Every Thursday


I set looking out the window at nothing really.
Just looking and thinking.

I missed my husband.

I missed all the nasty things he did to me.

But, mainly I missed the anal sex we had.

But, I learned he liked anal sex as much as he liked sucking dick.

It kinda crushes a girl to come home and find her husband giving another guy a blow job.

I also had several things against me.
Small town living.
No way to move and I'm not that pretty.

My best attribute is my 32I tits that look huge in my slim body.

As I set there thinking my phone rang.

It was my son.
I had forgotten all about it being date night.

Every Thursday since I walked in on his father.
Dillon has taken me out to dinner.

It has probably kept me from going crazy.

"How's my favorite milf doing?" Jacob asked in his normal cheerful voice.

"Isn't a milf supposed to one of them got blonde soccer moms." I laughed at the phone.

"Well, your the hottest mom I know," Jacob said making me smile.

This was his normal way of trying to make me feel good and making me laugh.
And usually, it worked.

"Be there in an hour." Jacob laughed bringing me back to reality.

"I'll be ready," I said looking at my sweatpants with a sour look.

Jacob has always been very open with me.

Looking back I think he saw more of my marriage than I did.

Because it was about the time he turned sixteen he started giving me compliments on my looks.

I never took it out of context and always thanked him.
It made me feel good.

When I walked into the living room in my new jeans Jacob looked at me whistled like he has several times.

"Beth Ann you are Smoking!" Jacob smiled at me making me smile.

I thought it was a good idea to give him a look at my whole body and gave him a spin.

"Damned mom. Your exercises are doing wonders for you.
That ass is a killer." Jacob smiled at me.

I do have a decent ass and my slim twenty-four-inch waist makes my thirty-six-inch ass look big.

It was our normal banter.

Sometimes we just grab a pizza and others' steak.
But, it's always a time to catch up.

That night it was pizza and a beer at our favorite bar, which happens to be the only bar in town.

As we played darts Jacob and I talked about me dating again.

I told him I wasn't that interested all that much.

"Well, Beth Ann. With an ass like yours, I'm surprised guys aren't beating your door down." Jacob laughed.

"My big tits don't mean anything thing I guess." I laughed.

"There nothing to shrug at." Jacob laughed.

"But, you prefer my ass." I laughed.

"Best ass I've ever seen." Jacob grinned as we played along.

As I drank more beer I got to thinking about what Jacob had said about my ass.

That night was the first night since my divorce I played with myself.

Actually, I just fucked my ass with a dildo till I passed out.

Waking the next day my dildo was still stuck in my ass making me laugh.

But, I couldn't get the thought out of my head of Jacob fucking me in the ass.

I thought about it all week long.

Thursday I waited with phone in hand waiting for Jacob to call like a schoolgirl.

After our normal greets, I told Jacob I wanted to go to the bar for pizza again.

Which brought on him giving me shit about just wanting to lose at darts again as I got drunk.

Well, he was partly right.
I wanted a beer.

When Jacob showed up I gave him something to look at.

I had on a shirt that was about a size to small and some shorts that I didnt think I was gonna get to buttoned.

He wanted to look. I was gonna give him something to look at.

"Damned beth Ann!" Jacob whistled.

"Well, I got to thinking about what you said." I smiled. "And maybe the right guy will like what he sees." I laughed.

That wasn't the plan at all and I knew I was the one going to do all the talking.

"Jacob. I have something I want to talk to you about." I smiled as we sat eating our pizza.

"Okay, Mom. This doesn't sound good. " Jacob smiled.

"Well, we will find out." I grinned at Jacob.

"Jacob you know I haven't dated since your father." I smiled.

"Yeah. So. Did you find a guy?" Jacob looked at me confused.

"No, I didn't find a guy." I laughed shaking my head.

"But, I need to ask you for a favor." I smiled nervously.

"Sure mom anything for you." Jacob smiled that big welcoming grin of his.

"Maybe you should hear what I'm wanting before you agree to it." I smiled.

"Okay. What is it?" Jacob finally asked?

