I founded a Coven
Vincent Occultist.
I was finished with my religion, everything I believed was trashed by the arrest of our preacher. He used religion to get what he wanted and we followed without question. So after he was convicted I was left disillusioned, but I realized there were other people like me. That followed their beliefs without question, I couldn't get back into religion as my beliefs was shattered. I was watching a movie and it was part of the Harry Potter series, I liked the look of some of the witches. Not as ugly old hags and thought that's better than the old witches I've seen. So after the movie I started researching the occult just to see what I could learn about witches. I came across a story that claimed that most the bad things about witches and the occult were promoted by religion to discredit them and get the people to join the religion. But like most things there were good things and bad things in the occult. I wanted to follow the good side and kept researching, finding out it was more based on the natural world rather than magic. But there were some beliefs that were unusual to my thinking. But I quickly remembered that it was accepted even in the bible. That's having more than one wife, another accounts said that covens were more family groups than. Meaning all the witches were married to the wizard, sorcerer or warlock. Fringe members were the children of the coven and the coven had 5 witches, they each had places in the pentagram with the warlock in the center. So at 43 divorced 1 grown son who has his own family living in the city. Being well off financially and living in a very rural area, I decided I would see if I could create a coven. I'm Vincent and since my divorce, I've lived away from people mostly. Using the internet I started to search for witches or women willing to join my coven. Not much success at first, but going to meetings of people interested in witchcraft and similar things I started to meet people of a similar interest. Finally I met Suzie 39 also divorced and a practicing witch (her words). We spoke and started to keep in contact, on my return I realized I needed a proper place for my occult practices. Just saying you were a warlock or whatever wouldn't do. I had a depression in the ground behind my house, I decided to transform it in the covens circle with a pentagram at its center. Not really certain of what I needed to do or how it should look, but stone circles in books and in T V shows decided to place a ring of large stones around the depression. Once done I made pentagram myself using black stones to mark it out and marble flagstones at each position in the pentagram. Planting plants to make it look older than it was. Mature plants that looked like they were grown from seed and a pathway into the center marked with black pebbles and continued right around the pentagram. By the time I went to my next meeting and saw Suzie again, it looked like had been there a long time. But well cared for, I showed her pictures of my coven site and she said she would like to see it in person. I said your welcome anytime, Suzie also introduce me to Maria 45 and Alison 50. We all got on very well, I returned a bit more embolden than before. Several months later Suzie did call an enquired about visiting me and having a look at my site as well. I had told her I was looking to create a coven on the site and that I wanted it to be a full coven. She arrived with Maria, Alison, Olive 46 and Janet 38. All were either divorced or never married, they were just staying one night at first. But all like my home and occult circle, we tried it out and had a good time. No sex, but I wasn't expecting any to fuck me on the first visit. A week later Suzie returned by herself and has stayed ever since, sleeping with me every night. Janet came for a visit and left to get her things and returned, also joining Suzie in my bed. The others also came to stay overtime and regular have sex with me. Now years later we're all happy enjoying ourselves in practicing our belief or just fucking. I'm now almost 50 and Suzie, Janet, Maria, Alison and Olive are living with me and regular letting me fuck them. I've had no more children with any of them and all are now beyond having children.
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