Grandma Lisa
My grandfather passed away in 2020 heart attack he was 63, hadn't taken care of himself over the years drinking and smoking heavily. I was away working and returned after my contract was finished in early and able to return due the pandemic lockdown. I'm Karl 23 and after visiting my parents went to visit my grandmother Lisa 59 mother's mother and now widowed. She was happy to see me and we talked for at least an hour, I was looking for a place to stay before starting a new contract the following week. I would be close by Lisa and asked her did she know of places to rent, no but I didn't have to rush. As I could stay with her until I found something suitable. I agreed to stay and look around, she knew I would prefer my own place. Anyway as it turned out there wasn't a great deal of rental available in the area and those that were weren't worth the rent they wanted for them. I was quite well setup, my meals cooked and washing done and Lisa didn't intrude into my personal life. A month or so after moving in, there was a storm and Lisa joined me in my bed. She didn't like thunderstorms at all, I was okay with her sleeping beside me. It was Friday night and I had the weekend off, I was awoken by my cock being sucked. Lisa had gotten horny and so started to suck me off, I was surprised and a bit shocked at first. But I was also enjoying it and let her continue, once she had me ready she mounted me and rode me until I came inside her. She thanked me and I said anytime I'm willing. Which turned out to be very regular as she ask me for another fuck in the morning and would ask me for sex every couple of days there after. It didn't concern me we were committing incest, as I was most willing and there was no chance of us having children. But I really enjoyed the sex also and even after a date I could get a fuck from Lisa on getting home especially if I didn't score. I'm still living with Lisa and don't have a special girl at the moment. But I've added Karen 46 to my lovers list as she visit me and her mother. Karen and Lisa are especially close and Karen enjoys sex every chance she can and my father Karl doesn't provide enough now, so fucking her son is okay by me and her.
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