Stuck in the dog flap


Trapped in the dog flap

Carries husband was a prick. He’d been that way with her for a few years now, and she was getting a little tired of it. Carrie and Tom got married in their early 20’s and they were coming up to their 10th anniversary. But things had been going a little stale lately, Tom was spending more time at the bar and paying less attention to her. Which made her angry. Carrie was an attractive woman in her early 30’s, a bob of straight blond hair and pretty features, on top of body most women would die for. Slim and toned with large firm breasts, and a shapely smooth ass. Carrie was quite the catch. But Tom had obviously gotten bored and complacent with her looks, and undoubtedly suspected the grass was greener elsewhere.
As Tom left for work that morning, he didn’t even seem to notice Carrie walking into the bathroom completely naked, as she went for her morning shower. He barely glanced at her as he called out his goodbye’s to her. She scowled as she stepped into the glass cubicle and let the hot water wash her anxiety away.
15 minutes later she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a bath towel around herself. She couldn’t be bothered getting dressed straight away so she headed on downstairs to make some breakfast. As she sat by herself eating cereal staring out of the front room window she noticed her neighbour to the right reversing their car out of the driveway as they too headed off to work. They traversed the car slightly into her own driveway. Just as they stopped to pull away, the rear of the car caught the stone ornament on Carrie and Toms gate post and toppled it. Carrie got up, about to wave through the window for them not to worry. But the car started to drive off. “Son of a bitch!” She laughed to herself as the car started to speed down their street. “Unbelievable!” She threw the spoon down into her bowl and ran to the front door. As she padded down the driveway barefoot she clutched the towel tightly around her with one arm as she waved frantically with the other to her neighbours quickly disappearing car. She reached the bottom of the drive just as the car exited left from her estate. “Bastard” she muttered to herself as she picked up the heavy stone ornament and replaced it back onto its plinth. “Good job the prick didn’t break it” she thought to herself, walking back up the driveway. She noticed her neighbour to the left side, old Mr Ellis, watching her as she made her way back up to her house. She suddenly remembered she was wearing nothing but a rather small towel, and she laughed as she she hung her head and tiptoed up to her door waving to him. He nodded over to her smiling. He was in his 60s, grey hair and moustache. He was overweight with a large portly belly protruding to his front. Carrie gritted her teeth smiling as she reached her front door. It was then that she realised that her door locked itself upon closing. In her rush and anger she had not picked up her keys on the way out. She was locked out. “Shit!” She said to herself “Everything ok?!” Mr Ellis called over to her as he watched her carefully. “Yes, it’s fine!” She called back smiling. His eyes were firmly fixed onto the front of her towel which had slid down a little revealing a few inches of cleavage. She made her way round to the back of the house laughing, where they had a side door. She didn’t even really care that Mr Ellis was clearly perving on her. She got no attention from Tom anymore, and it felt nice to feel desired… even if it was by a fat old perv like Mr Ellis. Praying that Tom had left it unlocked she tried the handle. No luck. “Fuck!” She muttered. Glancing down at her feet. That was when she noticed the dog flap. They’d never paid any attention to it before because they didn’t have a dog, but the previous owners of the house had it installed for their little cat sized yappy little shit (as Carrie like to call it) it was small, but she reckoned she could squeeze through it with some effort. What choice did she have?
She got down onto her knees, pulling the towel up and making sure it was firmly attached before pushing open the flap. She got one arm in and placed the palm of her hand on the floor. Then she popped her head through. Thinking she was doing well she pushed her other arm up through beside her. That was when it got very tight. With both palms on the kitchen floor she now began to heave her body through the tiny opening, but she had clearly underestimated the size of her breasts. Painfully she inched through bit by bit, her upper body just managing to make it through the gap. The towel however was not coming through with her. As her large breasts popped through the hole bouncing free on the other side fully exposed, the towel rucked up around her midriff jamming her there. She didn’t care about her tits being out because there was no one else in the house, but she now alarmingly found herself stuck!
