Miss Nude
Before we get started let me introduce myself. I'm Raina , a 22 yr old girl from Pune . I was brought up in a normal family like most people. My mother is an occasional nudist and I never really got introduced to it by her. When I was 15 , I happened to be reading up on different beaches that my family and I were visiting in another country when the word 'nudism' 'nudist' 'clothes-free' came up. Further reading got me wondering why one would want to be naked most of the time if not all the time. My mother too depending on the weather spent most of her time naked or in shorts . Our maid isn't the best at adapting to situations so my mother covers up while she's at home. She keeps a set of clothes nearby just incase we have a courier or a delivery man around. So at the very curious age of 15 , armed with Google as my guide I too stepped into the whole new different level of living.
To start off, I was always comfortable with my body. Or at least I would like to think so. I'd slept naked a lot of times before so it was a matter of being able to be naked in front of other people. Since my mum was the easiest test subject so I decided I would try in front of her. Slowly the clothes started turning up less at the washing. I decided the best way to go about this was to wear a long tee with no lingerie inside . Gave me a sense of security and at the same time knowing that I was fully naked underneath and thus was getting used to calming my nervous. Pokies became a regular thing. Wet thighs again was a regular thing. From going downstairs to my building and even riding around at night got ticked off. I must admit that not have anything underneath the tee itself was quite comfortable & liberating. Often made me think what it would be like to be stark naked in a public setting. Daring and close to impossible in my country for sure.
One day during the summer I got back from a long day at college. The humidity that day was intense and I was sweating inside out my the time I got back home. My bra was definitely drenched in sweat and I could feel it itch under my boobs. As soon I got home I threw my things aside and got the tee, bra and my jeans off. My mum walked out , naked telling me " it's a really hot day today isn't it". I said " Please don't mind me I need to get these panties off cause they are wet and itchy". And in one swift movement I was naked , for the first time as an adult in front of my mum. For her it wasn't a big deal and she just went about doing her thing. I settled down in a lazy boy and then it me that the first thing that I wanted to get over with , being naked in front my mother had just happened. I shouted out saying " Ma, I'm going to be spending the entire day naked , let me know if anyone is coming home so that I can wear something". Afternoon turned evening and my dad was home. Now this was a new and different hurdle all together. I was in a dilemma whether to cover up or whether to go down naked. I decided it's best to have a word with him about this change in my lifestyle and not make him feel uncomfortable straight away. So I put on my long tee and went down to say hi. After catching up for a bit I asked him " Pa , I've decided to become a home nudist like ma and if not fully naked , I'll be wearing my lingerie . My dad looked at my mom and then at me and said " seems like your a chip off the old block. I'm cool with it but I have some rules ". At first it was a sigh of relief but then what rules was he going to impose?
He said :
Rule No1 : You will always cover up when there are relatives , friends , domestic helps at home.
Rule No2 : You will not try any adventures like going out of the house naked or scantily clad etc.
Rule No3 : Practicing nudism in public will only be at a nudist beach or a resort .
Rule No4 : When I'm around it would be best if you wore a pair of shorts or panties till I get used to seeing another naked family member.
Rule No5 : Practising hygiene is very important as a nudist and you are not sit without a towel on any of the garden furniture or terrace furniture. The household furniture is not an issue.
With this rule book I set out to become the second nudist at home. Dinner happened as usual and then after our goodnight kisses I started walking back up to my room. As I walked up I took off my tee turned around stood there butt naked thinking that I'd conquered my house. Little did i know then that I would look for something more. I picked up a bottle of wine from my fridge, a fresh towel and went up to the terrace to enjoy the stars and the soothing breeze. I moved the furniture around and found a little spot which couldn't be seen from the neighbouring houses and settled down with my wine . As the wine set in , the cool breeze against my body turned me on quite bit. Remembering my dads rules I cooled down a bit and continued drinking. The urge to lie down there and masturbate was quite over powering. Suddenly I heard a car pull up with a bunch of women who has just returned from a party. Howling like hyenas as they got off . Quickly got up st walked over to the edge that leant over the railings to have a look if they were my friends . One of the girls I recognised , Benafsha. She was my neighbour , older than me . Petite , curly hair and an excellent physique. I started to think how she would look if she were naked and then stopped to realise that I was butt naked as the day I was born. My boobies swinging freely and my privates out there for the world to see. I darted back to where I was sitting earlier with my wine.Moist between my legs , I calmed down a bit and started thinking about Benafsha again. I always knew her as wild chick. Happy go lucky and adventurous . The kind of woman who would be open to trying new things . What better than to have a neighbour know that you're a nudist . Even better would be if she joined in. Thus Benafsha became Test Subject 3.
