Minding the farm
Minding the farm
During last summer Bill, a friend of mine asked me to look after his hobby farm for a couple of weeks and in particular to ensure the animals were fed and watered while he and his wife went overseas on a holiday. I had nothing planned for the two weeks which was the annual company shut-down for maintenance. He was quite happy for me to invite some of the guys over to stay for a few days and enjoy a few beers around the fire-pit. I asked three of the guys from work, regular poker club buddies, if they were interested, and they all immediately jumped at the invitation. The Thursday before the holiday period, one of the guys had to drop out as his wife insisted they go interstate to visit her mother. The next day one of the other guys dropped out. I asked if he could make it for a few days during the second week. He declined and said he had something very personal and couldn’t tell me as it was extremely embarrassing.
I went to Gary’s department to tell him the poker and a beer around the fire-pit was off as the other two guys had dropped out. “Can’t we ask another couple of guys to fill in?” he asked.
“Not really, you Dave and Sandy are guys I can fully trust around a friend’s house without the fear of anything being broken or stolen”
“I understand what you mean, some of the guys can be a little disrespectful of other people’s property”.
I resigned myself to a quiet and relaxing fortnight. Maybe it’s what I needed anyway I told myself.
I set off after work for the hour’s drive north to my friend’s place, having pre packed my car that morning. The setting of his hobby farm was idyllic, a farmhouse surrounded by a couple of large fields with a few cows and sheep in a beautiful area surrounded by woodlands.
My friend and his wife were happy to see me and grateful that I would be looking after their animals while they were gone. “When are your poker buddies coming over?” asked Jean his wife.
“Two of them backed out due to commitments, so we cancelled altogether”.
“What about the other buddy? There are a couple of trail bikes in the barn. And if you’re able, a couple of horses you could ride“.
I’ll give him a call tomorrow morning. I’m not sure he can ride a horse but I know he likes trail bike riding”.
The following morning after they had driven to the airport, I rang Gary and explained about the trail bikes and horses.
“That maybe a problem” he said. “The thing is I told my wife it was all off and she has already booked us into a resort on the coast an hour and a half further north from where you are”.
I hung up and set about the list of feeding chores.
Later in the morning Gary rang me on my mobile to say that they were not actually booked in to the resort until Thursday morning and if it was ok could they come on Monday and stay until Thursday morning. Apparently, his wife, a proficient equestrian in her youth was keen to ride a horse while we guys took off on the trail bikes. I readily agreed as an added bonus was, I knew she was an excellent cook so I would be eating very well for a few days.
Monday came around and Gary and Liz arrived after lunch time. I showed them to their bedroom and left them to unpack. Liz was a very attractive woman of about 40, blond shoulder length hair, about five feet tall and slim built.
We had a late light lunch before I took them around the property. We walked for a considerable way across fields and some of the woodlands surrounding the property. After two or three hours we arrived back at the farmhouse and sat on the patio facing the late afternoon sun and had a beer each as we relaxed in the comfortable outdoor chairs.
“This is superb” Liz said. “Only an hour from the city, and it is so quiet and tranquil. Probably a waste on four guys who were only going to swill back alcohol the whole time they were going to be here.”
Gary and I just looked at each other.
“Let’s get the fire pit started and the BBQ lit” I said.
“I’ll prepare a salad while you do that”.
Gary lit the fire-pit while I lit up the BBQ.
Gary wanted scalloped potatoes with the meal so the preparation and cooking took longer than we first thought. No other option but to have another beer. It was a warm day and the walking around the hobby farm had given us a thirst. We had more drinks during the meal and more again afterwards. The conversation was easy and relaxed. I had known Gary’s wife for some time but now felt I knew her a lot more intimately.
Liz said “It's not cooling down much. I think I’ll go and change out of these jeans into something cooler.”
She came back shortly after wearing a short light cotton dress and no shoes.
“You’re still wearing a bra; I can see the straps,” said Gary. “Normally you take it off when you are warm”
“As if I am going to sit around with no bra while I am in Company!”.
