Boys team group wank


I'm Robbie I'm 20 and love playing football. I've been playing most of my life and have been in a number of teams but this one I been in for around 5 years.
Me and the lads are proper close and the team was started as we wanted to all play together as a group instead of just a few of us in different teams.
My best mate is the captain and I'm next to him in centre midfield. Me and Ryan been best mates for ages and everyone comments that we could be brothers. Both of us are about 5ft 10 with slim bodies, brown hair with similar haircut and eyes.
We used to get a lot of attention from girls and the mums were we thought quite flirty with us and our medicals were quite thorough. We reckon overly thorough and wondered if the other lads got the same treatment as us. But that's another story.

It was a summer day but we had on and off rain and were playing a local team who were top of the league.
We nicked a goal at the end for a hard fought draw.
The sweat and rain meant all us boys were soaked and we removed our shirts and slung em over our shoulders before taking a slow jog to the changing rooms.
Our families were congregated by the changing rooms clapping us as we ran over and I noticed some of the mums staring at our bulges for way to long. I looked down and realised that our red shorts were soaked and clung to our dick and balls leaving little to the imagination especially as we jogged, I noticed all our bulges were bouncing and swinging about. The mums were staring eyes beaming and I got a semi thinking of them looking at my cock. They kept trying to chat to me and Ryan and a few of the other boys preventing us from disappearing in the changing rooms. One of the mums said boys you worked so hard you better warm down and stretch. Ryan winked at me and whispered milf and said let's have some fun.
I knew he was a tease and regularly grabbed his dick through his shorts whilst chatting to spectators making it clear he was packing. I was envious of his dick. It was bigger soft than most of us were hard. Must have been 7 inches soft and in his shorts it looked even bigger.
He goes ok il just go piss and get the lads out to warm down. We went to take a piss and he looked down at me pissing saying not just me that got a semi then. Yours looks nice Robbie, I looked down at his and said fuck me how you gonna fit that back in your pants Ry. He winked and said it ain't even hard mate.
He said let's have some fun with Jason's mum she's a proper slut I reckon. He said take off your underwear and put your shorts back on.
He said to the other lads wait til Jade is in the shower then take your underwear off, put your shorts on and come out for a warmdown.
I'm gonna get Jases mum Laura to watch us and be our warm down teacher did you see her checking us out.

We went outside and said to Laura can you assist the warm down she looked flustered and must have been wet already. Ok she nervously responded. Ok let's warm up at the back. To get her away from other spectators.
I could see her staring at our bulges looking confused she must have noticed our dicks were even more on show as they clung to our dicks with no pants on.
Ry said to her hope you don't mind we took our underwear off as they were so sweaty. My dicks not on show to much is it before holding it in his hands waving it at her.
N n n no she shakily answered staring right at his huge monster.
Instruct us how to warm down Laura he said.
She was clearly aroused.
Boys jog on the spot please all of you in a line and you 2 remove your shirts like the others so you can warm down properly. Even the subs and lads not selected were involved meaning there were 19 lads all shirtless, most sweaty and muddy lined up in front of her.
Ok jog on the spot boys. She looked on as 19 of us jogged on the spot our dicks and balls bouncing up and down in our shorts. She kneeled down watching us closely. Ok stop. Boys star jumps please. She was clearly wet and aroused and was grinding her arm in between her legs.
Our bulges bounced even more doing star jumps. Now stretches boys please. Ryan said can you help me. She went over to him assisting him as I looked over he let his huge dick slide out his shorts clearly on view to her. I saw her brush the tip of his foreskin before grabbing his package fully and his bum instructing him to stretch his legs further. He clearly had a boner. It was massive poking up in his shorts. He told me he was over 9 inches but I reckon it was bigger.
Ok boys reach of you step forward I'm going to massage your thighs as that's where you will be tightest.
I stepped forward as she put both hands on my thighs massaging close to my crotch causing me to start to get bigger. She got rougher her hands brushing my cock and balls often until I was fully hard. Then on to the next lad. She repeated this and seemed to take a special liking to Lee, Lee was the smallest of us with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He couldnt grow facial hair and had no body hair we always took the piss saying he should been in a boy band.
He was always shy and in all the years I knew him he never pissed next to any of us or showered after a game saying he would do it at home. Even taking his pants of earlier he was protesting before Ryan bullied him in to it. He reluctantly changed them in private.
She was working him for what seemed like ages. I looked on gobsmacked at the massive bulge in his shorts. If never noticed his bulge before. He looked bigger than Ryan and she was openly massaging his crotch.

Mum came a shout, it was Jase.
She came to her sense and jogged off saying ok boys well done. Ryan said help me with this in the changing room first. She was embarrassed and said maybe another time boys and went to take Jase home.

Back in the changing room ry said I gotta wank. Lee what the fuck is that? We thought you had no dick as you never let us see.
Get it out now. No he said.
Boys strip him and get him in the showers.
We removed his shorts revealing a huge cock that put Ryan to shame. He must have been pushing 10 inches and on his hairless small frame he looked even bigger. He was fully shaved down there and we asked why. My parents say it's easier when they check my balls. Wtf we said. We decided that was for another day and right now we gotta wank. We were so horny after what had happened.
All 19 of us bundled in the open showers and furiously wanked. I said last one to cum cleans up.
All of us went mad on our dicks. Balls bouncing about. We looked about the room comparing our snakes.
Mostly 6 inches or so. Mine was 7.5 and I was pleased to be in the top 5.
I felt sorry for Joe he was the only lad cut. The rest of us all had our foreskins and the sound of them rolling back and forth with the smell of precum was immense.
One by one we began to cum.
Groups of boys chucking their cum all.over the place. Hands brushing against other dicks as we furiously wanked ourselves off. Ryan looked at me wanking before I shot my load. I was about to help you out he winked. Maybe next time huh.
By now we were all done and dicks softening apart from Joe who was embarrassed his 5 inch cut dick was being watched by all 18 lads shouting hurry up.
He shot his load. A thick load hitting harry right in the dick.

We showered off and said let's make this regular. Maybe Laura can come in sometime.
Before we all scurried off.

That is why I love my footy team.
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