Growing boy
first times
Eric ended his bath by rinsing the shampoo out of his hair, and carefully draped his wash cloth over the rim of the tub as his mom insisted he do. Like most boys at age ten, Eric liked to play in the bathtub. His mother, on the other hand, didn't believe in bath toys, so Eric was reduced to playing with his bar of soap. He got on his knees in the center of the spacious old tub and put the bar of soap against its enamelled side. He gave the soap a backward shove, sending the cake zipping around the tub just under the rim. The object of the game was to see how far the soap would go without flying out onto the floor. That would necessitate a wet trip out of the tub and a careful cleaning of the soap before his mother saw it.
As Eric gave the bar of soap another ride, he felt a funny tingle at the end of his penis. He looked down. His cock was stiff and the swollen head was peeking out from between his thighs. He twisted his torso and bent forward from the hips, imitating his throwing motion in the throw-the-soap game. His cock disappeared between his thighs and the tingle happened again. Was there something wrong with his penis? He arched his back and spread his knees, bringing his cock into view. It certainly looked all right. It felt full, like it always did when it was hard. It was about four inches long, with a strong, straight shaft and capped with a helmet shaped head.
Eric flexed his hips once more, sending his cock-head back between his smooth, boyish thighs. The tingle happened again; it was too pleasurable to be ignored. Eric forgot about the soap game. He bent over in the tub and began to rock his hips back and forth, leaving his cock trapped between his legs. The tingle not only continued; it became more intense. His cock had a funny itch and felt like it was growing warmer on the skin of his thighs. He grabbed the sides of the tub and held on as his hips plunged back and forth.
The water in the tub sloshed around and threatened to slop onto the floor, but Eric didn't care. The feeling between his legs was just too good to stop, and then suddenly the sensations jumped a hundredfold. It was almost more than he could bear. He gasped and hunched over so far that his face almost dunked into the bath water. His cock shuddered like it did when he shot out the last spurts of pee, but it was all happening on its own.
He couldn't stop the contractions; they went on and on until the muscles in his crotch burned and knotted. After almost a full minute of exquisite pleasure the overwhelming feelings ebbed and Eric was left breathless and dazed. He didn't know what had just happened, but he was willing to try it again.
"Are you making a mess in there?" his mother's harsh voice called through the closed bathroom door.
"No, ma'am," Eric said immediately. He didn't want her charging in to see for herself.
"Stop playing around then; it's time to get out, and you better be clean," she said.
"Yes ma'am," Eric said. He opened the drain on the tub and stood. His penis was back to its soft state and didn't seem to be any the worse for whatever had just happened.
Eric stood over home plate with bat in hand. He was twelve years of age now, and playing softball during school recess was one of his favorite things. He had already been at bat twice, hitting homeruns both times. The field on which they played held three ball diamonds without any fences between them, so any hits that got past an outfielder had a chance to bounce and roll an inordinate distance.
The score was tied and recess time was nearly over. Eric was likely to be the last batter. The pitch came in and Eric swung as if he were trying to flatten the ball. He didn't catch the ball solidly, but it still managed to sail over the third baseman's head and go bounding into the outfield. Eric ran to first base and headed to second. He saw his good friend, Adam, get his glove on the ball, and Eric slowed to stop at second. Adam fumbled with the ball, dropping it to the ground. "Run, go, go, go," Eric heard from the bench. Jose Williams, who valued winning above breathing, was screaming for him to take third base.
Eric saw Adam reach for the ball. Eric knew that if he ran immediately, he could make it; Adam didn't have a very good arm. "Run, you idiot," screamed Jose. Eric hesitated, if he ran now then he would be challenging Adam and Eric didn't want to embarrass his friend. Finally, Adam found the handle on the ball and Eric's opportunity to advance passed, and he just stayed on second. There was time for another batter, but he grounded out and the game ended in a tie.
"OK, time to go in," called the PE instructor, Ms. Cane. The kids gathered up their equipment and headed for the stairs that led from the ball field back to the school building.
"We could have won the game," Eric heard from right behind his back. He turned and saw Jose glaring at him.
"I couldn't have scored," said Eric, although he knew that he could have easily gone to third.
"Pussy," said Jose with venom in his voice, "you didn't even try."
Eric just turned his back on Jose. Eric was easily the biggest boy in his class and didn't have to stand up to the other kids very often. He was easy going and certainly no bully. Eric felt something slam into his back, and he staggered forward. He turned and saw that Jose had shoved him in the back. "Stop it," Eric snapped.
"What are you going to do, pussy?" taunted Jose. The other kids had begun to gather around. Jose seemed delighted to have an audience. He gave Eric another shove.
Eric's arms shot out and connected with Jose's shoulders. The boy stumbled backwards and tripped over his own feet. Amidst giggles and laughter from the crowd, he fell on his butt next to the stairs. Looking around, Jose grabbed a stick of wood that was lying nearby and swung it at Eric's legs.
Eric tried to jump back, but the end of the stick hit his thigh. There was a searing pain that ran up his leg. He grabbed his inner thigh and doubled over in agony.
"Break it up. What's going on here?" said Ms. Cane as she ran over to investigate the commotion.
"Jose hit Eric with that stick," said some girl's voice from the crowd.
"He pushed me down," said Jose.
"He shoved me first," said Eric, defending himself.
"Let me have that stick," said Ms. Cane, and Jose reluctantly handed it over. When she held it up, Eric could see a nail sticking out of the end. "Are you hurt?" Ms. Cane asked Eric.
"Maybe a little," said Eric. He moved his hands to reveal a ragged tear in his pants and a line of blood.
"Go to the nurse's office," said Ms. Cane, "we'll sort this out later." Eric clamped his hand over his burning inner thigh and limped up the stairs to the school building.
Sara Miller was the school's nurse. She was a pixyish woman with spiky blonde hair and large liquid brown eyes. She looked up as Eric entered the infirmary. She spotted the blood on his pants right away. "What happened to you?" she asked with concern.
Eric told her the story of the short lived shoving match. Sara nodded and said, "OK, pull down your pants and we'll take a look." She turned to a supply cabinet and began to pull out gauze, tape and antiseptics.
Eric pulled down his pants and saw that the wound ran under the leg of his boxer shorts, so he went ahead and pulled down his shorts too. His leg was aching so much that he wasn't concerned about modesty.
Sara turned back to Eric and almost dropped her supplies. Eric was seated on the exam table, his pants and shorts pulled down to his knees. He was looking at the scar on his leg and kneading the muscle of his thigh in obvious discomfort. Sara glanced at his scar, but she couldn't keep her eyes off Eric's cock and balls. They were the biggest that she had ever seen on any boy, or on any man for that matter. His scrotum looked as if it contained a couple of tennis balls, and his cock lay draped over those cum eggs like a fleshy shriveled hose. Sara was amazed at its size and the thing wasn't even hard.
Sara knew that she shouldn't be gawking at a student's gonads, and eventually her professionalism prevailed over her curiosity. She casually draped a towel over Eric's privates and went to work on his scar. He took it pretty well, managing to sit still and not to fuss as she treated the long gash. She cleaned the area and treated it with an antibiotic. After covering the wound with gauze, she wrapped a stretch bandage around his leg as a final dressing.
As she wrapped the material around his leg, it was impossible for her not to brush the back of her hand against his cock and balls. She could have sworn that Eric's dick was growing longer as she worked, and it was with reluctance when she had to tell him that she was through. She checked his medical records and said, "I see that your tetanus shots are up to date, so you shouldn't have any trouble. Keep that bandage dry and be sure to see your family doctor if your leg swells or becomes more tender."
Eric pulled his pants up and said, "Thanks, Ms. Miller, since I'm here can I ask you something?"
"Certainly," she answered.
Eric was suddenly shy. He was wondering about something and he didn't know who to ask. He tried not to ask his mother about stuff like this because she was capable of snapping his head off over the least thing. Besides, Ms. Miller was a nurse and she should know. "It's about my penis," he finally managed to mumble. "Sometimes stuff comes out of it."
"You mean besides urine," said Sara.
Let's jerk those pants back off and check that puppy out, thought Sara. But what she said was, "Well, it usually happens in older boys, but it's normal to see drops of a clear fluid from time to time."
"It's a lot more than a few drops," Eric said.
Gallons of cum from those big balls, I bet, sounded in Sara's mind. She put her fingers to her mouth for a second just in case what she was thinking tried to leak out. Actually, she was concerned. Maybe the boy really had some disease that was making his gonads balloon up. "Eric," she said softly, "do you masturbate?"
Eric blushed to the tips of his ears. Yes, he masturbated. Ever since that first orgasm in his bath a couple of years ago, he'd done it on a daily basis, sometimes more often. At first there had been only that fantastic feeling, but after a couple of months he began to see a burble of clear liquid on the tip of his cock after he came. At first he thought that it was pee, but as the weeks went on, there was more and more of the syrupy stuff. "Uh... yeah," he answered.
"I need a specimen of whatever it is that you're talking about. Do you think that you could masturbate into this?" she asked as she handed him a plastic cup.
"Right here, in front of you?" he said, certain that he couldn't.
She was tempted to tell him yes, but Sara said, "No, honey, you can go in the bathroom."
He took the cup and headed for the small bathroom at the back of the infirmary. Halfway there Eric's nerve faltered, he turned and said, "This might take a while."
"Try to finish before the end of school," Sara said dryly. That was two hours away.
Eric closed the bathroom door. The room was clean, brightly lit and smelled of antiseptic and soap. He pulled down his pants and winced as his bare skin touched the cold toilet lid. It was almost like jacking off at home. But at home he would have sneaked one of his mother's fashion magazines into the bathroom. His cock began to lengthen and fill as the thought of fashion models in lacy bras filled his mind. He loved the sight of creamy breasts swelling above formfitting satin cups.
Eric's cock jutted up from between his thighs. He reached out and put his hand on his cock head as it wobbled about at chest level. He began to masturbate with a twisting, stroking motion. He closed his eyes and thought about female breasts and legs. Long feminine legs turned him on too. The daydream of tanned and shapely thighs and calves revealing themselves from beneath tight skirts and shorts made his cock full and rigid.
Eric felt the warm surge of cum building at the base of his dick. He suddenly remembered that he wasn't here to simply blow off some sexual pressure. He snatched the cup from the edge of the sink where he had put it a few minutes ago. He pushed his dick forward and tried to angle the cup so that it would catch the eminent flow of fluid. He quickly realized that wasn't going to work, so he stood, bent over and got the rim of the cup under his penis just as his first shot squirted from his cock-head.
There was the sound of liquid hitting plastic, and then the sound of liquid hitting liquid, and then, just that quick, the cup was full. Eric put the cup back on the sink as his next shot of cum splashed on the toilet lid. He jerked up the lid and cum jetted onto the seat, Finally, he got things under control and managed to spew the rest of his load into the bowl.
"What a mess," Eric said under his breath. He should have known this would happen. He set to work with toilet tissue and paper towels. In a few minutes, he had his mess cleaned up and flushed away. He carried the specimen cup back into the infirmary, careful not to spill the contents. Ms. Miller was at her desk. He cautiously put down the cup and said, "Here it is."
Sara glanced at the cup, looked up at Eric, and then jerked her eyes back to the cup. It was graduated up to four ounces and held even more. Eric had managed to fill it full of milky white cum all the way to the top. "That much?" she exclaimed.
Eric shrugged, "Isn't that enough?" he asked innocently. "I mean there was lots more, but I had to flush it away. Maybe you should have given me a bigger cup."
"No, this is fine," she said in amazement. She shook her head to clear it and dug into a drawer in her desk. She pulled out a letter sized teaching booklet and handed it to Eric. "I have an idea that you may need this."
Eric took the booklet. The title was 'Sex Facts for Teens.' The cover showed a boy and girl sitting under a tree calmly gazing into the distance, their school books stacked neatly on the ground. "Thanks," he said.
"You read that and then we'll talk about it, if you want. Come back in a week and I'll check your leg. Be sure to go to your doctor, or let me know, if it swells up or turns red," said Sara.
"My penis?"
"No, your leg, silly," said Sara, stifling a laugh.
Eric left the infirmary and headed to his classroom. Ms. Givens, his teacher, simply gave him a glance as he took his seat. It was time for their history lesson and Ms. Givens was boring the class about some king or another. Eric was much more interested in the booklet that Ms. Miller had given to him. He opened it and flipped through its pages. His eye was caught by the line drawings of the male penis. One showed it soft and drooped over, and another drawing showed it erect with a nice, graceful upward curve. 'The average adult male penis is from 5 ½ to 6 inches in length,' said the caption underneath the drawings.
That must be a misprint, thought Eric. If it was true, then his dick wasn't just bigger than average, it was off the scale. That couldn't be right, could it? He scanned the rest of the booklet. He was glad to find that his vague notions about vaginas were mostly correct.