“Wayne’s not company he’s my buddy”
The alcohol had made me a little brazen and I said “don’t be uncomfortable because of me, take it off”
“I am a little heavy in that area and besides my nipples are very prominent, I’d be embarrassed”
“I promise I won’t look” I lied.
She reached behind her and arched her back while she unsnapped her bra. When she arched her back her chest pushed out and accentuated her breasts. I couldn’t help but stare. She reached inside her top, first removing one arm from the shoulder strap then the other and pulled the bra out of her neckline with a flourish but quickly folding her arms across her boobs. Not quickly enough as I caught a glimpse of the shape and size of her nipples. She was right they were delightfully prominent.
“I can’t believe I am sat here with no bra on”.
“Have you got any panties on?” Gary giggled. The alcohol was having its effect on him.
“Just a joke” he said and giggled again.
“It was funny” I said, and giggled myself.
Liz finally smiled about it too.
Sooner or later, she would have to unfold her arms.
She reached forward for her glass of beer and took a drink, as she leaned back her large breasts and prominent nipples were on full display. The excitement of showing off her breasts made the nipples hugely erect. After a couple more drinks we all became much more relaxed until with a start I remembered I hadn’t fed and watered the horses this afternoon. There should still be water but I couldn’t be sure. “The horses! “I exclaimed “I haven’t fed or watered them this afternoon. I should have cleaned the stalls as well”.
I stood and started toward the barn.
“Wait” they both said, “We’ll give you a hand”.
We all made our way to the barn. I fetched clean fresh water and bags of feed while Gary attempted to rake out the old straw and replace it with fresh. Liz went into the stall where Gary had finished the first one and she began to brush the horse, a chestnut quarter horse. I had almost finished replenishing the feed when I heard Liz say “Wow!” I looked into the stall just as Gary arrived and we both saw what had caused her to cry out. The horse had a massive erection. It must have been about twelve inches long and two inches in diameter.
“Don’t you wish you had a cock as big as this Gary? She asked.
“Don’t you wish I had a cock as big as this?” He replied.
“I have one right here if I want” she said, moving her hand along the length of it but not quite touching it.
I had a hard on that was just about bursting out of my pants.
“Look at the pair of you getting all excited with erections. It’s only a horse penis not like a real cock. It’s Just a piece of meat!”
“If it’s just a piece of meat you won’t mind holding it then” Gary said with a leer.
With that she hefted it with one hand. “Very heavy. I can’t get my hand around it’ either.”
“How about your mouth?” said Gary.
I was kind of shocked by Gary’s comment as he had always been a reserved sort of guy.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? You’re getting very forward with your comments. I don’t know what Wayne must think”.
I was still mesmerised by the sight of this petite beautiful woman holding a horse’s cock and with her tits on high beam. I mumbled something about her being very beautiful.
“I think Wayne is besotted with you. You should tease him some more. Stroke the horse’s cock with both hands.”
Are you besotted with me Wayne?” she asked as she took hold of the horse’s cock with the other hand as well and looked straight at me.
I knew my mouth was agape. I couldn’t speak but only nod.
“Cat got your tongue?” she said. She poked out her tongue then ran it around her lips seductively.
“See it’s easy” She turned to face the horse’s cock and flicked out her tongue to very near its knob end. She opened her mouth and put her tongue out as far as it would go and began to stroke the horses cock up and down. Her mouth was so close to the horse knob it was almost touching. The horse’s cock was getting bigger.
“Go girl,” cried Gary.
She began stroking faster, she had moved away but its cock was still close to her face. I couldn’t help but think if this horse shoots its load, she’s going to get the facial of her life.
She had been kneeling to wank the horse which must have been uncomfortable as she asked for a stool which was standing near some saddles and bridle tack. The stool was more of a short bench than a stool, about two feet long and about ten inches wide. She sat astride the bench and resumed wanking the horse with more vigour than before. Her more energetic wanking was making her tits swing back and forward with each stroke of the horse’s cock.
The horse’s cock had grown to its full engorged size of about fourteen inches long and about two and a half inches in diameter.
Liz’s dress had ridden up when she straddled the bench exposing the tops of her thighs and the occasional glimpse of her crotch. If I could edge slightly to the right, I would get a better view of her pussy. I stepped closer to the horse’s flank and patted it as if calming him.
