Drunk roommate


In my freshman year in college I shared a dorm room with my high school buddy Chris. I had such a hardon for Chris that I almost didn't take him up on the offer to room together as I wasn't sure I could handle being that close to him all the time.

Once I got used to it, it was OK. Chris and I knew each other well enough and had been friends long enough that it was easy to get along, and if I just ignored his naked body parading around our room after his shower each night I could handle it.

The Saturday before the Thanksgiving break some guys down the hall had a party, and Chris and I went. There was lots of beer and several guys were passing around bottles of harder stuff, so a lot of guys got pretty shit-faced. I don't like to drink, afraid what I might do, for one thing, so I had a couple of beers, then stretched out on a couch to relax.

After I'd been on the couch for a few minutes, with my eyes closed, I felt the couch bounce, then felt someone slide onto it next to me, felt a hand on my shoulder, and heard Chris's voice, "Hey Brad, move over so I can sit next to you."

For some reason I did nothing, just pretended I was asleep. Chris poked me harder. I didn't respond.

I heard someone else say, "He's passed out man, better get him out of here before he hurls all over the place."

Chris swore. "How about helping me" He said, and the next thing I knew there were hands all over me, and I was being carried out of the room and down the hall to our room.

I got an erection almost right away and felt a hand in my crotch, feeling me up pretty good. Another guy had his hand on my ass, probing my crack. I'd have cum if the ride had lasted longer. I sure wanted to know whose hands those were, but I kept my eyes closed and pretended I really was out cold. I felt myself being dumped on a bed, and heard laughing and joking as they left. I heard the door close.

I was about to get up and turn on the light when I heard someone in the room. Then the bed shook and I heard Chris's voice. "Hey Brad, wake up!"

He shook me gently. I remained motionless. He shook me again. "Fuck, man, you never get drunk."

I was about to leap up and grab him and wrestle him to submission when I heard him say, "Maybe I'd better undress you." I couldn't believe he meant it, but I decided to wait and see.

The next thing I knew he was taking my shoes off. I was lying across the bed, with my feet hanging off the side, so that was easy. Once Chris had my shoes off he moved up onto the bed next to me. I felt him start to unbutton my shirt. One voice inside me was saying that I should let him know I was just fooling around, but another was saying 'wait and see how far he'll go.'

Slowly my buddy unbuttoned my shirt and spread it apart, baring my pecs and abs. Then nothing for what seemed a long time, except the sound of Chris breathing hard, like he'd been running.

"Shit man, you're faking it" Chris said. "Let's find out!"

He reached inside my shirt and started tickling me. Normally I am very ticklish, especially when Chris does it to me. When he wants me to do something all he has to do is get his hands in my sides and tickle me and I'm totally helpless and at his mercy. That's even when I have a shirt on, if he can work his hands inside and get my abs and sides bare I'm totally gone. So he had every right to expect that tickling me now would get a reaction, and I don't know why, but I had no trouble at all. His hands felt good on my bare skin, but I wasn't convulsed with laughter and helplessness the way I usually was, I just lay there like a dog.

Chris kept the tickling up for a while, but soon he wasn't tickling me.

"Fuck it" I heard him say, and felt his hand softly touching my bare pecs.

I have a real good build from working out with weights a lot, and my pecs are pretty awesome. I knew Chris sort of envied my body, he was always commenting on it sort of sarcastically, calling me muscle-stud and stud puppy and I had just taken it as good natured kidding, but now I was starting to realize it was something more, Chris had a boner for my muscles. He started out feeling me up very gently but when I still didn't move he got bolder and pretty soon both of his hands were giving my pecs and abs a real workout. I could hear him panting and it was clear he was turned on and getting off on feeling my naked body. My cock started to swell, and as he continued I soon had a full hardon. His hands got bolder and went lower and lower and soon he was groping my crotch through my pants, feeling my hardon.

"Fuck yeah, man" He breathed, "You're digging this."

He was groping my cock with one hand while he worked my pecs with the other. Then his hand left my crotch and I heard a zipper go down and I let my eyes open a crack so I could sneak a look at him and saw my buddy Chris kneeling over me with his tee shirt pushed up and his pants open and his hard cock in his hand. He was jerking off while he felt my naked body and played with my hard cock.

I couldn't believe this was happening , my best Buddy Chris was groping my hard cock and digging it. My boner throbbed and twitched as he squeezed it.