Unbeknownst to her, Mr Ellis had kept watching her as she went around the back of the house. Peeping over the fence he had been eagerly enjoying her plight, and as she had gotten down onto her knees and progressed through the dog flap he had found it incredibly arrousing. Rubbing the bulge in his pants he decided to go around to “assist” her.
He made his way around the fence and up the side of her house quietly. He didn’t want her to know he was there just yet. He wanted to see if he could get a good look at her first. Perhaps up the towel as she was in doggy position. He’d noticed it was only very small, barely covering her hips. If she was naked under it he should be able to get a good look at everything, maybe even get a few pictures on his phone to save for later before she realised. His anticipation was incredible and he began trembling as he crept up to where she lay stuck.
She was still struggling as he crept up behind her. She appeared to be trying to wriggle herself forwards and backwards to un jam herself. Luckily for him it wasn’t working. He carefully knelt down beside her on all fours making sure not to get too close to her frantically moving feet. He leaned over, his head down to the ground. He was right, it was an incredibly small towel, and to his utter delight she was not wearing any panties. As her legs parted and moved around struggling to free her, he clearing saw her pussy open and glistening in the sun. His desire to plunge his tongue into it was almost unstoppable. But he wasn’t about to rape his neighbour. He did however take out his phone and start taking a few pictures of this beautiful sight, and a video too for good measure.
Inside the house Carrie was starting to get worried. She was stuck fast, and the towel tucked up in such a way that she was unable to free it with one hand, whilst the other braced her on the floor. Her ample breasts bounced around as she struggled to free herself but to no avail. She decided there was no other thing to do but to call for help, maybe old Mr Ellis was still outside “great” she thought to herself and chuckled thinking of the eyeful he would get on the other side. She was certain she was almost completely exposed from behind. But “fuck it” she thought, she didn’t care if he saw everything. Poor old guy deserves a treat she guessed. Laughing as she hung her head shaking it, she tilted her head back and called out “help!”
Behind her, on the other side of the door Mr Ellis was laid down just centimetres away from the soles of her feet, staring up into her cunt and her asshole. He’d taken his cock out and was masturbating to this glorious sight. When she called out he wasn’t expecting it and he jumped. Startled, he wasn’t sure what to do exactly. He was worried someone else might hear her so he quickly tucked his dick back into his pants and stood up. She kept calling out, and this time she used his name. “Mr Ellis!” She cried as her ass cheeks wobbled seductively while she struggled. She actually wanted him to come and see her like this! He thought mesmerised. He gave it a couple of minutes so she wouldn’t realise that he was already there, and then he made some noise behind her and called out to her.
“Carrie?” He said, directing his conversation towards her butt. “Are you ok?”
“Oh! Mr Ellis” she said “Thank god you heard me, I’m completely stuck!” She laughed “Can you help me get out?”
“What do you need me to do?” He called back to her through the flap. Now that she knew he was there, and for a legitimate reason, he could get closer to her. He moved his face right up to the dog hatch so it was level with and inches from her exposed asshole.
“I’m not entirely sure!” She laughed “Do you have any suggestions?!” She giggled to herself at the absurdity of her situation. She knew she was fully exposed out there and he could see everything she had. But she didn’t care, she found it a little exciting if she was honest, and she even moved her legs further apart to give him a better view. May as well give the old dear a treat for coming to help! She thought.
Mr Ellis couldn’t believe his luck, his prick hadn’t been this rock solid in years, and his face was now just a few inches away from the most beautifully shaved cunt he had ever seen.
“I’ll try pulling from this side shall I?!” He called through to her under her pussy.
“Yea! Try holding onto my hips!” She yelled.
She felt his hands reach under the towel (not on top of it!) and clasp hold of her naked nips. Saucy old perv she thought to herself as she chuckled. He heaved as much as he could, lifting her legs off the floor and putting his full weight into it, but she remained stuck fast.
