My Luck Changed


Never good with ladies many tries and misses and at 40 I thought it was just about over my chances of finding a wife. But I well off financially and wouldn't have to work till I died. My family and my career saw to that. When your lonely and bored, you pay a hooker or go off road racing. I chose the later as I had my fill of hooker for the time being and I had an accident and would laid up for a few months, lucky to be alive and nothing damaged beyond repair. I'm no handsome guy I'm balding wear glasses 5'5" stocky build. I look like "Phil Silvers" without the looks. Anyway confined to my bed after getting out of hospital, I hired a home care nurse and the first one I got, was older than my grandfather in looks and would out weight Andre the giant. But she stayed one day said I too heavy for her to move another nurse came. She was younger than at least and had a figure on the cuddly side, not fat cuddly and I could understand her another plus. Ruth 35 was to provide me with 24/7 care till I back on my feet. She was nice to talk too and no good at getting me anything not on my daily allowance list from the doctor, like a cold beer. That lasted 3 weeks and the doctor then allowed me 3 cans of beer a day no more. She was strict on the number and she wouldn't let have a beer before lunch and other 2 were for dinner and a little later. But I still got on with her pretty good, she would allow me anything I was allowed and nothing I wasn't. But we bonded on the first month, I knew I was getting better as I was starting to get horny. Especially when Ruth bend over in my room and a I could see her bending over. So much so I got a bad case of butter fingers, I think she worked it out and humored me. The start of the second month I tried flirting with her. But she ignored me, I had tried it before trying get extra beer and didn't do any good then either. Another week passed I decided to give a big try, I ordered flowers (roses)in for her, no chocolates as I knew she dieting. roses because I heard her say she loved roses, she thought I was after something, but thanked me for the roses anyway. I was after something her, I wanted her now more than ever. I decided one last try, nothing as poorly thought as before. I asked out to see a show and have dinner with me, first thing I was up and able to go out to dinner and a show. First she thought I was having ago at her, but after a couple days. She accepted I was finally serious and she agreed. It a date I said a very important date and nearly ruined the whole thing. But she already knew pretty well by now and knew I wasn't trying it on anymore I was really serious. In the last fortnight she actually help me get off by masturbating me and letting feel her up also. The actual first I had felt up a woman without paying to her to let me do it. Also we got a great deal closer and I think I was close to getting into bed with me. But my mother turned up the chance went begging, then 4 days later I was able to get up and about slowly. I was told I could do away with the nurse if I wanted too, I didn't want too. I wasn't letting go until after our date at the earliest. A week later I went for a drive and Ruth with me, I tried the usual lover spots. But there were people there every time, finally in failure I took her back home and she kissed me on our entering my house. Not only that she sleep with me that night and every night since. Of course I took her to the dinner and the show and also asked her to marry me that same night and she accepted. We married last month, Ruth is already pregnant. But that happened after she accepted my proposal. She came to look after to me and is staying as my wife and lover. Best accident ever.
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