The Community Part IV, Zoo Porn Star
Winter Falcon 1979
Benji stirred slightly then resumed his nap as Gina stroked his head. She slowed to make the turn onto the country road leading to Mohammed and Angela’s farm, then resumed her petting. A lot had happened in the last 12 months since she first visited the farm. Angela and her husband had produced two sets of raw video footage of her in action with their animals which were sold to a Scandinavian zoo production company. The videos were well received, and a Russian-based company was interested in putting Gina under contract. This was the day she was meeting with their representatives at the farm.
Angela was waiting in the front yard as Gina pulled her pick up truck into the drive. She parked behind a black Mercedes SUV, and thought to herself, “They’re here.”
Angela greeted her friend with a hug as Gina got out of the truck, then leaned down to greet Benji, “There’s my are you Benji; did you miss me?”
Benji responded by jumping up at her and licking her face.
“Gina, the guys from Moscow are here...been here for about an hour. They’re anxious to meet you...been asking a lot of questions, so are you ready for this?”
Gina nodded, “Yep...didn’t sleep much last night, so what’s going to happen today?”
“We’ll start out with some snacks in the living will be an informal interview. They are interested in how you might come off to their customers and clients as a model. Just relax, be yourself, you’ll do just fine. You got looks, education, personality, and that Asian thing. They’ll love you.”
“After the interview, they may want to see you do your thing with Benji. They were very interested when I told them your story about how you got into the zoo lifestyle, and they wanted to see you with Benji. They also saw the footage of you with Sampson...they were impressed that you were able to handle him like you did.”
Gina laughed, “Me handle Sampson? That’s is twice my size, and he fucked my brains out.”
Angela nodded in agreement, “That he did. So anyway, they brought an Anatolian Shepherd with them. Are you familiar with the breed?”
“Yeah, I am...big and strong. Will I be doing him?”
Angela smiled, “Yes, I think that’s the game plan. He’s a big, friendly dog. I’ve seen some of his work, gets right to jumping around or hesitation, big cock, big knot. They brought production equipment with’em, so if this goes well they’ll want to see you and him; dog’s name is Boris.”
Gina nodded, “Not a problem….Benji won’t like it though. He didn’t like it when he watched me make the video with the Weimaraner.”
I didn’t like it much either. We don’t use Max anymore...too skittish, and he is a scratcher. Well let's go introduce you to the Russians.
Gina and Benji followed Angela through the house and into the media room. The Russians were seated at the bar with Mohammed, and turned and got up as the girls entered the room.
Angela led Gina over to where they were standing, “Gina, allow me to introduce Viktor and Yuri from Russian Bear Productions.”
Gina smiled and offered her hand, first to Viktor, then to Yuri who put her hand to his lips and gave her a gentle kiss, “No Gina, the pleasure is all ours. We’ve heard so much about you, and you are every bit as pretty as we...,no, even more pretty in person. You are exquisite.”
Viktor was a big man, well over 6 feet tall, and muscular. He was casually dressed, tan slacks, and a white polo shirt. His head was shaved and his arms were heavily tattooed. Yuri was average size and thin. He had black, shoulder length hair, and a mustache and goatee...kinda resembled the actor, Charles Bronson, like he had Asian blood. He was wearing gray slacks and a black sports jacket. Gina noticed he was wearing an expensive Cartier watch.
“Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure, and this is my Benji.”
Yuri nodded toward Benji, and Viktor offered Benji his hand, then, upon passing the scent test, knelt down to pet him...running his hand down the dog’s forelegs and along his neck, back, and shoulders. “He’s a fine animal, good musculature and coat. You take good care of him.”
“Yes, sure do. I also have his son. Junior is 13 months old.”
Viktor nodded, “Nice,” then motioned to the sofa, “Perhaps we could chat for a bit...we can get to know you, and you can get to know us. I’m sure you have lots of questions, and we have some too.”
Mohammed and Angela remained at the bar while Viktor and Yuri sat down on the sofa. Gina took the recliner, with Benji at her feet. Out of habit, she kicked off her sandals and began to run her bare feet along his side. Viktor noticed, and said something in Russian to Yuri who smiled and nodded.
Sensing Gina was wondering what was said, Viktor gestured to her feet, “I was just commenting on your pedicure...very nice, and very much in character for you; the way your individual toenails are tapered to appear claw like, and I like the ivory color.”
Gina smiled and flexed her toes, “Thanks Yuri. I had it done special just for today.” She extended her hand, “See, my fingernails match too.”
Viktor nodded, “Yes, they do, and by the way, I’m Viktor; he’s Yuri. I’m the big, strong, handsome guy.”
Yuri rolled his eyes and Gina laughed, “Oh, I’m sorry...just a little nervous today.”
