Having Fun with my Neighbor


I'm Gene 25 live with my parents still as it cheaper than having my own place and they don't asks much in return. Mainly mow the lawn as my father has a heart condition and it doesn't take long to do half hour max. We live in an older suburb and know all the people around us. Mostly career people like my parents, except me and Shelly 56 our closest neighbor. Shelly is a little strange they say and thinks she a witch or something similar, never married or has no children as far as I know. But she is slim and okay looking for her age. I also mow her lawn as well and was on good terms with her, I don't get paid for mowing her lawn and it isn't that big and is included in the time I mentioned above. I learnt to be a printer and work in a small printing firm, we print whatever people want printed and repair books. Rebinding and such things, the firm is quite busy and we get work from libraries to fix damaged books. We also make up books for people who write their family histories, stories or something else they want printed and made into a book. We do 1 to as many as they require, so I'm use to making up books and even ageing them to look old. I noticed Shelly was really into the occult and then reading a story of a wannabe witch. Thought I would try and see how far Shelly would go, so I started looking for old books about the occult and anything else I could use. I thought she might already have any books I found mainly in old junk shops or charity shops. So I would go thought a book and pick out sections and over time I collected enough for a 650 page book. Quite big I thought and was going to reduce it down, but then I saw something about the mark of the beast 666. So I decided to increase it to 666 pages and not wanting to chase down more writings to use. Decided to add pictures and over a month I had enough to make the 666 page book. A new book would be to easy to check on and decided to make it look older and I printed a first published date and then a reprint date and to add just a bit of mystery a church banning notice as well. It took several month to print and age the book enough to make it look old enough to pass. But then came the problem of how to give it to her, luckily I was out and in an old junk shop and they had a box of old books for sale. I bought the box and before taking it home, I place my book Banned Mysteries of the Occult and had made the cover hard to read. But not impossible, I've brought books home before, mainly so my father could fill up the shelves in his home office the older looking the better he had said. Anyway my parents were away and I took the box in the backyard to go thru it where Shelly could see me going thru it. She also liked reading and had gotten books off us before, I hoped she would see me the first time and I wouldn't have to keep doing it. I was luckily and she came out just as I was starting. She came over as I knew she would and most of the books were old school books or ones we already had. When I knew I was getting close I stopped to have a drink and let her find it. Her eyes widened when she saw it and she asked me would I mind her having it. No I said you want it you have it, after she left when the box had been checked thru, I put the unwanted ones back in the box and would drop it off at a charity shop and took 3 inside I thought my parents might like. I wasn't dating at the time and hadn't had great success in my love life. But had manage to lose my virginity, but in the book Shelly now had. There was a section on getting more powerful by fucking virgins. I wondered if she would want to try it out, several weeks later I was home alone again and Shelly asked me about my love life. I wasn't sure whether she was looking for a virgin or just asking. But I said no good and I hadn't done well with girls at all. She left it at that and I thought she wasn't interested and later on I was thinking of going out for something to eat. When Shelly asked me would I like to have dinner with her, nothing special in that. I've had meals with before and so I agreed (she's a great cook). At dinner she returned to my love life and straight out asked me was I a virgin, I hung my head a bit and said yes. Nothing to be ashamed of she said, then adding she had been reading and she had found that losing your virginity to a older person was better than to a younger one. I looked at her, it wasn't in the book I had given her. But kept silence and she said if I wanted she would teach me about lovemaking and give confidence for finding my perfect partner. I was willing and stayed quiet for a short time and finally agreed. I stayed the night with her and she took her time and we fucked twice that night and three times on the Sunday. Even today I an still fuck her by just asking her and mostly she agrees. No word from her about the occult book I gave her and I'm not going to ask either. It maybe she just got horny and I was around at the right time.
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