Then he said, "Shit, dude, I can't stop now, I've got to have you" and he undid the waistband of my pants and unbuttoned the fly and moved off the bed so he could pull my pants off.

I didn't help, I still didn't want him to know I was awake, so he had to struggle a bit, but soon he had my pants all the way off. He moved onto the bed next to me again and pushed my shirt out of the way some more, then resumed his exploration of my now nearly naked body with his hands. I could hear him breathing heavily.He was really turned on by what he was doing to me. I figured he was probably not looking at my face so I let my eyes open a bit again, just enough to see him. He had his tee shirt all the way off now and his pants pushed partway down and was working his hard cock with one hand while with the other he explored my body. He was really paying a lot of attention to my pecs, rubbing and squeezing them and when he started working my big hard nipples I couldn't help moaning, it felt so good.

He froze. So did I.

"What the fuck" He muttered.

I guess he figured at this point if I was awake he'd gone too far to turn back and slowly his hand started working my nipples again. My cock was throbbing and swelling and oozing fuck juice like crazy, I was so turned on by having Chris feel me up.

Chris's hand moved down my abs, tracing the cuts of my six-pack. Then he slid his hand inside the waistband of my briefs and gently explored my crotch bare, slowly wrapping his handaround my huge hard cock.

"Shit yeah, dude" He breathed.

I have a big one, about nine inches, and thick, and most guys look envious when they see it hard. It's pretty awesome. Chris is pretty well-equipped too, I'd seen him hard lots of times, but I was bigger than he was, bigger than most guys I've seen hard, which is not that many.

I felt Chris pulling my briefs down to expose my erection. He pushed the tight white cotton shorts down just far enough to expose me completely, then hooked the tight waistband undermy balls. I loved that, it's what I do when I jerk off, I like the tight elastic cutting into that tender spot under my balls at the base of my cock. Then Chris spread my legs apart as far as they would go and explored my thighs with his hands, rubbing his hot horny hands up into my crack through my shorts. He was making sounds that told me he was really turned on and getting to the point where he didn't care what happened. I felt both of his hands on me, one rubbing my pecs and abs, the other stroking my cock. If he kept that up I was going to cum and I was thinking it was time to wake up.

Then just as I was about to let him know I wasn't passed out I heard Chris say, "Shit, buddy, I can't help it I gotta have you" and the next thing I knew I felt his warm wet mouth on my cock.

My best buddy Chris was sucking my huge hard cock! I moaned involuntarily and he just kept it up. He had one hand on my balls and the other on my pecs and was sucking my cock for all he was worth. I don't think he'd ever done it to anyone before, because he was having trouble taking it and I could feel his teeth a couple of times but I was still in heaven. I'd never dared dream such a thing, my buddy Chris as queer for me as I was for him and now he was sucking me off. I started cumming, my balls churned and my cock swelled and spurted huge gobs of hot sticky fuck juice and Chris moaned and panted and kept on sucking, taking it all and swallowing it. I opened my eyes a little again and saw him grab his own cock and start pumping it as he continued to suck mine and right away he started erupting in huge spurts of cum all over me and the bed. When he finished shooting he released my still-oozing cock and fell onto the bed beside me, panting and moaning. He was still rubbing his hands all over my naked body, digging my muscles.

"Shit, yeah, fuck, oh Brad, dude, I love you.

He crawled up beside me then and I felt his lips touch mine and then he was kissing me. I was so stunned by what he had just done that I didn't know what to do. If I kissed him back the way I wanted to he'd know I had been faking it and that would piss him off. So I just laid there and let him hug me and rub his naked body against my naked body. My cock was still hard and oozing cum and he was playing with it and his own cock was still hard too and poking me in the leg, feeling wet and slippery.

Finally Chris got up from my bed. I realized I was stuck now, I had to lay there and fall asleep and wake up in the morning and act as though I had no idea what had happened but I really had to piss. I opened my eyes a little and saw Chris open the door and go out. He was wearing just his briefs, but that was OK, some guys walked down the halls buck naked. Maybe he was going back to the party. Naw, he wouldn't do that, dressed like that. Did I dare get up and go down the hall to the can?

I was feeling almost like I was really as drunk as I had pretended, what had happened was so awesome. I lay there for a couple of minutes, then sat up on the side of the bed. My briefs were still the way Chris had fixed them so he could suck me off, and my cock was still hard. I reached down and stroked it idly as I tried to decide what to do. That's when Chris came back in.

"Dude, you're awake!" Chris said in surprise.

