Introduced to swinging


Before I start this is not a story of big 10 inch cocks and dripping wet pussys it’s the story of love and how my Husband and myself decided to become swingers

I met my husband Tony When I was stopping with my sister and her husband . I used to see him from across the road and fell in love. At first he didn’t see me but my heart stopped when I saw him . Then one day my relations were having a party and asked Tony to join us. It wasn’t passion at first site but a smouldering ember that grew with time. Our first real date was when he asked me to join him for a drink at a local pub. My hart was pounding when he picked me up in his car and drove me to the pub . The talk was awkward to start with but as the nigh went on I think the drink helped and by the end of the night we were chatting like old friends . At closing time we left the pub and made our way to his car . He was a true gentleman holding the door open for me and then he got in. I was having difficulties with my seat belt so he reached around me and helped pull the seat belt and latch it into the fixed buckle. When he reached around me he was inches from my body. I could feel the heat from his body and smell his aftershave . I was so excited I would have just surrendered my whole body and my feelings to him right then and there . But he was still a gentleman and drove me home parking up outside my relations house.. We sat there chatting for a few moments neither of us really wanting to stop, and then that awkward moment with one hand on the door handle. I was still looking at Tony, wanting him needing him but knowing I must leave. I reached down with my free hand to pick up my handbag from the footwell and as I came up Tony placed his hand softly against my cheek and leaned towards me . I expected just a peck of a kiss but our lips met and he tenderly kissed me

My mind was in a whirl I didn’t want this moment to end but it did as our lips parted . It was a good job it was dark as my face must have been so red with embarrassment.. We both froze our faces inches apart , this was my first real kiss of passion from a boy. I was in shock surprise disbelief yet my body wanted to respond. Un-subconsciously I lent forward my lips gently brushing Tony’s waiting to feel his response. I didn’t have to wait long as almost instantaneously we were in the throws of a passionate kiss. The type you see and dream of in films , it seemed to last an hour , and when the kiss finally did stop we were both breathless

What had just happened ? OMG was all I could think of . The words I wanted just wouldn’t come out “See you tomorrow” was all I could think of as I rushed to get out of the car . Once inside of the house and rushed upstairs to my room not wanting my sister to see how red I was blushing. My heart was racing as I sat on my bed . I sat there and felt uncomfortable, it was then I realised my pants were absolutely soaking , a feeling I had never felt before without it being self induced.
That night for the first time I went to bed naked and bought myself off thinking of Tony.

The next day I was a wreck knowing Tony would be calling for me but unsure what that kiss meant
As the time for Tony’s arrival I got more and more worried. Then the door bell rang . I opened the door, Tony just held his hand out and said are you ready. I placed my hand in his and we walked hand in hand to the car. We drove out to woodland and started to walk hand in hand through the woods. Just generally chatting, but nothing being said about the kiss. we reached the edge of the lake and just looked . It was so big and very quiet . It was only then that Tony looked into my eyes and kissed me . It felt so wonderful and romantic as Tony took me in his arms and held me so tight . It was then did we start to talk about our real feelings

Tony told me how much he loved me but was afraid to take that first step as I was his first girl who he wanted as a girlfriend . And with a few blushes I told him how I had wanted him to kiss me from the first time I saw him. From that moment on we both knew we would spend our life together . But we also didn’t want sex to overtake our feelings so for the next couple of months we were inseparable but except for one occasion when tony touched my one breast all we did was kiss and make it obvious to everyone we were a couple

I should now tell you that Tony changed his car . He wasn’t rich so he bought an old car which had a column change gear leaver , which meant the front seat was one big leather bench seat right across the car ( not like new cars with individual seats ). This car allowed me to seat close to Tony when we went out . Sometimes we would be meeting up with friends and sometimes it was just us. However unlike a lot of our friends our relationship wasn’t based on sex

Then things changed , we went out one night to a pub and stayed to closing time . We were the last ones to leave , the pub had switched the outside lights off so the car park was in darkness . We both got in and I expected our normal loving kiss but this time there was something different . I think we both realised it . The kiss was more passionate and this time I felt Tony’s hand brushing my hair from my face as he moved closer to me . All of a sudden I felt hot and flushed and without being asked anything I instinctively said “I’m ready” Tony said “do you mean ? “ I didn’t reply I just took Tony’s hand from my face and placed it on my knee . Our kisses became more urgent as I felt Tony’s hand traced up the line of my leg until he stopped just short of my panties . “Are you sure” Tony asked. I reached to my side and unhooked the clasp on my skirt . It was a wrap over type so once unclasped Tony could just unwrap me . His hands now moved onto my panties ( Ho how I wish I had worn sexy ones ) Tony’s hand was gentle and felt warm. It was at this moment I lay back and arched my back so tony could pull my panties off .

