My husbands birthday

group sex

It was a Monday morning and after dropping my daughter off at crèche I went to the mall to shop for a birthday present for my husband. His birthday was the coming Thursday. Walking around the mall I soon found myself in a gadget store, where I bought him a new flick blade knife. Not knowing what else to buy him, I bought myself a pair of crotchless underwear and decided I would were it for him on his bday, thinking to look sexy for my man on his bday. I decided to get myself a new short sluty dress and thigh high leggings as well.
I added a bottle of whisky to his presents and Once home i wrapped all the presents separately and hid them away till Thursday morning.

Thursday arrived and I woke up a few minutes before my husband. I wished him happy birthday and gave him a big kiss. I gave him two of his presents before my daughter woke up and told him it's advisable to open them now. He first opened the dress and then the linger and leggings. He asked when will he get to see it on me. I told him hopefully the next day or two. I put his first presents away as He said he's looking forward to it. Our daughter then woke up and she came to wish her dad a happy birthday and we then gave him his next to presents. He opened them and said he was very happy with them.
We then got up and I got my daughter ready for crèche while my husband got ready for work. I quickly through on tracksuit pants and a top. We left simultaneously, my hubby to work and myself to drop my daughter off at crèche. I went straight home afterwards and relaxed till the late afternoon.
Soon after getting home from fetching our daughter from crèche. I bathed her while waiting for my hubby to get home. He got home soon after I had finished dressing our daughter and he quickly got into the shower while our daughter played and watched tv on our bed. I walked into the bathroom as my husband got out the shower and once he was dry I gave him a passionate kiss which made his cock semi hard. I noticed this and decided to sit down on the toilet as he stood in front of me. I took his hard cock into his mouth and started deepthroating him for a short while. Once stopping I stood up and he said to me that was a rather nice but a mean gesture to stuck my cock now and not making him cum. I told him we were running out of time as we were going out for dinner with his parents and we were definitely running late. He said that sucks and I told him when I were that dress for him this coming weekend he could get anything sexual that he wanted.
He rephrased what I said, anything I want. And I said yes that's correct.

Once he was dressed we all hopped in the car and went to a lovely restaurant and had a lovely dinner with his parents for his birthday. His parents offered to look after our daughter the weekend as they knew we were going to have a few friends over Friday night to celebrate my husband's bday. We accepted their offer and soon after settling the bill we all were on our way home. Once home and parked our daughter was asl**p in the car. My hubby picked her up and took her to her room and tugged her in. I locked up downstairs and then made my way to our bedroom. My man soon joined me and I placed my hands around his neck as he grabbed my ass with his and we looked into each others eyes as we first chatted and kissed a bit.
He said tomorrow night we will just have a casual braai but then on Saturday evening I would get dressed all sexy in the new skanky dress I bought for him and then we would go out to a strip club for some fun. Which I agree to.