I looked at him with as much of a pretense of bleary-eyed drunkenness as I could manage. "Gotta piss" I said, slurring my words, and lurched to my feet.

I stumbled against the wall and stood shakily, looking at my roommate, my best buddy who had just sucked my cock. He had a wet cloth in his hands and I realized he'd been intending to clean me up. I started towards him, lurching around as much as I could without hurting myself.

"Gotta piss" I repeated, heading for the door. I managed to lurch up against Chris, and he caught me. I looked blearily into his eyes and mumbled, "I'm drunk, buddy, I'm drunk."

"No shit, dude" he replied, clutching my naked body to his. We were both wearing nothing but our briefs, and mine were still hooked under my rock-hard cock. I reached down and groped myself.

"Gotta hardon" I slurred.

"Yeah, Brad, you've got a hardon. Here, let's get that thing back in your shorts" he said and reached down and pulled my briefs up and managed to work my big hard dick back inside.

My cock almost spurted another load of hot cum all over the two of us when he grabbed it and pushed it down into my briefs.

"Good old Chris" I slurred, "My buddy Chris."I lurched towards the door again. I was starting to have a plan. "Gotta piss" I said again.

Chris helped me stagger down the hall to the johns. We shared a giant bathroom with all the other rooms on the floor. It had twelve sinks, ten urinals, fifteen johns, and ten shower stalls. I could never figure out how anyone had decided what the right number of each was for the sixty guys on our floor, but the place was never so full you couldn't get whichever implement you needed, so apparently they had known how to do it. At this hour on a Saturday night it was usually empty, aside from some drunk college boy taking a piss to get rid of all the beer he had drunk, so Chris and I had the giant room to ourselves. I let him guide me to a urinal and I managed to get my cock out and fortunately it had gone soft enough that I was able to piss. That was real at least, and I gratefully emptied my bladder. Chris tried to support me without looking too much like he was interested in what I was doing.

When I had finished pissing I broke away from my buddy and staggered away from the urinal and looked around. "Gotta take a shower" I announced, and headed towards the door leading to the shower stalls.

That caught Chris off guard, and I was through the door by the time he caught up with me. I wanted him in the shower with me though, so I staggered even more, and let myself slam into a wall. It hurt enough that I wasn't faking it when I recoiled and stood there moaning. Chris caught up with me and grabbed me to keep me from hurting myself further.

"Gotta take a shower" I slurred, stripping my briefs off and leaving them on the floor as I staggered around.

"Jesus!" Chris swore softly. "OK, come on, here's a shower."

I think he expected to just shove me into one and then leave me while I sobered up, but I grabbed him and pulled him in with me. I reached for the faucets and turned them on before he could get out and the two of us were showered with ice cold water.

"Fuck, that's cold!" Chris yelled, and reached to adjust the spray. He got it to a comfortable temperature, and by that time I had some soap in my hands - there was always at least half a bar that someone had left behind and usually I would have avoided even touching one of those,but I grabbed it and reached out and started soaping up my buddy's almost naked body. Chris fought me briefly, then decided to give in and go along with my drunken antics.

I soaped him clumsily, in keeping with my supposed drunkenness, and when I encountered his wet briefs I let out a whoop of discovery "Hey, my buddy isn't naked, gotta get naked to take a shower!" and I sank to my knees and pulled his shorts down before he could do more than make a brief protest. His cock flopped out, half hard, and I reached up with my soapy hands and started lathering up Chris's cock and balls. He was hard right away and fell back against the wall of the shower, obviously loving what I was doing to him. I tried to maintain the pretense that I was drunk, but feel him up real good, play with his hard cock and churning balls until he was moaning and panting with passion. Then I stumbled to my feet and fell against my naked buddy, my hands rubbing his hard pecs and rippled abs. Chris has nothing to be ashamed of in the muscles department - he's a really hot stud.

My buddy Chris has a boner, I mumbled as I felt him up, letting my hands slide down into his crotch. I got one hand on his balls and the other wrapped around his huge hard dick and started stroking him as I nuzzled his neck with my mouth and started licking his neck and cheek. Chris was making ineffectual efforts to stop me, pushing me away very feebly, but when I put my mouth to his and started kissing him he stopped resisting and kissed me back.

We parted from that kiss finally, and I put my lips to Chris's ear and in my normal, sober voice I said, "If you'll wash the soap off of that boner, I'll return the favor and give you a blow job even better than the one you just gave me!
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