Maria Pays Off the Family Debts


My wife, Maria, and I were in trouble. We had both gotten into serious gambling debt, and in an effort to get even, we borrowed serious money from a street gang connected loan shark and bet it all on a sure thing...and we lost. Now he wanted his money. We were waiting for the guy, Moustafa, at a sports bar to see about working things out. Maria had been a stripper before we were married, and quit after I put her through school. She was now working as an elementary school teacher, and was willing to work for Moustafa at his strip club a couple nights a week to try to pay him back, and he was considering her offer.

He finally arrived, about a half hour late, accompanied by an older African American woman who he introduced to us as Jacqui. I had heard of her...she was definitely a gangster...played college basketball for a couple years at some eastern school then went to prison for robbing and shooting a drug dealer. We all sat down together in a booth and Moustafa got right to the point.

“I considered your offer, and I don’t think that would work out. Maria is very pretty, but at age 38, she wouldn’t fit in. Our customers want young dancers, but I have another option.”

Without saying anything he nodded at Jacqui, and she smiled, “Maria, I want you to come work for me. I run a brothel.”

Maria let out a gasp, “A want me to work as a prostitute?”

Jacqui nodded, “Yes, i prefer to refer to my girls as models, escorts, or gentlemen’s companions, but if prostitute suits you, we can do that.”

Maria shook her head, “No, no fucking way.”

At this point Moustafa re-entered the conversation, “I don’t think you understand your situation. You owe me $123,000, and you’re both working as school teachers. You can’t pay that back on your salaries, and you don’t have anything to sell. This is not a meeting to work out an agreement; this is me telling you two mother fuckers how it’s gonna be. Maria, two nights a week, you work for Jacqui in the establishment we own together. Tom, you’re working there too, with your wife. You’ll be a bartender and whatever else needs doing. You both start tonight and plan on being there tomorrow night too...Friday and Saturday nights are busy for us.”

Jacqui passed an address to Maria and said, “Six o’clock...don’t be late.”

During the drive home, Maria remained silent for most of the trip. As we were pulling into our apartment parking space she asked, “Is there any other way out of this?”

I looked at her and shrugged, “Babe, they’ll kill us both. These are dangerous people. We never should’ve gotten involved with them. Can you do this?”

Maria nodded, “You know I was in the life before and was turning tricks when we met, but that was just me. I picked the guys I’d fuck, and it was okay. But with her, I’m not going to have any choice at all.”

I suggested we both go on the run, but Maria shot that down, “No, these assholes will find us. I’ll fucking do it.”

At 6:00 pm that evening we arrived at the address, it was a large, two-story Victorian house off of Pico Boulevard in West Los Angeles. We rang the bell, and Jacqui came to the door, “Glad you could make it...come in.”

The house had been restored with beautiful woodworking and lots of stained glass windows. The great room and dining area had been converted into a bar-lounge area. There were a few men sitting at the bar, drinking and watching a baseball game on a large screen TV.

We followed Jacqui up the stairs to the second floor and entered a long hallway. There were five doors on each side. Jacqui opened the third door on the left and went inside. The room was small, not much bigger than a jail cell. There was a four post twin bed in the middle of the floor and a night stand and lamp on the left side of the bed and a mirror on the ceiling. The bed was simply made, just two pillows, sheets and a blanket.

“Maria, this is where you’ll be workIng. There’s a linen closet at the end of the hallway, and you have to change the sheets after every customer. All our customers are pre-screened and are accepted on referral only. This is a high class place, and these guys pay top work hard, treat them right, and you’ll pay off your debt real quick. Any questions?

Maria glanced at me, “Yeah, so how does this work?”

Jacqui smiled, “It’s pretty simple. You’ll come in here at 8:00; get your room ready, do your make up and hair and just wait for the bell. When you hear it, you come down to the lounge for line up. If the customer selects you, you take him or her into the bar and go over the menu. If you get bored in your room, you can hang out in the bar, but you have to wear lingerie in there.

Jacqui opened a drawer on the night stand and took out a white robe and handed it to Maria along with a menu of services.