Viktor was reassuring, “Oh no, no reason to be nervous. I must say we are both impressed with what we’ve seen of you so far. You are beautiful woman, and we have seen some of your raw video footage...very nice, you are good with the dogs. Angela and Mo tell us you’re very eager to establish yourself as a professional zoo model. We are here to make that happen. Angela told us how you first became involved with your Benji. Such an interesting story. I think might be very common experience you share with other models, first the tongue, then one thing leads to another?”
Gina smiled, “That first time was wonderful. No question, I was hooked.”
Viktor nodded, “Yes, it can be addicting. We may want to recreate that first time in a video, you know...with the first time you let him lick you to orgasm while you were sunbathing, and then the night he took your zoo virginity.”
Yuri glanced at Viktor, then asked, “How does your husband feel about what you want to do?”
“Well, to be honest, he doesn’t know, and I think it’s best to keep him in the dark about this for now. He works for the government and has a security clearance. I don’t think he wants to know. I understand you can do things to protect my identity, and I am a teacher, so I can report the extra income as consulting fees. He is supportive of my sexual attraction and relations with Benji, and he made those videos you’ve seen.
Viktor nodded in agreement, “Yes, that will work for now, but he will eventually find out about you. Undoubtedly he has gone online to look at some of the sites that show our kind of productions, and he will see you one day. You have to be prepared for that. How do you think he will react?”
Gina shrugged, “I don’t know for sure, but I think it will be a big turn on for him. Our sex life is great.
At this point, Mohammed excused himself into the conversation, “Pardon me, but I have a suggestion...after your first videos are finished, approach Tom with a letter from Russian Bear offering you an opportunity to work for them as a zoo model. You can tell him that you shared some of the stuff you guys did with Angela, and she reached out to Viktor and Yuri on your behalf. See how he handles that. I’m betting he will give you his blessing.
Viktor nodded, “Yes, that might work. Of course we can give you a letter and a small check, say $1,000 to show we are serious. Do you have a good marriage?”
Gina nodded, “Yes, definitely, and he is totally supportive of me and my thing for dogs. In fact we’ve looked at zoo porn together, and discussed me trying sex with other breeds...especially the larger breeds, like Sampson.”
Yuri glanced at Viktor, then cleared his throat, “I’m curious as to whether you have had extra-marital affairs or if you and Tom have ever engaged with other couples.”
The question was somewhat embarrassing, and Gina blushed, “Yes, we have. I’ve had sex with Mohammed and Angela on several occasions that Tom doesn’t know about, and I enjoyed it,” Gina paused and, smiling at Angela and Mohammed, added, “Enjoyed it a lot. Anyway, I started watching interracial porn with Tom and asked him once if he ever imagined me with a black guy. He said he did, and that night he pretended to be a black co-worker of his who he knew I like when we fucked. It was pretty hot. Next thing I know, Tom invites the guy to the house for dinner, we all got a little drunk, and ended up in our hot tub together. At first it was just a lot of joking and “truth or dare.” Robert, that’s Tom’s friend’s name, asked me if I ever had sex with a black man, and I said, “Dare, dare, dare.” That’s how they got my top off. We were doing tequila shooters, and grabbing which led to fucking.”
Everyone laughed, and Angela said, “Oh you little slut.”
Yuri asked, “Just that one time?”
Gina shook her head, “No, he is a regular part of our sex life now. In fact, he stayed with me for a week, at Tom’s urging, when Tom had to go to Washington, DC for meetings.”
Viktor said something to Yuri in Russian, then turned to Gina, “That’s good, very good. He likes to see you with his friend, so he probably won’t object to you working with us. Mohammed is right. We’ll give you a letter to show him when the time comes.”
Yuri cleared his throat, “So anyway Gina, we have a bit of a surprise for you, we brought our Anatolian Shepherd, Boris, with us. If it’s okay, we would like to introduce you to him. So you know, he is a very experienced performer...really bonds with our models. You can see his protective nature in his work. Would you like to meet him?”
Gina smiled, “Yes, Angela told me about Boris. I would like to meet him.”
Yuri glanced at his watch and stood up and nodded to Mohammed, “Perhaps we could go to your studio now? Gina, are you ready for this?”
Gina nodded, “Yeah, I’m ready...just let me use the bathroom; I’ll meet you there. Angela, could you take Benji for me?”
“Sure girlfriend...let me know if you need anything.”
Gina watched the four of them with Benji file out before entering the guest bathroom.
She got undressed and used the toilet. As she was on her way out, she paused to check herself in the mirror. She had been tanning in the nude all summer and her olive complexion was now golden brown. At Angela’s urging, she had visited an aesthetician and had her genitals waxed, and she was completely hairless. The nude sunbathing really darkened her genitals...almost black. She ran her fingers down her clitoris and vagina and felt herself; she was already moistening and her labia were swollen and wet with anticipation. She had not bathed for 48 hours and was giving off a musky scent...on top of that, she was ovulating, perfect for what was going to happen.