“I think it’s the towel that’s bunched up and jammed you in!” He called through
“Yea” she sighed, she pretty much figured that was the case. “Can you try and peel it out around me at the sides?!”
“Are you sure?!” He shouted back.
“I mean… I’m pretty much fully ‘out’ back there anyway right?!” She laughed back at him
There was a pause before he answered …
“Yea… pretty much!” He chuckled
“Go ahead” she laughed “I just need to get out!”
Mr Ellis kneeled on the floor in between her legs making sure she couldn’t close them and ruin his view. He began tugging at the towel around her sides, freeing little bits at a time and exposing more and more of her wonderfully smooth and toned body. Eventually the towel pinged free and he threw it to the side. He gazed over her naked backside, taking his phone out to snap a few more pics for himself. This time he was able to get his camera really close up in between her legs as she knew he was already there. He got some good close up shots of her snatch and her asshole again before pocketing the phone and calling back through:
“I’m going to try and pull on your hips again ok?!”
“Ok!” She shouted back
This time he was able to get his hands right around her thighs brushing the sides of her exposed cunt as he did. This guys really enjoying himself! She thought to her self as she shook her head chuckling. She felt herself being yanked backwards, this time it was painful because the towel wasn’t protecting her flesh.
“Stop, stop!” She yelled, and he immediately put her legs down. “That’s too painful!” She said sighing
“I’ll try pushing you through instead!” He called
He picked up her legs again, but this time he kneeled down in between them with his face against her bare ass. She felt his hot breath against her open pussy and she smiled to herself. He started to push against her but it hurt just as much
“No!” She shouted “That’s no good either!… shit!” She gasped. What was she going to do.
“Listen” said Mr Ellis “I have a friend who lives about 40 minutes away, he has a reciprocating saw. It would mean cutting a hole in your door but it would get you out. I could give him a call and see if he’ll bring us the saw if you like? I’d just owe him a favour for it”
She thought about this and it seemed the best and only solution “Are you sure you wouldn’t mind?) she called back “I would be really grateful if you would!”
“Yea sure!” He said “I don’t mind, I’ll see what he says” then he paused for a while, he wanted to try his luck with her but was scared to ask. Eventually he just thought fuck it he wasn’t getting any younger.
“Carrie!” He called through “Listen, it’s really a big shock for me seeing you like this .. and erm… well I’ve always thought you are a mightily beautiful woman … so erm .. I just thought I’d say this is a real honour to see .. “ he sempt to lose his nerve and cursed himself under his breath.
Carrie clasped a hand to her mouth as she tried to stifle s laugh. What was he getting at? “Thanks” she called back “That’s sweet of you to say!” And she slapped her hand back over her mouth giggling
Mr Ellis seemed to re gain his composure “well, I’m just some lonely old guy who hasn’t had much in the way of beautiful women” he continued “so … I was wondering … if you wouldn’t mind me taking some pictures of you … you know.. down there? … just for myself of course!”
Carrie gasped with laughter! But managed to stifle it. Was he for real?! She was enjoying this situation way more than she should be, and thinking about Tom being such a bastard to her lately made her enjoy it even more
“You know what, sure” she said “go ahead”
Mr Ellis could hardly believe it! His face was a look of astonishment
“Really?!” He called
“Sure!” She replied “As a thanks for helping out I guess!” She laughed. She couldn’t believe this was happening
“Thank you so much!” He shouted, and he took out his phone to get some proper pictures this time! “Could you ah… open your legs a little for me? … sorry to ask!” He said as he fumbled with the phone trembling
“Ok” her hand pushed against her mouth desperately trying to stop her from descending into hysterical laughter. She parted her knees as wide as they would go and then her feet followed suit.
