Aunt Nora Chapter 1


Aunt Nora chapter 1

My family is really close to each other, we would spend most vacations with cousins and, Aunts and uncles from both side of the family. I had just learned the art and science of masturbation a year or 2 ago and was experimenting still.

My cousins Andy, Ashley, Jordan, Jamal, Alissa, Audrey, Jacob and Sonya were all around the same age. The boys of the group usually stuck together but all the girls and us were pretty close. the guys when alone would talk about their penis and masturbation tactics and places, when the girls were with us we would talk about games and school and such.

It all started when I was 13 years old, during our Summer holidays me being the only child and not wanting to be bored all summer I begged my parents to let me spend the summer with Andy and Ashley, who were from my mom's side, her older sister Sumera's kids.

Andy and I were pretty close by now and we both had the same hobbies and interests. My parents drove me to their house and gave me instructions, be nice and obey and blah blah.
Andy and I started planning what we will do over summer break, included playing video games, going to different shows, playing soccer and so on.

We would spend evenings together talking about anything and everything, on one such night we got on the topics of sex, we don't know much about it other than what we have seen on TV. Internet became our best friend. We weren't necesarrily interested in porn(yet) but wanted to know more about sex in general.
We were both curious so we measured our penises at full erections to find mine to be 4.9inches, we met back in the living room for Andy to tell me he was 4.6 inches.

I was horny and waited for Andy to go to bed, after that I started looking at something to get me more excited, I started looking thru family photos and I landed on a picture on my Mom's sibling photo, it was my Mom, Aunty Sumera, Aunt Nora, and Aunt Sarah. Nothing sexual about this picture at all but for some reason I had an instant infatuation with Aunt Nora's picture, she was wearing a blue summer dress and had a beautiful smile on her face. I looked for more pictures of her and started masturbating thinking of her.
Ever since that night Aunt Nora became my fantasies.

Aunt Nora was the second youngest of the family next to Aunt Sarah. She was 22yrs old and was the only one in the family not married. She had slightly wider hips, medium breast, vibrant glowing skin a beautiful face, long slightly curly brunette hair and a smile to die for.
She lived in Arizona due to her nursing job and she was my Mom's favorite sibling, which meant we would see her a lot over the next several years. She would come visit us during holidays or we would go visit her.
I spent the next several years imagining her in my fantasies and playing different scenarios in my head, until one day when she came to visit and brought her boyfriend with her, she had been dating this Adam guy for about 8 months she said and they were planning on moving in together soon so she wanted him to meet the family.

I was extremely jealous and didn't talk to her for most of the visit and kept our conversation super short. I was about to turn 18 next month and in my mind I though that underage issue was the only thing keeping her away from me and thought that next month I could take the next step.
Living in this fantasy world had me delusional.
Seeing her with her boyfriend and her being happy made me realize that all those dreams and scenarios I had were just a fantasy and this would never happen, this thought let me "move on”.
Even with girls my age around me and wanting to be girlfriends I never really considered them since i was so hung up on Aunt Nora.

After that weekend I started looking at girls in my school a little differently, I was about to graduate and wanted to have a girlfriend. I needed a date eventually for the prom anyways, so I asked one of the better looking girls, Amanda, to be my girlfriend, she actually said yes.
We dated and went to prom together and she became my full-time girlfriend my first relationship. After graduation we both went to apply and different colleges and had different jobs but she would stay over at least 4 nights a week at my room in my parents house in Riverside CA. Amanda and I were both virgins and lost our virginity to each other, and for a little under a year we made each other better in bed.

My mom and I were super close as well, with my dad out on city/government projects for months at a time, my mom was both mom and dad for most of my life.
She is the one who gave me the bird and the bees talk, and was pretty open about discussing sex and other things(drugs, money etc) she would give me the answers without judging or laughing.
Once when I was about 15 I asked my mom why my penis was smaller than the average size in the USA, and she taught me about the relevance of the size and the fact that it does grow as boys mature. She told me not to worry about the size as there are other ways to be good during sex, which she gave me pointers while I was dating Amanda.

I knew she was right on both counts, my penis did develop more over the years but I also kept asking for more advice from her about being a good lover.
When Amanda and I decided to be physical I asked my mom for guidance, she also provided us with condoms, lube ETC. When I turned 18 my mom bought me a flesh light, that night is another big night for me, I measured my penis again and realized that my mom was right about the size and that it does grow, i was not 6.5 inches. Super excited I called Andy and told him, he measured his and was 5.9. I told my mom that she was right and that it was getting bigger, she told me it grows until about 20 years or so before its done. I was excited that i had 2 more years of growth left and I was already past the average.

Fast forward......
I had been dating Amanda for about a 10 months now, my parents are going to visit Aunt Nora for Thanks giving break. The job I was doing for medical billing assisting did not need me during this break and I had 8 days off from work. Amanda was working a retail job and had the opposite, longer hours and less time off. I decided to go with my parents, I had avoided Aunt Nora for more than a year so I decided to go see her this time.

We drove to Arizona and got to Aunt Nora's house before she got off work for that week. We knew where she kept the spare key and knew her alarm code so we went in and settled in, she had a nice 2 story house, downstairs had 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and 2 bathrooms, upstairs was her master bedroom and her office and 1 more bathroom. Me being a gamer, I settled in her office and connected my xbox to her tv, she had a couch in there where i planned on sleeping.