We slowly started stripping each other and soon we were both naked. I told my husband to lay on his back and I climbed on top of him and lowered myself down onto his hard cock. I road him hard and rough soon bringing myself to orgasm while on top. I then turned around to reverse cowgirl position and I bounce up and down on my husbands hard cock and it wasn't long till he shot his cum into my pussy.
After he came I quickly went to the bathroom to clean myself and on my return I laid in his arms cuddling till we fell asl**p. The next morning we woke up and got out of bed rather early. I packed clothing in a bag for my daughter and my husband left for work early in order that he could be home early. I then got my daughter dressed and soon left to drop her off at crèche. After dropping her off I went to my parents in laws to drop off my daughters clothes for the weekend. They invited me in for a cup of coffee and ended up making me breakfast as we chatted for a while. Once leaving them I went past the shops to buy meat, veggies and alcohol for the weekend.
I then went back home and packed everything away. Afterwards I had a hot shower and shaved off my stubble to be completed smooth for my husband the weekend.
After showering I got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen and started to make a salad for the braai. My husband got home at 15h30 and quickly changed so he could have a swim to freshen up. I poured us a single whisky and water each as my husband got out the pool. We then sat chatting a little before our friends started arriving. First was his younger b*****r and wife, then his best friend Jason and his wife Sasha who was a lovely person, then Jenna arrived and lastly Peter Who was single.
We had a few drinks and snacks and then we braai'd. Not long after eating my husbands b*****r and wife left as they both were working on Saturday.
We then continued chatting and then my hubby and Jason suggested that we played a game. With us all being in our early to mid 30s and rather sexually active we all agreed to have a bit of fun.
My hubby Jason and Peter cam up with the game. (Sure you all heard of the drinking game KINGS) they adapted the game a little and it worked as follows.
All the cards were placed face down around a big glass and given meanings.
We then all would draw a card and do what ever it meant.
The meanings of the cards were as follows.
2) you would have to take off 1 item of clothing
3) nominate someone to take 3 sips of there drinks.
4) For whore and the girls would have to have a shot of tiquila.
5) you would have to take 1 item of clothing off.
6) for dicks and the guys would have to have a shot of tiquila.
7) all the girls would have to take 3 sips of their drinks.
8) everyone had to take 2 sips of their drinks
9) was bust a rhyme and who ever messed up had to remove an item of clothing.
10) you could put one item of clothing back on or keep it till you needed it.
J) all the guys would have to take 3 sips of there drinks
Q) you would have to take off two items of clothing.
K) pour a quarter of your drink into the glass the cards are surrounding.
A) nominate someone to take a shot of tiquila.
Jokers) there was only 1 on this game and when it was picked up the game would end and that person would have to down the drink in the middle.

The game was pretty simple but designed to try get everyone naked and tipsy, us 3 girls were wearing the same number of items of clothing; bra, g string, shorts and a top and the guys all were wearing jocks, pants and a shirt.
We all filled our glasses and pour 20 shots of tiquila into shot glasses then sat down as Jason placed the cards around the glass on the table.
My hubby being his bday picked up the first card and it was a 9. He started the rhyme of with ring.
We went around the table naming all words rhyming; sing, ding, cling, till Sasha couldn't think of any other and she then had to remove her top for us to see her body.
She was medium built and had a small amount of belly fat with rather big boobs. It was nice to look at nevertheless.

Sitting next to my husband I was next to pick up and I picked up a 4 and us 3 girls took a shot of tiquila.

Jen then picked up next and it was a Q. She said just my luck as she stood up and removed her top and pants revealing her sexy body to everyone. Peter immediately complimented her on her flat tanned belly.
Jason was next and he picked up a K and poured some of his drink into the glass the cards were surrounding.

Sasha followed him and picked up a 5 and unluckily had to remove another item of clothing. She now took off her pants and then Peter picked up the next card.

He picked up a 2 and removed his shirts. He had a rather well built gym body which wasn't suprising as he Jason and my husband often gymed together and Jen said to him hot chest you have.

It was my hubby's turn again and he picked up a 2 and also removed his shirt. Sasha said handsome body to my man which started making me feel a bit hot and horny knowing we all were looking at each others bodies.

I then picked up a Q and I removed my pants and top. Jason commented/teased my husband asking him why it has taken him so long to alow his friends to see his wife's and friends bodies. Sasha agreed with Jason as jen and i blushed from the compliments that flew around the table.

Jen then picked up a 3 and nominated Jason to take 3 sips of his drink.

Jason then picked up a 10 and place it under his drink saying that will come in handy later.

Sasha then picked up a A and she nominated my husband to take a shot of tiquila.

Peter then picked up a J and the guys all took 3 sips of their drinks.

My hubby then picked up a A and nominated Sasha to take a shot of tiquila.

I then picked up a K and poured some of my drink into the glass.

Jen then picked up a A and nominated Peter to have a shot of tiquila.

Jason pick up a 5 and removed his shirts. He too was well built and had a hot chest.

Sasha then picked up a 8 and we all took two sips of our drinks.

Peter then picked up a 2. He stood up and took his pants off, revealing to all of us that he was semi hard already.

My hubby and Jason teased him a bit before my husband picked up a 6 and all the guys took a shot of tiquila.

I picked up a J and the guys all took 3 sips of their drinks.

Jen then picked up a 7 and Sasha asked if she really had to make us drink now. We laughed as us girls took 3 sips of our drinks. And then we all filled our glasses.