Before Gina left the bathroom, she let her long hair down and brushed it, removed all her jewelry, put her panties back on, then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders. As she walked into the studio, she saw the Russians had moved a circular divan to the center of the room and draped it with a white sheet. The cameras and lighting equipment had been set up.
As Gina was walking onto the set, Angela and Mo entered with Boris. He was fawn colored and big, taller at the shoulders than Sampson, and appeared heavier, with thickly muscled hind legs and an intimidating black mask. The dog immediately noticed Gina and began to strain on his leash, seeming to know he was to mate with her. Gina suddenly felt self conscious, covering her right foot with her left and cupping her breasts with her hands.
Yuri motioned Gina to join them at the divan, “My, you are lovely, athletic body...perfect for our work. So, this camera is for the side shot, probably the most frequent footage in any video we do.” He pointed to two small circles on the sheet These marks are where you want to place your knees when the dog mounts you and begins to fuck. If he pushes you off your mark, don’t worry, we can reposition. Once he starts to penetrate you, we will put a small camera between your legs to capture the knotting, pull out, and flow shots. It’s important to try to stay on your mark for this because these are the money shots. Again, if you get pushed off, we can always reposition the camera.”
Viktor showed Gina a small hand held camera, “I’ll be moving around with this getting the front shot, your face and the dog’s, the back shots, that’s showing his balls as he’s on your ass, licking and humping. If you can, play with his balls when he’s fucck you...he’s got big balls, like eggs….looks sexy. I’ll also capture when you suck his cock when he’s finished with you. This animal likes to have the woman use her mouth on him when he’s through. So, shall we get started?”
Gina nodded and drew a deep breath, “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Viktor handed her a blue evening gown, “Here, take off your panties and put this on.”
Gina removed her panties and held the gown up, It was a cheap, polyester garment with fake rhinestones. When she put it on she realized it was slit up to mid thigh on the right side. Viktor gave her a pair of black stilettos, but they were at least a size and a half too big when she put them on.
Viktor shook his head, “Okay, don’t try to walk in those. We’ll open the scene with the animal at the divan, you’ll just be standing there watching him. Step out of the shoes, take off the gown, walk to the bed, and tease him. Push him away when he comes at you. Let him lick your ass and then turn on him...maybe dance a little, push him away again. We will give you direction when we have to, but when the time comes, get on your marks and let him mount you. When you present to him, look over your shoulder, stick that ass and pussy out, and spank your ass.”
Gina nodded and glanced over at Angela. Yuri was with the dog and petted him as he held her panties to Boris’s nose. Yuri positioned the dog, and Viktor said, “Okay, we’re rolling.
Gina got undressed and approached the divan, but the dog went right for her. Unlike other dogs, he was methodical. When Gina pushed him away the first time, he dodged her and spun around quickly coming up behind her with his nose in her ass. She squealed as she felt his thick, rough tongue on her ass and turned to face him.
Boris was up on his hind legs now, with his forepaws on her shoulders while he licked her face. He was extremely powerful and turned her, placing one paw on her shoulder and the other around her waist, forcing her to her knees.
Gina to turn away from him, but with a paw on her shoulder, the dog roughly guided her into a position of submission. As she gave in and presented to him, he began to lick her sex.
Glancing back, Gina saw the red tip of his penis emerging from its sheath, so she started to creep to her mark. The dog was eager to mount though and he was holding her tightly around the waist. With a huge effort, Gina ducked under him as he tried to penetrate her and got away. This brought out a sharp bark and growl as Boris pursued her to the mark.
Gina knelt before him and tried to push him away, but he drove her onto her back. With his snout, neck, and shoulders, he rolled her onto her belly, then planted a paw in the small of her back, pinning her to the floor. She opened her legs for him as he resumed his tongue work.
Boris was roughing Gina up pretty good, and she was tiring from dealing with his strength and body weight. She got on her mark assuming a position on all fours as the dog began thrusting. He quickly found her orifice, entered her, and began a frenetic pounding. She could feel his cock swelling inside her as the knot began to form...he was definitely bigger than any other animal she had fucked, and soon he was filling her with his hot semen. It was gushing right up against her cervix, and she could feel his knot throb with each spurt.
Soon Boris was completely knotted inside of Gina, but his cock continued to thicken as was the knot. It was stretching her well worn hymen like never before. Both forelegs were around her waist, and his paws were seemingly clutching her pussy...she could feel the soft pads of his toes against her clitoris. As his knot pressed down on her g-spot, her entire body began to twitch, and she started emitting low pitched moans.
The ejaculate was beginning to leak out of her as the dog kept cumming...suddenly, almost without warning, she began to climax as an intense orgasm enveloped her. As she began to thrash and shudder, Boris held her tighter. She was helpless under his huge body, a mere fuck toy for a muscular beast.
