Bagging Mrs Jones


Bagging an older chic is easy as fuck. All you gotta do is give then a bit of attention and their ready to get on their knees to you.
I don't consider myself some in experienced cub. I gots me plenty of experience. I'm 19 and I prefer older women as opposed to some money grubbing girl whose inexperienced in the ways of pleasure.
Mrs Maxie Jones sparked my interests at a young age. I use to go over and play with son Teddy. We are the same age. I remember she would bake us cookies,muffins and pies. Oh shit they we're fucking awesome πŸ‘Œ to say the least and when I started going through puberty oh man her cherry pies took on a new meaning.
I was 15 when she baked me a cherry pie for my birthday and I ate the whole fucking thing! And for fun I began licking the dish in front of her.
Teddy just laughed at me,while his mom on the other hand watched me with such intensity. And I knew at that moment she enjoyed her pie being eaten if you knows what I mean. Her pussy pie that is.😊 Shit I thought she was gonna hop right up on that island and spread her legs. If it weren't for Teddy being there she probably would have.
I remember I told my dad about how she acted. And he just clapped me on the back and tells me,"Women love having their pussies eaten son. If you can learn to do it you can have about any woman you want." You know dad never gave me much advice but that I think was the best advice he's ever given me and it has paid off in spades ♠️.
The very day I turned 18 I went down to the Jones's house. I didn't know what would happen all I knew was that I wanted to taste Maxie's pie. I boldly walked up to the front door and knocked and Mr.Frank Jones answered the door. I thought he was out playing golf but he wasn't.
"Yeah what do you want kid.",he snapped.
"I've come over to tell Mrs Jones it's my birthday. She fixes me a pie on my birthday."
"Right,whatever kid. She's not fixing anything for anyone, not even me. Maxie has been in a state of fucking depression ever since Teddy left for college. She want cook,clean the house or do laundry.😑
What an asshole I thought no wonder she's depressed."Can I say hi to her?"
He looked at me and rolled his eyes,"Good luck Kid. I'm going to play golf." He steps past me nearly shouldering me out of the way."Lock the door when you leave!"
"Yes sir." I said and stepped into the house and shut the door behind me. "Mrs Jones?" I called up the stairs."Hello! It's Jake."
I heard walking on the ceiling above and pretty soon Maxie looked over the railing of the stairs."Is he gone?" She asked.
"I smiled and nodded,"Yeah he says he gone to play golf."
She smiles looking relieved,"He's such a Butt." Maxie started down the stairs and she is dressed in a short black and pink kimono πŸ‘˜. Her Brown chestnut colored hair was in a ponytail tail and bounced as she trotted down the steps. So did her big tits.
She grabbed me and gave me a big hug as soon as he made it to the bottom of the steps."Oh Jake it's so good to see you!" She kissed my cheek."Oh my goodness how you have grown into such a handsome young man!"
I blushed at the compliment,"Thank you,Mrs Jones."Thank you Mrs Jones."
She placed a finger to my lips and shook her head,"You call me Maxie, young man." She said taking my hand and leading me towards the kitchen.
I laugh,"Okay,Maxie." I let her lead me along all the while watching her as shake as she did. Damn she still had a fine ass!
We entered the kitchen and she immediately went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of wine 🍷 and poured herself a big goblet full.
I sat down at the kitchen island and and she sat down right beside me close beside me."God it's so good to see you, Jake." She took a good drink of wine then she raised her glass.I don't normally drink this early but, I feel like toasting you." She winked.
I smiled,"Thank you,Maxie. I'm glad I bring some joy into your life." The tie to her robe was coming undone and I could see a good portion of the tops of her creamy white breasts.I surmised that she wasn't wearing a bra.It started make me wonder if she was wearing panties.
"Well you certainly do." She said.
"So how is Teddy doing in college?"
Suddenly her green eyes began to water and she looked away.
"I'm sorry Maxie I..."
"No no no its fine. I'm just
still getting use to him being away.This house is so lonely without him here. And Frank, he's such an ass to live with."
"I'm so sorry Maxie."
She downed her glass of wine and reached for the bottle again but I blocked her hand. She smiled and picked it up anyways and poured the glass full again. She looked away and took a drink."I know you must think the worst of me sweetie."
"I don't think the worst of you Maxie. I just think to myself, what's a gorgeous woman like you going to find at the bottom of that bottle is all."
She put the glass down and put her head in her hand and looked at me,"Gorgeous? Really?" She rolled her eyes."I don't feel very Gorgeous at the moment. In fact I haven't felt like I was that for long time now."