I adopted a similar strategy when it came meeting Benafsha. She lived alone in her parents house as her parents lived abroad. She was a successful travel blogger and spent a good amount of time moving around. On the pretext of finding out about this place I wanted to travel I texted her asking when I could see her. She replied saying 7pm. Now going out in just the long tee was never an issue so I wore one , but the difference was the sleeves were chopped off to the shoulders, leaving a slightly big armhole . You couldn't see my sideboob unless you tried hard. Donned some flip flops and went over. We had a lengthy conversation over some wine and I tired to not make it obvious that I was naked under my tee. She seemed not notice and carried on. I realised I was running juices between my thighs and cut things short. I did went a great big wet patch to form.Before leaving we exchanged hugs and I left.
Got back home straight away to the washroom and wiped my privates . Some juice had trickled down all the way till my calves. Now coming back to my neighbour Benafsha , I decided that next time I would wear something that made it more
Obvious that I was naked underneath. I went to my room and started rummaging through my wardrobe when I got a text . It was Benafsha. The following is the actual conversation.
Benafsha : Hi Raina , hope its a good time to chat. Wanted to know something.
Me : Sure ! Tell me what's up!
Benafsha : Hope you don't mind but then i noticed you weren't wearing a bra today when you came over cause I definitely did not feel any straps on your back when we hugged.
Me : oh! Ya I wasn't wearing one . It's this new thing that I've started doing. Not to wear lingerie unless absolutely required.
Benafsha : Not wear lingerie ! So there were no panties underneath as well ?!
Me : Haha yes , commando all the way .
Benafsha : So I'm guessing you probably spend you're time naked in your room.
Me : not just my room my house itself . Pls don't tell anyone but me and my mum practice nudity at times. Mostly actually .
Benafsha : Whaat ??! That's great ! I've always wanted to try it out myself but chickened out. We need to meet and talk. I'm coming over .
Me : haha okay okay
The door bell rang in 10 I quickly went downstairs in my tee to open the door for Benafsha who was carrying a sling bag. I whisked her in upto my room and shut the door.
Me : What's up?
Benafsha : Tell me everything you know and have done. Don't spare any details.
I told her that I too just started off and wasn't very experienced . She asked me how I got to being naked fully at home . I told her about Test Subject 1 and 2 . We had a laugh and then she said that I would be her Test Subject 1 . I wasnt complaining at all. She had a killer physique that anyone would love to see naked . She opened the sling back and she pulled out a long tee . She wore it over head and pulled out everything else she had worn underneath. The tee did accentuate her delicious physique I must admit. She asked me what next. I told her let's go out for a bicycle ride. Get used to the absence of any lingerie and to the breeze blowing up your thighs. We both pulled out or respective bicycles from our houses and headed out. Now it was around 10pm at night. Dark and perfect for Benafsha's first escapade. Like I mentioned earlier Benafsha was tall and her bicycle wasn't the best fitting one for her . Every time she peddle up on the cycle her tee would lift high in the front. Had it not been during the night , someone looking close enough would spot her kitty peeking through. She giggled as we rode through our neighbourhood that funny/horny feeling of the seat touching ones kitty. After 20 mins of riding we headed back to our houses enjoying the new found freedom. As we kissed goodbye she gave me a small spank on my bum thanking me for being there.
My phone buzzed awake. Benafsha .
Benafsha : Sleeping ?
Me : Nope reading . You ? :)
Benafsha : Fantasising
Me : Haha same here :D
Benafsha : Naked ?
Me : As the day I was born. You?
Benafsha : Come to your terrace xoxo
Me : Why do I feel you're upto something . Coming anyways :*
As I got upstairs I could see Benafsha's silhouette on her terrace. She peeked over the railing and I realised she was naked too.
Me : Pretty bold for a first timer !
Benafsha : haha I'm loving this ! I masturbated 3 times and I'm still ready for more action !
Me : I'd be lying if I said I didn't :P
Benafsha : You naughty woman. I knew there was always more to you than what met the eye.
Me : A woman's got to have secrets .
Benafsha : Come over !
Me : What ?! Now ?!
Benafsha : yes ! Just send a text to your
Mom and come over and sleep here.
Me : okay !
