Stepmom likes Bukkake


It was my stepmother Lilly's birthday and she'd celebrated it by having a pool party. She was fifty years old today but to look at her you would think she was thirty. She's a gorgeous petite blond with the bluest eyes. And right now I'm watching her prance around in her little black Euro bikini and for the life of me I don't know how her 38 double "D" tits aren't falling out of her top. I mean the darn bikini ain't nothing but three small triangles some dental floss. My dad would be pissed if he knew she was wearing it for the party;but then he wasn't now was he?
Lilly sees me and walks over and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek,"Thanks for coming Jack." She reeked of alcohol and rose perfume.She must have started her wine kick early this morning.
"Happy Birthday Mom." I smiled.
"I really am glad you came,honey. I only wish your father could have skipped that darn meet of his,that way I would have both of you here with me to celebrate." I saw her blue eyes start to water."I need a drink." she said giving me a mock little pout.
"Maybe you don't need another drink Mom."
"Hogwash!You sound like your father,Jack."She patted my knee and turned and walked away. And I couldn't help but notice her perfect fucking ass twitch from side to side and with just the little tucked between her ass cheeks i was getting a nice unhindered view. My dad was a lucky man to be tapping that ass.
I watch Lilly walk over to a table that had five guys sitting around it.I knew them they were my dads friends. Larry, Max, Chad, Logan and Brad. They were chatting and laughing it up with my Mom and everyone of them were looking at her like they wanted to eat her alive or fuck her to death. I smiled. They certainly wouldn't be looking at her in that fashion if my dad was here.
Brad looks over at me and waves for me to come over. I stay where I'm at and I just nod at him. He's one of those loud mouths when he gets drunk and thinks he's god's gift to women because he has large arms.
Lilly suddenly starts waving at me to come over and I reluctantly get up and walk over. I'm really not friends with any of the guys.To me their a bunch of middle aged stuffed shirt assholes. Mom pulls over a chair and puts it right beside hers and I sit down and I immediately get the fake pleasantries. Mom hugs my arm and her tits feel nice against my arm.
"My little Jackie came down for his Mommy's birthday."Lilly say pinching my cheek. Boy she WAS drunk to be talking like this about me.
I was sixteen when my dad married Lilly and though I called her Mom to make her and my dad feel good I have never once thought of her like a mother. But I certainly have thought of her in other ways, and lets just say they have nothing to do with being a mother. For three years now I've jerked off to her image in my mind. And in MY mind I'm fucking the ever living shit out of her and in every position possible, calling her a slut a whore and bitch anything but, MOMMY.
I smile at her and wink,"I love you Mom,how could I not be here.I mean you have been planning this party for months."
The guys smile at me because they know I'm faking it.
"Ahh! I love you too baby!" Lilly says squeezing my arm tighter.
"I love you too,Lilly." Chad says
Lilly giggles,"Love and lust are two different things,sweetie."
All the guys started laughing and even I had to chuckle at that one. Lilly was flirtatious when she's lit. She gets up,"I gotta go tinkle."
"Want's some help?" Max laughs and he quickly stands up with a salute.
No Maxie,I've been doing it for fifty years now.I think I can wipe myself just fine." she winks and struts away and I can tell she shaking her ass as little more than usual.
"Goddamn she is fucking hot tonight!",Larry says shaking his head bald head and watching her until she disappeared into the house.
"Dude watch your fucking mouth,Jim's son is sitting right there!" Logan snapped aiming the neck of his beer bottle at me.
"Oh shit,I'm sorry Jack! Please don't tell big Jim!" Larry smirked.
I shook my head,"Don't worry about me guys,I've certainly had my share of dirty thoughts about her." All of us laughed and Larry reached out and we bumped knuckles.
"How could NOT?" Max says clapping me on the shoulder.
"Shit,I saw the way you leaned into her when she grabbed your arm."Brad smiled and nodded.
"Yeah how did those big titties feel on your arm,boy?"Chad laughs and reaches over and punches me in the shoulder.
Logan reaches into the cooler beside his chair and takes out a bottle of beer,opens it hands it to me."Hear boy have a beer."
"If I'm old enough to have a beer,then why are you calling me a boy?" I said taking it from him and taking a long pulled from it.
The guys all laughed except for Logan, but then he slowly started smiling."You got a real mouth on you kid.Just like your old man.I like you."