At that exact moment I knew what I wanted and that things would never be the same . It took Tony a second or two to realise what I wanted and he fumbled to pull my panties down. I wriggled to the far end of the seat and I felt Tony’s finger gently touching my pussy . Its ok I told him put your fingers inside me . As I felt his fingers entered me it was all I had ever wanted, to feel penetrated but by someone other than my own fingers. Then something I wasn’t expecting . Tony was now kneeling in the driver’s footwell and was kissing my tummy as he fingered me. Then he moved down and I felt his tongue licking my pussy . He was very clumsy so I had to instruct him how and where to lick but he was quick to learn until---- big Shock I CAME . This was the first time other than when I brought myself off masturbating. The thing that flashed through my head was what did it taste or smell like ??? But I didn’t need to worry Tony must have liked it as he just kept on licking . I was so wrapped up in my thoughts and feelings after I came a second time Tony had managed to undo his jeans and kicked them off . At first I was disappointed when Tony stopped licking me but I felt better when he began to kiss and then suck in my breasts and nipples
( Which I must admit weren’t that big ) I could feel Tony’s chest against my tummy and then as Tony moved up higher to kiss me I felt his cock brushing against my now very wet pussy

I remember at that exact second thinking should I really be doing this . But I received my answer swiftly as I felt Tony’s cock gently entering my pussy . It felt so wonderful not too big not to small --- just right . We lay there not moving except for out heads as we kissed then gently Tony began to move slightly in and out . I was in heaven I was having sex with the person I loved and who loved just me. It was like a dream. Yet all too soon it was over. Within 5 minutes I felt Tony’s cock twitching inside me . It felt like a butterfly fluttering it wings inside me. Tony apologised as he realised he had cum inside me, and I suddenly realised we hadn’t used any protection . Needless to say we didn’t do much more that night but spent the next 3 weeks waiting for my period . Needless to say I went on the pill after that

After that first romantic time, sex became almost a nightly event . We both learnt and experimented The car became our passion wagon and Tony found it was just right to help him thrust into me using the door to launch each thrust

It was obvious from that first kiss that Tony and myself were meant to be and a year later we married and for the next 8 years we were both married and lovers and then we had our baby girl . She was the love of our lives

Like when most couples married and have children we changed our circle of friends and one such couple was Christine and Steve. Our friendship was based on mutual babysitting duties and of course we became very close. In becoming close our friend ship also became very open we could talk about anything and could flirt innocently with each other. Chris and Steve were lovely people, funny, sociable , yet discreet and truthful.

Over time our families grew up and we and we made other arrangements for babysitting as we all used to get invited to the same parties. It was at one such New Years Eve party that things started to develop.

We had been invited by another friend to a New Years Eve party and of course so had Chris and Steve. The drinks were free and the music was loud and as normal we mixed with all our friends as the night went on people began to dance to the loud music. I was in the kitchen and walked out into the lounge when I saw Tony Dancing with Christine , they were energetic full of fun and thoroughly enjoying themselves . It was then that the music changed to a smooch type For a second Tony and Christine stood there and then I saw Tony’s hand go around Christine’s waist and hers around Tony’s neck I watched them for a minute or so and then got distracted by someone . when I returned Tony had his hands lower on Christine’s bum and Christine how had her head on his shoulder still with her arms around his neck. At that moment I became confused watching them together made me feel strange was it anger at Tony or was it jealousy ??? Then I realised my skimpy pants I had on were getting that wonderful damp feeling … I was turned on !!!!!. The site of Tony and Christine together seemed so right yet what was I feeling wet for ??

It took me several days to realise what my feelings meant , but it wasn’t until I saw Christine again and I had that same dampness that I truly realised . Seeing Tony and Christine together at that party I wasn’t jealous of the attention Tony was giving Christine, it was the thought of the pleasure Christine would enjoy if Tony had sex with her and me wanting to be her at that moment.