I quickly open whatsapp and found my mother online so told her I was going to be next door for the night with Benafsha . She said it's all good. I texted Benafsha I was coming over . I decided I was going to greet her naked . We had two lamps outside our gates . Wasn't the best time either to sneak out naked. So I just jumped over the wall and ran to her door. She opened the door naked and she was surprised that I was naked as well. Our boobies bounced and jiggled as we hugged and then we went upstairs.
We settled down on her bed and I started feeling a bit claustrophobic as the windows were shut and the air conditioner was on.
Me : We need some fresh air.
Benafsha : let's go the terrace then.
Me : let's sleep on the terrace .
Benafsha : Oooo... that's sounds interesting . Never slept naked outdoors.
Me : Don't worry I'll sort it out. Grab a mosquito net and some pillows. I'll carry an extension box and the mattress.
We went upstairs found a good spot against the wall where no one could spy on us or spot us. Setup the net and the mattress. The mattress was a single bed one cause the other were too heavy to carry upstairs. We also grabbed her laptop for watching a movie. The bed was a right fit with both us on top of each other but I didn't mind her soft skin against mine and neither did she. The cool outside air made it so much better and exhilarating . Benafsha was already a little weak in her legs . I'm sure she was a little wet as well. Anyone who could see us now would see shapely bums and a delicious , pink & smooth pussies of two naked women watching a movie . Luckily for us , no one could see us unless they came upto the terrace. Benafsha smelled of a light fragrance that she put on earlier in the day . The fragrance mixed with her sweet body odour made the whole experience even better, a very stimulating one. The movie went by and I never really watched it as I was too lost in the whole experience of having another woman naked and sharing a small bed with me.
Benafsha sensed that I wasn't paying any attention to the film and paused the movie.
Benafsha : All good ?
Me : (Jittery voice ) Yeah yeah all good .
Benafsha : shall we leave the movie for later cause clearly something else has you're attention .
Me : haha yes you're right. Enjoying the atmosphere we have here right now.
Benafsha : ( Smiling ) Naughty woman . What's distracting you so much?
Me : Ahem ahem . Is that's even question ? Well to be precise , it's the smell of you that's gotten me lost. I really like how you smell.
She raised her arm and pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my cheek. When she raised her arm that really pleasant smell that I was talking about got stronger . I guessed that it came from her armpit. My body tightened to the sudden overdose of the smell. I took as much of it as I could . Mesmerised, I turned onto my back facing the sky to breathe a little bit more. She got onto her side facing me.
Benafsha : Thank you Raina for showing me this way of life.
Me : you're most welcome
Benafsha put her hand around me and planted another kiss and asked if I minded her cuddling with me. I said it was absolutely cool. She put her leg between my thighs mine & touching both my bum cheeks. In a few minutes we were fast asleep.
To start off, I was always comfortable with my body. Or at least I would like to think so. I'd slept naked a lot of times before so it was a matter of being able to be naked in front of other people. Since my mum was the easiest test subject so I decided I would try in front of her. Slowly the clothes started turning up less at the washing. I decided the best way to go about this was to wear a long tee with no lingerie inside . Gave me a sense of security and at the same time knowing that I was fully naked underneath and thus was getting used to calming my nervous. Pokies became a regular thing. Wet thighs again was a regular thing. From going downstairs to my building and even riding around at night got ticked off. I must admit that not have anything underneath the tee itself was quite comfortable & liberating. Often made me think what it would be like to be stark naked in a public setting. Daring and close to impossible in my country for sure.
One day during the summer I got back from a long day at college. The humidity that day was intense and I was sweating inside out my the time I got back home. My bra was definitely drenched in sweat and I could feel it itch under my boobs. As soon I got home I threw my things aside and got the tee, bra and my jeans off. My mum walked out , naked telling me " it's a really hot day today isn't it". I said " Please don't mind me I need to get these panties off cause they are wet and itchy". And in one swift movement I was naked , for the first time as an adult in front of my mum. For her it wasn't a big deal and she just went about doing her thing. I settled down in a lazy boy and then it me that the first thing that I wanted to get over with , being naked in front my mother had just happened. I shouted out saying " Ma, I'm going to be spending the entire day naked , let me know if anyone is coming home so that I can wear something". Afternoon turned evening and my dad was home. Now this was a new and different hurdle all together. I was in a dilemma whether to cover up or whether to go down naked. I decided it's best to have a word with him about this change in my lifestyle and not make him feel uncomfortable straight away. So I put on my long tee and went down to say hi. After catching up for a bit I asked him " Pa , I've decided to become a home nudist like ma and if not fully naked , I'll be wearing my lingerie . My dad looked at my mom and then at me and said " seems like your a chip off the old block. I'm cool with it but I have some rules ". At first it was a sigh of relief but then what rules was he going to impose?