“Is that ok?!” She called
He was on his knees between her legs staring up into her gaping cunt, hardly believing this was happening
“Perfect” he said quietly but just loud enough for her to hear. She chuckled
“Is it ok if I part your ass cheeks a little more with my hand?” He asked. This was almost too much for her and she laughed out loud
“Sorry!” She laughed “yes! Of course, Knock yourself out!” And she returned to uncontrollable laughing
Ellis didn’t care if she was making fun of him, he grabbed a hold of one of her perfectly round firm ass cheeks and pulled it hard to the side, making sure to place his thumb on her outer labia, stretching her cunt wide open too. Carrie gasped at this roughness, but with a surprised look on her face she smiled and let him continue.
He allowed himself the opportunity to caress her smooth flesh as he did this, which didn’t go unnoticed by Carrie. Snapping away with his phone and then placing it onto video mode, he slid his thumb down the inside of her pussy opening it up every centimetre of the way down, until finally he pushed the tip of his thumb into her anus and prised it open as well. She gasped.
“Is this ok?!” He called through to her
“Yep!” She stifled back trying to contain her laughter
Seizing his moment, and going with the flow of how compliant she was being, he slid his thumb deeper into her ass hole circling it all the way in stretching it out as much as he could. She grunted under her palm as he worked his way into her anus, with a look of shock and amusement on her face. He was astounded at how flexible and firm her butthole was under his strength. He placed his phone down into the sole of her foot which cradled it nicely as it continued to film his exploits. This freed up his other hand which he put to use immediately. Placing his newly liberated hand on her other ass cheek he pushed it to the slide and slid his thumb into her ass hole to join the other. Carrie knew what was coming and she braced herself for the inevitable. She gave a loud grunt as he pulled her asshole apart as far as it would stretch. He was utterly enjoying himself and he was on a roll.
“Carrie, do you mind if I eat your ass?!” He requested politely. She spluttered a tiny laugh
“Ok… yea sure that’s ok” she squeeked back at him biting her lip
He didn’t waste a moment in plunging his face in between her buttocks and lancing his tongue as far up into her ass hole as he could. He slipped his thumbs out of her now as he stroked her buttocks. Using his tongue to open up her anus instead. He ate and he ate, enjoying every second.
Carrie had never been rimmed like this before in her life, and she was finding it hard to suppress crying out each time his tongue thrust deep inside her asshole.
“Erm… Mr Ellis!” She called laughing “Would you mind awfully calling your friend with the saw?.. I’m starting to get a bit numb!” She was chuckling “you can maybe come back to that while we wait for him?” His tongue popped out of her asshole making her squeal
“Oh!.. of course dear! I’m so sorry!” He cried “I’ll call him right now!”
She laughed silently to herself as he wandered off to call in the favour from his friend. She shuffled her legs back together to a more comfortable position, her knees were really starting to hurt. After around 5 minutes Ellis returned with good news.
“He’s on his way!” He smiled, not that she could see it “he’ll be as quick as he can!”
“That’s great!” She shouted “hey, do you think you could grab me something to put under my knees? They’re really hurting!”
“Absolutely my dear!” He beamed, and he rolled up the towel that he’d extracted from her waist. He bunched it up against the door and placed each of her knees on it. She noticed that in doing so he made sure that her legs were as far apart as they would go again. I guess he’s still hungry she thought to herself sniggering.
He struggled as he lay down on the ground, out of breath due to his obesity. He lay on his back and shuffled his massive weight up as far as he could. This time he was going for gold. He positioned his face beneath her groin, making sure his was in a comfortable position. Then he clamped his mouth firmly around her pussy and pushed his tongue deeply into her vagina.
She yelped as he began eating her out, she was expecting more ass play. Her hand jumped up over her mouth again as she laughed. Help yourself! She thought, rolling her eyes. He was really working her pussy, making sure he sucked every inch of it. He fumbled around with his zipper under his big belly, and pulled out his cock again so he could masturbate while he ate.