Jason pick up a 5 and stood up to remove his pants. His wife immediately asked him if that's a semi she sees in his jocks which it was and he then got teased a while till Sasha picked up her card.

She picked up a 8 and we all took 2 sips of our drinks.

Peter then picked up a 7 and us 3 girls all took 3 sips of our drinks.

My hubby then picked up a 3 and nominated Jen to take 3 sips of her drink.

I then picked up a 8 and we all took 2 sips of our drinks again.

Jen then picked up a 10 which gave her a big smile for the meantime saying she would use it a little later.

Jason pick up next and it was a 5 and he said he now was going to use his 10 so he could remain in his jocks for the time being. Rather lucky for him as I was curious to see his cock.

Sasha then picked up a 9 and she started the rhyme of with the word boot. It went on for a while till my hubby got it wrong and he then removed his pants and it was noticeable that he to was semi hard.

We were now all in our underwear as Peter picked up a K and poured some of his drink into the glass.

My hubby then picked up a 6 and all the guys had a shot of tiquila

I then picked up a 3 and nominated Peter to have 3 sips of his drink.

Jen picked up a Q and she decided to use her 10. Therefore she only had to remove 1 item of clothing and she removed her bra, revealing her sexy firm boobs to all of us. Sasha said I love your small hard nipples and that her boobs look amazing. We all complimented her for a while making her blush and then Jason picked up the next card.

It was a J and the guys all took 3 sips of their drinks.

Sasha then picked up a K and filled the glass in the middle as that was the last king to be drawn. The glass in the middle now had a combination of: beer, gin, whiskey, wine, tonic and water.
Now it was to see who would pick up the joker.
Peter picked up the next card a 9 and he started the rhyme of with sugar, my husband was next in line and for some reason couldn't come up with anything to rhyme with that and therefore he had to stand and removed his jocks, revealing to everybody his hard cock. Jason asked him now why is he full on hard and he returned the question to Jason asking him if Jens hot boobs isn't making him hard. Which Sasha said wait as she placed her hand on her husbands lap and said he's definitely rock hard and we all laughed.

My hubby then picked up a 2 and considering he was naked he put the card back in the deck and drew again. Picking up a 3 and nominated Peter to have 3 sips of his drink.

I then picked up a 10 and most definitely was going to save the card till later.

Jen then picked up a 4 and us girls all took a shot of tiquila.

Jason pick up 9 and started the rhyme off with car. It went round till coming back to him and he messed it up. He stood up and finally I got to see his hard cock. It was slightly shorter than my husbands but looked a bit thicker and I could feel I was getting rather wet down below.

Sasha then picked up a 6 and all the guys took a shot of tiquila.

Peter then picked up a 4 and us girls again all took a shot of tiquila.

My husband then picked up a 7 and us girls took 3 sips of our drinks.

I then picked up a 2 and decided to use my 10 so that I didn't have to remove any item of my underwear.

Jen then picked up a 7 and the girls again took 3 sips of our drinks.

Jason pick up a 4 and suddenly it seemed like us girls were the only ones drinking as we all had a shot of tiquila.

Sasha then picked up a A and nominated Peter to have a shot of tiquila. Before picking up the next card.

He picked up a 8 and we all took 2 sips of our drinks.

My hubby then picked up a J and the guys all took 3 sips of their drinks.

I then picked up the Joker, ending the game. Looking at what I had to drink it already started to make me feel sick then my husband offered to have half of it with me. Jen also took a sip and it didn't taste nice at all she said as she handed the half remaining back to me. I eventually downed it and it wasn't at all that nice. We then all got dress and had a few casual drinks. Peter then left shortly after 22h00. And then Jason asked if we all were going to play another round of the game. Jen said she would love too but best she also gets going as she had a f****y due the next day. I walked Jen to her car and we gave each other a kiss and hug goodbye, saying we will see each other soon, before I went back in to the braai area. My husband Jason and Sasha had already placed the cards around the glass again and then they told me they've changed the rules to the cards a bit.
They removed cards 2 to 6 and the rules now we're as follows:
7) for the girls to take 2 sips of their drinks.
8) loose an item of clothing.
9) bust a rhyme and the looser would loose an item of clothing
10) you could put back on an item of clothing
J) for the guys to take 2 sips of their drinks
Q) loose two items of clothing.
K) pour a quarter of your drink into the glass in the middle.
A) nominate someone to take 2 sips of their drinks.
Jokers) the two people to draw the jokers would share the drink in the middle.