Out of the corner of her eye Gina could see Benji who was watching with interest. They made eye contact, and he let out a short bark and tried to approach her, but Angela held him back.
Boris stopped his thrusting, but continued to hold Gina tightly. His big head was forward of her own as he panted, and she reached around with her left arm and tried to stroke his neck, but he was too heavy, and she collapsed under him. Pushing herself back up to all fours, she reached back and grasped Boris’s testicals, fondling his furred scrotum and the root of his cock for a moment...he was big and his ejaculate was starting to leak out of her well stretched pussy.
Two minutes passed and Gina moaned softly as the dog’s cock remained in side of her. His ejaculations had slowed, but there was still an occasional spurt. Suddenly, without warning, Boris stepped over Gina with his left hind leg, causing her to cry out,
“Oh fuck, fuck, that hurt.”
Boris faced away from her and tried to pull out, causing Gina to scream again, but though he was shrinking, her vagina still had his knot trapped. Yuri repositioned the flow camera and whispered to her,
“Beautiful won’t be long now. Remember to take his cock in your mouth as quick as you can after we capture the flow shot.”
Gina nodded, and as soon as Yuri cleared the shot, Boris pulled out with an audible plopping sound. He turned and began to lick her ass as his sperm spilled out of her, puddling on the sheet. On cue, Gina assumed a position on her back between Boris’s hind legs and began to suck his big cock. When Boris reciprocated by licking her sex, Gina dug her heels into his shoulders and raised her ass, thrusting into his tongue. She was still into it, and about to climax again, when Boris, still panting heavily, had had enough and stepped away, retreating to a corner to lick himself.
Gina remained on her spot, exhausted, stroking her genitals with one hand and her breasts with the other. Yuri continued to focus the camera on her until Viktor called, “Cut.”
There was a short applause from Angela and Mohammed, and Viktor helped Gina to her feet. More dog cum leaked out of her when she stood and ran down her thighs. Angela handed her a damp hand towel, “Here, get cleaned up.”
Viktor and Yuri were excited, “Great work, that was fabulous...we will produce that, and it will make some money for all of us…very professionally done for your first time. So how was it for you?”
Gina nodded and laughed, “That was really far out. There were times I was actually thinking, ‘I belong to him, like I was his death do us part. When can we fuck again?”
Benji joined the group and began sniffing and licking at Gina who was still naked. She knelt down and kissed Benji, “Oh, poor Benji...I’m sorry; I know you’re jealous. You’re still my best lover.”
Benji responded with a short yelp and licked her face, but he was horny. Watching his mistress fucking that strange dog put a sense of urgency into him...he needed to seed her and began to get at her ass.
Viktor said something to Yuri in Russian, and then asked Gina, “Do you think you can have sex with Benji?” I was thinking perhaps we could have him fuck you missionary style. How are you feeling down there?”
Gina brightened up, “Yeah, I’m a little bit sore, but I want more. I was about to orgasm again when Boris stopped giving me head and walked away…kinda pissed me off.”
“Very good you need a break?”
“No, let’s do this.”
Angela changed the sheet, then put on some soft rock music. She held Benji’s collar while Gina began to dance for him. Turning away, she began to rotate her hips and spreading herself, exposing her genitals and anus.
Angela released Benji and he went right for Gina who squealed when Benji’s cold, wet nose and rough tongue hit her sex. She laid down on the divan and spread her legs wide, and moaned as she held herself open for him by grasping her big toes.
Benji spent several minutes licking the scent of the other dog off of his mistress before attempting to mount. Gina guided his penis into her vagina and sobbed softly as he began to fuck her raw, swollen cunt. Once he was fully inside her, she tried to relax and wrapped her legs around Benji’s torso, locking her feet together as they fucked.
Benji’s knot was beginning to form when he slipped out of Gina, but before she could guide him back in, she felt the tip of his cock against her anus. She began to resist this unplanned assault on her virgin hole, but the more she struggled, the deeper his cock went into her. She was shrieking as his growing knot began to stretch her anal sphincter muscles.
Finally, Benji’s penis was fully seated in Gina’s ass and his knot was pulsating as his sperm shot deep into her rectum. Viktor and Yuri worked at positioning and repositioning their cameras to best capture the action. For Gina’s part, she remained on her back with her legs wrapped around Benji. She masturbated while his cock was in her ass, and soon another intense orgasm swept over her. Ignoring the pain and discomfort, Gina forced her pelvis into Benji’s spurting cock, crying out in sexual ecstacy.
Totally spent, Gina relaxed, stroking Benji’s coat with her small feet. When his knot subsided, he slipped out of her anus, and she let out a series of wet, gurgling farts as his semen leaked out of her. When Angela approached her with another wet towel, Gina sat up, “Wow, just wow….I knew I was going to give up that cherry someday, but this was embarrassing after he finished with me.”