After a while of this he stopped and seemed to consider something before speaking
“Hey Carrie” he called through the hole “I gotta say… I’m harder than galvanised steel out here, and … well… would you mind if I … you know… “
She put her hands back down on the floor looking shocked. Was he going to ask her if he could fuck her?! This big fat old man who’d always perved on her from his property. Wether she was sunbathing or just putting out the garbage in her slippers he was always watching her.
“It’s just … you know… I'll never get another chance like this … and …” he was clearly too nervous to ask, and she was in shock. She began to think of Tom, and how utterly pissed off he would be that she’d not only let another man fuck her, but a disgusting pig like Mr Ellis. That made up her mind, and she smiled slyly as she called back to him:
“You do what you need to do Mr Ellis!, it’s absolutely fine” and she grinned as she crossed her arms on the floor and rested her head on them in preparation to receive a pounding.
Ellis’s heart was about to give out on him it was working so fast “Thank you!” He gasped as he knelt down awkwardly behind her wide ope legs. She felt him shuffling into position and his huge fat apron belly rest down on her buttocks as he probed around for her hole with the tip of his cock. For a morbidly obese man he actually had a good size to his penis. A good 8 inches long and 4 inches round, she cried out as he found his mark and plunged his dick straight up her to the base, balls deep.
She was not anticipating his size and she looked a little worried as he started grinding into her, pumping her pussy hard like he’d never fucked before. Afraid she might tear, she panted heavily and tried to relax her muscles around his shaft. After the first few minutes her pussy seemed to accept this punishment, and she started to enjoy the fact that another man (and not Tom) was currently giving it to her hard. This thought made her wetter and Mr Ellis’s cock began to glide in and out of her.
Mr Ellis was having the best time of his life. He had never fucked a woman as exquisite as Carrie and he wanted to enjoy every inch of her. He was only sorry he couldn’t get to her breasts. He’d often admired her large ample breasts as he watched her over the years, he’d never got a chance to see them before. Now here she was letting him fuck her, and he could even get to her boobs. He put this thought from his mind and carried on enjoying her juicy tight cunt.
He didn’t want to come too soon, but it had been so long since he’d even had sex, let alone with a woman of Carries calibre, one he’d coveted over for years, that he soon felt his load bubbling up inside him.
Carrie began to feel the unmistakable jerking and speeding up at a man about to ejaculate. Was she really going to let this big fat disgusting man cum inside her. Fuck it, she thought, yes she would. And then she thought she’d get Tom to unknowingly go in after him later that evening. That would please her wicked sense of humour immensely.
Ellis started to slam his lap against her buttocks, his orgasm was coming and his thrusts sped up to accommodate for it. Her knees were lifted up off the floor as he pounded into her. He hadn’t come in a long time, this was going to be a lot of ejaculate he was about to dump into this poor girl, but he didn’t care. He groaned as the first wave washed over him and grasped her hips tightly as he thrust as deeply into her cunt as he could. He began pumping his foul muck into her.
Inside the house she was gasping as his thrusts had intensified and he began cumming in her. She could hear him groaning and felt his cock twitching inside her as it filled her up with his sticky lumpy jizz. He kept going for a full minute, and it started to get incredibly squelchy in between her legs. Even the sound of it implied there was too much juice there. It started to squirt out of the sides of her vagina around his cock as he was still thrusting and emptying his balls into her. She began to feel sick as she felt it dribbling down her thighs, and the pressure built up inside her cunt meant that it had nowhere else to go, it started to spray out of her each time he pushed his shaft in, going up against the door and all over her legs.
He finally relaxed his thrusting and leaned against the door panting heavily. It was the best sex he had ever had and he hoped that his phone had captured it all.
He backed away sliding his cock out of her, and as it did there was a loud slurping sound when it popped out of her vagina followed by what looked to be about a gallon of ejaculate which splattered down onto the floor between her legs.
Carrie was panting heavily, trying to regain her composure after what had just been a very hard and messy pounding. She could feel his hot sticky cum still oozing out of her, landing on the floor with a splash joining the already large puddle beneath her. She rested her head back down onto her arms whilst she got her breath back.