After school that day Eric went to the school gym. He was going to try out for the basketball team. There was almost no chance that a sixth-grader could make the junior varsity team, but he was tall for his age and besides, it was one of the few after school activities that met his mother's approval.
Eric was sitting on the bleachers with thirty other boys when Coach Cane came into the gym. "OK, listen up," she barked above the noise of the students' talk and horseplay, "Coach Jones has had a family emergency, so tryouts are postponed." A murmur of disappointment ran through the crowd. "Let's move down to the locker rooms. You can call for your rides there and wait until someone comes to pick you up."
The coach led the way down stairs out if the gym. "You boys keep things down to a loud roar. I don't want to have to come in here," she said as the boys passed by her and into the locker room. Eric knew that his mom wouldn't pick him up for more than an hour. He sought out an area on one of the benches to wait. The dreaded Jose Williams wasn't around – someone had said that he had been expelled. So he didn't have to contend with that asshole. He decided that he might as well start on his homework, so he opened his math book and tried to study.
"Yeah, I fucked her good." Eric's head jerked up when he heard that. He looked around and saw that he was very nearly alone. There were only four other boys who hadn't been able to leave school yet. They were clustered in the rear of the locker room and evidently the talk had turned to girls.
"I bet you did," said a ninth-grader, named Charles, sarcastically.
"Damn right," said the other boy. He was also in the ninth grade. His name was Bobby, as best as Eric could remember. Bobby grabbed his crotch and gave it a squeeze.
"Not with that little pencil-dick of yours," said Charles, "I've seen you in the showers."
"Mine's as big as yours when it's hard," said Bobby.
Charles reached down to the front of his pants and began to stroke the cloth covered lump there. "OK, let's find out. Make a hard-on, if you can, and we'll see," he said.
Bobby began massage his crotch in earnest. He looked over at the two eighth-graders, who had been sitting nearby, and said, "You guys need to get in on this. Let's see what you've got."
One boy's hand reached tentatively for the front of his pants, but the other one said, "I've already got a boner."
Suddenly, the room was quiet except for the sound of skin sliding on cloth. Eric felt his cock stirring, but he didn't move. He didn't want to draw attention to himself. A minute later, Charles stood up and unzipped his pants. He reached inside and pulled out his cock as if he exposed himself every day of the week. "How's that?" he asked, as he waved his penis back and forth so that everyone could get a good view.
The other three boys stood and there was a flurry of zippers being pulled. Eric couldn't stop himself from looking. Sure enough, just as the brochure had said, as far as he could tell none of their cocks were over six inches in length. He was certainly bigger than these guys. Hell he was bigger than any three of them put together. "Ha, I told you," said Charles, stroking his cock and looking at Bobby, "you're the smallest."
"Am not," Bobby said in denial. Desperate to be not the shortest, he looked around and spotted Eric. "Come over here. Let's see yours."
Eric felt a surge of blood infuse his cock. He was way bigger than these guys, but he didn't want to expose himself. It was just too weird. "That's OK," he said, "I'd rather not."
"If you want to be on the team, then you better get over here," said Bobby.
"Yeah, get with the plan," said Charles.
Oh what the hell, thought Eric. I don't want them to tell the other guys that I'm some sort of big geek, ashamed of his dick. He went over to where the other guys were standing and unzipped his pants. There was no point in trying to pull his cock through his fly, so he lowered his pants, and then began to pull down his underwear. The first six inches of his dick appeared above the elastic band of his tighty-whiteys, and then the next six appeared. "Holy shit," said Bobby in awe.
Eric continued to lower his shorts until the head of his cock popped free. He straightened his back and his cock flopped over to lie on his thigh. "I can't believe it," said Charles. He began to stroke his cock harder and faster.
Eric couldn't help that his dick was getting hard. His shaft began to get thicker as it climbed up his leg. The lengthy piece of meat rolled forward and filled until it was jutting outward proudly. The two eighth- graders goggled at Eric's cock as it twitched and bobbed in the air. They arched their backs and jutted out their hips, beating their meat as if in tribute to a superior cock.
"Oh man, you're fucking huge," said Bobby. "Bigger than my daddy. Hell, three or four times bigger than his." Bobby really did have the smallest dick in the group. He could use only two fingers as he masturbated.
Eric's hand seemed to move on its own as he reached out and began to stroke the head of his cock. The guys, especially the older ones, were staring at his cock with envy. It was such a turn-on. His cock grew even harder and longer as a stream of pre-cum flowed from the slit in his cock-head and lubricated his fingers.
One of the eighth-graders grunted and a couple of spurts of cloudy cum seeped out of his cock and dripped over his fingers. Eric waited for the streams he thought would follow, but nothing happened. The boy slumped; Eric realized that he was finished. Seconds later Charles' face screwed up and cum squirted from the tip of his dick. His semen managed to make some light spots on the floor.
The other eighth-grader finished shortly thereafter with similarly unspectacular results. Bobby held the end of his cock between thumb and forefinger and masturbated in short tugs. "I'm goin' to shoot," he gasped. He stretched his dick out as far as possible and grunted loudly as a little sprit of cum trickled out the slit.
Huh, watch this, thought Eric in disdain as he felt his cock swell. The head turned from red to near purple and visibly grew larger. The slit blossomed and a stream of cum blasted into a nearby metal locker, making a hollow thrumming sound. Eric recognized that he had just ejaculated twenty times more cum than the other boys had produced in total, and that was just his first stream. Eric hosed down the locker until the cum was streaming down the metal door and pooling on the tile floor.
"Oh wow, dude," said Bobby. His dick had shrunk back as if to take refuge inside his pants. "You can play on our team any time."
A week passed and Eric returned to the school infirmary so that Ms. Miller could check on his scar. "Hi, Eric," said Sara as he approached her desk. "How's that scar of yours?" She was looking bright and perky in a light blue lab coat.
"It hasn't hurt much," said Eric.
"Hop up on the examination table and we'll take a look at it."
Eric pulled his pants down to his knees and took a seat. Sara noted once more the substantial bulge in Eric's shorts, but first things first. She unwrapped the stretch bandage and then gently pulled away the gauze from his leg. The scar was pink with a little scabbing, nothing to worry about. "That looks fine. I don't think we'll have to amputate," she teased.
"Oh thank goodness," said Eric as if he had really been worried. The two talked for a few more minutes about school as she changed his bandage.
Sara kept glancing at Eric's crotch. In the past week she had been telling herself that the apparent size of his dick had been a trick of perspective, that it really wasn't the monster she remembered. She had debated with herself as to whether or not she ought to try for another look. This morning her curiosity, and frankly, her lust won out. "Eric, you remember that semen sample you gave me last week?"
Eric nodded.
"Well it came back negative, but I'd still like to examine your penis, just to be on the safe side," Sara said in her best clinical voice.
"OK," said Eric. He hoped that she wouldn't find anything that might actually lead to shrinking the size of his cock, but he didn't want to have any sort of disease either.
Sara wiggled her hands into a pair of latex gloves as Eric pulled down his shorts. She simply stared at the hunk of meat that lay across the boy's thigh. It hadn't been her imagination. It was bigger than any cock she'd ever dreamed of, and it wasn't even hard. She took its length into her hands and tried to examine the warm flesh without actually fondling. Except for the bluish veins, Eric's cock was pink and healthy.
Eric was embarrassed as hell, but he loved the feel of Ms. Miller's fingers on his dick; he began to get hard. She gently turned and twisted his penis as it grew longer and thicker. For a second he worried that she might drop his dick in disgust and order him to get dressed, but to his surprise she began to stroke him from crotch to cock-head, encouraging his hot blood.
Sara couldn't stop her fingers from their sensuous task. How much larger could this boy's cock get? Would he leap from the table, calling her a pervert and ruin her professional life? She looked into his eyes and saw only excitement and encouragement. "Do you like this?" she asked. He nodded his head. "I can make it feel even better. Would you like that?" she asked. Her voice was low and seductive. She took his wide grin as an affirmation.
She turned and picked up a bottle of lotion from the top of a nearby cabinet. She squirted a generous portion onto the palm of one hand and held it there for a few seconds, warming the slippery liquid. Careful not to spill the lotion, she coated every square inch of Eric's cock with the cream, and then she began to give his dick a thorough massage. It was like kneading a hard muscle. She ran her hands from his oversized balls upward. Every time her hands squeezed his cock-head his hips jerked or rocked about.
"Yeah, you like that, don't you?" she said in a whisper.
"Uh huh," Eric croaked.
Sara wanted to give him the stroke job of a lifetime. "I can't believe your cock," she said. "It's just so damn long, and I don't mean like some sort of tube either. It's so wide I can't even get my hands around it." At the base, her fingers failed to meet as she grasped his dick. She slid her hands upward trying to squash his cock between her fingers. She may as well have tried to compress a steel pipe. Eric moaned a little as she made his cock-head swell.
"And this thing must be as big as a baseball when you cum," she whispered, looking at the purple, engorged head. She released the pressure of her fingers and was rewarded with several ounces of pre-cum that gushed forth. "Oh yeah, let's get this thing really slicked down," she said enthusiastically.
Sara's hands began to flash up and down on Eric's massive meat. The pre-cum continued to flow from his cock tip, and every time her hands smacked into his cock-head the cum splashed onto her arms. "Come on baby, come on," she chanted, "put out for me, come on."
Eric alternated between having his eyes screwed shut in bliss and watching Sara's face. She looked awe struck as his cock jerked and twitched in her hot hands. She had brought him to a near boil, and she was practically begging for his cum.
Sara heard Eric grunt, and as her hands shot up the length of his shaft a torrent of cum spewed from the end of his cock and leaped at least six feet in the air. "Oh fuck, yeah," she squealed as the hot cream continued to fountain from the purple, swollen head of his cock. The milky cream rained down on her arms, face and soaked her lab coat.
Eric grunted as his body heaved the cum from his loins in mind shattering blasts. Sara continued to milk the hot cream out of his cock until it had stopped spurting and was merely washing over the head of his dick in diminishing waves. She continued to reverently caress his shaft and cup each of his balls in turn – just one of his eggs filled her palm.
Eric sighed, that had to have been the best orgasm of his life. His cock gave a shudder and he suddenly realized that as great as he felt, he didn't feel empty or finished. His cock was as hard as ever, and he was still horny.
Sara sensed that something was happening, or rather wasn't happening. Eric's cock wasn't wilting; it was still as stiff as a flag pole. Her eyes shifted to Eric's face. "You're still hard," she said in awe.
"Yeah, looks like," he said with a wide grin. He began to hope for another hand job. That had been fantastic. He was surprised when she ripped off her lab coat and clawed at the button on her slacks.
"I can't stand it anymore. I've got to have your big dick," she panted. She threw her slacks to the floor and seconds later her lacy black panties followed. "Hop off," she demanded, pulling on Eric's arm. He slid off the exam table making his cock wave in the air like a club. Sara replaced him on the table. She lay back with her feet on the edges and her knees in the air.
She spread her legs and Eric's eyes went wide as saucers as he stared at her glistening pussy. "Let's go," she said impatiently. Eric crawled between her legs, a bit unsure of what to do next. But Sara took care of that when she spread the lips of her vagina with the fingers of one hand and tried to bend his cock down with the other.
Eric got the idea immediately. He shifted his weight so that his cock got a better angle and suddenly the head of his dick was working its way within the clinging wet confines of heaven. "Now slowly," she told him. Eric eased his hips forward a fraction of an inch at a time. The feeling was fantastic. No wonder the older guys raved all the time about fucking.
"That's far enough," Sara told him as his cock-head snugged to a stop. He looked down and saw that more than half of his dick was still visible. He pulled back and began the first hump of his young life.
Sara spread her legs until they ached. She'd never had anything this large in her cunt and it felt amazing. Everything was touched and massaged and stretched; she began to orgasm immediately. "Oh Eric, this is too good," she gasped. She grabbed at her thighs and her boobs. Her head rolled about and her back arched.
Eric saw the terrific effect that his cock was having and doubled the speed of his fucking. "Yeah, fuck yeah," he whispered to himself. He felt a ripple of vaginal muscle along his cock and Sara looked as if her body had just been plugged into a wall socket. She was positively vibrating with pleasure. I made her cum. I made her cum like a wild woman, he told himself.
He didn't even slow down. She jerked about on the table, but she couldn't escape his plundering cock. Eric watched her cum over and over. He loved the fact that she was helpless with pleasure, but he couldn't keep her that way forever. The pressure was building in his groin, and finally his cock exploded in a rush of cum that must have filled her pussy to the brim. After his initial blast, his cum jetted out of her pussy as fast as he pumped it in.