Yuri laughed, “Happens all the time, and that stuff sells.” Get cleaned up, and we’ve got some contracts for you to sign.”
Angela was waiting in the front yard as Gina pulled her pick up truck into the drive. She parked behind a black Mercedes SUV, and thought to herself, “They’re here.”
Angela greeted her friend with a hug as Gina got out of the truck, then leaned down to greet Benji, “There’s my are you Benji; did you miss me?”
Benji responded by jumping up at her and licking her face.
“Gina, the guys from Moscow are here...been here for about an hour. They’re anxious to meet you...been asking a lot of questions, so are you ready for this?”
Gina nodded, “Yep...didn’t sleep much last night, so what’s going to happen today?”
“We’ll start out with some snacks in the living will be an informal interview. They are interested in how you might come off to their customers and clients as a model. Just relax, be yourself, you’ll do just fine. You got looks, education, personality, and that Asian thing. They’ll love you.”
“After the interview, they may want to see you do your thing with Benji. They were very interested when I told them your story about how you got into the zoo lifestyle, and they wanted to see you with Benji. They also saw the footage of you with Sampson...they were impressed that you were able to handle him like you did.”
Gina laughed, “Me handle Sampson? That’s is twice my size, and he fucked my brains out.”
Angela nodded in agreement, “That he did. So anyway, they brought an Anatolian Shepherd with them. Are you familiar with the breed?”
“Yeah, I am...big and strong. Will I be doing him?”
Angela smiled, “Yes, I think that’s the game plan. He’s a big, friendly dog. I’ve seen some of his work, gets right to jumping around or hesitation, big cock, big knot. They brought production equipment with’em, so if this goes well they’ll want to see you and him; dog’s name is Boris.”
Gina nodded, “Not a problem….Benji won’t like it though. He didn’t like it when he watched me make the video with the Weimaraner.”
I didn’t like it much either. We don’t use Max anymore...too skittish, and he is a scratcher. Well let's go introduce you to the Russians.
Gina and Benji followed Angela through the house and into the media room. The Russians were seated at the bar with Mohammed, and turned and got up as the girls entered the room.
Angela led Gina over to where they were standing, “Gina, allow me to introduce Viktor and Yuri from Russian Bear Productions.”
Gina smiled and offered her hand, first to Viktor, then to Yuri who put her hand to his lips and gave her a gentle kiss, “No Gina, the pleasure is all ours. We’ve heard so much about you, and you are every bit as pretty as we...,no, even more pretty in person. You are exquisite.”
Viktor was a big man, well over 6 feet tall, and muscular. He was casually dressed, tan slacks, and a white polo shirt. His head was shaved and his arms were heavily tattooed. Yuri was average size and thin. He had black, shoulder length hair, and a mustache and goatee...kinda resembled the actor, Charles Bronson, like he had Asian blood. He was wearing gray slacks and a black sports jacket. Gina noticed he was wearing an expensive Cartier watch.
“Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure, and this is my Benji.”
Yuri nodded toward Benji, and Viktor offered Benji his hand, then, upon passing the scent test, knelt down to pet him...running his hand down the dog’s forelegs and along his neck, back, and shoulders. “He’s a fine animal, good musculature and coat. You take good care of him.”
“Yes, sure do. I also have his son. Junior is 13 months old.”
Viktor nodded, “Nice,” then motioned to the sofa, “Perhaps we could chat for a bit...we can get to know you, and you can get to know us. I’m sure you have lots of questions, and we have some too.”
Mohammed and Angela remained at the bar while Viktor and Yuri sat down on the sofa. Gina took the recliner, with Benji at her feet. Out of habit, she kicked off her sandals and began to run her bare feet along his side. Viktor noticed, and said something in Russian to Yuri who smiled and nodded.
Sensing Gina was wondering what was said, Viktor gestured to her feet, “I was just commenting on your pedicure...very nice, and very much in character for you; the way your individual toenails are tapered to appear claw like, and I like the ivory color.”
Gina smiled and flexed her toes, “Thanks Yuri. I had it done special just for today.” She extended her hand, “See, my fingernails match too.”
Viktor nodded, “Yes, they do, and by the way, I’m Viktor; he’s Yuri. I’m the big, strong, handsome guy.”
Yuri rolled his eyes and Gina laughed, “Oh, I’m sorry...just a little nervous today.”
Viktor was reassuring, “Oh no, no reason to be nervous. I must say we are both impressed with what we’ve seen of you so far. You are beautiful woman, and we have seen some of your raw video footage...very nice, you are good with the dogs. Angela and Mo tell us you’re very eager to establish yourself as a professional zoo model. We are here to make that happen. Angela told us how you first became involved with your Benji. Such an interesting story. I think might be very common experience you share with other models, first the tongue, then one thing leads to another?”