Mr Ellis was sat slumped to the side of her, also extremely out of breath. His deflating cock still hanging out from under the apron of fat from his belly. His arm rested over her naked backside.
“Thanks for that Carrie” he gasped with a huge smile on his face. Carrie didn’t know what to say. She snorted.
“That’s ok” she shrugged “Glad you enjoyed it I guess!” She laughed
Just then the sound of a large vehicle pulling up at the front of the house distracted Mr Ellis. He quickly tucked his dripping cock away and stumbled to his feet.
“I think my friend is here!” He shouted through to Carrie
“Oh great!” She yelled “Can’t wait to get out of here, my waist is really starting to hurt!”
Mr Ellis text his friend (Mike) to come round the back of the house with the saw.
They soon heard the sound of heavy footsteps crunching up the side of the house. Mike appeared with an ominous looking power tool.
Carrie had to admit to herself she was enjoying the attention. Now a new man was about to see her naked, a complete stranger! and she didn’t care one bit. She kept thinking of how pissed off this might make Tom if he knew, and she intended to tell him everything. She was passed caring. She grinned to herself as she heard Mike arrive. She wanted him to see everything she had, and the mess Old Ellis had made of her too.
Mike was about the same age as Ellis, tall and slim. He stopped short as he walked up to his friend. His look shifting to the side and noticing Carries exposed rear end protruding from the door. His eyes opened wide and he glanced back over to Ellis. Ellis was grinning and gave Mike a cheeky wink. He glanced back down to Carries wide open legs and noticed the puddle of obvious sperm that had collected around her knees and was sliding dow her thighs, it was still dripping out of her gaping cunt hole and landing with a pit pat into the growing pile. He instinctively reached down to his groin where a rapidly increasing bulge was beginning to form.
Mike pulled Mr Ellis round the corner of the house
“Did you fuck her?!” He said quietly but sternly
“Yep!” Said Ellis beaming
“Are you fucking mental?! You fucking raped her?!” He fumed
“What?!.. No!” He laughed “She was completely up for it” he smiled back at Mike. Mike looked at him sideways as if unsure Ellis was telling the truth
“Are you being serious?!”
Mr Ellis just stood there looking like the cat who got the cream. He nodded slowly while smiling. Just then Carrie called out
“Guys!… Can you get me out?!”
“I want to fuck her too!” Mike blurted out
“Well that’s not up to me!” Laughed Mr Ellis
“I need you to ask her for me” Mike looked uncomfortable
“Why don’t you just ask her yourself?!” Retorted Mr Ellis
“I don’t even know her! Please!” He begged, looking pleadingly at Ellis. Ellis laughed and shook his head as he walked back to Carrie
“Hey Carrie!” He called
“Hey” she answered
“My friend is here, we’ve got the power tool needed to make this hole wider”
“That’s great!” She replied “What do you need me to do?!”
“Well, funny you should ask that!” laughed Mr Ellis. On the other side of the door Carrie raised an eyebrow. She’d suspected this was coming
“Oh?” She said
“Yea, erm… my friend wondered if er…” he scratched his head “well, if er.. you know cause he came all this way to help… so er.. we just wondered … if you could throw him a bone too I guess?!” He shrugged
Carrie smiled to herself completely expecting the question. She was loving being used like this. By people who Tom would hate to fuck her. She felt like she’d let anyone who wanted to fuck her right now, just to spite Tom
“It was very kind of him to come and help me out” she chuckled “yes of course he can”
Mike wore a look like all his Christmas’s had come at once. He dumped the power saw down on the ground next to Ellis and walked over to Carries ass undoing his belt. Mr Ellis grinned and took out his phone again.
Kneeling down behind her, Mike helped himself to Carries curves. He felt her soft peachy firm ass cheeks and then ran his hand round underneath to her pussy, grabbing it and forcing another dollop of cum out which oozed through his fingers and fell to the ground. He shook Ellis’s cum off his hand looking over to him. Ellis just shrugged grinning. Mike shook his head chuckling.