"You know if I had a sexy step mom like Lilly,I'd be trying to bone her sweet ass."Brad said with a wink.
"How about it Jack,have you ever tried to fuck her?" Brad asks.
I shook my head,"Never have." I wasn't offended by them talking about my stepmom like this. Heck it started making me feel like one of the guys. Maybe they were an okay bunch.
"Yeah I'd jerk off on her face in a New York MINUTE! She'd more than likely eat my cum too."Logan piped in.
"You know she likes that don't you boy?"Chad asked me.
I looked at him confused.
He laughs,"Your dad told me about how your Mom and him met. She was working as a stripper in New Orleans.I think they called the club the "Bottoms Up" Well he goes in there with a bunch of his buddies from the rig,I think he said there was ten guys with him, and they're all wanting to have a good time and they proposition Lilly. And she refused to fuck all of them because she was married at the time and she wasn't into cheating on her old man."
"Lilly was married?!"
"Yeah but her old man used to beat her ass when he'd get drunk."Chad said shaking his head.
"So there goes their good time right?" I said downing my beer and Logan quickly hands me another.
"Oh no," he starts laughing,"Lilly tells your dad that the eleven of them could perform a Bukkake session on her."
My mouth dropped,"Bukkake!"
"Yeah they paid her five hundred dollars and your dad said that she took a fucking bath in their cum that night." Chad laughs.
I looked around the table at the guys and they were smiling at me.
"How about it boy are you in or not?" Logan asked me giving me a serious look.
I looked around the table and they were all now looking at me like they were demanding an answer from me right then and there. I looked at Logan and I slowly nodded."But when?"
"Tonight after the party." Brad said giving me a deviant smirk.
"I don't know if this is such a good idea guys.You know bringing Jim's son into this mix. He might get pissed off when he finds out." Larry said.
"Your gonna tell dad?" I asked with almost a laugh.
Max started laughing and slapped me on the back,"Son your dad cooked up this plan?"
My mouth dropped,"Your fucking shitting me,right now. There's no way dad agreed to this!"
"Think again!"Chad laughs."Your old man asked Lilly what she wanted for her birthday and she said she would really love to have a Bakkake session."
"And you know your old man he give Lilly anything she wants. But he said he didn't want to be around to see it happen."
"So that's the reason he's not here." I said and they all nodded.
"Heck there is no telling that she'll even do it." Larry said. "So it might not even happen."
"Oh it's gonna happen even if we gotta tie her sweet ass down."Brad laughed.
"She's a fucking slut she'll do it. No dignified wife would parade around in that bikini. Believe me she wants the attention and she's gonna get it." Logan nodded and grabbed his crotch.
I looked at him and at the rest of the guys and I just listened to them planning all of this. I should have felt sick to my stomach but what I was really feeling was my dick stirring in my swim trunks. In a way I felt like I should warn Lilly what was gonna happen, but no these guys would kick my skinny ass especially after I told them I would join them.
Lilly come back to the table carrying a brand new bottle of wine,"So what did I miss?"
"Nothing Mom. Nothing at all." I smiled and she looked at me strangely and I took the bottle from her and filled her glass full.
She giggled and raised her glass to me,"Well aren't you just mister helpful."
I nodded and downed my second bottle of beer and demanded another one from Logan,to which he says "Here you are big man." And I smile,I'm no longer "Boy".
My Stepmom kept getting up and talking to her guests and when she did I would fill her wine glass, until soon she couldn't really get up to speak with them anymore because her speech was so slurring and she could barely walk. And slowly one by on the guests all wished her a Happy Birthday and they all left.
"I need to go pee pee." she laughs and tries to stand up, but grabs her head and sits back down."Yikes! I think I drank too much." she giggles.
I picked up the empty wine bottle and turned it upside down and a small drop came out and plopped onto the table. The guys all started laughing. I dipped my index finger into it and lifted it to Lilly's lips. She giggles and open her mouth and I pushed my finger deep into her mouth. She closed her lips around my finger and looked at me and shit I felt my dick twitch. The guys fell silent as I slowly pushed and pulled my finger in and out of her warm wet mouth.
"Shit." One of them muttered.
She pulled her mouth away,and burst into a fit of giggling. I stood up and took her under the arm.
"What are you doing Jack,"I'm helping you up! I mean you did say you had to go pee.
Logan gets up and hurries over and grabs her under the other arm,"Yeah we don't need you having any accidents now do we?"