"Well, you know every woman has that one thing she likes having done to her." I grinned.

"Mom? Where is this going?" Jacob asked?

"Well, um." I started. "Jacob. I. Um."

"Just spit it out." Jacob grinned at my embarrassment.

"Jacob, I miss anal sex." I spat out covering my face in embarrassment.

"Okayyyy." Jacob chuckled looking at me confused.

"Look. My dildo isn't doing it for me anymore and I need a man." I said with embarrassment.

"Okayyy. What do you want me to do about it?" Jacob asked confused?

"Jacob. God, you can be so dense at times." I chuckled. "You are the only man in my life and the only man I want in my life." I grinned at Jacob.

"Oh, I see. You're asking me to do the deed?" Jacob asked with a straight serious face.

"Jacob. Look. I know I'm homely looking and I." I started when Jacob cut in.

"Mom. I think you are a beautiful woman." Jacob smiled. "But, what you're asking. Well,"

That's when my heart sank and I instantly regretted ever saying a thing.

"Look, Jacob." I cut in.

"Beth Ann. Let me finish." Jacob said in a serious tone with a smile.
"I was gonna say maybe we should finish this conversation back at my place."

I just looked at Jacob and nodded in agreement with a heavy heart.

I knew I had screwed up and I was afraid I had ruined everything we had.

Thank God the ride was short because there wasn't much conversation.

"Mom? What possessed you to ask me to have anal sex with you?" Jacob laughed.

"Welllllll, I. I. Jacob I know that I'm not pretty and your dad and well you never seem to miss a chance to compliment me on my looks. So, I thought maybe you would be interested." I almost cried. "But, I can see that was a mistake." I finished.

"Mom, you are the best-looking gal I know.
But," Jacob started when I cut in.

"But, what." I looked at Jacob. "Im not good enough. What just because I'm your mother. My eyes to big, my hair not fluffy enough, my teeth aren't straight enough.
Tell me, Jacob. What is it?" I almost screamed.

"No. It's none of them. None of them at all." Jacob smiled.

"Jacob do you have any idea what your father did to me.
I'm the laughing stock of the town.
There isn't a man around that will touch me." I almost cried.

Jacob stood there looking at me for a moment before he spoke again.

"Beth Ann. I had no idea all this was pent up inside you." Jacob smiled.

"Jacob. I'm not asking you to do anything different than what you have been doing.
What I'm asking you to do for me is a favor.
I'm a woman. I need to a man to perform certain duties for me." I said to Jacob.

"Mom, I'm sure we can find a guy that would just love to do these things to you." Jacob smiled.

"Yeah, Billy Johnson who blab all over town that he comes by once a week and gives me a mercy fuck in the ass.
Just like he did with Cathy Towns when she got drunk and took him home from the bar." I glared at Jacob.

"I see your point there." Jacob agreed.

"Jacob it would be our secret. No one would know.
I'd get what I want and you'd get the pleasure of fucking a forty-two-year woman." I smiled.

"Mom, I love you and adore you and what's more I respect you.
I don't want any of that to change." Jacob said in honesty. "You're a good woman. You're not a side chick or a one-night stand." Jacob finished.

"Jacob. I know how you feel about me. I've never taken your compliments out of text. Not once. Ever.
That's why I asked you.
I know you will respect me and not laugh behind my back and tell your friends of the things we do.
That is why I asked you." I said in a truthful stern voice. Making my case.

"Mom, if we get found out about. There will be trouble for us both." Jacob reasoned.

"Well, the only way we will get found out about is if you blab and if you do. I'll never speak to you again." I smiled at Jacob.

"You would seriously never talk to me again?" Jacob asked.

"Jacob this is more than just sex. It is trust also." I said with a coy smile knowing I was winning.

Being older and more cunning.
I knew when not to play fair.

"Where you going, mom?" Jacob asked as I walked out of the kitchen.

"I'm going to finger my asshole till I cum while you make your decision." I smiled as I walked away from Jacob hoping my plan worked.

It did.

To be continued

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