Eric's mother, Rachel, was getting ready for a night out. Eric could tell that by the way she moved around her bedroom, plus the pleasant smells of perfume and powder that wafted through the house. He looked up at the sound of her heels as she entered the den where he was watching television. Rachel was tall, with an attractive if not eye popping figure. She had chestnut hair that fell in waves down her back, and she was wearing skintight jeans and a plain white cotton tee-shirt with a vest.
"I'm going out," she announced unnecessarily. She pointed a manicured finger at his face. "What are the rules?"
Eric had to stifle a sigh. That would only earn him a rebuke. "No one comes over, no cooking, no Internet and in bed by eleven."
"That's right," she said. She opened her purse and pulled out her car keys and cell phone. She held up the phone and twiddled it back and forth in her fingers for Eric to see. "Call me only if there's an emergency." A second later she was gone.
Eric played a video game until he grew frustrated and bored. He checked the television listings, but there was nothing interesting on for a while. He decided, however, that there was one interesting thing that he could do. He picked up one of his mother's fashion catalogs and headed for the bathroom. Even though he was alone in the house, he closed and locked the door.
Taking a couple of hand towels from their rack, he made sure that they were available on the nearby counter. He pulled down his pants and underwear down to his knees and took a seat on the toilet. His cock pumped itself upwards in anticipation from between his legs as he spread the catalog open on the clothing material stretched between his knees.
He flipped through the catalog to the junior-miss section. In theory, the models on these pages were his age, but Eric had never seen girls as pretty and elegant as these at his school. He masturbated with one hand as he perused the pages. The smiling girls showed off kicky skirts and sporty tops.
Their legs were bare to the thigh, and their breasts thrust against tight tees and blouses. He really liked one of the models. She had long dark hair and eyes that flirted with the reader. Ummm... he'd had sex now. He knew that he could make that hot model scream with pleasure before he pumped her pussy full. This jacking off in the bathroom was a pale substitute, but it was all he had right now.
Eric could feel the growing sexual tension pulse in his cock. It was time to turn to the really good stuff. He flipped to the bra section of the catalog. He couldn't understand why women needed fifty different styles of bras in just as many colors, but he was glad they did.
He especially liked the bras that shaped and enhanced. Those bras lifted and pushed at the breasts of the lithe young models who were probably the least likely females to need such things. But all that tit flesh bulging above the soft, satiny cups was just so exciting. He closed his eyes and imagined Ms. Miller in her bra. He'd seen her pussy and fucked her until she was nearly unconscious, but he'd never seen her bra. He could just imagine the feel of those lacy cups in his fingers as he pounded away.
Abruptly, his eyes snapped open. He was about to cum. Eric snatched up the hand towels and clamped them over the growing head of his cock. The feel of the rough cloth was a delicious agony. He yanked his hand up down faster and faster. His eyes screwed shut and he bit his lower lip. His back arched and then he was cumming, soaking the towels full of hot boy-cream.
Eric was still watching television at twelve-thirty that night when he heard his mom's car in the drive. She would be pissed if she caught him up this late, but he'd planned for this. He snapped off the television, the only thing that was creating light in the house, and walked quickly to his bedroom. He was in bed and feigning sleep long before he heard her key in the door.
He listened as the front door opened and closed, and then he heard a man's voice. Well, it wasn't the first time she'd brought someone home. He heard his mom giggle and the man's answering laughter. Their voices moved into her bedroom, and then things were quiet for a while. He heard some thumps and bumps and some more soft laughter.
Minutes later, a rhythmic bumping sound came through the wall between his mom's bedroom and his room. "Oh yes, baby, screw me with that big thing," he heard his mother say in a long drawn out moan. Eric knew they were fucking. In his mind's eye, he saw some guy – no doubt a young stud - on top of his mom, his dick appearing and disappearing into her pussy.
Eric remembered Ms. Miller's passion contorted face as he lay between her legs, banging into her pussy over and over. For a second, his mother's pretty face and long dark hair replaced Ms. Miller's, and he was banging his own mom. But it was well past his bedtime and he soon fell asleep to dream of dark-haired women whose sexy bras peeked from beneath lab coats, and who showed long shapely legs.
The next morning Eric awoke at first light. He didn't want to get up, but his full bladder wasn't to be ignored, so he rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He was halfway through the door before he realized that he wasn't alone.
"Hi there, cowboy," said the man when he saw Eric.
"Oh... hi," said Eric with a startled expression. The man was average height, nice looking with shaggy dark hair. The one thing he didn't have was clothing, not a stitch. Eric couldn't help himself, he checked the guy out. From a thatch of black pubic hair the man's dick arched long and thick toward a couple of low hanging balls. Not half as long nor as thick as his own cock thought Eric, but certainly bigger than average.
The man dried his hands and face with a towel and tossed it down on the counter. "All yours, partner," he said as he sauntered past Eric back into his mother's bedroom.
Eric did his business and went back to his bedroom, determined to stay there until the man left. He didn't have to wait long. A few minutes later he heard soft footsteps and then the sound of the front door opening and closing. By that time his stomach was rumbling so he went to the kitchen, fixed a bowl of cereal and settled down to Saturday morning cartoons in the den.
Eric's mother got up around noon. She had her own routine after a big night out. Rachel made a full pot of coffee and appropriated the television. Curling up in a chair, she watched the headline news for a while and then turned to the music video channels. Eric abandoned the den and went to play games on the computer. His mother was working on her third cup of coffee when he needed to make some notes, but there was no pen or pencil in sight. He knew where to find one though; his mother always had a selection in one of the drawers of the bureau in her bedroom.
Eric wrinkled his nose as he entered his mother's bedroom. It smelled of stale perfume, sweat and alcohol. He quickly selected a pen from the bureau drawer and was on his way back to the computer when he met his mother at the door to her bedroom. "What were you doing in here?" she asked.
"I needed a pen," he said, holding it up to show her.
She simply frowned and brushed past him into her room. Eric heard the door shut as he walked away. He went back to his game, but it wasn't long before he heard his mother call his name. She was using a tone that usually spelled doom for Eric. He couldn't imagine what had gotten her so upset, but he snapped into motion and was in her room seconds later.
Rachel was holding her wallet and she shook it at him accusingly as he entered the room. "I had almost two hundred dollars in here last night and now it's gone," she snapped.
Eric shrugged, why was she asking him? He knew better than to touch her purse. "I didn't take it," he said.
Her face contorted and she said with a sneer, "Well, you were just in here."
Eric felt his face grow hot with the unfairness of her accusation. His mind grew fuzzy like it did at times like these, and before he could stop himself he blurted out, "Maybe it was your friend with the little dick. He was fucking you in here, wasn't he?"
He barely saw the slap that knocked his head sideways. The stinging pain in his face made his eyes tear up. He threw his hands to his face and ran from the room, followed by the sound of his mother slamming her door.
For the next several days Eric and Rachel didn't speak. He suspected his mother had come to the conclusion that he had been right about her lover taking her money. But he knew she would never admit it, and that pissed him off. Why would she give one of her boyfriends the benefit of a doubt and jump on him? Was it because they were having sex? Did those boyfriends gain some sort of status over his mother just because they had some swinging meat between their legs? Well, if a big dick mattered so much to her, then he could do something about that.
One day after school the following week, Eric dug into his underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of boxers. He had stopped wearing the loose fitting shorts because they were useless in controlling unwanted erections. Tugging the crotch to the right, he ran his dick down the left leg of the boxers. Then he pulled on a pair of old jeans, and stroked at his cock until it was half hard and made a long bulge along his thigh. Now it was time to show off.
Eric strolled into the kitchen where his mother was making dinner. He poured a glass of water from the tap and turned to face Rachel as he drank. He glanced down. The front of his jeans looked as if he had taken a stuffed athletic sock and run it down his pant's leg. He finished his drink and put the glass in the dishwasher. As he walked out of the kitchen, he wasn't sure if his mom had noticed anything, but he fully intended to give her plenty of other opportunities.
For a week Eric moved around the house looking as if he was sporting a fat sausage in his pants. When he sat, he would smooth the cloth covering his cock so that it would stand out. From time to time he would look at his mother and catch her eyes looking away, or her head turning, or her hand coming up to her mouth as she cleared her throat. If he thought that she might be looking, he would absently press his hand down the length of his cock, making sure she knew that long lump in his pants wasn't just a fold in the cloth.
Eric arrived home from school on the following Friday. He could feel his cock stirring as he came through the door. He usually masturbated right after school before his mom came home from work, but today he had different plans. His dick remained remarkably hard through his afternoon snack and he was oozing pre-cum while he did algebra homework.
Finally, he heard his mom's car in the drive. Eric went into the bathroom and took his seat on the toilet, his cock thrusting up from his groin. He took a bottle of body lotion and squirted a generous amount into his palm. After coating his dick from head to balls, he began to pound his dick with a steady beat. He added more lotion, so that he made a liquid, smacking sound every time his fingers hit the flared head.
Eric made sure that the slapping sound of hand on cock was loud and insistent as his mother walked by the bathroom door. Her footsteps slowed and then stop altogether. He imagined her standing just a few feet away, listening to her little boy jerk off his mega- cock.
Eric's hand flashed up down his thick shaft faster and faster. He wasn't going to be able to last much longer. He reached over and pulled at least five feet of toilet paper from the roll. The holder made a long, loose metallic rattle as he jerked at the paper. He wadded the paper in one hand and clamped it over the end of his bloated cock-head just as the first gush of cum rushed upward. He gasped loudly with every wad of hot boy-juice that shot into the tissue.
When he was finally finished, Eric took another long pull of toilet paper and cleaned off his cock and hands. He dropped the cum and lotion soaked paper into the toilet so that it made a nice, loud plop as it hit the water. He flushed and then washed his hands in the sink. After stuffing his still mostly hard dick down his pant's leg, he opened the door and stepped into the hallway. The door to his mother's bedroom was cracked barely open and he smiled when he saw it close completely as he walked by.
Over the next week Eric considered on how far to take this. Although they barely spoke, he thought that the atmosphere between him and his mom had changed. Somehow she seemed smaller and more feminine, more girlish. He had continued to masturbate, usually more than once a day, but he was beginning to yearn for more pussy. He'd made himself available to Ms. Miller, and even though there had been some significant eye contact between them, they hadn't had an opportunity to be alone. The upshot was that he was one horny teen with a big cock to satisfy.
Things came to a head the following Saturday afternoon. It was a cloudy, dark day with a constant drizzle that eliminated any idea of outdoor chores or games. Rachel had gone shopping and Eric had spent the morning watching cartoons and playing video games. By early afternoon he was bored. He made a sandwich and settled down in front of the TV. He flipped through the channels until the sight of a couple of generously proportioned breasts bouncing around in a too small bikini made his channel surfing come to a halt.
It was a movie about a couple of cheerleaders. One was a sexy, beautiful bitch, and the other girl was a more likeable character, but just as sexy and beautiful in a more subdued fashion. They both lusted after the sexy and handsome school quarterback. In the end, the quarterback fucked and discarded the bitch, while the likeable girl ended up with her only slightly less handsome best friend who had loved her all along. It was a B-movie plot with plenty of B-movie footage. There were scenes of girls in bras, girls in bikinis, girls in steam filled showers and girls in incredibly inappropriate school attire. There were plenty of make- out scenes with tongues darting about, and a couple of sex scenes with glimpses of bare breasts.
By the end of the movie Eric had a throbbing erection and an urgent desire to empty his pulsing balls. On a whim he decided to do it in his bedroom rather than on his usual perch in the bathroom. He loaded up on tissue paper and after pulling down his pants, he took a seat on his bed. He threw his pillows one on top of the other and propped his upper body against the pillows and headboard with his legs stretched out on the mattress.
He pushed at his rigid erection until it was upright and pointed at the ceiling, then he crossed his legs, trapping his balls under his legs and pulling at the skin of his dick. That way, his cock stood erect and tall all by itself. The head twitched back and forth in time with his pulse. Eric flexed the muscles in his groin and a bubble of pre-cum appeared on the tip of his cock. He took some tissue and wiped it away. Sometimes, masturbating with smooth, dry skin against smooth, dry skin was just as good as getting everything slick and oily.
Eric steadied his cock with his left hand and began to jerk off with his right. His hand only traveled a few inches, covering and uncovering the sensitive skin just under the bloated head. Eric closed his eyes and dreamt of the girls in the movie. The bitchy girl had had the hottest body. Her breasts had practically overwhelmed the cups of her bikini, with tit flesh bulging around all sides of the cups, plus she had nipples that looked as if they were going to punch through the flimsy material of her swim suit.
Clunk. Eric's eyes popped open at the sound of the door closing on his mother's car. He had been so deep into his erotic fantasy he hadn't heard her drive up. His body halfway jerked off the bed in full cover-his-ass mode before he realized that this was his chance. He sank back onto the bed and arranged his cock until it was once more pointed skyward. Glancing to his left, he saw that the door to his room wasn't quite closed. It wouldn't close completely unless he gave it a good shove and he estimated that the inch wide crack was just about right. He leaned back on the pillows and resumed stroking. To his surprise, his cock hadn't flagged in the least. In fact, it looked as if it were eager for whatever was going to happen.
