My Aunt Shannon


I'm Gregory 28 work gardening and yard clearing jobs, known as a bumbler of the family. I didn't do well at school and was given a small cottage by my late grandfather Ralph at 24, so I always would've a place to sleep his words. My uncle Jefferson thinks I useless, but gives me work to keep me going. He is married to Shannon 39 my mom Katherine's younger sister and they have 2 children, 1 in the navy and the older 1 in university. Jefferson is a very arrogant man and he doesn't treat Shannon very well at all. He suffers from small man syndrome as my grandpa Ralph use to call it, Jefferson 46 is only 5'3" and going bald and a know all on every subject known to mankind. Except one, he doesn't know I'm fucking Shannon regularly. Shannon had a problem with her last child and so had her tubes tied and Jefferson in his arrogance, hired me to watch over Shannon when he is away. Both me and Shannon know he plays up while away on his business trips, because he talks in his sleep. As he the one with the money and a prenup in place, Shannon can't risk having a relationship with almost everyone. Except me of course the watchdog hired by Jefferson to keep a close eye on Shannon, because of his know all arrogant he thinks I'm too stupid/retarded to seduce Shannon. What's more he thinks Shannon doesn't like me as well. Mainly because he badgers people who start talking to her at any event family or otherwise. So Shannon stays away from me so he won't badger me at family events. If he was a fly on the wall when Shannon and me were alone together he would be totally shocked, as not only do we get on well together we fuck every time he's away. Shannon I likes having sex with me, mainly because Jefferson rarely touches her now. But she wants me to find a girlfriend and started helping me find one. She found Laura 24 works at the local supermarket, Laura is a only child and lives with mother Sandra 39 widowed an old schoolfriend of Shannon. Sandra and Shannon have history sexual history, they like each others company in bed together. Both are bisexual and Laura is a quiet girl and both want me to marry her. Sandra also joins me and Shannon in our sexual romps when Jefferson is away. Jefferson sometimes ring Shannon and if she in bed with me and Sandra, Shannon says Sandra is visiting Sandra says hello to him. Last weekend I took Laura virginity and we had a great foursome, Jefferson was a bit surprise that was now engaged at first. On finding out it was Laura was surprise as he thinks she like me stupid/retarded. But we are smarter than he is, we keep our mouths closed and some people like Jefferson think we're slow stupid or retarded. But Jefferson keeps opening his mouth and confirming to to people how stupid he really is. There's is one slight problem Sandra has missed her last period and I may have gotten her pregnant. But Shannon has now mentioned to Jefferson Sandra had a boyfriend and didn't name anyone. Sandra isn't as sexy looking as Shannon, but still looks great to me. Laura will be next as I'm not using any condoms during sex with her or Sandra and or Shannon. Another reason Jefferson thinks I'm dumb is that I don't use condoms. Sandra mentioned Laura and I had become sexually active and I didn't take precautions. Jefferson said on hearing that what a dumbass he really is.
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