My husband started by picking up the first card again and it was a K and he poured some of his drink into the glass.

Sasha ended up sitting next to him and went next and picked up a J and my husband and Jason took 2 sips of their drinks.

I then picked up a 10 and was rather happy to have it in my armer.

Jason pick up a Q and he stripped down to his jocks.

My hubby then picked up a 9 and started the rhyme with club. I eventually couldn't find any other rhyming words and had to take off my top.

Sasha then picked up a 10 and had that in her armer.

I picked up a 8 and decided to immediately use my 10

The guys said smart move as Jason picked up another Q and we all laughed at him as he removed his jocks releasing his thick hard cock to us all again.
My hubby then picked up a A and nominated me to take 2 sips of my drink.

Sasha then picked up a 7 and her and I both had 2 sip of our drinks.

I then picked up a 9 and started the rhyme with nipple. And it went on till Jason got it wrong. Considering he was already naked it was decided that we would go again and I this time choose the words lube. On this occasion my hubby ran out of rhyming words and removed his shirt as Jason picked up the next card.

He picked up a 7 and Sasha and I took 2 sips of our drinks.

My hubby then picked up a Q he to now had to strip down naked revealing his semi hard cock to all of us.

Sasha then picked up a J and the two men took 2 sips of their drinks.

I then picked up a K and poured some of my drink into the glass

Jason then picked up a A and nominated my husband to take 2 sips of his drink.

My hubby then picked up a 8 and had to redraw considering he was already naked and on his 2nd attempt he picked up a 7 and Sasha and I again took 2 sips of our drinks.

Sasha then picked up a Q and she used her 10 so that she only had to remove her top.

I then picked up the first Joker which I wasn't pleased about.

Jason pick up a K and poured some of his drink into the glass

My husband picked up a 9 and he now started the rhyme off with swinging, we went around until Sasha got it wrong and she removed her pants and then drew the next card.

It was a A and she nominated me to take 2 sips of my drink. bitch I called her as I sipped my drink and then i picked up a card

It was a 8 and I removed my pants

Jason pick up the last 9 and he started the rhyme of with group sex and it became rather clear what the guys were starting to hint. I eventually got the rhyme wrong again and removed my bra exposing my boobs to Sasha and Jason. My husband picked up the next card.

It was a 7 and Sasha and I took 2 sips of our drinks again.

She then picked up J and the guys took 2 sips of their drinks

My hubby then picked up a J as well and again they took 2 sips of their drinks.

Sasha then picked up a A and nominated her husband to take 2 sips of his drink.

I then picked up a 8. I stood up and removed my g string revealing my cleanly shaven pussy to Sasha, Jason and my husband.

Jason then picked up a 10 and put his jocks back on.

My husband then picked up the last K and poured some of his drink into the glass.

Sasha then picked the last Joker and the game ended. Sasha and I shared the glass downing half of it each.

After downing the drink, we all were pretty much naked so we decided to jump into the pool and for the first time Sasha took off her G string revealing to my husband and myself her cleanly shaven pussy. We all then jumped into the pool.

