BigFoot Big Fuck!


I couldn't wait to get to our campsite. I was leading the hike while my husband Rick and my ten year old son Ricky Jr(RJ) were lagging behind,but of course they were carrying all of our camping supplies.I was paying attention to the GPS on my phone and ditty bopping along and didn't realize that I had left them behind. I was alone in the Great North Woods and I didn't feel afraid.
So I decided to just take a break because I have been hiking for over an hour. I took my pack off and sat down on a large flat granite boulder. The big rock felt so warm against my back. I'm so glad I chose to wear my pink bikini top and my denim cut offs because if I hadn't I would be soaked in sweat. I took the scrunchie from my damp shoulder length blond hair and shook it out.
I can hear my Rick and RJ coming up the trail below me. They were laughing and carrying on about something but they still sounded a good bit away.I couldn't believe I'd gotten that far ahead of them. Not to bad for a 35 year old soccer mom right?
I'm glad they're getting a bit of father and son time together especially since Rick is on the road most of the time. But RJ was gonna have to share daddy this weekend because mommy has needs too. I smiled at the thought, RJ now has his own tent, which means Mommy is going to get her needs taken care of by Daddy.
I suddenly began hearing tapping noises coming from the thick woods behind me. It sounded like someone or something banging a stick against a tree. Tap... Tap Tap... Tap! It sounded over and over again with the same rhythm. AT first I thought it was animal,but it got faster and closer. I stood up and turned and looked behind me. The tapping suddenly stopped.
There was a musty yet sweet smell in the air. It was a familiar scent, but I just could place it at the moment.I began sniffing the air.What was that smell? Sniff...Sniff... Sniff! I couldn't stop sniffing the air. I felt like I had to know where that scent was coming from. Goodness gracious it smelled so good!I suddenly felt the urge to step from the rail and run into the woods. I took a step...
I quickly turned to find my son standing directly behind me.
"What were you looking at mom?"
"I don't know?"
"Well you seemed to be looking at something."My husband said. "And you had this weird,far away look in your eyes."
"What?" I felt disoriented so I sat back down.
Rick walked over and placed his hand on my shoulders and looked down at me,"Are you okay Gina?"
I looked down at the crotch of his cargo pants and I had this sudden urge to want to pull them down and start sucking his cock! I felt my body begin to tremble with desire...OH MY GOD! I was horny and I had this overwhelming urge to want to fuck!
"Can you smell that,Rick?" I sniffed the air.
He bent down to look me in the eye,"Honey I think I smell pee." he whispered and nodded at the crotch of my cut offs.
My blue eyes went wide,"What the...!!!" I gasped and closed my legs.I looked over at my son thankfully he was sitting against a tree drinking from his canteen.I was so embarrassed.
He smiled,"It's okay, baby.I just think you pushed yourself too hard is all."
I just looked at him and nodded.And I couldn't for the life of me remember peeing on myself,I mean that's something you would instantly know.
He patted my knee,"It not much further to the campsite. I'll take RJ and we'll go on ahead, so you can change up, okay Gina?"
I could only nod I was so embarrassed,and still so horny! Thank goodness my swim top was padded or my nipples would be bursting through the cups.
RJ turned and waved at me as he and Rick started down the trail."See you at Camp Mom."
"Okay baby." I said and I waved back and waited until they disappeared from sight before I shimmied out of my shorts. I turned my shorts inside out and inspected the crotch. It wasn't pee! It was my own juices. I lowered my hand to my pussy to find that I was absolutely dripping wet? OMG whats going on.
I started smelling that sweet aroma again, the scent was stronger now. How was that even possible?
Tap...Tap tap...Tap! The tapping was coming again. I turned and began walking into the woods. I didn't know why but I just felt so compelled to. I want to call out to Rick,but I couldn't make myself do it, it was like my mouth wouldn't open.
Rays of golden sunlight streamed through the massive pines and oak trees.The smell drove me on to walk deeper into the woods and as I walked the slicker I became between my legs to the point my bush was a coil of glistening saturation that dripped with every step I took.