“I know what you are up to Wayne” and opened her legs more. She leaned forward to cup the stallion’s balls and the horse’s shaft slid over her shoulder touching her cheek as it went. She turned her head more and looked at me full in the eyes as her mouth touched the shaft. She opened her mouth slightly, her lips contacting more of the horse’s shaft. She then opened her mouth fully baring her teeth and running her top teeth along the top of its shaft towards the knob end. At the horses knob she wrapped her lips around as far as she could, but try as she might she could not take it into her mouth.
“Rub its knob on your pussy” Gary pleaded.
If you think I’m going to stuff this in my pussy you’ve got another think coming” she told him.
I’ll rub it on my pussy if you hold each other’s cocks. Gary was the first to react unzipping his pants before unzipping mine and grabbing my cock.
“Whoa” I said. “I’m not sure about this.”
“If you want to see me rub its knob end on my pussy you have to.”
“I would rather you held my cock”
“Come here” she demanded.
I did as I was told and she promptly grabbed my cock. Gary groaned.
She shuffled back along the stool and laid back along its length still holding the horse’s cock with her left hand and my cock with her right.
“Pull my dress up higher.”
I didn’t know if she was talking to me or Gary but Gary darted in anyway and pulled it up.
She began to rub the horse’s knob on her pussy, her legs as wide as she could. She began squirming and moaning slightly. The horses pre cum had wet her white flimsy panties and her vagina became transparently obvious.
She let go of my cock and told me to rub the horse’s cock against her pussy. I did as I was told without hesitation, and was surprised how hot the horse’s cock was.
She shrugged out of her dress not without some difficulty but the sight of her almost completely naked was nearly too much for me. It’s just as well she had let go of my cock or I might have spurted my load.
“Gary come round this side of the horse and finger me”
He pulled her panties down with one hand and slipped his other hand under her thigh and slipped a finger straight into her vagina, then a second one all the time with me rubbing the horse’s knob hard on her pussy. I started to rub her clitoris with my left hand continuing to rub with the horse’s knob.
“Finger me as well Wayne.”
I swapped the horses cock to my hand I had been rubbing her clit with, and pulled at her panties until they tore. I ripped them away from her pussy leaving her totally exposed. I slung her leg over my shoulder and shoved a finger into her alongside Gary’s fingers. She was very wet and moaning loudly now. I pushed in another finger ramming it in and out. Gary did the same as me slinging her leg over his shoulder. She was thrusting against our fingers as we thrust into her. She was making unintelligible noises from the back of her throat gaining in intensity and loudness.
I pulled my fingers out and grabbed the end of the horse’s cock and pressed it against her vagina opening. Gary quickly got the idea and helped me by spreading her vaginal lips with his fingers. “Liz cried out with either pain or ecstasy I couldn’t tell, and couldn’t care. I wanted to stick this cock in her cunt!
“Argh, Argh, Yes, Yes Yes” she cried, as we forced it into her, bucking her hips at this huge animal cock. We both held her legs pulling her onto this cock. She couldn’t take all of this monster but she managed to take about five inches jerking it in and out of her until she suddenly spasmed and had a massive orgasm twitching and writhing. Gary wasn’t finished yet .Her took hold of the horse’s cock still buried inside his wife and wanked the shaft until the horse came with a shudder a snort and a whinny plunging another two inches deeper and pushing Liz along the bench. I could actually see the horse’s shaft pulsing and shooting it’s cum into Liz.
Liz lay back on the stool as we lowered her legs to the floor. The horse becoming limp, fell out of her cunt with a loud plop. Her gaping hole already dripping with the horses cum.
I moved towards her head and lifted her up and pushed my cock between her lips. She sucked me for about twenty seconds before I came like a geyser. She took it all, swallowing the lot without a flinch. Gary wasn’t going to be left out and did the same.
She stood, the cum running down her legs, and said “I came here expecting to ride a horse but not like that.”
They stayed for a couple of days but the episode didn’t repeat itself. Liz and Gary made me take a promise of secrecy inferring there may be more of the same in the future if I was discrete.
I did and there was more which I will tell in future episodes.