It wasn't all that long until I had my legs wrapped around my husbands waist. Our lips met and we started kissing. Soon he entered his hard cock into my pussy and started to fuck me in the pool. I soon heard Sasha moaning and when I looked towards her and Jason, her legs were also wrapped around his waist. We all fucked for a while in the pool before getting out. Sasha and I seated our husbands on a chair facing each other. I then pushed her towards my man as I walked towards hers. I sat on Jason's lap guiding his thick hard cock into my pussy and started riding him back and forth. We all paused for a moment and while Jason's cock was deep inside me and my husbands cock deep inside Sasha we decided and agreed that the guys wouldn't cum inside our pussies unless we were with our husbands which we all agreed to. After discussing that I got back to riding Jason and I soon started moaning as I started to reach climax. Soon I started orgasmning while riding his thick cock. He then told me he has come real near to cumming from me orgasmning on his cock.
So I removed myself off his lap and kneeled down on the floor and started sucking on his hard cock while listening to his wife orgasmning as she fucked my husband.
It was long till Jason started shooting his cum into my mouth. After he finished cumming I stood up and swallow his cum and washed it down with my drink. I then sat on Jason's lap and watched his wife sucking my man's cock and he soon started moaning as he shot his load of cum into her mouth. Once he finished she stood up and also swallowed and washed it down with her drink. We then decided to go to our bedroom and on arriving in the room our husbands pushed Sasha and I too the bed. Jason spread my legs and made his way to between them. While my husband went to give Sasha oral pleasure.
Jason licked my wet pussy and clit sticking his tongue into my pussy as well. I grabbed Sasha's hand and squeeze as her husband started bringing me near to climax. She soon started moaning as she reached climax again and started to orgasm from my husband muffing her. As she finished moaning from her orgasm. I started as her man made me cum once more. The men then kneeled and told us two girls to get onto all 4s which we both did. Jason entered his thick hard cock into my pussy from behind and started to fuck me in doggy style as my husband did the same to Sasha. Both Sasha and I were moaning from the pleasure our men were given us.

They then pulled out of us and swapped. My hubby then enter me from behind and started to fuck me rough and hard in doggy style. It wasn't long till he started moaning as he shot his cum into my pussy, pounding me hard until he finished cumming. Jason to started cumming into Sasha pussy and moaned till he finished.
The guys removed their cocks from us and Sasha and I went to the bathroom together to clean ourselves up. I said that this was a first time to have group sex as well as swing with my husband. She told me that her and Jason had done so once before but this was only their 2nd time and that she really enjoyed it.

After cleaning ourselves up we went back downstairs to join our husbands who poured us another drink. We had a few more drinks while chatting and offered for Jason and Sasha to sl**p over but they said they'd prefer to go home. We all finished our last drinks while getting dressed and Jason and Sasha left shortly after 2am. My hubby and I locked up and then went upstairs. We both had a quick shower and then laid in bed together soon falling asl**p.
The next morning we woke up after 10h00 and slowly got out of bed and made our way down to the kitchen to make breakfast. After breakfast we tidied up. Packing all the dirty dishes in the dish washer. Eventually after 12h00 my hubby and I found ourselves in the pool together where we discussed what we were going to do the evening. We also spoke about the previous night and how much fun we had. I soon found myself in my husbands arms with my legs wrapped around his waist. Out lips met and mouths opened as we kissed. He soon was really hard and I was soaking wet but we resisted the urge of fucking each other, as we decided to save it for later that night.

At around 15h00 my husband and I went upstairs to the bathroom and hopped into the shower together. We washed each others bodies and once all clean we got out and dried off. I started by blow drying my hair while my husband got dressed. He wore a pair of black jocks with smart soft black pants. He was about to put a shirt on when I stopped him and said I would bring him a shirt once I'm dressed. I told him that in the meantime while he waits for me he could go downstairs and organise an uber for transport for the night. Once he left the room I started doing my make up. After my make up was completed I started getting dressed, putting on the black and blue crotchless g string and the matching bra. I put on the black thigh high leggings and then the royal blue sluty dress that stopped halfway down my thighs. .
The dress gave me wonderful cleavage making my boobs look real big. I finished my outfit off by putting on a pair of black high hills. I then went into my husbands cupboard and got him his royal blue silky button up shirt and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway and did a spin around for my husband to take a good look at me. He said that I look like a hot whore who he is going to punish later and I replied that I will be looking forward to that.
He poured us a single vodka lime and lemonade each and we slowly sipped on it as we waited for our uber transport to arrive.