Gina smiled, “That first time was wonderful. No question, I was hooked.”
Viktor nodded, “Yes, it can be addicting. We may want to recreate that first time in a video, you know...with the first time you let him lick you to orgasm while you were sunbathing, and then the night he took your zoo virginity.”
Yuri glanced at Viktor, then asked, “How does your husband feel about what you want to do?”
“Well, to be honest, he doesn’t know, and I think it’s best to keep him in the dark about this for now. He works for the government and has a security clearance. I don’t think he wants to know. I understand you can do things to protect my identity, and I am a teacher, so I can report the extra income as consulting fees. He is supportive of my sexual attraction and relations with Benji, and he made those videos you’ve seen.
Viktor nodded in agreement, “Yes, that will work for now, but he will eventually find out about you. Undoubtedly he has gone online to look at some of the sites that show our kind of productions, and he will see you one day. You have to be prepared for that. How do you think he will react?”
Gina shrugged, “I don’t know for sure, but I think it will be a big turn on for him. Our sex life is great.
At this point, Mohammed excused himself into the conversation, “Pardon me, but I have a suggestion...after your first videos are finished, approach Tom with a letter from Russian Bear offering you an opportunity to work for them as a zoo model. You can tell him that you shared some of the stuff you guys did with Angela, and she reached out to Viktor and Yuri on your behalf. See how he handles that. I’m betting he will give you his blessing.
Viktor nodded, “Yes, that might work. Of course we can give you a letter and a small check, say $1,000 to show we are serious. Do you have a good marriage?”
Gina nodded, “Yes, definitely, and he is totally supportive of me and my thing for dogs. In fact we’ve looked at zoo porn together, and discussed me trying sex with other breeds...especially the larger breeds, like Sampson.”
Yuri glanced at Viktor, then cleared his throat, “I’m curious as to whether you have had extra-marital affairs or if you and Tom have ever engaged with other couples.”
The question was somewhat embarrassing, and Gina blushed, “Yes, we have. I’ve had sex with Mohammed and Angela on several occasions that Tom doesn’t know about, and I enjoyed it,” Gina paused and, smiling at Angela and Mohammed, added, “Enjoyed it a lot. Anyway, I started watching interracial porn with Tom and asked him once if he ever imagined me with a black guy. He said he did, and that night he pretended to be a black co-worker of his who he knew I like when we fucked. It was pretty hot. Next thing I know, Tom invites the guy to the house for dinner, we all got a little drunk, and ended up in our hot tub together. At first it was just a lot of joking and “truth or dare.” Robert, that’s Tom’s friend’s name, asked me if I ever had sex with a black man, and I said, “Dare, dare, dare.” That’s how they got my top off. We were doing tequila shooters, and grabbing which led to fucking.”
Everyone laughed, and Angela said, “Oh you little slut.”
Yuri asked, “Just that one time?”
Gina shook her head, “No, he is a regular part of our sex life now. In fact, he stayed with me for a week, at Tom’s urging, when Tom had to go to Washington, DC for meetings.”
Viktor said something to Yuri in Russian, then turned to Gina, “That’s good, very good. He likes to see you with his friend, so he probably won’t object to you working with us. Mohammed is right. We’ll give you a letter to show him when the time comes.”
Yuri cleared his throat, “So anyway Gina, we have a bit of a surprise for you, we brought our Anatolian Shepherd, Boris, with us. If it’s okay, we would like to introduce you to him. So you know, he is a very experienced performer...really bonds with our models. You can see his protective nature in his work. Would you like to meet him?”
Gina smiled, “Yes, Angela told me about Boris. I would like to meet him.”
Yuri glanced at his watch and stood up and nodded to Mohammed, “Perhaps we could go to your studio now? Gina, are you ready for this?”
Gina nodded, “Yeah, I’m ready...just let me use the bathroom; I’ll meet you there. Angela, could you take Benji for me?”
“Sure girlfriend...let me know if you need anything.”
Gina watched the four of them with Benji file out before entering the guest bathroom.
She got undressed and used the toilet. As she was on her way out, she paused to check herself in the mirror. She had been tanning in the nude all summer and her olive complexion was now golden brown. At Angela’s urging, she had visited an aesthetician and had her genitals waxed, and she was completely hairless. The nude sunbathing really darkened her genitals...almost black. She ran her fingers down her clitoris and vagina and felt herself; she was already moistening and her labia were swollen and wet with anticipation. She had not bathed for 48 hours and was giving off a musky scent...on top of that, she was ovulating, perfect for what was going to happen.
Before Gina left the bathroom, she let her long hair down and brushed it, removed all her jewelry, put her panties back on, then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders. As she walked into the studio, she saw the Russians had moved a circular divan to the center of the room and draped it with a white sheet. The cameras and lighting equipment had been set up.