"Yeah Jim would kill us if anything happens to you." Brad said walking over and grabbing her around the calves and the three of us hefted her up.
"GUYs What are you doing!? Put Me down!" she giggles struggling halfheartedly.So we raise her high above our heads and carry her into the house with Chad Max and Larry following happily along.
Mom wasn't putting up much of a struggle, she looked absolutely resigned to her fate like she's already been through this once before. I couldn't help but wonder if she wasn't thinking about that time in New Orleans when dad and ten other guys given her Bukkake.
"Lets get her in the basement Jack." Logan said.
Lilly turned her head and look down at me as we carried her to the basement access door. "Jackie Sweetie? What's going on?"
"I think you already know whats about to happen,Mommy." I smiled at Logan and he nodded.
"I do..?" Lilly looked so confused.
"Yeah you wanted this remember." Logan said."You told Jim you wanted to have a Bukkake session."
"Did I?" She let her head dip back and Max Chad and Larry smiled and waved at her."Hi guys. Yaw are naked."
I turned my head and sure enough all three of the guys had shed their clothing somewhere between the pool and here. And all three were sporting some nice sized boners too, probably just from the anticipation of it all. I know I was myself.
Logan opened the basement door and we lowered Mom just a bit to get her down the narrow wooden stair.
She busted out in a fit of giggles again,"Be careful!"
"Ah Baby relax your in good hands." Logan grinned.
Once at the bottom steps, we carried her over to a small blow up mattress it was covered in a black sheet.The guys already had everything planned, heck there was even a large bottle of strawberry scented KY gel sitting on the floor beside the mattress. We gently laid her down and she stretched out cat like and looked up at us as we gathered around her. "Well this is quite the birthday surprise." she chortled looking a bit nervous but excited as well.
I began untying my swim trunks and Lilly sits and crawls to me "Here let Mommy help you with that." she smiled and pushed my hands away and she slowly untied my swim trunks and slowly pulled them down my legs. My dick sprang out of it confines and almost touched her nose.
She takes my big dick in her small hand,"Oh my gracious your so hard,Jackie. And your bigger than your Dad."
All the guys laughed.
She reached down and picks up the bottle of KY and she squirts a bit of it in her and slowly starts rubbing it on my cock using both hands. She locked her fingers together and began rubbing my meat vigorously.Her hands felt wonderful as they moved up and down on my dick.
"I've always wanted to do this to you Jackie.Did you know that?"
Chad and Max got down on the mattress and made short work of her little tearing off of her so they could run their fingers and hands over her ample body.
"Mummm No fingering me!" She snapped and slapped Chad's hand and he laughed.Then she looks up at me with those sexy fucking green eyes of her, "I've also wanted to do something else too." She leans in presses the tip of here tongue against the very tip of my cock,then she begins flicking her tongue in a snake like fashion licking in the head of my dick.
"Ahhh FUCK!" I choked.The guys were all watching in fascination as Lilly tip licked my cock with such expertise and enjoyment.And hot damn she was fucking good at it too and never once took me in her mouth.So in her inebriated mind she wasn't cheating on dad.
My legs started shaking and I started to feel myself about to cum, I quickly pushed her hands away and I grabbed handful of her hair at the back of her head and pulled her head back.Lilly gasped and opened her mouth wide and I suddenly blew my load, sending chords of pearl white cum into her mouth and face.
"Fuck yeah Jack!" Chad bellowed.
I held her hair forcing her down onto her back again and straddled her neck, vigorously pumping my dick in her face,trying to get the last drop out. I was barely aware of the guys cheering me on as I road my orgasm to the end.
A set of hands pulled me up and off of Mom and sat down on my ass and just watched as each guy took his turn blowing load after load into her pretty face and loved every bit of it. And when they were done with Lilly her face,her hair and her sweet tits were dripping milky cum. She pressed her hands to her face and began scooping the silk warm substance in her mouth.
The guys were so exhausted that they all went back up stairs leaving mom. She sat up toweled her face off and then looked at me and gave me a smile. "Did you enjoy cumming on Mommy's face?"
I nodded.
"Did it make you feel like a big man.",she giggled. "Cumming in your Mommy's face like that."
"Fuck yes it did."
She laughed and threw the towel at me and I ducked it,"You've always been a little bastard to me. So I guess you got yours didn't you."
"And you got your too,Mommy." I winked and we both started laughing.
The End

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