Rachel walked into the house carrying the new shoes for which she had spent the morning shopping. They were just the thing for the demure, yet revealing, little dress she was going to wear for her date that evening. Richard Dearing probably wouldn't notice her shoes, but he would notice the way the four inch heels showcased her legs. Besides, the new shoes would make her feel sexy, and if she felt sexy then she would look sexy, and that meant Richard would likely keep a boner in his pants all night.
A knowing smile, an accidental touch and their next date might include diamonds – something small and tasteful. Later dates should prove more profitable, if not very exciting. Richard wouldn't be a stud like that cowboy she had brought home the other night. What was his name? Randy or Dandy or something like that. It didn't matter.
What mattered was that his thick eight inches had filled her pussy. It had almost been worth the money that he had stolen from her purse. Yes, she had finally admitted to herself that her one night stand had ripped her off, and not her son Eric. She wasn't about to admit it to Eric though. He was growing up too fast for her taste. Let the boy think that he was on shaky ground as far as women were concerned.
Rachel headed toward her bedroom. She glanced into Eric's room as she walked by. He had one arm thrust awkwardly in the air and he was rubbing his fist. Had he hurt himself trying some dumb stunt that he'd seen on TV? He was certainly growing more adventurous. She thought that she'd heard him masturbating in the bathroom the other day, and lately he'd looked as if he was carrying around a perpetual erection. Well, boys did that sort of thing. She would have to search his room for girly magazines.
Rachel was just changing into a loose pair of shorts when a stunning comprehension clicked into place in her mind. Eric hadn't hurt his arm. He was sitting on his bed, masturbating a huge cock in the middle of the afternoon, and he hadn't even bothered to close his door. That couldn't be right. Could it? It must have been a trick of the light. Rachel hastily threw on an old denim shirt and walked quickly and quietly back to where she could look into Eric's room. Her mouth flew open in a silent gasp of surprise when she saw that what she had imagined was true.
Rachel saw that Eric was steadying his dick with the fist of his left hand, and then there was this expanse of cock flesh, and then his right hand was rubbing the skin just under a doorknob sized head. She couldn't believe it. Her son was hung like a horse. She became aware of a heavy, warm surge of blood as it flooded her pussy. She could almost feel the walls of her pussy weeping with vaginal juices.
Without thinking, she spread her legs and pulled up the leg of her shorts. Eric couldn't see what she was doing. Indeed, he was obviously absorbed with himself. Rachel ran her fingers over her clit through her panties and bit her lower lip as she began to masturbate in time with the movement of Eric's hand.
Eric jerked his cock with a lazy stroke. His mom had disappeared into her room for a few minutes, but now he could see her bare foot out of the corner of his eye. She was watching him. She wasn't screaming for him to stop or threatening some dire punishment either. She was watching his hand move up and down his massive meat. He saw her foot shift and her toes curl. Was she angry, or appalled, or was she turned on? Eric began to beat his meat faster. She was watching and he imagined her getting hotter and hotter, and he was going to give her a show. He was going to let her know just what he could do.
Rachel could see that her son was about to cum. His hips were rocking from side to side and he was taking short gulps of air. Unconsciously, she applied more pressure to her clit and moved her hand faster and faster. She was desperate to finish with her son. She heard Eric take a deep breath and hold it. For a second his entire body, except for his frantically stroking hand, was rigid with muscle tension, and then suddenly his hips thrust upwards and his cock-head grew until it looked as if it might explode. A column of spunk shot from the tip of Eric's dick. It surged into the air so far Rachel had to look up in order to see the milky white jet break into fat globs of cum that fells with a series of splats onto his groin. To her amazement, it happened all over again and then it seemed like the stream of cum shots would never end.
Rachel frigged her clit so hard that her hand and arm ached with the effort. So much cum, she groaned in her mind. So much, and it just keeps on gushing from that incredible dick. She was suddenly woozy and thought that she might topple over. She had to put a hand out for balance and then she was cumming. She stifled a cry as her legs quivered and her pussy pulsed in orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through her cunt.
She couldn't remember the last time she had cum so hard. When she returned to her senses, Rachel saw Eric sopping up his massive load of semen with a handful of bathroom tissue. She softly stepped back into her room and closed the door. A minute later she was on her bed, her arms wrapped around a pillow, emotionally exhausted and quietly napping.
Eric wiped at the sticky mess puddled in his crotch and splattered across his chest. He saw his mother's foot move and a second later he heard the door to her room close. He smiled in satisfaction. She hadn't stormed into the room to dress him down. She had watched the whole thing, including the shower of cum he had just produced. She had to be interested, maybe even turned on. He wandered into the bathroom and flushed the double handful of gooey tissue down the toilet.
Early that evening Eric was using lightening bolts to attack a hideous, fanged monster when he heard his mother's footsteps. He paused his video game and looked up in time to see her come into the living room. She was wearing a v-neck top of black lace over a pleated black skirt. Her lips were a dark red and her makeup accented her cheeks and dark eyes. "I'm going out," she announced unnecessarily.
"You look hot," he blurted out. His eyes wandered over her cleavage, past her slim waist and down to her shapely calves.
Rachel frowned and for a second and Eric thought that she was going to tell him off, but then her face softened and she said, "Thank you. I won't be late." Her eyes lingered on her son for a second, and then she was out the door.
Being alone in the house triggered Eric's cock. Within a minute he had a full hard-on. Ordinarily he would have grabbed one of his mother's clothing catalogs and jacked-off in the bathroom, but this time he gave his cock a friendly pat and said to himself, "Let's wait."
Around nine o'clock, Eric took a bath. He made sure that his crotch and dick were thoroughly clean. His cock stiffened as he lathered up the growing hunk of meat, and the temptation to lose his load was enormous, but he forced himself to simply rinse off and hop out of the tub. He dried off and then took a fresh towel into the living room. Spreading the towel on the couch, he slouched down onto the cushions, totally naked; his now softer cock draped over one thigh, its head resting on the towel.
An hour later, Eric heard his mother's car in the driveway. His half hard cock sprang to quivering attention as if it were a pet eager for someone to come home and play. For a split second he was worried that she might have brought her date home with her. He hadn't thought about that. In fact he hadn't really thought through any of this. He almost jumped off the couch in a panic, but he didn't. He just grabbed his cock and felt its very reassuring iron hardness.
He heard the sound of her key in the lock, and then the front door opened. The front door was in full view from the couch, but Eric kept his eyes on the TV as his mother entered. He had settled on a movie showing on one of the women's channels. On the screen, an older woman in a revealing dress was languidly stroking the bare thigh of a younger man.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw his mother take two steps and come to a dead stop. Time froze. There would have been absolute silence in the room if it hadn't been for the sound of murmured endearments from the television. Eric's heart was pounding and he felt lightheaded, but his cock never wavered. If anything, it was harder and larger than ever before. Eric could feel his pulse tickling his swollen cock-head.
He looked up at his mother's approach. She didn't say anything or look him in the eye. She just seemed to be mesmerized by his cock. Her eyes were locked onto his throbbing meat as she sat down so close that their shoulders touched. Eric inhaled deeply. His mother smelled erotically of shampoo and perfume. He could see down the front of her dress. Her breasts swelled upwards and he could see where the lace of her black bra blended with the black lace of her top.
Rachel reached out and touched his erection with her fingertips. She lightly, almost reverently, ran her fingers over the hot skin of his cock. Her touch grew bolder and soon her entire hand was trying to span the width of his rigid pole, but she couldn't begin to wrap her fingers all the way around. Her palm slid up the length of his cum tube, and she was rewarded with a gush of hot, clear liquid from the slit in his cock- head. She gasped in surprise as the pre-cum washed over her hand. She caught some in her palm and smeared it all over Eric's throbbing cock-head.
"Oh," whispered Eric. He lay back on the couch in contentment as his mother petted and rubbed the head of his dick. He didn't know where this was going. Was she going to jerk him off? Would she just walk away and pretend that this never happened?
The last thing he expected was for his mother to lock her lips over his cock-head, but that's exactly what happened. She couldn't get the whole thing in her mouth of course, but the feel of her lips moving over his skin was nearly overwhelming. Then she began to stroke the sensitive skin beneath his cock-head with a corkscrewing motion of her palm. That was the way he did it. Had she picked that up from him, or was it just the natural way to masturbate?
He didn't have time to ponder the question for long because he was cumming. A hot rush of semen shot through his cock and into his mother's mouth. Her eyes flew open in surprise, but she managed to swallow down the milky load. Of course that was only the first shot of cum. More and more of the creamy stuff erupted from his cock. Rachel couldn't handle all of it. Some managed to leak from her red lips, but when Eric's cock finally stopped spewing she licked his cock-head clean of the spilt cum.
Eric sighed in contentment and leaned back on the sofa. The television still murmured in the corner and his mother's fingers were still caressing his cock. "It's not going soft," Rachel said with awe in her voice. It was the first thing she had said since coming home.
Eric realized that she was right. He was as horny as ever. "No, it's not," he said, "let's fuck." He couldn't believe what he'd just said, but Ms Miller had been eager to fuck after jerking him off. Wouldn't his mother feel the same way?
Rachel stood and looked down on her son. His dick had just spouted a total of more cum than she had seen in her entire life, out of the biggest dick in the world, and he was still hard on top of all that. She reached both hands behind her back, making her breasts thrust against her blouse, as she unzipped her top. She shrugged the flimsy black material off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor.
A few seconds later, she was stepping out of the skirt that had puddled at her feet. On the off chance that she might end up in bed with the wealthy Richard Dearing that night, Rachel had worn a black, lacy bra and panties along with matching garter-belt and hose. She struck a pose, putting one foot slightly in front of the other and tossing her hair about with a shake of her head. This move usually left men drooling and growling in a sexual frenzy. Her son, Eric, might not be growling, but his eyes were as big as saucers, and his fabulous dick was certainly drooling pre-cum. It looked as wet as her pussy felt.
Eric watched in heated fascination as his mother disposed of her garter belt, hose and panties. He was captivated by the sight of her jiggling tit-flesh above her bra cups as she approached the couch. She was his fantasy come true. He didn't dare touch his cock. It was already on a hair-trigger, ready to spray down the room with a fresh load of cum.
She trailed the smooth skin of her calf over his thighs as she climbed onto the couch. She had one foot on the floor and one knee on the cushions. As a result, Eric had only to glance to his left to see her bright pink, open pussy lips. He got the idea immediately. Getting to his knees, Eric bent his dick down to the appropriate level. He had to work his hips from side to side and up and down until his massive cock-head worked its way into the satiny folds of his mom's pussy.
"Ahh... so big," whimpered Rachel as Eric pressed inch after relentless inch of unyielding cock into her stretched vagina.
Eric then began to fuck his mother. To his surprise the hair-trigger on his cock didn't get pulled. He settled into a hot rhythm of plunging cock. The tingling itch at the tip of his dick would grow and then subside. From time to time he had to clamp his hands on his mother's ass to stop her from coaxing the cum from his laden balls.
"Don't stop, please fuck me," she would whine from her orgasm induced stupor. Rachel was cumming off like a string of firecrackers. Her ass would tremble for long seconds and then she would scream and her hips would plunge backward until her son's meaty cock would hit bottom. Then she'd do it all over again. Eric lost count of the number of times he felt her quivering vaginal muscles pull at his dick.
After what seemed like hours of sexual agony, Eric's dick erupted in a frenzy of spewing cum. His first stream filled his mother's pussy to overflowing. Eric's balls delivered another load and he felt the hot cream splashing back on his groin. He withdrew his rampaging cock from Rachel's pussy and let it fire at will.
His cum landed in streaks on her back and fell in globs onto her auburn hair. He pressed the head of his dick on her ass and filled the hollow of her back with cum. Lying back onto the couch, Eric felt his cock wither messily against his thigh. He rested until his mother stirred and a second later he watched her wipe up his spent cum with the towel he'd been sitting on. When she left for the bathroom, he went to his room and fell into bed, exhausted.
Eric slept until noon the following day. When he awoke the pressure on his bladder was overwhelming. He padded into the bathroom and unleashed a torrent of piss as his morning hard-on faded. He emerged from the bathroom and smelled the aroma of his mom's coffee. He realized that she must be up and the thought brought back his erection with a vengeance. Totally naked, he walked into the den. Rachel was curled up on the couch sipping at her cup of coffee. Eric marched up to her until his cock-head nudged her cheek. "Suck me off," he demanded.