As Gina was walking onto the set, Angela and Mo entered with Boris. He was fawn colored and big, taller at the shoulders than Sampson, and appeared heavier, with thickly muscled hind legs and an intimidating black mask. The dog immediately noticed Gina and began to strain on his leash, seeming to know he was to mate with her. Gina suddenly felt self conscious, covering her right foot with her left and cupping her breasts with her hands.
Yuri motioned Gina to join them at the divan, “My, you are lovely, athletic body...perfect for our work. So, this camera is for the side shot, probably the most frequent footage in any video we do.” He pointed to two small circles on the sheet These marks are where you want to place your knees when the dog mounts you and begins to fuck. If he pushes you off your mark, don’t worry, we can reposition. Once he starts to penetrate you, we will put a small camera between your legs to capture the knotting, pull out, and flow shots. It’s important to try to stay on your mark for this because these are the money shots. Again, if you get pushed off, we can always reposition the camera.”
Viktor showed Gina a small hand held camera, “I’ll be moving around with this getting the front shot, your face and the dog’s, the back shots, that’s showing his balls as he’s on your ass, licking and humping. If you can, play with his balls when he’s fucck you...he’s got big balls, like eggs….looks sexy. I’ll also capture when you suck his cock when he’s finished with you. This animal likes to have the woman use her mouth on him when he’s through. So, shall we get started?”
Gina nodded and drew a deep breath, “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Viktor handed her a blue evening gown, “Here, take off your panties and put this on.”
Gina removed her panties and held the gown up, It was a cheap, polyester garment with fake rhinestones. When she put it on she realized it was slit up to mid thigh on the right side. Viktor gave her a pair of black stilettos, but they were at least a size and a half too big when she put them on.
Viktor shook his head, “Okay, don’t try to walk in those. We’ll open the scene with the animal at the divan, you’ll just be standing there watching him. Step out of the shoes, take off the gown, walk to the bed, and tease him. Push him away when he comes at you. Let him lick your ass and then turn on him...maybe dance a little, push him away again. We will give you direction when we have to, but when the time comes, get on your marks and let him mount you. When you present to him, look over your shoulder, stick that ass and pussy out, and spank your ass.”
Gina nodded and glanced over at Angela. Yuri was with the dog and petted him as he held her panties to Boris’s nose. Yuri positioned the dog, and Viktor said, “Okay, we’re rolling.
Gina got undressed and approached the divan, but the dog went right for her. Unlike other dogs, he was methodical. When Gina pushed him away the first time, he dodged her and spun around quickly coming up behind her with his nose in her ass. She squealed as she felt his thick, rough tongue on her ass and turned to face him.
Boris was up on his hind legs now, with his forepaws on her shoulders while he licked her face. He was extremely powerful and turned her, placing one paw on her shoulder and the other around her waist, forcing her to her knees.
Gina to turn away from him, but with a paw on her shoulder, the dog roughly guided her into a position of submission. As she gave in and presented to him, he began to lick her sex.
Glancing back, Gina saw the red tip of his penis emerging from its sheath, so she started to creep to her mark. The dog was eager to mount though and he was holding her tightly around the waist. With a huge effort, Gina ducked under him as he tried to penetrate her and got away. This brought out a sharp bark and growl as Boris pursued her to the mark.
Gina knelt before him and tried to push him away, but he drove her onto her back. With his snout, neck, and shoulders, he rolled her onto her belly, then planted a paw in the small of her back, pinning her to the floor. She opened her legs for him as he resumed his tongue work.
Boris was roughing Gina up pretty good, and she was tiring from dealing with his strength and body weight. She got on her mark assuming a position on all fours as the dog began thrusting. He quickly found her orifice, entered her, and began a frenetic pounding. She could feel his cock swelling inside her as the knot began to form...he was definitely bigger than any other animal she had fucked, and soon he was filling her with his hot semen. It was gushing right up against her cervix, and she could feel his knot throb with each spurt.
Soon Boris was completely knotted inside of Gina, but his cock continued to thicken as was the knot. It was stretching her well worn hymen like never before. Both forelegs were around her waist, and his paws were seemingly clutching her pussy...she could feel the soft pads of his toes against her clitoris. As his knot pressed down on her g-spot, her entire body began to twitch, and she started emitting low pitched moans.
The ejaculate was beginning to leak out of her as the dog kept cumming...suddenly, almost without warning, she began to climax as an intense orgasm enveloped her. As she began to thrash and shudder, Boris held her tighter. She was helpless under his huge body, a mere fuck toy for a muscular beast.
Out of the corner of her eye Gina could see Benji who was watching with interest. They made eye contact, and he let out a short bark and tried to approach her, but Angela held him back.