Our driver arrived just before 17h00 and we hopped into his car. Our first stop was at a casino. Where we walked around and sat down at a lovely restaurant for a light dinner. While walking through the casino I got dirty looks from almost everyone, I was almost sure that they all though that I was a prostitute that my husband hired for the evening. But nevertheless we weren't worried about the looks we were getting as we were out to have fun.
After supper and a few drinks, around 20h00 we got driver to pick us up again and this time he took us and dropped us off at a strip club. We first drew money from the ATM outside the club then made our way in where we paid our entrance and then shown our way into the club. We sat down at a 6 seater booth where we had plenty of space and a good view of all the strippers in the club walking around to all the tables and booths. While scouting the strippers we looked at the menu for drinks and dances.
Table dance 3 songs R450
Private lap dance 3 songs R 600
Lesbian show 3 songs R 850
Private dance 30 mins R 2000
Private dance for an hour R 3000
My hubby and I first ordered each a double whisky and water and a shot of tiquila. We then decided to get the night started with a table dance.
Our drinks arrived as we saw a pretty looking blonde, and she walked up to us. She sat down next to me. Her stage name was Sky, 25 years old and she was from England and as most strippers were, she was very friendly and flirty. We chatted for a while, while she had her hand on my thigh, rubbing it up and down. My hubby eventually asked her to give us a table dance. She stood up and got onto the table. She was wearing a short green and black dress which hugged her body with stripper high hills.

A new song started and she started dancing around the pole in the middle of the table. She soon removed her dress dropping it next to me. Her belly was flat and you could see a bit of her abs, she sat down in front of my husband, putting her feet aside his body as she laid back and above her black G string she rubbed her pussy. She then moved over to me and while looking me in the eyes. she removed her bra and I broke the eye contact with her so that i could look at her firm sexy boobs. She then moved onto all 4s and crawled slowly away from us. We could see a small bit of her pussy as she crawled to the pole. Lifting herself up on the pole, the 3rd and last song started and she started to remove her G string. I placed my hand on my hubby's lap and his cock was rock hard. She turned facing away from us as her G string fell to her feet. She slowly turn around and exposed her cleanly shaven pussy to us. I could feel I was well wet already myself from watching the show but unfortunately it ended. Sky slowly got dressed again while chatting to us.

Once dressed she left and my hubby and I spoke about her body and shared our thoughts while sipping our drinks. We both really liked her but wanted to see a few other girls. My hubby then saw and called another blonde girl.
She came and sat down next to my husband. Her name was April. She was local from RSA, 29 years old and about 5ft 6 we chatted for a while and she too was very friendly. We asked her then to give us a table dance. She was wearing a blue dress with hills. She got up on the table and as a new song started she started dancing. Removing her dress and exposing her body to us.
She to had a sexy firm belly. She removed her bra during the 2nd song. Showing us her boobs. They were a bit saggy but not bad to look at. Her nipples were very large and the way she was dancing she looked like she was pretty horny. She removed her G string as the 3rd song started. Her pussy was nice, shaven clean, she gave us a big long look at it and soon my husband placed his hand on my left thigh. He ran his hand up my leg lifting my dress till reaching my underwear. He then slipped his finger between my crotchless underwear and rubbed my wet pussy while we watched April finish her dance.
As the song ended my husband removed his hand from between my legs and we chatted to April as we watched her get dressed.
She soon left and then my hubby and I ordered ourselves another round of drinks as we discussed what we would do next. I told him that I was going to send him for a private dance. He said I didn't have to but I knew he would like that. Shortly after getting our drinks a local brunette girl came to our table. She sat down next to my husband. She was also rather pretty. Her name was Jessie and she was 26 years old. I whispered into my husbands ear asking if he was happy to go with her to the private booth for a lap dance and he nodded. I asked Jessie if she would take him and she said with pleasure. They stood up and just before leaving the table I whispered into Jessie's ear to please give him a good time. They walk away to the private rooms, as I sat sipping on my drink.

They returned after a few mins and my husband had a rather big smile on his face as he reached back to the table. Greeting me with a kiss. He sat down and I placed my hand on his lap and his cock was real hard. His pants were slightly damp as well. Jessie left the table and my husband then told me about the way Jessie grinded back and forth on his lap and cock and that he is now crazy horny. We sat chatting and looking around the club when my husband suggest we ask one of the girls how much it would cost if we both wanted the hour long private dance together. I agreed to that and we soon saw Sky walking towards us. I called her to sit at our table and asked the question. She said that there wouldn't be any extra charges.