He said :
Rule No1 : You will always cover up when there are relatives , friends , domestic helps at home.
Rule No2 : You will not try any adventures like going out of the house naked or scantily clad etc.
Rule No3 : Practicing nudism in public will only be at a nudist beach or a resort .
Rule No4 : When I'm around it would be best if you wore a pair of shorts or panties till I get used to seeing another naked family member.
Rule No5 : Practising hygiene is very important as a nudist and you are not sit without a towel on any of the garden furniture or terrace furniture. The household furniture is not an issue.
With this rule book I set out to become the second nudist at home. Dinner happened as usual and then after our goodnight kisses I started walking back up to my room. As I walked up I took off my tee turned around stood there butt naked thinking that I'd conquered my house. Little did i know then that I would look for something more. I picked up a bottle of wine from my fridge, a fresh towel and went up to the terrace to enjoy the stars and the soothing breeze. I moved the furniture around and found a little spot which couldn't be seen from the neighbouring houses and settled down with my wine . As the wine set in , the cool breeze against my body turned me on quite bit. Remembering my dads rules I cooled down a bit and continued drinking. The urge to lie down there and masturbate was quite over powering. Suddenly I heard a car pull up with a bunch of women who has just returned from a party. Howling like hyenas as they got off . Quickly got up st walked over to the edge that leant over the railings to have a look if they were my friends . One of the girls I recognised , Benafsha. She was my neighbour , older than me . Petite , curly hair and an excellent physique. I started to think how she would look if she were naked and then stopped to realise that I was butt naked as the day I was born. My boobies swinging freely and my privates out there for the world to see. I darted back to where I was sitting earlier with my wine.Moist between my legs , I calmed down a bit and started thinking about Benafsha again. I always knew her as wild chick. Happy go lucky and adventurous . The kind of woman who would be open to trying new things . What better than to have a neighbour know that you're a nudist . Even better would be if she joined in. Thus Benafsha became Test Subject 3.
I adopted a similar strategy when it came meeting Benafsha. She lived alone in her parents house as her parents lived abroad. She was a successful travel blogger and spent a good amount of time moving around. On the pretext of finding out about this place I wanted to travel I texted her asking when I could see her. She replied saying 7pm. Now going out in just the long tee was never an issue so I wore one , but the difference was the sleeves were chopped off to the shoulders, leaving a slightly big armhole . You couldn't see my sideboob unless you tried hard. Donned some flip flops and went over. We had a lengthy conversation over some wine and I tired to not make it obvious that I was naked under my tee. She seemed not notice and carried on. I realised I was running juices between my thighs and cut things short. I did went a great big wet patch to form.Before leaving we exchanged hugs and I left.
Got back home straight away to the washroom and wiped my privates . Some juice had trickled down all the way till my calves. Now coming back to my neighbour Benafsha , I decided that next time I would wear something that made it more
Obvious that I was naked underneath. I went to my room and started rummaging through my wardrobe when I got a text . It was Benafsha. The following is the actual conversation.
Benafsha : Hi Raina , hope its a good time to chat. Wanted to know something.
Me : Sure ! Tell me what's up!
Benafsha : Hope you don't mind but then i noticed you weren't wearing a bra today when you came over cause I definitely did not feel any straps on your back when we hugged.
Me : oh! Ya I wasn't wearing one . It's this new thing that I've started doing. Not to wear lingerie unless absolutely required.
Benafsha : Not wear lingerie ! So there were no panties underneath as well ?!
Me : Haha yes , commando all the way .
Benafsha : So I'm guessing you probably spend you're time naked in your room.
Me : not just my room my house itself . Pls don't tell anyone but me and my mum practice nudity at times. Mostly actually .
Benafsha : Whaat ??! That's great ! I've always wanted to try it out myself but chickened out. We need to meet and talk. I'm coming over .
Me : haha okay okay
The door bell rang in 10 I quickly went downstairs in my tee to open the door for Benafsha who was carrying a sling bag. I whisked her in upto my room and shut the door.
Me : What's up?
Benafsha : Tell me everything you know and have done. Don't spare any details.