This thought stayed in my mind for a week or two but then I had to tell Tony my feelings . It was then that Tony asked me why in my mind I wasn’t jealous of his flirting with Christine ? To reinforce his point he asked me how did I think he would feel if it were me and Steve flirting that night . I thought and said I would feel flattered that Steve was flirting with the thought of bedding me but that I could resist his attentions . We chatted on and then Tony asked why would you resist Steve’s attention, it was then that Tony admitted that knowing Steve would want to bed me turned him on . So here we were both turned on by the thought of our partners bedding our best friends. That night our sex seemed to be better than ever. And for several weeks our bedroom talk was cantered around our friends, Then one night as I went up to bed Tony was stood in the bedroom naked and I walked in fully clothed and Tony just said hello Christine Was it just a slip ? no because then Tony came over to me and kept calling me Christine so playing along with Tony I started acting shocked at his attentions and he after a little flirting started touching my breasts and kissing me . That night we roll-played what we had only previously imagined and Phew the sex was explosive . I didn’t realise how what’s in your mind could affect sex so much.
Well needless to say we roll played that scenario again and again sometimes with me as Christine and sometimes Tony as Steve and then we started to roll play other friends and scenarios

It was about 6 months later we started discussing what if the roll-play was in fact real . I think it was a shock that we were even talking about it, but talking eventually turned into a thought that then turned to a desire . It was then we agreed our marriage was so strong that maybe we could try swinging just once . However we didn’t think that Christine and Steve would be the right couple to experiment with so we looked at AFF. We met up with one couple from AFF who were obviously nothing like their profile so we walked away from the meet . It somewhat put us off but we thought we should try again . This time we were lucky !

The profile we decided upon was a younger couple than ourselves she admitting to being Bi Curious and He being straight. This time we chatted for a couple of weeks before we arranged a meeting which we decided should be at a Mc Donald’s

The day arrived and we set off . We arrived 10 minutes early and just sat there 10 minutes went by then 20 and just as we were thinking we had been stood up the door opened and in walked Mark and Sue. Mark was 6 foot and slim and handsome Sue was beautiful with a sizable chest measurement , which I noticed immediately caught Tony’s eye. After getting a coffee they came and sat by us. Sue seemed very quiet and Mark did all the talking we chatted for a time and seemed to get on quite well . Although their younger age played on my mind. But again it did dent seem to put them off so why should I worry.

It was then Tony asked them to come back to ours . I was shocked as it seemed that Tony had decided our next step for me . It was arranged that I would go back with Mark and Sue in their car to show them the way . I was sitting in the back with sue and I felt her knee touch mine and suddenly realised I was getting damp like I was when I saw Tony and Christine together . When we got back to our house there was an air of expectation which Tony fuelled by dishing out drinks.
We were all as horny as hell but nobody was confident enough to make a move .

It was at this time that I went upstairs to go to the toilet . When I came out Tony was waiting and pulled me into our bedroom where he said this isn’t working what shall we do ? We must have been missed as we then heard a “Hello” from downstairs as if someone was enquiring where we were. “ Up here” Tony called back. About 20 seconds later the door opened and in walked Mark and Sue. There was some small talk about how nice our bedroom was before there was a silence. Then someone said “well here we are !” in a semi enquiring way. I felt Tony’s hands on my hips and he began to kiss my neck from behind. I Looked at Sue who then looked at Mark and took his hand , she turned to kiss him. Watching them kiss passionately turned me on and I guess Tony too as he had stopped kissing me and was watching Mark and Sue.

Sue then broke the kiss and turned to look at me. She held her hand out and for some reason I responded by holding mine out too. We stood holding hands for a few seconds then Sue moved closer to me I was trembling with nerves , but for some reason I didn’t want to let go of Sue’s hand
As we both held hands I don’t know who made the first move but we were suddenly sat on the edge of the bed looking into each others eyes . “Are we ok “ sue asked but before I had chance to reply we were kissing . My first FF kiss. Why don’t u 2 get comfortable Mark suggested and it seemed so right for us both to fall backwards onto the bed . By now the kiss had been broken and we both just lay on the bed. Both Tony and Mark sat on the edge of the bed I don’t know what mark did but all of a sudden Tony was kissing me and then he was on top of me kissing me I could feel the bed moving next to me but couldn’t see what Mark and Sue was doing. It was then that I felt a hand on my leg which I knew wasn’t Tony’s as he was supporting himself above me on his elbows as he kissed me. I felt in panic as the hand rubbed up and down my leg each time going more underneath my skirt It was at this time I turned to look at Sue she was looking back at me and smiling I reached out my hand and found Sue’s waiting for mine we held hands tightly It was then Mark saw us holding hands and said to Tony “I think the ladies need a little space. Tony saw us holding hands and then almost at the same time they both got of the bed ( I Guess wanting to see some FF action) I looked at Sue for a second and she whispered “you have nice soft skin” It was then I realised that the hand that had been stroking my leg was Sue’s That thought turned me on, so I didn’t object when Sue leaned over and began kissing me .