When she got home I heard her come in and excitedly greeting mom and dad and catching up, I was in a middle of a game with my online friends and didn't want to leave in the middle of it so I just waited.
15-20 minutes went by and we just finished the game as I heard someone coming upstairs, I turned the xbox off and opened the door to see her just reaching it, she looked at me with her amazing smile, her hair flowing over her right shoulder and stoping above her waist, she was wearing her scrubs from work but even then she looked drop dead gorgeous.

She came up to me and hugged me super tight and started pouting about how she hasn't seen me in such a long time and how much she missed me.
She sat me down and I was the center of her attention, she wanted to know what I had been up to, how I was since I've graduated, what college i wanted to go to and so on.
All this time I am just mesmerized by her perfect face, hair and smile. It felt like I was back at age 13 and having a huge crush on my aunt. All of those feelings and fantasies I lived thru came back in my mind and I was in love again.

After catching up for 30 minutes or so, my mom called us downstairs for dinner. Mom decided to tease me and asked if I was missing Amanda, Aunt Nora's face lit up when she realized I had a girlfriend and was super exited about it and started asking me why I hadn't told her yet. In my defense I had spaced out Amanda since I was lost in Aunt Nora's beauty.

After dinner it was Aunt Nora's turn to tease me about Amanda, she said "hey Jason do you think Amanda will get jealous if you play board games with your Aunt like we used to?" Aunt Nora had no kids of her own and being younger than her sisters she was a kid at heart who played board and video games with her nieces and nephews whenever we had a family get together. Aunt Nora and I loved shoots and ladders so we would play that anytime we had the chance.

After they got done teasing me, my mom and dad decided to turn in since they drove and were tired from the traveling, Aunt Nora grabbed the shoots and ladder and invited me upstairs to go play before bed. I was tired as well but I wasn't about to turn down spending time with the love of my life and my crush.
We played on her bed, she was laying across from me, I could see the outline of her bra and some skin from her belly when the shirt would ride up a bit. After a few turns I had to lay on my belly to cover up my boner. It was getting harder and harder, eventually after 2 games I told her I was tired and headed out to bed, she gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead and told me how much she missed me and the family. I went to my room, masturbated and went to sleep.

Next morning during breakfast my mom and Aunt Nora were talking about her ex boyfriend Adam and why they broke up and such, I was excited to know she was single again.
That day they were planning on visiting an old friend of mom and Aunt Nora, I decided to stay at home so I could play xbox. They left, I had the house to myself.
When I got horny I decided to search Aunty's room for anything that would help me. I found some of her panties and decided to take 2 of them, one red and one baby blue, both lacy net type panties. I decided to watch some porn on her computer to help me masturbate.

I went to website and was watching a video when a message appeared that freaked me out and sent me to a panic, her computer had an alert that stated video download complete.I did not realize that I was downloading a video, i thought I was just streaming it, not knowing her computer setup I panicked and immediately looked at the download folder, found no video. My heart was racing, didn't know what i just downloaded and did not want to be embarrassed looking at porn on Aunty's computer.

After minutes of searching for where the video could have downloaded to I finally found a folder labeled videos. I opened it up and saw was videos from the cam on her computer of my Aunt, 8 of them.
Still in panic I did not realize I had found gold and I kept looking for the video that I downloaded somehow. Finally found it, deleted it, cleared the trash and browser history before I could finally breath.
Once the panicked had subsided I realized I had found videos of Aunty on the computer that were filmed with the webcam. I re opened the first one, put on the headphones and it was a recorded video message to her ex boyfriend Adam, from the message I figured out that Adam moved out of state and they tried to keep in touch via Skype and video messaging.

The first video was Aunty just saying how she misses him and blowing kisses at him in a sexual manner. She was wearing a tight skirt and pink blouse that was very sexy.
The second video was a bit more, she was wearing a nighty and she kept teasing him by grabbing her boobs and sticking her tongue out, my penis became erect instantly watching it. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th videos were pretty much the same stuff, just different days and different outfits.
7th video is when it got crazy, she started off saying "I can't believe I'm doing this..." when she came in front of the camera she started slowly taking her top off, dancing sexily she took off her shirt and skirt and danced for a couple minutes with just her bra and panties on. She was shy which made me even hornier and my penis even harder.

I watched this video 3-4 times and was ready to blow my load but then I realized there was 1 video left. The last video was here taking off all of her clothes and then sat on the couch and played with herself, moaning, and making different facial expressions. For the first time ever I saw her boobs without cover, I saw her nipples erect, her shaved pussy and pink lips that were tight and puffy, she got wet very easily and very fast, I could hear the wetness slapping around with her fingers and she massaged her pussy, the video went on and her breathing got heavier and heavier, i could see her boobs moving up and down with every breath, I saw her facial expressions as she pleased herself.

She bit her lips and I saw a white streak of sperm run down her pussy as she climaxed. I came as well, I used her blue panties that I stole to wipe the cum. My dream had come true, I saw Aunt Nora naked and fingering herself, it felt awesome. I decided to save all the videos in my digital camera's memory card so I could watch them whenever I wanted.
To Be continued…….
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