Rachel averted her eyes as she carefully put down her cup. She wrapped both hands around his cock-shaft and slurped her tongue over the head. Looking up into her son's eyes she pleaded in a whisper, "Will you fuck me later?"
Eric looked down at his mom. He couldn't remember the last time she'd asked him his wishes on anything. He smiled and gave his hips a twitch that sent his cock- head past her lips. "Oh yeah, you'll get yours," he growled.
As Eric gave the bar of soap another ride, he felt a funny tingle at the end of his penis. He looked down. His cock was stiff and the swollen head was peeking out from between his thighs. He twisted his torso and bent forward from the hips, imitating his throwing motion in the throw-the-soap game. His cock disappeared between his thighs and the tingle happened again. Was there something wrong with his penis? He arched his back and spread his knees, bringing his cock into view. It certainly looked all right. It felt full, like it always did when it was hard. It was about four inches long, with a strong, straight shaft and capped with a helmet shaped head.
Eric flexed his hips once more, sending his cock-head back between his smooth, boyish thighs. The tingle happened again; it was too pleasurable to be ignored. Eric forgot about the soap game. He bent over in the tub and began to rock his hips back and forth, leaving his cock trapped between his legs. The tingle not only continued; it became more intense. His cock had a funny itch and felt like it was growing warmer on the skin of his thighs. He grabbed the sides of the tub and held on as his hips plunged back and forth.
The water in the tub sloshed around and threatened to slop onto the floor, but Eric didn't care. The feeling between his legs was just too good to stop, and then suddenly the sensations jumped a hundredfold. It was almost more than he could bear. He gasped and hunched over so far that his face almost dunked into the bath water. His cock shuddered like it did when he shot out the last spurts of pee, but it was all happening on its own.
He couldn't stop the contractions; they went on and on until the muscles in his crotch burned and knotted. After almost a full minute of exquisite pleasure the overwhelming feelings ebbed and Eric was left breathless and dazed. He didn't know what had just happened, but he was willing to try it again.
"Are you making a mess in there?" his mother's harsh voice called through the closed bathroom door.
"No, ma'am," Eric said immediately. He didn't want her charging in to see for herself.
"Stop playing around then; it's time to get out, and you better be clean," she said.
"Yes ma'am," Eric said. He opened the drain on the tub and stood. His penis was back to its soft state and didn't seem to be any the worse for whatever had just happened.
Eric stood over home plate with bat in hand. He was twelve years of age now, and playing softball during school recess was one of his favorite things. He had already been at bat twice, hitting homeruns both times. The field on which they played held three ball diamonds without any fences between them, so any hits that got past an outfielder had a chance to bounce and roll an inordinate distance.
The score was tied and recess time was nearly over. Eric was likely to be the last batter. The pitch came in and Eric swung as if he were trying to flatten the ball. He didn't catch the ball solidly, but it still managed to sail over the third baseman's head and go bounding into the outfield. Eric ran to first base and headed to second. He saw his good friend, Adam, get his glove on the ball, and Eric slowed to stop at second. Adam fumbled with the ball, dropping it to the ground. "Run, go, go, go," Eric heard from the bench. Jose Williams, who valued winning above breathing, was screaming for him to take third base.
Eric saw Adam reach for the ball. Eric knew that if he ran immediately, he could make it; Adam didn't have a very good arm. "Run, you idiot," screamed Jose. Eric hesitated, if he ran now then he would be challenging Adam and Eric didn't want to embarrass his friend. Finally, Adam found the handle on the ball and Eric's opportunity to advance passed, and he just stayed on second. There was time for another batter, but he grounded out and the game ended in a tie.
"OK, time to go in," called the PE instructor, Ms. Cane. The kids gathered up their equipment and headed for the stairs that led from the ball field back to the school building.
"We could have won the game," Eric heard from right behind his back. He turned and saw Jose glaring at him.
"I couldn't have scored," said Eric, although he knew that he could have easily gone to third.
"Pussy," said Jose with venom in his voice, "you didn't even try."
Eric just turned his back on Jose. Eric was easily the biggest boy in his class and didn't have to stand up to the other kids very often. He was easy going and certainly no bully. Eric felt something slam into his back, and he staggered forward. He turned and saw that Jose had shoved him in the back. "Stop it," Eric snapped.
"What are you going to do, pussy?" taunted Jose. The other kids had begun to gather around. Jose seemed delighted to have an audience. He gave Eric another shove.
Eric's arms shot out and connected with Jose's shoulders. The boy stumbled backwards and tripped over his own feet. Amidst giggles and laughter from the crowd, he fell on his butt next to the stairs. Looking around, Jose grabbed a stick of wood that was lying nearby and swung it at Eric's legs.
Eric tried to jump back, but the end of the stick hit his thigh. There was a searing pain that ran up his leg. He grabbed his inner thigh and doubled over in agony.
"Break it up. What's going on here?" said Ms. Cane as she ran over to investigate the commotion.
"Jose hit Eric with that stick," said some girl's voice from the crowd.
"He pushed me down," said Jose.
"He shoved me first," said Eric, defending himself.
"Let me have that stick," said Ms. Cane, and Jose reluctantly handed it over. When she held it up, Eric could see a nail sticking out of the end. "Are you hurt?" Ms. Cane asked Eric.
"Maybe a little," said Eric. He moved his hands to reveal a ragged tear in his pants and a line of blood.
"Go to the nurse's office," said Ms. Cane, "we'll sort this out later." Eric clamped his hand over his burning inner thigh and limped up the stairs to the school building.
Sara Miller was the school's nurse. She was a pixyish woman with spiky blonde hair and large liquid brown eyes. She looked up as Eric entered the infirmary. She spotted the blood on his pants right away. "What happened to you?" she asked with concern.
Eric told her the story of the short lived shoving match. Sara nodded and said, "OK, pull down your pants and we'll take a look." She turned to a supply cabinet and began to pull out gauze, tape and antiseptics.
Eric pulled down his pants and saw that the wound ran under the leg of his boxer shorts, so he went ahead and pulled down his shorts too. His leg was aching so much that he wasn't concerned about modesty.
Sara turned back to Eric and almost dropped her supplies. Eric was seated on the exam table, his pants and shorts pulled down to his knees. He was looking at the scar on his leg and kneading the muscle of his thigh in obvious discomfort. Sara glanced at his scar, but she couldn't keep her eyes off Eric's cock and balls. They were the biggest that she had ever seen on any boy, or on any man for that matter. His scrotum looked as if it contained a couple of tennis balls, and his cock lay draped over those cum eggs like a fleshy shriveled hose. Sara was amazed at its size and the thing wasn't even hard.
Sara knew that she shouldn't be gawking at a student's gonads, and eventually her professionalism prevailed over her curiosity. She casually draped a towel over Eric's privates and went to work on his scar. He took it pretty well, managing to sit still and not to fuss as she treated the long gash. She cleaned the area and treated it with an antibiotic. After covering the wound with gauze, she wrapped a stretch bandage around his leg as a final dressing.
As she wrapped the material around his leg, it was impossible for her not to brush the back of her hand against his cock and balls. She could have sworn that Eric's dick was growing longer as she worked, and it was with reluctance when she had to tell him that she was through. She checked his medical records and said, "I see that your tetanus shots are up to date, so you shouldn't have any trouble. Keep that bandage dry and be sure to see your family doctor if your leg swells or becomes more tender."
Eric pulled his pants up and said, "Thanks, Ms. Miller, since I'm here can I ask you something?"
"Certainly," she answered.
Eric was suddenly shy. He was wondering about something and he didn't know who to ask. He tried not to ask his mother about stuff like this because she was capable of snapping his head off over the least thing. Besides, Ms. Miller was a nurse and she should know. "It's about my penis," he finally managed to mumble. "Sometimes stuff comes out of it."
"You mean besides urine," said Sara.
Let's jerk those pants back off and check that puppy out, thought Sara. But what she said was, "Well, it usually happens in older boys, but it's normal to see drops of a clear fluid from time to time."
"It's a lot more than a few drops," Eric said.
Gallons of cum from those big balls, I bet, sounded in Sara's mind. She put her fingers to her mouth for a second just in case what she was thinking tried to leak out. Actually, she was concerned. Maybe the boy really had some disease that was making his gonads balloon up. "Eric," she said softly, "do you masturbate?"
Eric blushed to the tips of his ears. Yes, he masturbated. Ever since that first orgasm in his bath a couple of years ago, he'd done it on a daily basis, sometimes more often. At first there had been only that fantastic feeling, but after a couple of months he began to see a burble of clear liquid on the tip of his cock after he came. At first he thought that it was pee, but as the weeks went on, there was more and more of the syrupy stuff. "Uh... yeah," he answered.
"I need a specimen of whatever it is that you're talking about. Do you think that you could masturbate into this?" she asked as she handed him a plastic cup.
"Right here, in front of you?" he said, certain that he couldn't.
She was tempted to tell him yes, but Sara said, "No, honey, you can go in the bathroom."
He took the cup and headed for the small bathroom at the back of the infirmary. Halfway there Eric's nerve faltered, he turned and said, "This might take a while."
"Try to finish before the end of school," Sara said dryly. That was two hours away.
Eric closed the bathroom door. The room was clean, brightly lit and smelled of antiseptic and soap. He pulled down his pants and winced as his bare skin touched the cold toilet lid. It was almost like jacking off at home. But at home he would have sneaked one of his mother's fashion magazines into the bathroom. His cock began to lengthen and fill as the thought of fashion models in lacy bras filled his mind. He loved the sight of creamy breasts swelling above formfitting satin cups.
Eric's cock jutted up from between his thighs. He reached out and put his hand on his cock head as it wobbled about at chest level. He began to masturbate with a twisting, stroking motion. He closed his eyes and thought about female breasts and legs. Long feminine legs turned him on too. The daydream of tanned and shapely thighs and calves revealing themselves from beneath tight skirts and shorts made his cock full and rigid.
Eric felt the warm surge of cum building at the base of his dick. He suddenly remembered that he wasn't here to simply blow off some sexual pressure. He snatched the cup from the edge of the sink where he had put it a few minutes ago. He pushed his dick forward and tried to angle the cup so that it would catch the eminent flow of fluid. He quickly realized that wasn't going to work, so he stood, bent over and got the rim of the cup under his penis just as his first shot squirted from his cock-head.
There was the sound of liquid hitting plastic, and then the sound of liquid hitting liquid, and then, just that quick, the cup was full. Eric put the cup back on the sink as his next shot of cum splashed on the toilet lid. He jerked up the lid and cum jetted onto the seat, Finally, he got things under control and managed to spew the rest of his load into the bowl.
"What a mess," Eric said under his breath. He should have known this would happen. He set to work with toilet tissue and paper towels. In a few minutes, he had his mess cleaned up and flushed away. He carried the specimen cup back into the infirmary, careful not to spill the contents. Ms. Miller was at her desk. He cautiously put down the cup and said, "Here it is."
Sara glanced at the cup, looked up at Eric, and then jerked her eyes back to the cup. It was graduated up to four ounces and held even more. Eric had managed to fill it full of milky white cum all the way to the top. "That much?" she exclaimed.
Eric shrugged, "Isn't that enough?" he asked innocently. "I mean there was lots more, but I had to flush it away. Maybe you should have given me a bigger cup."
"No, this is fine," she said in amazement. She shook her head to clear it and dug into a drawer in her desk. She pulled out a letter sized teaching booklet and handed it to Eric. "I have an idea that you may need this."
Eric took the booklet. The title was 'Sex Facts for Teens.' The cover showed a boy and girl sitting under a tree calmly gazing into the distance, their school books stacked neatly on the ground. "Thanks," he said.
"You read that and then we'll talk about it, if you want. Come back in a week and I'll check your leg. Be sure to go to your doctor, or let me know, if it swells up or turns red," said Sara.
"My penis?"
"No, your leg, silly," said Sara, stifling a laugh.
Eric left the infirmary and headed to his classroom. Ms. Givens, his teacher, simply gave him a glance as he took his seat. It was time for their history lesson and Ms. Givens was boring the class about some king or another. Eric was much more interested in the booklet that Ms. Miller had given to him. He opened it and flipped through its pages. His eye was caught by the line drawings of the male penis. One showed it soft and drooped over, and another drawing showed it erect with a nice, graceful upward curve. 'The average adult male penis is from 5 ½ to 6 inches in length,' said the caption underneath the drawings.
That must be a misprint, thought Eric. If it was true, then his dick wasn't just bigger than average, it was off the scale. That couldn't be right, could it? He scanned the rest of the booklet. He was glad to find that his vague notions about vaginas were mostly correct.
After school that day Eric went to the school gym. He was going to try out for the basketball team. There was almost no chance that a sixth-grader could make the junior varsity team, but he was tall for his age and besides, it was one of the few after school activities that met his mother's approval.
