I treat my mares with kindness


I worked on a dairy farm when I was younger. After school I helped the farmer milk the cows.
I would usually find time to have a Quickly with a calf when the farmer is busy milking. When the farmer was away I would be there on his farm as soon as I saw his truck leaving. I would put grain in the milking stall, a cow walks in you lock the gate. The cow Is happy she’s got food and I am happy I got pussy.

Chapter 2

Now I am a horse ranch manager. I’m 20 yrs old and always horny
We have a 20 yr old mare. She has been pregnant for most of her life.
Mama never had sex with a stallion. She was artificially inseminated.
Mama was having her last baby. Mares don’t come in heat after 20 yrs old. It’s like retirement for mares.
Mama was neglected most of her life. Well she got good care but mama had a mean streak. The 13 yr old girl from next door groomed cleaned stalls and fed horses to pay for riding lessons. Yes I could have tried to have sex with her. But she treats me in a father daughter kiinda way. Well she has that cute puppy dog look that says I’m innocent . Mama wouldn’t let her in her stall so I had to tie mama up. I tell groom be gentle. Well we booth groom her and I show her to brush and massage too. mama is calmed down and seems so to be enjoying it. Well mama throws her head around knocks the wind out of me. Then she puts her head up winnies like she laughing. My groom looses it. Starts laughing ,mama looks at her and im sure they were both laughing at me. Mama behaved for the groom after that.
I come to the barn in one evening to check on things. I hear my groom giggling. Mama Is grunting. I quietly go to mamas stall. Groom is on other side of mama brushing massaging laughing. She doesn’t see me.first thing I see is moma is not tied up. It looks like Moma is rubbing grooms back and I know how that feels when she does that to me, it tickles
The next thing I see is mamas tail up like a flagpole pussy wet an winking. They were laughing giggling having good time lol.
Well my dick gets chubby and falls out my blue jeans cut offs that are very short. Well I don’t want my groom to see this so I getting ready to go I see under the mare two tiny feet with shorts down to the ankles and a tounge licking the inside of grooms thighs from behind. What The Fuck. I see my young virgin getting a blow job by my mare. Well most you guys want the virgin but I want the mare. The owner said if I tried to screw this girl I’d be kicked off the ranch in jail. I have ten other four legged options lol. Well I sneak back to an empty stall and jerk off. The sounds from those two were unbelievable.I heard orgasms from both of them.
I let her know I’m there by shutting the front door hard and talking to my mares in a real sexy voice telling them how pretty and sexy they are. Well I know I’m being watched by groom so I find a mare in heat. It happens to be the next stall to mama I’m making out with her head and neck snorting like a stallion. She’s in her stall with her head in the isle way. I’m sure groom can see all this. My mare dances an pees into mamas stall. I hear a little scream I’m sure groom got soaked lol. I went up to the office waited for groom to leave. As soon as MoMA hears me she’s awake and kicking her stall. I rush to her stall. I look in her stall only to find a wet pussy winking at me. I’m thinking your pregnant old girl you just had 2 orgasms with a young girl.
A year ago I had tie MoMA up to have sex. After a while I didn’t have to. So today I throw a bail of hay in her stall. I go get some feed. She usually stands still eats and I can do any thing I want. I get back and find the hay against the wall. Today she doesn’t want food she wants sex. My shorts are off I’m on the bail of hay and I’m watching her back into me slowly. At the last minute she jumps backwards knocks me into the wall and starts laughing at me. I kicked her in a soft part on the inside of her leg and i started laughing. Well she let me off the wall and I dropped my my fat dick in. It’s as wide as the stallions but not as long lol. She stood still and I’m happy she did or I would have creamed her right there. Man I said if you want to laugh at me I’m going to fuck your pussy raw. So I stroked her all the way in and almost all the way out at a good speed. It’s good for me I can do this all day. It’s been Been five minutes of pounding and I’m sweating. Well she starts grunting rocking her legs from side to side. Well I put one leg on her rump stand on one leg. I get another two to three inches into that’ soft velvety part. I kept ponding her. I Had that pussy plugged but mama orgasmed out hot yellow fluid Her head is up an down she grunting I had no control after she soaked my ball deep prick with her boiling hot fluids.
I instantly put my rock hard cock all in held it there and exploded. Her pussy was pumping and moma was grunting. I jammed that dick in fast and hard out slow and easy. Then I will slip in her oven slow and out fast for a minute She loved it. For how long I pleased her I don’t know. It was like a penus pumper it sucked me wider not longer I pumped my seeds in her for thirty seconds. It was in heaven.
I collapsed on her rump am sweating I was hot. She winks my dick for another two minutes. And all this time she’s licking me on neck and back licking up my sweat. MoMA was trying to cool me down I think. Maybe she liked the taste may be saying thank you. I think she was checking to see if I was dead lol
After MoMA had her last filly MoMA was in heat from spring till winter
For three more years. I had two weeks intense sex when she’s in heat. And two weeks off two weeks to recover it was great. I had a quickie almost every morning after feeding the horses even if she’s not in heat she would let me
When she was in heat,she told when to fuck her LOL.
I’m sure she died happy.

I have Moma’s daughter and she’s a cute one. She’s almost three years old.
She has been in heat a few times and I think it’s time to train her.
I have been kind and sweet to this filly I’m sure I’ll love her as much as her mother.
Well I finally got a virgin and she told me when she was ready but that’s another tail.

Chapter 3
Ya I’ll write chapter three but the owner is away for a week so I’m going to be busy lol.

Let’s look at this from the mares side

I come from a long line of pure Arabian horses. I have been pregnant most of life. I have had some award winning babies In my 20 years. I got all hot an itchy in my pussy shortly after having a baby Some man would stick his-arm down deep in my pussy stick in Luke warm liquid and boom I’m pregnant again.
I was treated ok but I had so many grooms that just did there
jobs never talked nice to me or put in the extra effort to make me feel wanted or comfortable.

I was sold when I was pregnant again to a smaller farm. It was nice I got a lot of attention from the man groom he talked to me all time in soft sexy voice. I would lift each leg slowly as he sternly gave me commands. Then his voice was soft again as he cleaned stones from my hooves.
I often found him staring at my pussy and I would wink at him just to tease him. One day i guess he got horny. He ties me up and gets a bale of hay and some feed. He licks my pussy for a while And I didn’t want it to stop. He gets up puts his dick in me in few short strokes. It feels great but I want ithat dick wider. My pussy starts pumping his dick every time he pumps it in me ihis dick gets bigger and bigger. He goes fast slow in a little in a lot I just loose it i shoot my cum up his hot dick. Well he jammed his dick in me and it exploded. He made up pressure that sent sperm right inside of my baby maker lol. It was great. I pump his dick dry. He is passed out on my back for 10 minutes I hope I didn’t harm him. I lick his face to wake him up.and the taste is sweet and salty. I hope I made him happy as I want to fuck him every morning when I see him. His dick feels a little thicker each week. I only need him to tickle the first three inches of my pussy with his 7 inch dick to make me come and thicker does the trick.
I am having another baby next spring and I hope it is my last one.
I get really hot and horny shortly after birth. My pussy is five degrees hotter than my man when I’m in heat. he is going to get a hotter supprise and I’m going fuck that fat dick raw.
And I don’t think it will kill him but my heart is old and It might kill me. I’ll go happy knowing he is going to love my last filly.
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