During last summer Bill, a friend of mine asked me to look after his hobby farm for a couple of weeks and in particular to ensure the animals were fed and watered while he and his wife went overseas on a holiday. I had nothing planned for the two weeks which was the annual company shut-down for maintenance. He was quite happy for me to invite some of the guys over to stay for a few days and enjoy a few beers around the fire-pit. I asked three of the guys from work, regular poker club buddies, if they were interested, and they all immediately jumped at the invitation. The Thursday before the holiday period, one of the guys had to drop out as his wife insisted they go interstate to visit her mother. The next day one of the other guys dropped out. I asked if he could make it for a few days during the second week. He declined and said he had something very personal and couldn’t tell me as it was extremely embarrassing.
I went to Gary’s department to tell him the poker and a beer around the fire-pit was off as the other two guys had dropped out. “Can’t we ask another couple of guys to fill in?” he asked.
“Not really, you Dave and Sandy are guys I can fully trust around a friend’s house without the fear of anything being broken or stolen”
“I understand what you mean, some of the guys can be a little disrespectful of other people’s property”.
I resigned myself to a quiet and relaxing fortnight. Maybe it’s what I needed anyway I told myself.
I set off after work for the hour’s drive north to my friend’s place, having pre packed my car that morning. The setting of his hobby farm was idyllic, a farmhouse surrounded by a couple of large fields with a few cows and sheep in a beautiful area surrounded by woodlands.
My friend and his wife were happy to see me and grateful that I would be looking after their animals while they were gone. “When are your poker buddies coming over?” asked Jean his wife.
“Two of them backed out due to commitments, so we cancelled altogether”.
“What about the other buddy? There are a couple of trail bikes in the barn. And if you’re able, a couple of horses you could ride“.
I’ll give him a call tomorrow morning. I’m not sure he can ride a horse but I know he likes trail bike riding”.
The following morning after they had driven to the airport, I rang Gary and explained about the trail bikes and horses.
“That maybe a problem” he said. “The thing is I told my wife it was all off and she has already booked us into a resort on the coast an hour and a half further north from where you are”.
I hung up and set about the list of feeding chores.
Later in the morning Gary rang me on my mobile to say that they were not actually booked in to the resort until Thursday morning and if it was ok could they come on Monday and stay until Thursday morning. Apparently, his wife, a proficient equestrian in her youth was keen to ride a horse while we guys took off on the trail bikes. I readily agreed as an added bonus was, I knew she was an excellent cook so I would be eating very well for a few days.
Monday came around and Gary and Liz arrived after lunch time. I showed them to their bedroom and left them to unpack. Liz was a very attractive woman of about 40, blond shoulder length hair, about five feet tall and slim built.
We had a late light lunch before I took them around the property. We walked for a considerable way across fields and some of the woodlands surrounding the property. After two or three hours we arrived back at the farmhouse and sat on the patio facing the late afternoon sun and had a beer each as we relaxed in the comfortable outdoor chairs.
“This is superb” Liz said. “Only an hour from the city, and it is so quiet and tranquil. Probably a waste on four guys who were only going to swill back alcohol the whole time they were going to be here.”
Gary and I just looked at each other.
“Let’s get the fire pit started and the BBQ lit” I said.
“I’ll prepare a salad while you do that”.
Gary lit the fire-pit while I lit up the BBQ.
Gary wanted scalloped potatoes with the meal so the preparation and cooking took longer than we first thought. No other option but to have another beer. It was a warm day and the walking around the hobby farm had given us a thirst. We had more drinks during the meal and more again afterwards. The conversation was easy and relaxed. I had known Gary’s wife for some time but now felt I knew her a lot more intimately.
Liz said “It's not cooling down much. I think I’ll go and change out of these jeans into something cooler.”
She came back shortly after wearing a short light cotton dress and no shoes.
“You’re still wearing a bra; I can see the straps,” said Gary. “Normally you take it off when you are warm”
“As if I am going to sit around with no bra while I am in Company!”.
“Wayne’s not company he’s my buddy”
The alcohol had made me a little brazen and I said “don’t be uncomfortable because of me, take it off”
“I am a little heavy in that area and besides my nipples are very prominent, I’d be embarrassed”
“I promise I won’t look” I lied.