Eric was sitting on the bleachers with thirty other boys when Coach Cane came into the gym. "OK, listen up," she barked above the noise of the students' talk and horseplay, "Coach Jones has had a family emergency, so tryouts are postponed." A murmur of disappointment ran through the crowd. "Let's move down to the locker rooms. You can call for your rides there and wait until someone comes to pick you up."
The coach led the way down stairs out if the gym. "You boys keep things down to a loud roar. I don't want to have to come in here," she said as the boys passed by her and into the locker room. Eric knew that his mom wouldn't pick him up for more than an hour. He sought out an area on one of the benches to wait. The dreaded Jose Williams wasn't around – someone had said that he had been expelled. So he didn't have to contend with that asshole. He decided that he might as well start on his homework, so he opened his math book and tried to study.
"Yeah, I fucked her good." Eric's head jerked up when he heard that. He looked around and saw that he was very nearly alone. There were only four other boys who hadn't been able to leave school yet. They were clustered in the rear of the locker room and evidently the talk had turned to girls.
"I bet you did," said a ninth-grader, named Charles, sarcastically.
"Damn right," said the other boy. He was also in the ninth grade. His name was Bobby, as best as Eric could remember. Bobby grabbed his crotch and gave it a squeeze.
"Not with that little pencil-dick of yours," said Charles, "I've seen you in the showers."
"Mine's as big as yours when it's hard," said Bobby.
Charles reached down to the front of his pants and began to stroke the cloth covered lump there. "OK, let's find out. Make a hard-on, if you can, and we'll see," he said.
Bobby began massage his crotch in earnest. He looked over at the two eighth-graders, who had been sitting nearby, and said, "You guys need to get in on this. Let's see what you've got."
One boy's hand reached tentatively for the front of his pants, but the other one said, "I've already got a boner."
Suddenly, the room was quiet except for the sound of skin sliding on cloth. Eric felt his cock stirring, but he didn't move. He didn't want to draw attention to himself. A minute later, Charles stood up and unzipped his pants. He reached inside and pulled out his cock as if he exposed himself every day of the week. "How's that?" he asked, as he waved his penis back and forth so that everyone could get a good view.
The other three boys stood and there was a flurry of zippers being pulled. Eric couldn't stop himself from looking. Sure enough, just as the brochure had said, as far as he could tell none of their cocks were over six inches in length. He was certainly bigger than these guys. Hell he was bigger than any three of them put together. "Ha, I told you," said Charles, stroking his cock and looking at Bobby, "you're the smallest."
"Am not," Bobby said in denial. Desperate to be not the shortest, he looked around and spotted Eric. "Come over here. Let's see yours."
Eric felt a surge of blood infuse his cock. He was way bigger than these guys, but he didn't want to expose himself. It was just too weird. "That's OK," he said, "I'd rather not."
"If you want to be on the team, then you better get over here," said Bobby.
"Yeah, get with the plan," said Charles.
Oh what the hell, thought Eric. I don't want them to tell the other guys that I'm some sort of big geek, ashamed of his dick. He went over to where the other guys were standing and unzipped his pants. There was no point in trying to pull his cock through his fly, so he lowered his pants, and then began to pull down his underwear. The first six inches of his dick appeared above the elastic band of his tighty-whiteys, and then the next six appeared. "Holy shit," said Bobby in awe.
Eric continued to lower his shorts until the head of his cock popped free. He straightened his back and his cock flopped over to lie on his thigh. "I can't believe it," said Charles. He began to stroke his cock harder and faster.
Eric couldn't help that his dick was getting hard. His shaft began to get thicker as it climbed up his leg. The lengthy piece of meat rolled forward and filled until it was jutting outward proudly. The two eighth- graders goggled at Eric's cock as it twitched and bobbed in the air. They arched their backs and jutted out their hips, beating their meat as if in tribute to a superior cock.
"Oh man, you're fucking huge," said Bobby. "Bigger than my daddy. Hell, three or four times bigger than his." Bobby really did have the smallest dick in the group. He could use only two fingers as he masturbated.
Eric's hand seemed to move on its own as he reached out and began to stroke the head of his cock. The guys, especially the older ones, were staring at his cock with envy. It was such a turn-on. His cock grew even harder and longer as a stream of pre-cum flowed from the slit in his cock-head and lubricated his fingers.
One of the eighth-graders grunted and a couple of spurts of cloudy cum seeped out of his cock and dripped over his fingers. Eric waited for the streams he thought would follow, but nothing happened. The boy slumped; Eric realized that he was finished. Seconds later Charles' face screwed up and cum squirted from the tip of his dick. His semen managed to make some light spots on the floor.
The other eighth-grader finished shortly thereafter with similarly unspectacular results. Bobby held the end of his cock between thumb and forefinger and masturbated in short tugs. "I'm goin' to shoot," he gasped. He stretched his dick out as far as possible and grunted loudly as a little sprit of cum trickled out the slit.
Huh, watch this, thought Eric in disdain as he felt his cock swell. The head turned from red to near purple and visibly grew larger. The slit blossomed and a stream of cum blasted into a nearby metal locker, making a hollow thrumming sound. Eric recognized that he had just ejaculated twenty times more cum than the other boys had produced in total, and that was just his first stream. Eric hosed down the locker until the cum was streaming down the metal door and pooling on the tile floor.
"Oh wow, dude," said Bobby. His dick had shrunk back as if to take refuge inside his pants. "You can play on our team any time."
A week passed and Eric returned to the school infirmary so that Ms. Miller could check on his scar. "Hi, Eric," said Sara as he approached her desk. "How's that scar of yours?" She was looking bright and perky in a light blue lab coat.
"It hasn't hurt much," said Eric.
"Hop up on the examination table and we'll take a look at it."
Eric pulled his pants down to his knees and took a seat. Sara noted once more the substantial bulge in Eric's shorts, but first things first. She unwrapped the stretch bandage and then gently pulled away the gauze from his leg. The scar was pink with a little scabbing, nothing to worry about. "That looks fine. I don't think we'll have to amputate," she teased.
"Oh thank goodness," said Eric as if he had really been worried. The two talked for a few more minutes about school as she changed his bandage.
Sara kept glancing at Eric's crotch. In the past week she had been telling herself that the apparent size of his dick had been a trick of perspective, that it really wasn't the monster she remembered. She had debated with herself as to whether or not she ought to try for another look. This morning her curiosity, and frankly, her lust won out. "Eric, you remember that semen sample you gave me last week?"
Eric nodded.
"Well it came back negative, but I'd still like to examine your penis, just to be on the safe side," Sara said in her best clinical voice.
"OK," said Eric. He hoped that she wouldn't find anything that might actually lead to shrinking the size of his cock, but he didn't want to have any sort of disease either.
Sara wiggled her hands into a pair of latex gloves as Eric pulled down his shorts. She simply stared at the hunk of meat that lay across the boy's thigh. It hadn't been her imagination. It was bigger than any cock she'd ever dreamed of, and it wasn't even hard. She took its length into her hands and tried to examine the warm flesh without actually fondling. Except for the bluish veins, Eric's cock was pink and healthy.
Eric was embarrassed as hell, but he loved the feel of Ms. Miller's fingers on his dick; he began to get hard. She gently turned and twisted his penis as it grew longer and thicker. For a second he worried that she might drop his dick in disgust and order him to get dressed, but to his surprise she began to stroke him from crotch to cock-head, encouraging his hot blood.
Sara couldn't stop her fingers from their sensuous task. How much larger could this boy's cock get? Would he leap from the table, calling her a pervert and ruin her professional life? She looked into his eyes and saw only excitement and encouragement. "Do you like this?" she asked. He nodded his head. "I can make it feel even better. Would you like that?" she asked. Her voice was low and seductive. She took his wide grin as an affirmation.
She turned and picked up a bottle of lotion from the top of a nearby cabinet. She squirted a generous portion onto the palm of one hand and held it there for a few seconds, warming the slippery liquid. Careful not to spill the lotion, she coated every square inch of Eric's cock with the cream, and then she began to give his dick a thorough massage. It was like kneading a hard muscle. She ran her hands from his oversized balls upward. Every time her hands squeezed his cock-head his hips jerked or rocked about.
"Yeah, you like that, don't you?" she said in a whisper.
"Uh huh," Eric croaked.
Sara wanted to give him the stroke job of a lifetime. "I can't believe your cock," she said. "It's just so damn long, and I don't mean like some sort of tube either. It's so wide I can't even get my hands around it." At the base, her fingers failed to meet as she grasped his dick. She slid her hands upward trying to squash his cock between her fingers. She may as well have tried to compress a steel pipe. Eric moaned a little as she made his cock-head swell.
"And this thing must be as big as a baseball when you cum," she whispered, looking at the purple, engorged head. She released the pressure of her fingers and was rewarded with several ounces of pre-cum that gushed forth. "Oh yeah, let's get this thing really slicked down," she said enthusiastically.
Sara's hands began to flash up and down on Eric's massive meat. The pre-cum continued to flow from his cock tip, and every time her hands smacked into his cock-head the cum splashed onto her arms. "Come on baby, come on," she chanted, "put out for me, come on."
Eric alternated between having his eyes screwed shut in bliss and watching Sara's face. She looked awe struck as his cock jerked and twitched in her hot hands. She had brought him to a near boil, and she was practically begging for his cum.
Sara heard Eric grunt, and as her hands shot up the length of his shaft a torrent of cum spewed from the end of his cock and leaped at least six feet in the air. "Oh fuck, yeah," she squealed as the hot cream continued to fountain from the purple, swollen head of his cock. The milky cream rained down on her arms, face and soaked her lab coat.
Eric grunted as his body heaved the cum from his loins in mind shattering blasts. Sara continued to milk the hot cream out of his cock until it had stopped spurting and was merely washing over the head of his dick in diminishing waves. She continued to reverently caress his shaft and cup each of his balls in turn – just one of his eggs filled her palm.
Eric sighed, that had to have been the best orgasm of his life. His cock gave a shudder and he suddenly realized that as great as he felt, he didn't feel empty or finished. His cock was as hard as ever, and he was still horny.
Sara sensed that something was happening, or rather wasn't happening. Eric's cock wasn't wilting; it was still as stiff as a flag pole. Her eyes shifted to Eric's face. "You're still hard," she said in awe.
"Yeah, looks like," he said with a wide grin. He began to hope for another hand job. That had been fantastic. He was surprised when she ripped off her lab coat and clawed at the button on her slacks.
"I can't stand it anymore. I've got to have your big dick," she panted. She threw her slacks to the floor and seconds later her lacy black panties followed. "Hop off," she demanded, pulling on Eric's arm. He slid off the exam table making his cock wave in the air like a club. Sara replaced him on the table. She lay back with her feet on the edges and her knees in the air.
She spread her legs and Eric's eyes went wide as saucers as he stared at her glistening pussy. "Let's go," she said impatiently. Eric crawled between her legs, a bit unsure of what to do next. But Sara took care of that when she spread the lips of her vagina with the fingers of one hand and tried to bend his cock down with the other.
Eric got the idea immediately. He shifted his weight so that his cock got a better angle and suddenly the head of his dick was working its way within the clinging wet confines of heaven. "Now slowly," she told him. Eric eased his hips forward a fraction of an inch at a time. The feeling was fantastic. No wonder the older guys raved all the time about fucking.
"That's far enough," Sara told him as his cock-head snugged to a stop. He looked down and saw that more than half of his dick was still visible. He pulled back and began the first hump of his young life.
Sara spread her legs until they ached. She'd never had anything this large in her cunt and it felt amazing. Everything was touched and massaged and stretched; she began to orgasm immediately. "Oh Eric, this is too good," she gasped. She grabbed at her thighs and her boobs. Her head rolled about and her back arched.
Eric saw the terrific effect that his cock was having and doubled the speed of his fucking. "Yeah, fuck yeah," he whispered to himself. He felt a ripple of vaginal muscle along his cock and Sara looked as if her body had just been plugged into a wall socket. She was positively vibrating with pleasure. I made her cum. I made her cum like a wild woman, he told himself.
He didn't even slow down. She jerked about on the table, but she couldn't escape his plundering cock. Eric watched her cum over and over. He loved the fact that she was helpless with pleasure, but he couldn't keep her that way forever. The pressure was building in his groin, and finally his cock exploded in a rush of cum that must have filled her pussy to the brim. After his initial blast, his cum jetted out of her pussy as fast as he pumped it in.
Eric's mother, Rachel, was getting ready for a night out. Eric could tell that by the way she moved around her bedroom, plus the pleasant smells of perfume and powder that wafted through the house. He looked up at the sound of her heels as she entered the den where he was watching television. Rachel was tall, with an attractive if not eye popping figure. She had chestnut hair that fell in waves down her back, and she was wearing skintight jeans and a plain white cotton tee-shirt with a vest.