I told her that I too just started off and wasn't very experienced . She asked me how I got to being naked fully at home . I told her about Test Subject 1 and 2 . We had a laugh and then she said that I would be her Test Subject 1 . I wasnt complaining at all. She had a killer physique that anyone would love to see naked . She opened the sling back and she pulled out a long tee . She wore it over head and pulled out everything else she had worn underneath. The tee did accentuate her delicious physique I must admit. She asked me what next. I told her let's go out for a bicycle ride. Get used to the absence of any lingerie and to the breeze blowing up your thighs. We both pulled out or respective bicycles from our houses and headed out. Now it was around 10pm at night. Dark and perfect for Benafsha's first escapade. Like I mentioned earlier Benafsha was tall and her bicycle wasn't the best fitting one for her . Every time she peddle up on the cycle her tee would lift high in the front. Had it not been during the night , someone looking close enough would spot her kitty peeking through. She giggled as we rode through our neighbourhood that funny/horny feeling of the seat touching ones kitty. After 20 mins of riding we headed back to our houses enjoying the new found freedom. As we kissed goodbye she gave me a small spank on my bum thanking me for being there.
My phone buzzed awake. Benafsha .
Benafsha : Sleeping ?
Me : Nope reading . You ? :)
Benafsha : Fantasising
Me : Haha same here :D
Benafsha : Naked ?
Me : As the day I was born. You?
Benafsha : Come to your terrace xoxo
Me : Why do I feel you're upto something . Coming anyways :*
As I got upstairs I could see Benafsha's silhouette on her terrace. She peeked over the railing and I realised she was naked too.
Me : Pretty bold for a first timer !
Benafsha : haha I'm loving this ! I masturbated 3 times and I'm still ready for more action !
Me : I'd be lying if I said I didn't :P
Benafsha : You naughty woman. I knew there was always more to you than what met the eye.
Me : A woman's got to have secrets .
Benafsha : Come over !
Me : What ?! Now ?!
Benafsha : yes ! Just send a text to your
Mom and come over and sleep here.
Me : okay !
I quickly open whatsapp and found my mother online so told her I was going to be next door for the night with Benafsha . She said it's all good. I texted Benafsha I was coming over . I decided I was going to greet her naked . We had two lamps outside our gates . Wasn't the best time either to sneak out naked. So I just jumped over the wall and ran to her door. She opened the door naked and she was surprised that I was naked as well. Our boobies bounced and jiggled as we hugged and then we went upstairs.
We settled down on her bed and I started feeling a bit claustrophobic as the windows were shut and the air conditioner was on.
Me : We need some fresh air.
Benafsha : let's go the terrace then.
Me : let's sleep on the terrace .
Benafsha : Oooo... that's sounds interesting . Never slept naked outdoors.
Me : Don't worry I'll sort it out. Grab a mosquito net and some pillows. I'll carry an extension box and the mattress.
We went upstairs found a good spot against the wall where no one could spy on us or spot us. Setup the net and the mattress. The mattress was a single bed one cause the other were too heavy to carry upstairs. We also grabbed her laptop for watching a movie. The bed was a right fit with both us on top of each other but I didn't mind her soft skin against mine and neither did she. The cool outside air made it so much better and exhilarating . Benafsha was already a little weak in her legs . I'm sure she was a little wet as well. Anyone who could see us now would see shapely bums and a delicious , pink & smooth pussies of two naked women watching a movie . Luckily for us , no one could see us unless they came upto the terrace. Benafsha smelled of a light fragrance that she put on earlier in the day . The fragrance mixed with her sweet body odour made the whole experience even better, a very stimulating one. The movie went by and I never really watched it as I was too lost in the whole experience of having another woman naked and sharing a small bed with me.
Benafsha sensed that I wasn't paying any attention to the film and paused the movie.
Benafsha : All good ?
Me : (Jittery voice ) Yeah yeah all good .
Benafsha : shall we leave the movie for later cause clearly something else has you're attention .
Me : haha yes you're right. Enjoying the atmosphere we have here right now.
Benafsha : ( Smiling ) Naughty woman . What's distracting you so much?
Me : Ahem ahem . Is that's even question ? Well to be precise , it's the smell of you that's gotten me lost. I really like how you smell.
She raised her arm and pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my cheek. When she raised her arm that really pleasant smell that I was talking about got stronger . I guessed that it came from her armpit. My body tightened to the sudden overdose of the smell. I took as much of it as I could . Mesmerised, I turned onto my back facing the sky to breathe a little bit more. She got onto her side facing me.
Benafsha : Thank you Raina for showing me this way of life.
Me : you're most welcome
Benafsha put her hand around me and planted another kiss and asked if I minded her cuddling with me. I said it was absolutely cool. She put her leg between my thighs mine & touching both my bum cheeks. In a few minutes we were fast asleep.
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