He pulled out his cock. It was an oddly shaped penis. Long and thin, but with a huge glans like an apple. He leaned over and licked Carries anus. It was beautifully tough and tight. He pushed his tongue into it, opening it up again.
On the other side of the door Carrie rested her head down on her crossed arms smiling. She enjoyed feeling her ass being probed and eaten.
Mike rubbed the tip of his huge mushroom headed bell end over her ass hole. Before Carrie could do anything about it, He pushed the tip of his cock into her anus.
She jumped up onto the palms of her hands as the tip of his cock burst through the tight opening of her sphincter. She yelped loudly as the white hot pain of it seared through her anus. Bracing one hand on the door she never got chance to protest before he followed it through with the rest of his shaft. He gave her every inch of it on the first thrust, not sparing her any relief. She gritted her teeth and groaned loudly as she took it all in to her colon. Spit flying out of her gritted teeth as she breathed heavily, he slid his cock all the way out again leaving in just the tip. She cried out in pain. Then he started to pummel her ass relentlessly. She kept on groaning through the tearing pain, but she wanted this to happen. She wanted this complete stranger to destroy her asshole.
Mike was thrusting hard into her ass. Watching his long cock disappearing up her anus on each pass he made. He moaned in delight as her butthole seemed to gobble up his dick hungrily. He wasn’t going to last long.
Carrie had tears in her eyes, her face was bright red, the veins in her forehead looked like they were going to pop, and she cried through her gritted teeth as her ass hole received an extremely hard breeding. The door shook in its hinges as her delicate ass took the rough punishment.
Mike began to moan loudly, his movements jerked as his orgasm built up. He made sure he pushed his dick as deep into her ass as it would go before finally unloading a huge payload of cum just as his friend had done. Like Ellis, Mike hadn’t had any sex in a long time. He pumped his entire balls worth into her ass. It too filled her insides up to over capacity. As he withdrew his shaft, his huge bell end popped through her tight anus and bounced out, and she squealed as it did.
Panting heavily she collapsed onto the kitchen floor. Mikes cum bubbling out of her asshole, mixed with a little blood caused by some tearing. It poured over her open vagina and ran down her legs. Resting on her elbows, she clasped her hands against her forehead as she recovered.
Mike had sat down beside Carries (now well used) rear end, his cock was still hanging out of the front of his pants dripping post ejaculate onto himself. Mr Ellis was getting up close to Carries ass hole with his phone, filming the remainder of Mikes cum dribbling out of it. He looked extremely pleased with himself.
“Ok, let’s cut you out of there” said Mike as he ticked himself away
“Thanks” Carrie panted back at him
It didn’t take long for the reciprocal saw to cut a moon shaped wedge out just above her, giving her plenty of room now to wriggle backwards and free herself.
She slumped down onto her bottom into the puddle of mixed ejaculate belong to Mr Ellis and his friends. Her tits bounced as she sat back, and both Ellis and Mike were staring at them. She wasn’t surprised, she knew she had great tits. Big and round and creamy white, with perfect little pert nipples at the tip of each one.
Ellis snapped a few pictures of them and she moved her arms out of the way to allow him a better view of them.
“Well” she said still breathing heavily “Thank you fit that gentlemen” laughing as she hoisted herself up, her feet squelched in the cum puddle and the sperm oozed through the gaps between her toes
“I suppose I’d better get cleaned up!” She joked as reached up through the now massive hole in her door to unlock it from the inside. The door swung inwards and she sauntered off sexily giving them a wink as she disappeared into her house. She watched the two men leave her property and was amazed that she’d let these two old gross men have their way with her. But that thought also turned her on incredibly. She wasn’t going to shower. She was going to let Tom go in after them intending to offer him anal, and then she was going to tell him everything. She couldn’t wait.

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