"I'm going out," she announced unnecessarily. She pointed a manicured finger at his face. "What are the rules?"
Eric had to stifle a sigh. That would only earn him a rebuke. "No one comes over, no cooking, no Internet and in bed by eleven."
"That's right," she said. She opened her purse and pulled out her car keys and cell phone. She held up the phone and twiddled it back and forth in her fingers for Eric to see. "Call me only if there's an emergency." A second later she was gone.
Eric played a video game until he grew frustrated and bored. He checked the television listings, but there was nothing interesting on for a while. He decided, however, that there was one interesting thing that he could do. He picked up one of his mother's fashion catalogs and headed for the bathroom. Even though he was alone in the house, he closed and locked the door.
Taking a couple of hand towels from their rack, he made sure that they were available on the nearby counter. He pulled down his pants and underwear down to his knees and took a seat on the toilet. His cock pumped itself upwards in anticipation from between his legs as he spread the catalog open on the clothing material stretched between his knees.
He flipped through the catalog to the junior-miss section. In theory, the models on these pages were his age, but Eric had never seen girls as pretty and elegant as these at his school. He masturbated with one hand as he perused the pages. The smiling girls showed off kicky skirts and sporty tops.
Their legs were bare to the thigh, and their breasts thrust against tight tees and blouses. He really liked one of the models. She had long dark hair and eyes that flirted with the reader. Ummm... he'd had sex now. He knew that he could make that hot model scream with pleasure before he pumped her pussy full. This jacking off in the bathroom was a pale substitute, but it was all he had right now.
Eric could feel the growing sexual tension pulse in his cock. It was time to turn to the really good stuff. He flipped to the bra section of the catalog. He couldn't understand why women needed fifty different styles of bras in just as many colors, but he was glad they did.
He especially liked the bras that shaped and enhanced. Those bras lifted and pushed at the breasts of the lithe young models who were probably the least likely females to need such things. But all that tit flesh bulging above the soft, satiny cups was just so exciting. He closed his eyes and imagined Ms. Miller in her bra. He'd seen her pussy and fucked her until she was nearly unconscious, but he'd never seen her bra. He could just imagine the feel of those lacy cups in his fingers as he pounded away.
Abruptly, his eyes snapped open. He was about to cum. Eric snatched up the hand towels and clamped them over the growing head of his cock. The feel of the rough cloth was a delicious agony. He yanked his hand up down faster and faster. His eyes screwed shut and he bit his lower lip. His back arched and then he was cumming, soaking the towels full of hot boy-cream.
Eric was still watching television at twelve-thirty that night when he heard his mom's car in the drive. She would be pissed if she caught him up this late, but he'd planned for this. He snapped off the television, the only thing that was creating light in the house, and walked quickly to his bedroom. He was in bed and feigning sleep long before he heard her key in the door.
He listened as the front door opened and closed, and then he heard a man's voice. Well, it wasn't the first time she'd brought someone home. He heard his mom giggle and the man's answering laughter. Their voices moved into her bedroom, and then things were quiet for a while. He heard some thumps and bumps and some more soft laughter.
Minutes later, a rhythmic bumping sound came through the wall between his mom's bedroom and his room. "Oh yes, baby, screw me with that big thing," he heard his mother say in a long drawn out moan. Eric knew they were fucking. In his mind's eye, he saw some guy – no doubt a young stud - on top of his mom, his dick appearing and disappearing into her pussy.
Eric remembered Ms. Miller's passion contorted face as he lay between her legs, banging into her pussy over and over. For a second, his mother's pretty face and long dark hair replaced Ms. Miller's, and he was banging his own mom. But it was well past his bedtime and he soon fell asleep to dream of dark-haired women whose sexy bras peeked from beneath lab coats, and who showed long shapely legs.
The next morning Eric awoke at first light. He didn't want to get up, but his full bladder wasn't to be ignored, so he rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He was halfway through the door before he realized that he wasn't alone.
"Hi there, cowboy," said the man when he saw Eric.
"Oh... hi," said Eric with a startled expression. The man was average height, nice looking with shaggy dark hair. The one thing he didn't have was clothing, not a stitch. Eric couldn't help himself, he checked the guy out. From a thatch of black pubic hair the man's dick arched long and thick toward a couple of low hanging balls. Not half as long nor as thick as his own cock thought Eric, but certainly bigger than average.
The man dried his hands and face with a towel and tossed it down on the counter. "All yours, partner," he said as he sauntered past Eric back into his mother's bedroom.
Eric did his business and went back to his bedroom, determined to stay there until the man left. He didn't have to wait long. A few minutes later he heard soft footsteps and then the sound of the front door opening and closing. By that time his stomach was rumbling so he went to the kitchen, fixed a bowl of cereal and settled down to Saturday morning cartoons in the den.
Eric's mother got up around noon. She had her own routine after a big night out. Rachel made a full pot of coffee and appropriated the television. Curling up in a chair, she watched the headline news for a while and then turned to the music video channels. Eric abandoned the den and went to play games on the computer. His mother was working on her third cup of coffee when he needed to make some notes, but there was no pen or pencil in sight. He knew where to find one though; his mother always had a selection in one of the drawers of the bureau in her bedroom.
Eric wrinkled his nose as he entered his mother's bedroom. It smelled of stale perfume, sweat and alcohol. He quickly selected a pen from the bureau drawer and was on his way back to the computer when he met his mother at the door to her bedroom. "What were you doing in here?" she asked.
"I needed a pen," he said, holding it up to show her.
She simply frowned and brushed past him into her room. Eric heard the door shut as he walked away. He went back to his game, but it wasn't long before he heard his mother call his name. She was using a tone that usually spelled doom for Eric. He couldn't imagine what had gotten her so upset, but he snapped into motion and was in her room seconds later.
Rachel was holding her wallet and she shook it at him accusingly as he entered the room. "I had almost two hundred dollars in here last night and now it's gone," she snapped.
Eric shrugged, why was she asking him? He knew better than to touch her purse. "I didn't take it," he said.
Her face contorted and she said with a sneer, "Well, you were just in here."
Eric felt his face grow hot with the unfairness of her accusation. His mind grew fuzzy like it did at times like these, and before he could stop himself he blurted out, "Maybe it was your friend with the little dick. He was fucking you in here, wasn't he?"
He barely saw the slap that knocked his head sideways. The stinging pain in his face made his eyes tear up. He threw his hands to his face and ran from the room, followed by the sound of his mother slamming her door.
For the next several days Eric and Rachel didn't speak. He suspected his mother had come to the conclusion that he had been right about her lover taking her money. But he knew she would never admit it, and that pissed him off. Why would she give one of her boyfriends the benefit of a doubt and jump on him? Was it because they were having sex? Did those boyfriends gain some sort of status over his mother just because they had some swinging meat between their legs? Well, if a big dick mattered so much to her, then he could do something about that.
One day after school the following week, Eric dug into his underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of boxers. He had stopped wearing the loose fitting shorts because they were useless in controlling unwanted erections. Tugging the crotch to the right, he ran his dick down the left leg of the boxers. Then he pulled on a pair of old jeans, and stroked at his cock until it was half hard and made a long bulge along his thigh. Now it was time to show off.
Eric strolled into the kitchen where his mother was making dinner. He poured a glass of water from the tap and turned to face Rachel as he drank. He glanced down. The front of his jeans looked as if he had taken a stuffed athletic sock and run it down his pant's leg. He finished his drink and put the glass in the dishwasher. As he walked out of the kitchen, he wasn't sure if his mom had noticed anything, but he fully intended to give her plenty of other opportunities.
For a week Eric moved around the house looking as if he was sporting a fat sausage in his pants. When he sat, he would smooth the cloth covering his cock so that it would stand out. From time to time he would look at his mother and catch her eyes looking away, or her head turning, or her hand coming up to her mouth as she cleared her throat. If he thought that she might be looking, he would absently press his hand down the length of his cock, making sure she knew that long lump in his pants wasn't just a fold in the cloth.
Eric arrived home from school on the following Friday. He could feel his cock stirring as he came through the door. He usually masturbated right after school before his mom came home from work, but today he had different plans. His dick remained remarkably hard through his afternoon snack and he was oozing pre-cum while he did algebra homework.
Finally, he heard his mom's car in the drive. Eric went into the bathroom and took his seat on the toilet, his cock thrusting up from his groin. He took a bottle of body lotion and squirted a generous amount into his palm. After coating his dick from head to balls, he began to pound his dick with a steady beat. He added more lotion, so that he made a liquid, smacking sound every time his fingers hit the flared head.
Eric made sure that the slapping sound of hand on cock was loud and insistent as his mother walked by the bathroom door. Her footsteps slowed and then stop altogether. He imagined her standing just a few feet away, listening to her little boy jerk off his mega- cock.
Eric's hand flashed up down his thick shaft faster and faster. He wasn't going to be able to last much longer. He reached over and pulled at least five feet of toilet paper from the roll. The holder made a long, loose metallic rattle as he jerked at the paper. He wadded the paper in one hand and clamped it over the end of his bloated cock-head just as the first gush of cum rushed upward. He gasped loudly with every wad of hot boy-juice that shot into the tissue.
When he was finally finished, Eric took another long pull of toilet paper and cleaned off his cock and hands. He dropped the cum and lotion soaked paper into the toilet so that it made a nice, loud plop as it hit the water. He flushed and then washed his hands in the sink. After stuffing his still mostly hard dick down his pant's leg, he opened the door and stepped into the hallway. The door to his mother's bedroom was cracked barely open and he smiled when he saw it close completely as he walked by.
Over the next week Eric considered on how far to take this. Although they barely spoke, he thought that the atmosphere between him and his mom had changed. Somehow she seemed smaller and more feminine, more girlish. He had continued to masturbate, usually more than once a day, but he was beginning to yearn for more pussy. He'd made himself available to Ms. Miller, and even though there had been some significant eye contact between them, they hadn't had an opportunity to be alone. The upshot was that he was one horny teen with a big cock to satisfy.
Things came to a head the following Saturday afternoon. It was a cloudy, dark day with a constant drizzle that eliminated any idea of outdoor chores or games. Rachel had gone shopping and Eric had spent the morning watching cartoons and playing video games. By early afternoon he was bored. He made a sandwich and settled down in front of the TV. He flipped through the channels until the sight of a couple of generously proportioned breasts bouncing around in a too small bikini made his channel surfing come to a halt.
It was a movie about a couple of cheerleaders. One was a sexy, beautiful bitch, and the other girl was a more likeable character, but just as sexy and beautiful in a more subdued fashion. They both lusted after the sexy and handsome school quarterback. In the end, the quarterback fucked and discarded the bitch, while the likeable girl ended up with her only slightly less handsome best friend who had loved her all along. It was a B-movie plot with plenty of B-movie footage. There were scenes of girls in bras, girls in bikinis, girls in steam filled showers and girls in incredibly inappropriate school attire. There were plenty of make- out scenes with tongues darting about, and a couple of sex scenes with glimpses of bare breasts.
By the end of the movie Eric had a throbbing erection and an urgent desire to empty his pulsing balls. On a whim he decided to do it in his bedroom rather than on his usual perch in the bathroom. He loaded up on tissue paper and after pulling down his pants, he took a seat on his bed. He threw his pillows one on top of the other and propped his upper body against the pillows and headboard with his legs stretched out on the mattress.
He pushed at his rigid erection until it was upright and pointed at the ceiling, then he crossed his legs, trapping his balls under his legs and pulling at the skin of his dick. That way, his cock stood erect and tall all by itself. The head twitched back and forth in time with his pulse. Eric flexed the muscles in his groin and a bubble of pre-cum appeared on the tip of his cock. He took some tissue and wiped it away. Sometimes, masturbating with smooth, dry skin against smooth, dry skin was just as good as getting everything slick and oily.
Eric steadied his cock with his left hand and began to jerk off with his right. His hand only traveled a few inches, covering and uncovering the sensitive skin just under the bloated head. Eric closed his eyes and dreamt of the girls in the movie. The bitchy girl had had the hottest body. Her breasts had practically overwhelmed the cups of her bikini, with tit flesh bulging around all sides of the cups, plus she had nipples that looked as if they were going to punch through the flimsy material of her swim suit.
Clunk. Eric's eyes popped open at the sound of the door closing on his mother's car. He had been so deep into his erotic fantasy he hadn't heard her drive up. His body halfway jerked off the bed in full cover-his-ass mode before he realized that this was his chance. He sank back onto the bed and arranged his cock until it was once more pointed skyward. Glancing to his left, he saw that the door to his room wasn't quite closed. It wouldn't close completely unless he gave it a good shove and he estimated that the inch wide crack was just about right. He leaned back on the pillows and resumed stroking. To his surprise, his cock hadn't flagged in the least. In fact, it looked as if it were eager for whatever was going to happen.