I looked at my husband and then asked Sky if we could book the hour private show with her. She said sure thing. We first ordered ourselves another drink to take with us. We bought Sky a drink as well and ordered 3 tiquilas. The drinks arrived and we all had the shot of tiquila before Sky e****ted us to the private rooms upstairs. Their was a double seater couch and a chair. With a pole in the middle. We asked if the rules in the private rooms upstairs are any different to downstairs and she said yes as she sat down on my husbands lap and started to explain them. She stood up just before the new song was going to start and latched the door, and set the timer on the clock counting down the hour. She told us we must relax, be free and enjoy ourselves, and she would try her best to make it as enjoyable for us as well.

She started dancing around the pole rather seductively and I could feel my pussy getting rather wet. I placed my hand on my husbands lap while watching Sky. His cock was hard and I so wanted him to be inside of me. Sky walked up to us and she took my hand off of my husbands lap and pulled me to join her by the pole. We dance together first facing one another till she turned around. Her back was against my chest as we faced my hubby and slowly moved our hips together. She took my hands and ran them over her boobs and down her body, stopping on her upper thighs. She then started moving my hands back up her body lifting her dress in the process. He dress reached up to just above her waist when she let go of my hands and lifted her arms. I continued to slowly lift her dress and soon taking it off. I tossed it to my husband before running my hands over her soft skin of her belly as we dance.
Sky then turned to me again and then took me back and seat me next to my husband. She then danced around the pole for a song before walking to us and sitting down on to my husband lap. She grinded back and forth on his lap for a while before moving over to me. She first faced me for a while as I watched her sexy belly moving. She then turned around and sat on my lap facing away. She took my hands and ran them from her chest down over her boobs and eventually to between her legs. Her legs spread she placed my hands on her inner thighs and then eventually she moved my right hand onto her G string and rubbed it softly up and down. I could feel through her G string that she was too rather wet. She then let go of my hand and took hold of my hubby's hand as she stood up. She pulled him up and moved to the pole where she started dancing seductively with him. She then moved to be behind him and she lifted his shirt taking it off. She put his shirt on the other chair and then I watched her run her hands over his hot body. Down his chest to his belly and then to pants. She ran her hands over his pants rubbing his hard cock and balls as I continued to watch. She soon stopped and moved to stand in front of him, facing me. She took his hands and placed them on her body as she danced in front of him, grinding on his crotch. She then turned to face him as she moved his hands to her back and told him to take of her bra. He put her bra on the chair as she asked him to sit down again. She dance around the pole for a song as we watched her. Her firm sexy boobs and sexy body she soon made her way over to me. Sitting down on my lap she took my hands and placed them on her breast as she moved her hips back and forth on my lap. Her breast were so firm as I enjoyed massaging them. She then kneeled upwards and moved her boobs to my face. She titty slapped me in the face a little before very slowly moving her nipples across my lips. I couldn't resist opening my mouth and licking her nipple. She stopped moving and placed her hands behind my head and pulled me down so I could suck her hard erect nipple for a while. She then moved away and got on top of my hubby's lap and moved her boobs and nipples across his face and allowing him to suck her nipples for a while. She then turned around sitting on his lap facing away as she grinded back and forth on his lap.

She then stood up and took my hand and pulled me up to join her just in front of the pole. We faced each other as she placed my hands onto her ass and hers onto mine. We were sidewards to my husband as we started dancing together. Her ass was just as firm as her boobs and felt real great in my hands as we dance. She soon turned me around and faced us to my hubby. She undid the zip at the back of my dress and slowly dropped it down. Once it was removed she put in on the chair and then stood behind me. We danced as she ran her hands over my body making her way down to my upper thighs. She then moved her left hand back up and placed it on my belly. Her right hand moved to be between my legs and she whispered into my ear, I feel that you wearing a crotchless g string, as she slipped her finger in and between my pussy lips. She teased by rubbing my pussy once and then removing her hand as she nibbled my ear lobe. She then directed me to sit down again and I then noticed that 35 mins had already past of our hour.