Boris stopped his thrusting, but continued to hold Gina tightly. His big head was forward of her own as he panted, and she reached around with her left arm and tried to stroke his neck, but he was too heavy, and she collapsed under him. Pushing herself back up to all fours, she reached back and grasped Boris’s testicals, fondling his furred scrotum and the root of his cock for a moment...he was big and his ejaculate was starting to leak out of her well stretched pussy.
Two minutes passed and Gina moaned softly as the dog’s cock remained in side of her. His ejaculations had slowed, but there was still an occasional spurt. Suddenly, without warning, Boris stepped over Gina with his left hind leg, causing her to cry out,
“Oh fuck, fuck, that hurt.”
Boris faced away from her and tried to pull out, causing Gina to scream again, but though he was shrinking, her vagina still had his knot trapped. Yuri repositioned the flow camera and whispered to her,
“Beautiful won’t be long now. Remember to take his cock in your mouth as quick as you can after we capture the flow shot.”
Gina nodded, and as soon as Yuri cleared the shot, Boris pulled out with an audible plopping sound. He turned and began to lick her ass as his sperm spilled out of her, puddling on the sheet. On cue, Gina assumed a position on her back between Boris’s hind legs and began to suck his big cock. When Boris reciprocated by licking her sex, Gina dug her heels into his shoulders and raised her ass, thrusting into his tongue. She was still into it, and about to climax again, when Boris, still panting heavily, had had enough and stepped away, retreating to a corner to lick himself.
Gina remained on her spot, exhausted, stroking her genitals with one hand and her breasts with the other. Yuri continued to focus the camera on her until Viktor called, “Cut.”
There was a short applause from Angela and Mohammed, and Viktor helped Gina to her feet. More dog cum leaked out of her when she stood and ran down her thighs. Angela handed her a damp hand towel, “Here, get cleaned up.”
Viktor and Yuri were excited, “Great work, that was fabulous...we will produce that, and it will make some money for all of us…very professionally done for your first time. So how was it for you?”
Gina nodded and laughed, “That was really far out. There were times I was actually thinking, ‘I belong to him, like I was his death do us part. When can we fuck again?”
Benji joined the group and began sniffing and licking at Gina who was still naked. She knelt down and kissed Benji, “Oh, poor Benji...I’m sorry; I know you’re jealous. You’re still my best lover.”
Benji responded with a short yelp and licked her face, but he was horny. Watching his mistress fucking that strange dog put a sense of urgency into him...he needed to seed her and began to get at her ass.
Viktor said something to Yuri in Russian, and then asked Gina, “Do you think you can have sex with Benji?” I was thinking perhaps we could have him fuck you missionary style. How are you feeling down there?”
Gina brightened up, “Yeah, I’m a little bit sore, but I want more. I was about to orgasm again when Boris stopped giving me head and walked away…kinda pissed me off.”
“Very good you need a break?”
“No, let’s do this.”
Angela changed the sheet, then put on some soft rock music. She held Benji’s collar while Gina began to dance for him. Turning away, she began to rotate her hips and spreading herself, exposing her genitals and anus.
Angela released Benji and he went right for Gina who squealed when Benji’s cold, wet nose and rough tongue hit her sex. She laid down on the divan and spread her legs wide, and moaned as she held herself open for him by grasping her big toes.
Benji spent several minutes licking the scent of the other dog off of his mistress before attempting to mount. Gina guided his penis into her vagina and sobbed softly as he began to fuck her raw, swollen cunt. Once he was fully inside her, she tried to relax and wrapped her legs around Benji’s torso, locking her feet together as they fucked.
Benji’s knot was beginning to form when he slipped out of Gina, but before she could guide him back in, she felt the tip of his cock against her anus. She began to resist this unplanned assault on her virgin hole, but the more she struggled, the deeper his cock went into her. She was shrieking as his growing knot began to stretch her anal sphincter muscles.
Finally, Benji’s penis was fully seated in Gina’s ass and his knot was pulsating as his sperm shot deep into her rectum. Viktor and Yuri worked at positioning and repositioning their cameras to best capture the action. For Gina’s part, she remained on her back with her legs wrapped around Benji. She masturbated while his cock was in her ass, and soon another intense orgasm swept over her. Ignoring the pain and discomfort, Gina forced her pelvis into Benji’s spurting cock, crying out in sexual ecstacy.
Totally spent, Gina relaxed, stroking Benji’s coat with her small feet. When his knot subsided, he slipped out of her anus, and she let out a series of wet, gurgling farts as his semen leaked out of her. When Angela approached her with another wet towel, Gina sat up, “Wow, just wow….I knew I was going to give up that cherry someday, but this was embarrassing after he finished with me.”
Yuri laughed, “Happens all the time, and that stuff sells.” Get cleaned up, and we’ve got some contracts for you to sign.”
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The Yearbook Part I
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