“As you can see, the more you can sell, the more you, or, in your case, I get paid. Typically, a blow job is $500, 69 is $750, straight sex, $1,200; anal, $2,000. We have a couple of hot tubs, and if you can get a guy in there with you, it’s a $2,500 fuck. The specialty acts are voluntary on your part. If you are okay with water sports, we have special rooms in the basement for that. BDSM pays real good too. The menus are adjusted based on your popularity with the clients. If you prove to be highly desired, I’ll charge your customers more.

Jacqui pointed to cameras mounted in the corners near the ceiling, All of our rooms are monitored by staff for your safety.” Jacqui laughed at that adding, “We watch everything. In fact that will be part of Tom’s duties...watching you in action.”

Jacqui stepped out into the hall and yelled out, “Yousef, I need you up here.”

We heard a reply, “Okay,” and Yousef, a young black guy, about mid 20s, average height and thin, bounded up the stairs and entered the room.

Jacqui made the introductions, Yousef, this is Tom, he’ll be working with you behind the bar, and this is his wife, Maria. I told you about her. I need you to write her bio for our catalog and roster and take pictures for her business cards, then you can have her and give me a report on her performance.”

Yousef smiled, “Yeah, it’ll be my pleasure, Maria. You’re Mexican?”

Maria shook her head, “No, I’m from Brasil.”

“Oh, wonderful...Brazil. Brazilian women are wonderful. I myself am from Haiti. There’s a bathroom across the hall. You can use that to get ready...get undressed, put on the robe and come back when you’re ready.”

Maria left, and Yousef shook hands with Tom…”You're a lucky guy...pretty wife and she has a really nice figure…” Then, under his breath, Tom heard him say, “gonna enjoy this.”

Maria entered the bathroom and started to get undressed, pausing to use the toilet. She removed her bra and panties and put the robe on. It was an expensive shorty wrap around satin robe, white in color, with ¾ sleeves. It was a little small and barely covered her ass. When she knotted the sash the outlines of her nipples were clearly defined. Before she left the bathroom, she wetted a washcloth and wiped her gentials and anus.

Wearing only the robe, and barefoot, Maria returned to the bedroom, and Jacqui gave her a once over before saying,”Okay Maria, lose the robe.”

Maria undid the sash, and took off the robe, letting it fall to the floor, and stood naked before her husband, Yousef, and Jacqui. She was embarrassed and covered her left foot with her right while cupping her hand over her vulva.

Yousef moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, “No, no dear, don’t do that, don’t ever cover yourself in this’re beautiful, be proud. Now let’s have a look at that fine body...stick them nice tits out there, show that pussy for me.”

Maria drew in a breath, arched her back and pushed out her chest. Yousef liked what he saw. Mmmm, I love those. He lifted her arms and placed her hands behind her head, “What are you? 40-C?”

Maria nodded, “Yes, 40-C.”

Yousef hefted and fondled her breasts and rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, causing them to harden, “Very nice indeed...all natural too... loving those big brown nipples...just look at how they stick out. He lightly brushed the palm of his hand across her nipples as he massaged her, and smiled as he felt her heart began to beat faster

He moved his hand down her belly and felt her vagina which brought a shudder, “Oh, sensitive huh? And thick black pubic hair... I can feel a little wetness down there. Have you been with a black man before?”

Maria paused, glanced at her husband, then answered, “Yes, I’ve been with black guys.”

That brought a quizzical look to Tom’s face, but Jacqui interjected, “Maria, that hair has gotta go. It’s okay for tonight and Saturday, but Monday you get waxed. I gotta girl who can do that for you here. All my girls are hairless and smooth. We’ll take your pictures after you get that taken care of.”

Jacqui nodded to Yousef, and he directed Maria to get on the bed, “Okay, on your hands and us your pussy.”

Maria assumed her position, cocking her hips upward to fully expose her vagina and anus.

Yousef sat next to her and ran his left hand up the inside of her right thigh. He then traced the line of her genitals a couple times before he parted her labia. Her wetness made a soft, audible sucking sound as he did so.

“Mmmm, she is so wet. And check out those dark, thick labia...and this clit, it’s ‘Queenie’ for sure...big as the tip of my finger. That is one nice pussy.”

