Best Idea ever


Please note all names changed to protect me.
I'm Clark 34 married 2 children, my wife Nancy's family is very well off and I work for their family firm and if I play up on her I'm gone. So any other women and I lose everything. I love Nancy and that's not my problem, after 2 children she isn't that willing now when it comes to sex. I'm lucky to get a fuck every couple of months and my doctor says it might pass over time. I really like sex and have started checking out other women and was thinking of making a move on one, when high profile person got caught out and how messy it turned out scared me. I was away and thought I might hire a woman for sex and then I thought what if I caught something from her or she and her man found out who I was and blackmailed me. So I kept in my pants, then one day out with Nancy and the children at her parents place. I heard a mature guest say to Clare, Nancy's mother that her husband couldn't take the little blue pills anymore due to his heart and how she missed the bedroom romps. I had a closer look at the woman and realized for the first time she was gorgeous. But she was also far to close to Nancy's family for me to risk having any sexual relationship with her. But it got me thinking and I realized I could find a mature woman and start a sexual relationship and there were 2 benefits as I saw. First she would be passed having children so no unexpected children and people don't see any thing going on between younger men and women, unless you show it off in front of them. But how to proceed, I needed someone who I could see and and fuck and not raise too much attention. While still thinking it over, I got left a building my uncle Paul my late mother's brother. He had no children and as he only close relative it came to me. My father died years before and as far as I know no relatives on his side. The building had seven apartments, six were rented and the other Paul had lived in. The building was old and needed some work done, Nancy and I with her brother George had a look around it. George is the property expert in the family and told me and Nancy we should keep it as it was in a great area and would do well with a slight upgrading. I wasn't sure at the time, Nancy said I should do as George suggested and as usual I went along with her. George got everything done and after with some new tenants and the apartment that had been Paul's was the only one still vacant. Also we were getting a better return rent wise, George was right it was in a high demand area. Paul's old apartment wasn't as popular as the other, being on the ground floor and right at the back. We added security lights and grills to make it more rentable, but it didn't have the thing George said a party atmosphere vibe. Being at the back of the building gave it closed in feeling. Anyway we left it as is for now and I was still looking for a sexual partner. Not having that much luck until I came across Cheryl 57 widow with no children, worked at the same company as me. She was having a hard time and at first glance wasn't the sexy looking woman I was looking for. But one there was spillage of bleach in the kitchenette and Cheryl got some on her dress and cardigan. Other women helped her take off the dress and cardigan and rinse the to remove the bleach. I was nearby and saw Cheryl briefly in her underwear and I got aroused by the sight of her and thus changed my mind about her sexually. I decided I should try and get on her good side and saw Norman my father in law and suggested we pay for a new dress and cardigan. He was agreeable and I arranged for her get what she wanted, Nothing happen for a while, I was checking out Cheryl and seeing if I had a chance with her. Not much at first glance either, but as I looked ever closer I found she was having a rough time and was endanger of losing her apartment due to rising rents. Not much in her price range in area and she wasn't looking forward to moving to areas she could afford. I also knew she was willing to work any overtime at short notice, we have list posted and if your available yo put your name on the list and they would call you if something came up. Cheryl's name was always on the list and sometime the only name. Then luck came my way I was given a last minute out of town job as Glen had gotten sick and couldn't go himself. I was asked but not up with the job myself and so I was offered an assistant who was and not able to do the job by themselves. That assistant was Cheryl and she travelled with me and we done the job over three days (separate rooms). I got her drunk and thus bedded her on the second night there and that made it easier to continue a sexual relationship with her. Also she told me she had to find another place to live as the place now had contract was up for renewal and she couldn't afford the new rent. At once I thought of Paul's place and told her about it and she was interested. On our return I took her by the apartment to look it over and it didn't concern her at it was at the back of the building. So I said she could have it and I would give her free rent for regular servicing of me. We had already been fucking and it wasn't a way out suggestion and she accepted. I thought I should tell George and Nancy that the place was rented and to a employee of the company and who was having problems finding a place and I said I was only going to charge basic rent for it. About a third of the others I said, Nancy thought was a good idea as the place was empty and not earning anything, George said I was soft but also agreed it was better than it was earning now. Cheryl moved that weekend and shortly after I got promoted for doing a great job and was given an assistant who I selected as Cheryl. A few others in the company had younger assistant and there were stories going around about them real or not I didn't know or care. But Nancy was the only one to check on who I chose as my assistant and was happy to to see Cheryl and not a younger woman in the job. Nancy liked Cheryl straight away and so I didn't get any questions if I was late home as she knew Cheryl was with me and she still doesn't see Cheryl as threat. So I get all the sex I want and best of all Nancy as got better sex wise, still not as much as I want. But I've got Cheryl and now that Nancy is pregnant again, I'll be getting most if not all my sex from Cheryl.
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