The Remote
Once upon a time, when I was single, I dated a fellow coworker who lived with her mother. Both ladies were beautiful - from their green eyes to their symmetrically perfect toes. The mother had insomnia and had to take medication. At any rate, one evening we decided to go bowling. It was a great night. She unfortunately was getting a migraine from the cigarette smoking at the alley. So we decided to go back to her place where she took a bath to rinse off the smell and we order a pizza. Once there and the pizza was ordered she told me to make myself comfortable and find movie for us on television. I grabbed a bundle of remotes and started figuring out which one worked. I then poked one remote and I heard a moan which almost scared me. I looked around in amazement and hit the button again. Another moan but it almost turned me on. I hit it as I was walking around the living room and located the sound in a side bedroom. The door was cracked open. I peaked in and and saw my coworkers mom’s leg dangling off the bed with a house shoe half on and off. I pushed the button and the shoe wiggles off as I heard a deep sexual moan. I stupidly realized this remote was for a sexual device. I walk closer to the side table of her bed and saw sleeping medication. She was out. The shower then stopped and I had a cold feeling come over me so I ran back into the living room where I heard my fellow coworker say she will be a little longer and apologized. I graciously stated it’s ok. I ran back into her mothers room and lifted the partially draped sheets away and found a device partially underneath her. I pushed the remote and it started moving then another moan. I felt my adrenaline pump. Her sole started wrinkling. I gravitated to her sole. A beautiful aroma came from her sole. Suddenly the doorbell ringsI jumped back and tried hiding the bulge and finding the cash in my wallet. I retrieved my wallet while running into the other room to retrieve the pizza from the pizza deliver. My coworker then comes out with towel around her and her hair and asked me if I found a movie, I said no there were too many remotes. She said no worries. We sat down and she picks up the remote I magically used. She heard a moan. She said hmmm. She hunts the sound and peeks into her Moms room and sees her mom shaking a little. She looks at me then my bulging pants then tells me come closer. She grabs me and pulls me closer. She said, “you perve”. Then she takes me by the hand and walks closer to her Mom’s wrinkled sole and says something smells good. (To be continued).
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Part 2 The Remote
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