My Cousin David
Lucy B
I'm Lucy 23 and in 2020 pandemic lockdown I lost my job and my apartment due to not being able to pay the rent. I was 4 states away from home and my family aren't that well off and were unable to help me. But my mother Karen's late brother Ronald had a son David and he lived just outside the city I was in. David then 28 and single and only child of Ronald and Frances. I hadn't seen him much while growing up and he was a loner then and hadn't interacted with family since his parents deaths. But stuck and not much money, he was my only hope. Karen had his cellphone number from the funeral of his mother 3 years earlier. So she rang him and lucky he still had the same number, she explain my problem and he said he would help me and drove into the city and picked me up. Back at his home I was shocked to see a 5 bedroom house on 70 acres and it looked pretty fancy to me. I hadn't been to university like David who was classed as a gifted student and attend university from the age of 14 and had passed with several honors. He liked the peace and quiet of the country and that's why his farm was away from busy roads and most people. He is well built as they say, not skinny and had built up his body at gyms and thru martial arts training. Mainly because he was picked on at university and then the bullies stopped after he hurt a couple and they gave him a wide berth afterwards. He works in computer software and has also done computer game work as well. He is very well paid and spends his day working or training. I settled in as best I could and left him to his routine as much as I could. He has a hot tub and I saw him using it one cold evening and decided to join him. I got in with him and that's when I found out he was naked and I was in my bikini. But it didn't bother him I was in the tub with him and so I stayed deciding not to make a fuss. Then I saw his cock and on the slack it was 6 or 7 inches and I wanted to see how big it would get hard. So I removed my bikini and moved close to him, hoping he would get aroused. He did, but as I expected and just get a hard-on but thought as I had removed my bikini I wanted sex. He started to kiss and feel me up at the same time, I was in shock at first and then started to enjoy his actions and didn't say anything to stop him. He mounted me in the hot tub and really gave me a great fucking. After which I stayed the night with him and every night since, when lockdown finished I stayed with him. Only leaving when my father Gordon got the virus and passed away. As the only child of Gordon and Karen I had to go to the funeral and David came with me. Karen 42 noticed straight away we were sleeping together, its hard not to notice a large baby bump on slender woman. But she let it slide as they say and after funeral she returned with us as she had no job and couldn't afford the rent like had before. As we all drove back home together we stayed overnight in a motel and David fucked Karen for the first time, he didn't ask her. He just joined her in the shower and fucked her there and then in the bed afterwards. Karen became a regular in bed with us and couldn't have more children because of problems with my birth. So we're all living together and sleeping together and next month I should stop breast feeding our very healthy son David junior and will start trying for another.
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