Something moved behind me,something big and I quickly turned and that's when I saw the creature.It was huge and stood at least ten foot tall,and was covered in course like brownish coppery looking hair, from head to toe.It's leathery face was ape like and its eyes so very deep and brown and appeared human like.To say I was startled would be an understatement,I was frightened to the core. I dared not move as it took a step toward me and stopped.Tears started streaming from my eyes. I wanted to run,needed to run,but I could only stand there.
I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was the creature called Sasquatch.I remember when I was a little girl on camping trips my father would tell us stories by the campfire of this very creature.Big Foot was just another name for him, there were many others,Yeti,Yeren and Yowie were just a few more.
Big Foot took another step toward me and that's when I really notice it's feet they were fucking huge. And OMG so was his dangling cock and massive balls. Geez! His prick was so thick and brown... And SOFT, it was easily twice the length of any man I've ever known.
Yeah Big Foot was well hung.The very site of his member made my mouth water and caused my cunt to drip strands of juices against the tops of my feet. I've never been so concupiscent in all my life as I was at this moment.
He grunted and extended his hand to me and there was no malice in his expression. But there was a blissful look of lust in his eyes.It was a lustful look that no man has ever given me before. It made me blush and I found myself smiling. His musky scent was driving me crazy with my own lust. I reached out and took his hand and roughly pulled me to him and I sank into his thick sweet smelling fur. I felt so tiny against him because I was only tall enough to reach his stomach.But I could feel his cock touching my breasts.
I reached behind me and unhooked my swim top and gently rubbed my bare breasts against his swelling cock and cupped his massive scrotum and lifted his heavy balls. They were so full. I squeezed them very gently and Big Foot groan. I smiled and looked up at him,"You like that,big boy."
He reached down and wrapped his hands around my small waist and lifted me up and tossed me onto a small patch of grass. I landed on my back He dropped to his knees and gripped my ankles and spread my legs about his loins. I could see his cock it was fully erect and more than thirteen inches long and as big around as my wrist.
Big Foot hunched forward and positioned his hands to either side of me and he mounted me pinning legs under his body which forced them wide apart. My mound was now in position and he pushed his muscular hips forward and I felt the head of his cock force its way into my pussy. Thankfully he didn't thrust his member into me all at once, which he certainly could have done. Instead he entered my womb ever so gently. I felt my labia stretch with such fullness, a fullness that I have never experienced before.
He groaned in pleasure and I gasped as I felt his hilt touch my clitoris. He was so deep inside me,deeper than any man has ever been, but then Big Foot wasn't a man he was an...fuck who knew how to classify this beast inside me.
He started fucking me hard and fast his big dick slamming to the hilt inside me with every thrust, his balls slapping my bum.His cock explored a part of my pussy that no man has ever been gifted enough to explore and it felt wonderful having something that big and long inside me.
I gasped and cried with tears gushing from my eyes like an sexy anime character in some Asian comic. My eyes closed and my mouth wide open ecstasy,my orgasm hit with such intensity that I began bucking beneath him, every muscle in my body jerked in pleasure. I couldn't help but cry out in pleasure. Slowly my orgasm begins to fade and I'm lying beneath him a weak breathless mess. And I just lay there pinned down by his weight letting him fuck me to his beastly hearts content.
He grunts,with teeth clenched with every thrust,spittle dripping from his mouth and drizzling onto my breast and running down them and onto my belly. I was covered in it.
Suddenly he jams himself inside me so hard that my bottom is lifted into the air and he roars to the top of his lungs and I felt him cum. His cock convulsed over and over filling me full of his hot cum until it was squirting out of my pussy and dribbled between my but cheeks.After a few moments he pulls himself from me and I feel the white gooey cum spill from my sore gaping cunt.
He rolled onto his back breathing like he'd ran a mile,as if he could run a mile with such big feet and goodness knows that big cock of his would throw him off balance. I giggled and raised up on my elbows. I felt so sore yet satisfied as well. I stood up and began walking back to the trail and as I did semen flowed down the insides of my legs. Good grief how he'd filled my pussy up.
I chanced a glance over my shoulder and I saw him standing beneath the tree that we'd just fucked under. He waved,with such a sad look on his face. I kinda felt sorry for him. Maybe we would meet again,who knows. But next time I bringing a camera.
The End

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