Her kisses were so delicate soft and gentle and this time my pants weren’t just damp they were Soaking wet. I knew sue was Bi curious but didn’t think she would come onto me so strongly. After a minute or so our kisses had changed to passionate ones full on and it was me who was kissing Sue. The passion had overtaken me I was so used to Tony’s hands caressing me that I hadn’t realised that Sue had her hand under my skirt at the top of my leg. Then as she began to rub my pussy she softly whispered “I can see you like this let me take them off ( MY damp pants )
Using her thumbs and with some awkwardness Sue managed to push both my skirt and Pants down my leg and then I was conscious that someone else was removing them completely It was Tony and my only thought was that I was exposed for Mark to see, but then I realised Sue was wriggling and that Mark was removing her skirt and pants. Out of the corner of my eye I then saw mark he was naked and his cock was standing like a flagpole

Needless to say within minutes we were all naked, me and Sue in the throws of passion touching each other and kissing and Tony lay next to me caressing my breasts , with mark close up behind Sue doing something I couldn’t see. Then as my hand ran down Sue’s back it came upon Marks cock!!!! Without thinking I placed my hand around it, like I had done 1000 times with Tony’s
As I stroked it I could feel its heat and it getting harder and Sue noticed this too. I can’t remember who moved first but all of a sudden I was facing Mark with Sue laying against my back. Mark was kissing me with his cock pushing hard against my leg. Instinctively I had raised my one knee to allow mark access to my pussy, then as we kissed I felt him slowly slide inside me. We lay there looking into each others eyes. Then Sue who was laying against my back started pushing hard against me and I realised Tony was fucking her. It wasn’t long before we had both rolled onto our backs and we were both being fucked . It was so strange but after a few minutes Sue came and listening to her cum made me cum. As for the guys whey took us both in so many positions over the next 60 minutes until Mark came in me and Tony in sue . The guys relaxed to recover so Sue and myself went back to kissing and then I felt Sue pushing me down . I spent some time kissing Sue’s breasts and she was moaning . Again she pushed me lower

This was the first time I had seen another woman’s pussy up close and I wasn’t sure what she wanted until she pushed my head into her pussy..It was then that I instinctively put my tongue out and began licking her. It tasted so good, so familiar as I licked Tony’s cum from her. His taste was mixed with a sweetness of sues juices. As I lay kneeling over Sue I felt hands on my hips and then a cock slowly entered me . I realised it was Tony’s cock and he was going to fuck me with Marks cum in me. I hadn’t thought of this scenario when thinking of swopping and certainly not that I would be licking a woman’s pussy full of Tony’s cum

This made me so turned on that after Tony’s cock had only thrust in a few times and I Came and Came and came ….. . It was my first multiple orgasm I don’t know how many times I came but it was a good 5 minutes before I fully recovers from the pleasure it gave me. Tony admitted afterwards, that feeling my contractions waves in my pussy made him cum and milked every drop of cum from his cock

My multiple orgasm was so intense and draining that I couldn’t contribute to the rest of the evening I just lay there exhausted and let Sue use my body although she also gave me an orgasm when she licked my pussy, I did manage to suck off both Mark and Tony but Sue had most off the guys attention for the rest of the evening

Days later I reflected not only on that night, but back to the earlier years, when I felt jealous of Christine getting Tony’s attention when dancing, and although I love the attention of Mark fucking me I think it was the attraction of making love to another woman that led me to want to swing.

I think that most women when they are in their 20s/30s have a subconscious bi-curiosity but some never respond to it . With me it was dormant and just needed a tiny spark of opertunity to ignite it

But the most important thing is that getting together with Tony all those years ago wasn’t based initially on sex but on a slowly developing love for each other which now allows us to swing without jealousy. We both love each other so much that we accept that sex with others gives our partner pleasure and excitement outside of our love for each other

What do you guys think ?

Sorry this story is so long but it reflects our journey through life to get to where we are now

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