She reached behind her and arched her back while she unsnapped her bra. When she arched her back her chest pushed out and accentuated her breasts. I couldn’t help but stare. She reached inside her top, first removing one arm from the shoulder strap then the other and pulled the bra out of her neckline with a flourish but quickly folding her arms across her boobs. Not quickly enough as I caught a glimpse of the shape and size of her nipples. She was right they were delightfully prominent.
“I can’t believe I am sat here with no bra on”.
“Have you got any panties on?” Gary giggled. The alcohol was having its effect on him.
“Just a joke” he said and giggled again.
“It was funny” I said, and giggled myself.
Liz finally smiled about it too.
Sooner or later, she would have to unfold her arms.
She reached forward for her glass of beer and took a drink, as she leaned back her large breasts and prominent nipples were on full display. The excitement of showing off her breasts made the nipples hugely erect. After a couple more drinks we all became much more relaxed until with a start I remembered I hadn’t fed and watered the horses this afternoon. There should still be water but I couldn’t be sure. “The horses! “I exclaimed “I haven’t fed or watered them this afternoon. I should have cleaned the stalls as well”.
I stood and started toward the barn.
“Wait” they both said, “We’ll give you a hand”.
We all made our way to the barn. I fetched clean fresh water and bags of feed while Gary attempted to rake out the old straw and replace it with fresh. Liz went into the stall where Gary had finished the first one and she began to brush the horse, a chestnut quarter horse. I had almost finished replenishing the feed when I heard Liz say “Wow!” I looked into the stall just as Gary arrived and we both saw what had caused her to cry out. The horse had a massive erection. It must have been about twelve inches long and two inches in diameter.
“Don’t you wish you had a cock as big as this Gary? She asked.
“Don’t you wish I had a cock as big as this?” He replied.
“I have one right here if I want” she said, moving her hand along the length of it but not quite touching it.
I had a hard on that was just about bursting out of my pants.
“Look at the pair of you getting all excited with erections. It’s only a horse penis not like a real cock. It’s Just a piece of meat!”
“If it’s just a piece of meat you won’t mind holding it then” Gary said with a leer.
With that she hefted it with one hand. “Very heavy. I can’t get my hand around it’ either.”
“How about your mouth?” said Gary.
I was kind of shocked by Gary’s comment as he had always been a reserved sort of guy.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? You’re getting very forward with your comments. I don’t know what Wayne must think”.
I was still mesmerised by the sight of this petite beautiful woman holding a horse’s cock and with her tits on high beam. I mumbled something about her being very beautiful.
“I think Wayne is besotted with you. You should tease him some more. Stroke the horse’s cock with both hands.”
Are you besotted with me Wayne?” she asked as she took hold of the horse’s cock with the other hand as well and looked straight at me.
I knew my mouth was agape. I couldn’t speak but only nod.
“Cat got your tongue?” she said. She poked out her tongue then ran it around her lips seductively.
“See it’s easy” She turned to face the horse’s cock and flicked out her tongue to very near its knob end. She opened her mouth and put her tongue out as far as it would go and began to stroke the horses cock up and down. Her mouth was so close to the horse knob it was almost touching. The horse’s cock was getting bigger.
“Go girl,” cried Gary.
She began stroking faster, she had moved away but its cock was still close to her face. I couldn’t help but think if this horse shoots its load, she’s going to get the facial of her life.
She had been kneeling to wank the horse which must have been uncomfortable as she asked for a stool which was standing near some saddles and bridle tack. The stool was more of a short bench than a stool, about two feet long and about ten inches wide. She sat astride the bench and resumed wanking the horse with more vigour than before. Her more energetic wanking was making her tits swing back and forward with each stroke of the horse’s cock.
The horse’s cock had grown to its full engorged size of about fourteen inches long and about two and a half inches in diameter.
Liz’s dress had ridden up when she straddled the bench exposing the tops of her thighs and the occasional glimpse of her crotch. If I could edge slightly to the right, I would get a better view of her pussy. I stepped closer to the horse’s flank and patted it as if calming him.
