Drunk Grandma
Kenneth 754
Recently I attended my sister's wedding, I was a late arrival as I had trouble getting flights home. I'm Kenneth 28 single, I was also returning home as my contract was finished. I checked into a motel for the wedding and a place to stay till my home I had purchased being modified was ready. My whole family was at the wedding my parents, brother his family and father's parents and mother's mother Grace 64 widow and my sister who was the bride. I went alone and intended to leave early or just after bride and groom. But Grace kept close to me and she was drinking almost as much as me. As my motel was closer to Grace's home than my parent's place, I was asked to take her home. Grace was willing to go as soon as the bridal party left also. But the bridal party hung around longer than I expected they would. Finally at 9pm that left and I asked Grace was she ready to go as well and she she yes. She was I thought quite drunk and she didn't want to home straight away, but get some more alcohol and then go home. Saying I've got the taste for it, so I stopped at a bar got what she wanted. Then she asked me did I have any plans, no I answered. Can I join you at your motel and have some drinks with you there, as they don't like us drinking too much at the retirement village. I had nothing on and only wanted to leave instead of being the only guy without a date at the wedding. I said no worries and back my room we started drinking together and Grace asked did I've a girlfriend and I said no one. After a bit more drinking together Grace said she was horny and me being a good grandson would help her by fucking her. I was shocked and stayed silence and Grace said I need fucking really bad as I haven't been fuck since your grandpa died 3 years ago. Looking straight at me and she then said please help me and fuck me. I decided why not, she wanted fucking and she had asked me to fuck her and she couldn't get pregnant and so I fucked her. Then I fucked her again, we slept together that night in motel room. I awoke in the morning to my phone ringing, it was my mother asking were Grace was as the retirement village had rang her asking her. I said Grace wanted to drink a bit more and couldn't drink back at the village so stayed with me in the motel. As by the time she was finish drinking I was in no state to drive her home and after we have breakfast I will take her home. Grace was known as a drinker and my mother accept that. Grace had awoken while I was on the phone and after I had finished, said fuck first than breakfast. Okay I said so we fucked had breakfast and took her home. I moved into my new home a week later, Grace had me pick her up to have a look at it. My family also checked over as well and 2 days later I got a call from Grace asking if I had anything on and I said no. Good could you pick me up and take me for a drink she asked. Yeah I can I answered and went and picked her up and took her to a bar, after a few drinks. She wanted to go and I said okay where too, your place was her reply. I looked at her and she said yes I want fucking. So I now have a regular sex life with my grandmother. She likes sex and I get to drain my balls in her, weren't hurting anyone and are quite happy with our actions. I'm looking for a girlfriend and as yet haven't found one.
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