Rachel walked into the house carrying the new shoes for which she had spent the morning shopping. They were just the thing for the demure, yet revealing, little dress she was going to wear for her date that evening. Richard Dearing probably wouldn't notice her shoes, but he would notice the way the four inch heels showcased her legs. Besides, the new shoes would make her feel sexy, and if she felt sexy then she would look sexy, and that meant Richard would likely keep a boner in his pants all night.
A knowing smile, an accidental touch and their next date might include diamonds – something small and tasteful. Later dates should prove more profitable, if not very exciting. Richard wouldn't be a stud like that cowboy she had brought home the other night. What was his name? Randy or Dandy or something like that. It didn't matter.
What mattered was that his thick eight inches had filled her pussy. It had almost been worth the money that he had stolen from her purse. Yes, she had finally admitted to herself that her one night stand had ripped her off, and not her son Eric. She wasn't about to admit it to Eric though. He was growing up too fast for her taste. Let the boy think that he was on shaky ground as far as women were concerned.
Rachel headed toward her bedroom. She glanced into Eric's room as she walked by. He had one arm thrust awkwardly in the air and he was rubbing his fist. Had he hurt himself trying some dumb stunt that he'd seen on TV? He was certainly growing more adventurous. She thought that she'd heard him masturbating in the bathroom the other day, and lately he'd looked as if he was carrying around a perpetual erection. Well, boys did that sort of thing. She would have to search his room for girly magazines.
Rachel was just changing into a loose pair of shorts when a stunning comprehension clicked into place in her mind. Eric hadn't hurt his arm. He was sitting on his bed, masturbating a huge cock in the middle of the afternoon, and he hadn't even bothered to close his door. That couldn't be right. Could it? It must have been a trick of the light. Rachel hastily threw on an old denim shirt and walked quickly and quietly back to where she could look into Eric's room. Her mouth flew open in a silent gasp of surprise when she saw that what she had imagined was true.
Rachel saw that Eric was steadying his dick with the fist of his left hand, and then there was this expanse of cock flesh, and then his right hand was rubbing the skin just under a doorknob sized head. She couldn't believe it. Her son was hung like a horse. She became aware of a heavy, warm surge of blood as it flooded her pussy. She could almost feel the walls of her pussy weeping with vaginal juices.
Without thinking, she spread her legs and pulled up the leg of her shorts. Eric couldn't see what she was doing. Indeed, he was obviously absorbed with himself. Rachel ran her fingers over her clit through her panties and bit her lower lip as she began to masturbate in time with the movement of Eric's hand.
Eric jerked his cock with a lazy stroke. His mom had disappeared into her room for a few minutes, but now he could see her bare foot out of the corner of his eye. She was watching him. She wasn't screaming for him to stop or threatening some dire punishment either. She was watching his hand move up and down his massive meat. He saw her foot shift and her toes curl. Was she angry, or appalled, or was she turned on? Eric began to beat his meat faster. She was watching and he imagined her getting hotter and hotter, and he was going to give her a show. He was going to let her know just what he could do.
Rachel could see that her son was about to cum. His hips were rocking from side to side and he was taking short gulps of air. Unconsciously, she applied more pressure to her clit and moved her hand faster and faster. She was desperate to finish with her son. She heard Eric take a deep breath and hold it. For a second his entire body, except for his frantically stroking hand, was rigid with muscle tension, and then suddenly his hips thrust upwards and his cock-head grew until it looked as if it might explode. A column of spunk shot from the tip of Eric's dick. It surged into the air so far Rachel had to look up in order to see the milky white jet break into fat globs of cum that fells with a series of splats onto his groin. To her amazement, it happened all over again and then it seemed like the stream of cum shots would never end.
Rachel frigged her clit so hard that her hand and arm ached with the effort. So much cum, she groaned in her mind. So much, and it just keeps on gushing from that incredible dick. She was suddenly woozy and thought that she might topple over. She had to put a hand out for balance and then she was cumming. She stifled a cry as her legs quivered and her pussy pulsed in orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through her cunt.
She couldn't remember the last time she had cum so hard. When she returned to her senses, Rachel saw Eric sopping up his massive load of semen with a handful of bathroom tissue. She softly stepped back into her room and closed the door. A minute later she was on her bed, her arms wrapped around a pillow, emotionally exhausted and quietly napping.
Eric wiped at the sticky mess puddled in his crotch and splattered across his chest. He saw his mother's foot move and a second later he heard the door to her room close. He smiled in satisfaction. She hadn't stormed into the room to dress him down. She had watched the whole thing, including the shower of cum he had just produced. She had to be interested, maybe even turned on. He wandered into the bathroom and flushed the double handful of gooey tissue down the toilet.
Early that evening Eric was using lightening bolts to attack a hideous, fanged monster when he heard his mother's footsteps. He paused his video game and looked up in time to see her come into the living room. She was wearing a v-neck top of black lace over a pleated black skirt. Her lips were a dark red and her makeup accented her cheeks and dark eyes. "I'm going out," she announced unnecessarily.
"You look hot," he blurted out. His eyes wandered over her cleavage, past her slim waist and down to her shapely calves.
Rachel frowned and for a second and Eric thought that she was going to tell him off, but then her face softened and she said, "Thank you. I won't be late." Her eyes lingered on her son for a second, and then she was out the door.
Being alone in the house triggered Eric's cock. Within a minute he had a full hard-on. Ordinarily he would have grabbed one of his mother's clothing catalogs and jacked-off in the bathroom, but this time he gave his cock a friendly pat and said to himself, "Let's wait."
Around nine o'clock, Eric took a bath. He made sure that his crotch and dick were thoroughly clean. His cock stiffened as he lathered up the growing hunk of meat, and the temptation to lose his load was enormous, but he forced himself to simply rinse off and hop out of the tub. He dried off and then took a fresh towel into the living room. Spreading the towel on the couch, he slouched down onto the cushions, totally naked; his now softer cock draped over one thigh, its head resting on the towel.
An hour later, Eric heard his mother's car in the driveway. His half hard cock sprang to quivering attention as if it were a pet eager for someone to come home and play. For a split second he was worried that she might have brought her date home with her. He hadn't thought about that. In fact he hadn't really thought through any of this. He almost jumped off the couch in a panic, but he didn't. He just grabbed his cock and felt its very reassuring iron hardness.
He heard the sound of her key in the lock, and then the front door opened. The front door was in full view from the couch, but Eric kept his eyes on the TV as his mother entered. He had settled on a movie showing on one of the women's channels. On the screen, an older woman in a revealing dress was languidly stroking the bare thigh of a younger man.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw his mother take two steps and come to a dead stop. Time froze. There would have been absolute silence in the room if it hadn't been for the sound of murmured endearments from the television. Eric's heart was pounding and he felt lightheaded, but his cock never wavered. If anything, it was harder and larger than ever before. Eric could feel his pulse tickling his swollen cock-head.
He looked up at his mother's approach. She didn't say anything or look him in the eye. She just seemed to be mesmerized by his cock. Her eyes were locked onto his throbbing meat as she sat down so close that their shoulders touched. Eric inhaled deeply. His mother smelled erotically of shampoo and perfume. He could see down the front of her dress. Her breasts swelled upwards and he could see where the lace of her black bra blended with the black lace of her top.
Rachel reached out and touched his erection with her fingertips. She lightly, almost reverently, ran her fingers over the hot skin of his cock. Her touch grew bolder and soon her entire hand was trying to span the width of his rigid pole, but she couldn't begin to wrap her fingers all the way around. Her palm slid up the length of his cum tube, and she was rewarded with a gush of hot, clear liquid from the slit in his cock- head. She gasped in surprise as the pre-cum washed over her hand. She caught some in her palm and smeared it all over Eric's throbbing cock-head.
"Oh," whispered Eric. He lay back on the couch in contentment as his mother petted and rubbed the head of his dick. He didn't know where this was going. Was she going to jerk him off? Would she just walk away and pretend that this never happened?
The last thing he expected was for his mother to lock her lips over his cock-head, but that's exactly what happened. She couldn't get the whole thing in her mouth of course, but the feel of her lips moving over his skin was nearly overwhelming. Then she began to stroke the sensitive skin beneath his cock-head with a corkscrewing motion of her palm. That was the way he did it. Had she picked that up from him, or was it just the natural way to masturbate?
He didn't have time to ponder the question for long because he was cumming. A hot rush of semen shot through his cock and into his mother's mouth. Her eyes flew open in surprise, but she managed to swallow down the milky load. Of course that was only the first shot of cum. More and more of the creamy stuff erupted from his cock. Rachel couldn't handle all of it. Some managed to leak from her red lips, but when Eric's cock finally stopped spewing she licked his cock-head clean of the spilt cum.
Eric sighed in contentment and leaned back on the sofa. The television still murmured in the corner and his mother's fingers were still caressing his cock. "It's not going soft," Rachel said with awe in her voice. It was the first thing she had said since coming home.
Eric realized that she was right. He was as horny as ever. "No, it's not," he said, "let's fuck." He couldn't believe what he'd just said, but Ms Miller had been eager to fuck after jerking him off. Wouldn't his mother feel the same way?
Rachel stood and looked down on her son. His dick had just spouted a total of more cum than she had seen in her entire life, out of the biggest dick in the world, and he was still hard on top of all that. She reached both hands behind her back, making her breasts thrust against her blouse, as she unzipped her top. She shrugged the flimsy black material off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor.
A few seconds later, she was stepping out of the skirt that had puddled at her feet. On the off chance that she might end up in bed with the wealthy Richard Dearing that night, Rachel had worn a black, lacy bra and panties along with matching garter-belt and hose. She struck a pose, putting one foot slightly in front of the other and tossing her hair about with a shake of her head. This move usually left men drooling and growling in a sexual frenzy. Her son, Eric, might not be growling, but his eyes were as big as saucers, and his fabulous dick was certainly drooling pre-cum. It looked as wet as her pussy felt.
Eric watched in heated fascination as his mother disposed of her garter belt, hose and panties. He was captivated by the sight of her jiggling tit-flesh above her bra cups as she approached the couch. She was his fantasy come true. He didn't dare touch his cock. It was already on a hair-trigger, ready to spray down the room with a fresh load of cum.
She trailed the smooth skin of her calf over his thighs as she climbed onto the couch. She had one foot on the floor and one knee on the cushions. As a result, Eric had only to glance to his left to see her bright pink, open pussy lips. He got the idea immediately. Getting to his knees, Eric bent his dick down to the appropriate level. He had to work his hips from side to side and up and down until his massive cock-head worked its way into the satiny folds of his mom's pussy.
"Ahh... so big," whimpered Rachel as Eric pressed inch after relentless inch of unyielding cock into her stretched vagina.
Eric then began to fuck his mother. To his surprise the hair-trigger on his cock didn't get pulled. He settled into a hot rhythm of plunging cock. The tingling itch at the tip of his dick would grow and then subside. From time to time he had to clamp his hands on his mother's ass to stop her from coaxing the cum from his laden balls.
"Don't stop, please fuck me," she would whine from her orgasm induced stupor. Rachel was cumming off like a string of firecrackers. Her ass would tremble for long seconds and then she would scream and her hips would plunge backward until her son's meaty cock would hit bottom. Then she'd do it all over again. Eric lost count of the number of times he felt her quivering vaginal muscles pull at his dick.
After what seemed like hours of sexual agony, Eric's dick erupted in a frenzy of spewing cum. His first stream filled his mother's pussy to overflowing. Eric's balls delivered another load and he felt the hot cream splashing back on his groin. He withdrew his rampaging cock from Rachel's pussy and let it fire at will.
His cum landed in streaks on her back and fell in globs onto her auburn hair. He pressed the head of his dick on her ass and filled the hollow of her back with cum. Lying back onto the couch, Eric felt his cock wither messily against his thigh. He rested until his mother stirred and a second later he watched her wipe up his spent cum with the towel he'd been sitting on. When she left for the bathroom, he went to his room and fell into bed, exhausted.
Eric slept until noon the following day. When he awoke the pressure on his bladder was overwhelming. He padded into the bathroom and unleashed a torrent of piss as his morning hard-on faded. He emerged from the bathroom and smelled the aroma of his mom's coffee. He realized that she must be up and the thought brought back his erection with a vengeance. Totally naked, he walked into the den. Rachel was curled up on the couch sipping at her cup of coffee. Eric marched up to her until his cock-head nudged her cheek. "Suck me off," he demanded.
Rachel averted her eyes as she carefully put down her cup. She wrapped both hands around his cock-shaft and slurped her tongue over the head. Looking up into her son's eyes she pleaded in a whisper, "Will you fuck me later?"
Eric looked down at his mom. He couldn't remember the last time she'd asked him his wishes on anything. He smiled and gave his hips a twitch that sent his cock- head past her lips. "Oh yeah, you'll get yours," he growled.
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