“I know what you are up to Wayne” and opened her legs more. She leaned forward to cup the stallion’s balls and the horse’s shaft slid over her shoulder touching her cheek as it went. She turned her head more and looked at me full in the eyes as her mouth touched the shaft. She opened her mouth slightly, her lips contacting more of the horse’s shaft. She then opened her mouth fully baring her teeth and running her top teeth along the top of its shaft towards the knob end. At the horses knob she wrapped her lips around as far as she could, but try as she might she could not take it into her mouth.
“Rub its knob on your pussy” Gary pleaded.
If you think I’m going to stuff this in my pussy you’ve got another think coming” she told him.
I’ll rub it on my pussy if you hold each other’s cocks. Gary was the first to react unzipping his pants before unzipping mine and grabbing my cock.
“Whoa” I said. “I’m not sure about this.”
“If you want to see me rub its knob end on my pussy you have to.”
“I would rather you held my cock”
“Come here” she demanded.
I did as I was told and she promptly grabbed my cock. Gary groaned.
She shuffled back along the stool and laid back along its length still holding the horse’s cock with her left hand and my cock with her right.
“Pull my dress up higher.”
I didn’t know if she was talking to me or Gary but Gary darted in anyway and pulled it up.
She began to rub the horse’s knob on her pussy, her legs as wide as she could. She began squirming and moaning slightly. The horses pre cum had wet her white flimsy panties and her vagina became transparently obvious.
She let go of my cock and told me to rub the horse’s cock against her pussy. I did as I was told without hesitation, and was surprised how hot the horse’s cock was.
She shrugged out of her dress not without some difficulty but the sight of her almost completely naked was nearly too much for me. It’s just as well she had let go of my cock or I might have spurted my load.
“Gary come round this side of the horse and finger me”
He pulled her panties down with one hand and slipped his other hand under her thigh and slipped a finger straight into her vagina, then a second one all the time with me rubbing the horse’s knob hard on her pussy. I started to rub her clitoris with my left hand continuing to rub with the horse’s knob.
“Finger me as well Wayne.”
I swapped the horses cock to my hand I had been rubbing her clit with, and pulled at her panties until they tore. I ripped them away from her pussy leaving her totally exposed. I slung her leg over my shoulder and shoved a finger into her alongside Gary’s fingers. She was very wet and moaning loudly now. I pushed in another finger ramming it in and out. Gary did the same as me slinging her leg over his shoulder. She was thrusting against our fingers as we thrust into her. She was making unintelligible noises from the back of her throat gaining in intensity and loudness.
I pulled my fingers out and grabbed the end of the horse’s cock and pressed it against her vagina opening. Gary quickly got the idea and helped me by spreading her vaginal lips with his fingers. “Liz cried out with either pain or ecstasy I couldn’t tell, and couldn’t care. I wanted to stick this cock in her cunt!
“Argh, Argh, Yes, Yes Yes” she cried, as we forced it into her, bucking her hips at this huge animal cock. We both held her legs pulling her onto this cock. She couldn’t take all of this monster but she managed to take about five inches jerking it in and out of her until she suddenly spasmed and had a massive orgasm twitching and writhing. Gary wasn’t finished yet .Her took hold of the horse’s cock still buried inside his wife and wanked the shaft until the horse came with a shudder a snort and a whinny plunging another two inches deeper and pushing Liz along the bench. I could actually see the horse’s shaft pulsing and shooting it’s cum into Liz.
Liz lay back on the stool as we lowered her legs to the floor. The horse becoming limp, fell out of her cunt with a loud plop. Her gaping hole already dripping with the horses cum.
I moved towards her head and lifted her up and pushed my cock between her lips. She sucked me for about twenty seconds before I came like a geyser. She took it all, swallowing the lot without a flinch. Gary wasn’t going to be left out and did the same.
She stood, the cum running down her legs, and said “I came here expecting to ride a horse but not like that.”
They stayed for a couple of days but the episode didn’t repeat itself. Liz and Gary made me take a promise of secrecy inferring there may be more of the same in the future if I was discrete.
I did and there was more which I will tell in future episodes.
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