"Well to me you still are. And you have been beautiful to me since I..."
"Since you hit puberty." She giggled.
I blushed and smiled,"Was I that obvious?"
She giggled too and nodded.
"How did you know?"
She reached out and touched my hand,"A woman just knows, besides you made it pretty obvious Jake when you licked my saucer clean of your pie."
I laughed.
"And you still act like that when your around me."
"Like what?" I asked looking down at the opening at the front of her robe,which was really opened wide now.
"Like that."she said pulling her robe closed. With a giggle."So stop it."
I looked away faking an embarrassed smile. I wasn't embarrassed a bit. In fact I felt pretty damn comfortable. "I better go." I said standing up to leave but she grabbed my shoulder.
"What so soon?"
"I think I'm making feel uncomfortable."
"No your not,Jake."
"Well Maxie you closed your robe, so it's obvious that..."
She suddenly untied her robe and let it fall open,"Look it's open. Why don't you sit back down,please." She said patting the chair for me to sit back down, with pleading eyes I might add.
I sat back down,"Okay as long as I'm not making you feel uncomfortable."
"Darling you can never make me feel uncomfortable."
"Not even if I did this." I asked and opened her robe and literally pulled it down her shoulders.
Maxie's eyes went wide and her perk little mouth dropped.
"Are you feeling uncomfortable now?" I drank in the site of her full un saying breast. They were as taunt and perky as that of a young woman's. She was wearing a set of pink Hello Kitty panties which I thought was sexy as fuck.
She swallowed hard and shook her head to answer my question and made no attempt to cover up.
I reached out and placed my hands on her breasts."You make sure to let me know if I'm making you feel uncomfortable Maxie." I said and gently tweaked her hot pink nipples.
She shuddered and leaned into my hands."Jake,Honey,I'm a married woman."
"Yeah to a man that's an asshole to you. You said that yourself." I rolled her nipples with the tips of my fingers.
"But...oh goodness."
Yeah I was going to be fucking her in about five seconds. I smiled and stood up and pulled her up too. Then I grabbed her around the waist and picked her up and her ass on the edge of the island.
She looked at me nervously.
"Lay back." I said sternly and she did. I could tell Maxie was used to a man being in control by how obedient she was at following my order to lay back. I pulled her panties down and she immediately placed her hands over her shaved cunt.
I pushed her legs open,"Move you hands!"
She quickly moved her hands and buried my face between her legs and started licking her pussy.Oh shit she couldn't keep still nor keep her moaning mouth shut.
I licked her until she orgasmed and squinted. And then I ate her again and again making her cum again and again until she was screaming for me to stop BUT I didn't! I kept right on until she was quivering mess and juices ran over the edge of the island.
I grabbed her feet and jerked her off the counter and turned her around. "Get on your knees!"
Maxie immediately dropped to her knee and she knew what I wanted and began unfastening the belt to my jeans.She pulled my pants down and took my hard eight inch cock into her pouty little mouth. I reached down and grabbed the back of her head and shoved my dick down her tight throat.
Maxie grabbed my ass and held on tight as face fuck her.And she took it like a real trained up wife slut should.
"Do you want it in your mouth,Mrs Jones. Huh? Tap my ass if you do!"
She immediately started tapping my hip.
I jerkes her head back and forth on my dick, pre cum dribbled from her mouth and she was looking up at me the whole time.
The look of her cum hungry eyes added to the excitement And I was gonna give her what she wanted. What she needed! I gripped her ponytail and forced her face hard and to the hilt and I came so fucking hard!
Maxie gagged a little but swallowed every single and didn't waste a drop. When I WAS done and only when I was done did I release her. She dropped back on her heels and looked up at me with a smile on her face.
"Oh Jake! Oh that was fantastic!."
I smirked and nodded,I'd gotten what I wanted.
"Do you still think I'm Gorgeous?" She asked looking unsure of herself.
"Yeah baby you look more than gorgeous right now,with my cum dripping out of the corners of your mouth."
Maxie giggled,"Really?" She licked the corners of her mouth and giggled and blushed."Goodness you sure can flood a girl."
I rubbed her head,"And you sure can eat a man too."
She smiled and ran her her finger tips along my thigh,"What do you want to do now!"
"I'm not doing anything right now. But I know what your gonna do."
"Oh yeah and what's that,lover?"
"Your gonna bake me a cherry pie."
Maxie got up and baked me that cherry pie. And when I was done eating it,I took her upstairs and fucked her.
The End😊

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