She danced alone for one song again before making her way and sitting down on my lap. She seductively moved her body on my lap before moving to stand in front of my husband with her ass facing him. She took his hands and placed them on her G string and slowly moved them down removing her G string. She took both our hands and pulled us up. Her left hand took my right hand and placed it on my husbands chest. We danced with him while running our hands over his handsome body.
She soon took my hand again and placed it on his belt. I undid his belt and Sky then undid the button to his pants and we then removed his pants. It was prominent now that he was in his jocks to how hard his cock was. We danced for a while before Sky asking us to sit down. She dropped to her knees between my husband's legs and then slowly moved her lips up his inner thighs and over his jocks and hard cock. So then sat on his lap and grinded back and forth on his cock as I could see her wet pussy was placed perfectly on his cock. He said to her oh god I wish I could just fuck you right now and she laughed as she moved to sit on top of me again.
She place her hands behind my back and undid my bra. She removed it exposing my firm boobs to her. She then moved towards my face and slowly made her way down my neck as I could feel her lips gliding over my skin. She reached my boobs and to my delight she took my hard nipple into her mouth and started sucking on it. She sucked my nipples for a while before she started to move lower down my body until between my legs. My legs were spread opened and she blew cool air onto my wet pussy before standing up to dance around the pole again. I placed my hand onto my husbands lap and started to rub his hard cock. He's hand was soon between my legs rubbing my pussy as we watched Sky move her naked body as she danced. I glanced up at the clock and noticed we only had 4 mins left as the song ended and the new one started. Sky gave us a final lap dance during the last song. Starting off with me before moving onto my husbands lap for one last time. She road him back and forth as I watch and soon the song ended and our time was up. We all stood up and slowly got dressed. We thanked Sky for the tease once we were dressed and then headed back downstairs to our table. We got ourselves another drink and 2 tiquilas and asked for our bill as we were rather horny and want to get to a bed. While waiting for our bill we got our Uber drive to come pick us up. We soon settled our bill and then rather quickly finished our drinks. We then left and on existing the strip club we saw our driver was there and waiting for us.

We asked him to take us home. While on the way home my hubby and I chatted about our time at strip club and how sexy the girls were. He placed his hand between my legs and slipped his finger between my crotchless underwear and rubbed my wet pussy, getting me real horny as we chatted. We soon were home and after paying and tipping the driver, we headed inside. Closing and locking the door behind us, my hubby directed me to the couch where he sat me down. He kneeled down between my legs, spreading them as my dress lifted up. His tongue went between my crotchless panties and he started muffing me, licking my wet pussy up and down, bring me to climax as he stimulating my clit. I moaned as I orgasmed while my husband continued to muff me. I started pulling his shirt up and soon he lifted his head stopping muffing me and I finally managed to stripped him. Pulling down his jocks and exposing his hard cock to me. I took it into my mouth and started sucking him. I deepthroated him and it wasn't long till he started moaning and he shot his cum into my mouth. I sucked him till he finished cumming and then swallowed as I stood up. He placed his hands onto my ass and our lips met and we started kissing as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me up to the room.
Once in the room my husband took off my dress and then I pushed him onto the bed. I was in my leggings crotchless panties and bra as I crawled up the bed, until I was over my husbands lap and then lowered myself down onto my husbands hard cock. He's cock entered my wet pussy and I sat upright and started riding him back and forth while taking off my bra, to expose my boobs and hard nipples to him. I road him fast back and forth while he licked his thumb and placed it on my clit which stimulated me as I road him back and forth till I started moaning and soon I orgasmed again. After cumming I got off my husbands cock and kneeled down on all 4s. My hubby got up and kneeled behind me and he shoved his cock between my crotchless g string, back into my wet pussy from behind and he started fucking me rough and hard in doggy style. He soon started moaning again as he reached the vurge of cumming, he started fucking me harder and soon I felt his cum squirt deep into my pussy. He moaned till his last drop of cum shot into me.
He then pulled his cock out of me and fell down onto the bed as he said that was great but he is done for the night. I laid down in his arms and said thats fine as he gave me a real good well needed fuck and i was well pleasured. He said he would punish me some more another time and that he real enjoyed his weekend and the skanky outfit I wore for him. I went to clean up in the bathroom and removed my leggings and crotchless g string before returning to the bed and soon falling asl**p ending a wonderful birthday weekend for my man.
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