Maria let out a soft moan, and flexed her pelvic muscles as Yousef flicked her clitoris. This brought a chuckle from Yousef, “Oh my...that hairy asshole is winking at me.”

Jacqui nudged Tom, “Let’s leave these two alone for a few minutes. Come with me.”

Jacqui led Tom downstairs to the bar where she turned on a monitor and pressed the “5” on the keyboard which brought up the camera in Maria’s room. “Let’s watch your lovely wife get fucked.”

When the picture came up, Tom saw that Yousef had gotten undressed and Maria was on her stomach in the bed sucking his cock and massaging his testicals in her hand while he held her head. He was big, maybe 8 or 9 inches, and thick, which was surprising given his slender physique.

Jacqui was watching Tom closely, and, without warning, she reached between his legs and grabbed his cock…”Goddamn Tom, you're hard as a rock. You’re liking this aren’t you.”

Tom nodded, “Yeah, can’t help it. It is a turn on.”

Jacqui laughed, “Well just wait until he eats her pussy...that nigga gotta tongue that’ll light her up. He’ll make her come for sure...then he’ll fuck her good.I think she misses the black dick; you’ll like it.”

Tom watched intently as Maria sucked Yousef’s cock...he was surprised how much of it she could take in her mouth, and Yousef was liking it...petting her head like she was a favorite puppy. She had his scrotum in her hand now and placed her left hand on his chest, guiding him onto the bed and on his back. Then she started to use her breasts on him, tracing paths up and down his torso with her large, erect nipples, pausing only to retake him in her mouth.

She was in charge now, and Yousef was at her mercy, but that changed when he grabbed her hips and moved her so he could get at her pussy with his mouth. Tom and Jacqui watched as Yousef buried his face in her cunt with his nose in her ass, and Maria cried out when he put his tongue in her. This drew the attention of the two guys at the bar.

They both came over to see what was up and Jacqui, pointing to the men, made the introductions, “Tom, this is Jordan, and this is Saturn, friends of mine from Jamaica. They handle security here.

Tom and the guys shook hands, and he noticed each was armed with an automatic pistol concealed discreetly in shoulder holsters under their green blazers. They were both big men, like professional football player size.

Jacqui nodded at the video monitor, “We’re watching Maria in action. She’s Tom’s wife, and they will be working with us for the foreseeable future. Tom is going to tend bar, and, well, you can see what Maria is going to be doing.”

Saturn laughed, “Oh, I see. Tom, you are a good sport...just look at her that 69 action.”

Jordan was less impressed, “She’s a fine piece of ass alright, but why you let that little Haitian fuck her? Should let me and Saturn break her in right.”

Jacqui and Saturn both laughed, and while Saturn agreed, Jacqui said, “Now, now boys...Yousef is doing just fine. I’m liking what I’m seeing...I think I’m going to put a premium tag on her. It’s going to cost mother fuckers extra to fuck that. Tom, you should be proud...we only have three other women here who can demand premium fees.”

They continued to watch the show, and soon Maria mounted Yousef, grasped his penis, and slowly guided him into her. Once he was fully seated, she started grinding cock...moving her ass like a snake, taking all of him in and out just by moving her hips. The camera angle was focused on her ass, and Yousef was holding her buttocks pulling her wide open, fully exposing her pussy and anus as she fucked him.

Jordan was impressed, “Mmmmm mmmm mmm, lookie lookie...girl’s big, brown asshole looks like a bullseye with all that hair ringing it. She is fine.”

Jacqui agreed, “Yes, she sure is...she knows how to fuck alright. But that hair gotta go. Gotta call into Gabrielle to come by and wax her after she finishes up on Saturday night. All our girls gotta be smooth. That’s straight from Moustafa...he likes bald pussy, no exceptions.”

Saturn nodded in agreement, “Yeah, all these gangstas like that bald pussy. Is she getting branded?”

Jacqui glanced at Tom who had a surprised look on his face, “Yeah, she’ll take the brand.” Looking back at Tom, Jacqui attempted to put him at ease, “Relax Tom...when we talk about branding, it’s just a nice tattoo on her ass. No one is going to burn her.

