Sleeping with the boss for a better life


I'm Margaret 34 have 2 children, those I'm not married I live with Martin 59 single successful businessman. Who up and till 4 years ago hadn't any children or thought he might have any children of his own. He wasn't a ladies man and had put his first and then he met me. We were waiting for our flight, the plane had a problem and was being fixed. We were alone and started talking, the usual questions are you married and how many children. He said he wasn't married and I said the same and I was on my way to a job interview and had no plans as my life was in a rut. Martin said he had wanted children, but had left it to late. I said it's never too late and added I wanted children some day also. Anyway we got onto why we were travelling and I told him about my job interview. He then told me he owned the company and said he thought I would do well, but also gave me his card and told me to ring him if I missed out. Finally we got on the plane and got to our destination, he gave me a lift to my interview. I waited an hour and was then interviewed and then booked into a motel to await the results. I missed out has another person was more qualified, I was going to and see what I could find in the way of work. Martin's card fell out of my bag while I was looking for my phone. Seeing it I decided to ring him and he answered and I said it was Margaret and I had missed out on the job. He told me to come back the offices and asked for him and so I did. Nothing to lose and I turned up at the reception and told them I was to see Martin and showed his card. The receptionist asked did I have an appointment, I just said he told me to come here and ask for him. She made a call and I was taken to a private elevator and sent up to his office. A woman met me at the floor and I was taken straight to Martin. Elizabeth the office manager and I was told to wait in his office and she left. Short time later Martin came in and asked would I like to be his P A, as I was easy to talk too was his reason. He always had trouble just talking to women unless in work context. He didn't have the same problem with me and said he needed a P A to make things easier and travelling with a man didn't appeal to him. I accept and said I'll have to find a place to stay and he said he owned an apartment block and there was a spare apartment 2 floors below his, I said I don't I could afford an apartment in a building you would live in. He said don't worry call it part of your employment package, as it was near lunchtime he said would take me and get me settled in. He told Elizabeth on the way out to refer all meeting to some else that afternoon. We stop by picked up my things and then to the apartment, it was a 2 bedroom apartment and a fancier than anything else I've ever lived in. The Building manager show us in and Martin told I was his P A and the rent was booked to his office account. No papers to sign and card given to me for access, I was all set and then we went for lunch and then shopping to get clothes for my new job, I didn't have much before all in one large suitcase. He chose the style of dresses no pantsuits and let me get what underwear I wanted, he didn't look at any underwear in any of the shops. Then back to his office and showed me around and I was introduced to the other staff members and told to work thru Elizabeth with the other staff. Elizabeth looks like a old style stern teacher, someone who if they smiled their face would break. But she was very good at her job and we would get on very well, after several weeks I found out Martin was always busy and could why he needed a P A. During a trip away we would talk and he asked if I had found anyone yet I said. He told not to let it go to long or I wouldn't have any children like him. It clicked in my mind he really would like to be a father, but thought it was too late for him then. That stayed in my brain and about week later we were again talking waiting to catch a plane, I said you could still have children. He said I'm too old to find a wife, especially one young enough to have a child. I said you don't have to marry anyone, you could come to an arrangement. You mean get a mail order bride he said with a big grin on his face and I said no. find someone who wants a child also and you come to an arrangement, have a child either thru IVF or straight sex. He asked would you do do something like that, I was taken aback at first, I hadn't considered it that way myself. But I liked the idea and maybe I would, but will have to think on it a bit. He said when you make up your mind let me know and that's where it ended. I thought he was just teasing me, but later on I thought of it and decided it wasn't a bad idea. As long as you were both friendly there wasn't anything wrong with it and what's more no money would be needed just a mutual agreement. I was around him most days including Sundays for up to 14 hours a day, I hadn't seen him naked nor he seen me naked and I had always been in another room at hotels when we travelling. I made up my mind to tell him I was agreeable and see what happened. I waited until we were away again and told him I would be agreeable on a friend's basis and he at first was a little shocked. Mainly because he didn't think anyone would do such a thing, but once he realized I was serious he also warmed to the idea. We made some simple rules first was no money involved and the best interest of the children. Then we slept together regularly until I got pregnant and after I ween the baby we started again. Now we have two babies.
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