My Neighbor


I'm Clark 27 single and lived at home with my parents and sister. I work shifts at the local power plant and my parents run their business and my sister works with them. So they are gone before 7 every morning except Sunday and don't get home much before 6 Monday to Friday and by 2 on Saturdays. I've had several girlfriends, but nothing lasted very long, single at the time. We have a widowed neighbor Nancy 69 (at the time), she lives alone and her 3 children rarely visit her. In September 2018 on a Friday, I was home having finished my early shift for the week and wasn't to start again till the following Tuesday late shift. I had a bath and sitting in our back yard thinking and saw Nancy doing some exercises. I thought she had a nice figure for her age, so I kept watching her exercising and I got a hard-on. I was surprised she had affected me in that way, but kept watching her. When it looked like she was finished, she rolled up the mat she was using and saw me and said hello. I said hello and then Nancy asked me could I help her with some boxes she wanted to store in her garage. I said okay and went over to help, she said she was thinning out her keepsakes to cut down on the dusting and make more room. After I had moved the boxes, she offered me a snack and a coffee. As we sat in her kitchen we done the usual chit chat, finally getting around too. Do you have a girlfriend and I said not at the moment, Nancy said being a widow was a bit boring. I looked at her and she continued on saying when Paul was alive, we would have sex regularly and now I have to play with myself and it's not the same or as satisfying. She asked me did I masturbate a lot and I felt a bit weird talking to a person who could be my grandma about my masturbation routine. But I answered I did and to my great surprise she added if you want a change come over and you and I can fuck. I was shocked but also aroused as my cock went hard. I just nodded at first, but got bolder and decided to see if she was serious and asked her how about now. Nancy didn't blink an eyelid and said I'm game and we went to her bed. I fucked her and after she said I could do better and so we fucked again. I visited her everyday till after that not always having sex, but done better than I've done before. Nancy taught me how to please her and she told me I had improved greatly. In December she when to visit grandchildren and I was at a loose end sex wise and started checking out mature women single, widowed or divorced. None that became lovers, on Nancy return she said she was going to sell up and move to live nearer her children and grandchildren. But she still had sex with me until she moved away in late January 2019. Her house was sold and 2 gay guys moved in, but I had already met Elizabeth 39 widow and her daughter Barbara 21 and had tried to get Barbara to go out with me. No success till Elizabeth accepted for her. Elizabeth also came along on the dates and every date we have had. I thought no chance of bedding Barbara, but that changed when I was invited to join them camping. They had a big tent and I joined them both in tent at night. The second night while sitting by the campfire to keep warm, Elizabeth told me if I could satisfy her. I would be allowed to sleep with Barbara, so that night I fucked Elizabeth and still do today and have also started fucking Barbara and I was thinking of asking her to marry me. But we had already got careless and Barbara was pregnant and so we married fairly quickly on finding out. Elizabeth wasn't as careful as she should have been either and was confirmed as pregnant the day before Barbara and me married. So I now have 2 children and another on the way, Barbara had a daughter and Elizabeth a son. Elizabeth still lets me fuck her and as Barbara is getting close to having our son is providing the all the intercourse at the moment. I'm very happy with the arrangement we have.
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