to fill a crack. The other tiler got to work shaping and reshaping her bouncy bosom and her raspberry nipples with his fingers and tongue. Tony kept massaging this guy’s cock.
Talk about sweaty bodies. They were all hot before. Now it was liked they were oiled. Sexual heat had the three of them all trickling droplets, then small streams of moisture over and across each others close bodies. The sex was strenuous and excitedly hard. The tiler behind her was drilling into her. He was going to paste her fully. He was jack hammering Tony; no other description is apt here.
If Tony thought her breasts were clammy before, her twin chest peaks were now covered in copious pearly beady droplets of her sweat and profuse amounts of male spit. It was a treble sprinkled swathe of energy and passion in the cluttered unfinished bathroom; three sex lives were combining and releasing their urgent need. It was blistering, searing sex. Well it was a fucking hot afternoon.
Tony felt the pumping sex between her soaking, now runny thighs. She was keyed up wet. This was awesome sex. She was enjoying being nailed. Our lass was filled with jizz from behind like a rapid fire nail gun. Oh My God; she felt good. Though she was still a tad short of her own full orgasmic release. Tiler one felt great.
Fuck me, was all Tony got to think as the second tiler went in slops and all; hammering his really hard cock with stiff thrusts into her saturated slutty slit. Man was this building her up fast. She was cumming in a frickin rush. Nothing like an extra fresh cock it seemed to really, really satisfy a young woman. She climaxed with a loud groan of total pleasure. Tiler two still had cock thrusting euphoric jizz to add to the slosh inside her pussy; as a true, buzzing, surging femorgasm went through her young body.
The other tiler was now working on her breasts. Sweat was bubbling over all three of their bodies. Dribbles from an already cummed filled pussy were now splashed on the newly grouted floor tiles. Sweat droplets hung like earrings off Tony’s lobes. The two guys were all lathered like frickin over raced stallions. The sweat was resting in the creases of the second tiler’s brow as he shot a full-size jizz wad deep into Tony’s over soused slippery slot. Cum was everywhere; around and in her pussy, gluey globs congealing on her thighs, dribbling down her legs and sprinkling on the floor.
Talk about hot. Talk about sweaty. Talk about scorching sex. It was smiles all round and the realization this was probably undreamed of, unreal location sex, an amazing shared intensity of life in the moment.
Tony and the guys got dressed and said rapid polite farewells. Then Tony headed off to her schedule tasks to finish for the today. While she was so happy inside herself, her body was actually stickier than before but the pleasure of the encounter, her first time with two guys got her through to five p.m.
Two hours later Tony was stunningly feminine in her short light pink summer dress, with her hair fully down and elegant high heels. Oh and plenty of moisturizer soothing and miraculously revitalizing her coochie under her new silk undies.
Well she felt special tonight. The afternoon had been awesome. Still, there’s only the sex anticipated once the last fuck or in this case two was over. Shane was the lucky guy but he didn’t know it yet.
Well fuck Shane. He wasn’t at the pub-club. But Tiler One and Tiler Two were.
Antonia, Nolan and Lincoln, did the after sex introductions, a few hours late and then headed off together; reintroducing their already familiar private bits for more mind blowing; different positions and new cavities; awesome, steamy, three-way sex.
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