Tom shrugged, “No one mentioned that was part of the deal.”

Jacqui shook her head, “Well, now you know. I’m sure you’ll like it.”

The group turned their attention back to Yousef and Maria. She had a pained look on her face and was leaning forward now, letting him suck her nipples. He was holding her feet and driving his cock into her with a rapid fury. When Maria started to shriek, Jacqui subtly nodded to Saturn and Jordan, and they left the front desk, headed for the stairway.

Suddenly, Yousef arched up and turned Maria to her back. Her feet were locked tightly around Yousef’s small waist, and she cried out as he began to ejaculate inside her...four, five, six powerful thrusts, and he was finished with her.

Yousef got off of Maria, leaving her on her back, covered with a sheen of sweat and legs still spread wide. She reached down and felt the semen streaming out of her genitals, then suddenly raised herself up on an elbow as Saturn and Jordan entered the camera view. They were both naked and erect, stroking their cocks

Saturn stood her up and Jordan got behind her. Maria put her arms around Saturn’s shoulders as he kissed her and stroked her head while Jordan held her hips and rubbed his erection on her ass.

Saturn said something to Maria, and she smiled and nodded, “Yes.” He laid down on the bed and propped his shoulders up on the pillow as Maria got between his legs, on her knees, and began to suck his cock. Jordan got behind and mounted her, fucking her dog style.

Jacqui poked Tom with an elbow, “Have you two done threesomes before?”

Tom shook his head, “No, not with me anyway.”

Jacqui laughed, “Maria is a fucking machine...just look at that cock hungry ass working Jordan’s cock. He ain’t gonna last long.”

She was right, moments later, Jordan began to grunt and howl as he pumped a load of hot sperm into Maria. When he finished, Saturn pulled her up and she straddled him, wincing as she took in his big cock. He was larger and thicker than both Yousef and Jordan, but again Maria was able to accommodate all of him, and began to fuck like her ass was on fire.

Saturn was fondling Maria’s breasts and sucking her swollen nipples, first one, then the other, pausing at one point to mumble something about her pussy being hot.

Maria had a far away look on her face, mouth opened slightly and eyes almost closed as she worked Saturn’s cock with her ass, up and down, then switching to a circular motion. Saturn put his index finger in her mouth, then reached behind her and pushed it into her anus which brought a shriek.

Jacqui nudged Tom, “Does she like taking it in her ass?”

Tom shrugged, “She does, but that guy is too big. He’ll hurt her.”

Jacqui smiled, “I think we’re gonna find out. When Saturn starts with the ass play, he wants to fuck it that hole...he is a definite booty bandit.”

Sure enough, after a minute of finger fucking Maria’s anus, Saturn rolled her off and put her on her knees, pushing her head down on the mattress. He adjusted her hips to where he wanted her, then coated his penis with a clear lubricant he grabbed from the night stand. He applied more to Maria, first with one finger, then with two, as she looked back in anticipation, a worried look on her face.

Finally Saturn was ready and mounted her. The camera captured the moment perfectly as he penetrated her, her facial expression, the audible gasp, and the resignation and surrender as she dug her fingers into the sheets, moaning when he began to move in and out of her.

Maria was gasping with each thrust, and squealed when he gave her a “reach around,” putting his middle finger in her vagina and rubbing her clitoris with the palm of his left hand while fondling her breasts with his right.

“Will you just look at that,” Jacqui said, “He’s gonna make the girl come.”

And then it happened...Maria’s orgasm hit, and she began convulsing, “Aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh,” it was like she couldn’t get her breath. Her reaction had an effect on Saturn, and he began spurting, still deep in her seemed like his ejaculation lasted almost a full minute.

They were both covered in sweat when Saturn’s now flaccid cock slipped out of Maria’s ass. She quickly got up and disappeared from the camera shot as she hurried to the bathroom, covering her ass with her hand.

Jacqui let out a long breath, and sighed, “Well, now we know...ain’t nothing these niggas gonna teach that woman about fucking. I’m going to see to her, Tom...don’t go away.”

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