Going into wilderness


My family is very very well off and I don't need to work, I'm no scholar and left school at 16. I done work for the family firm and preferred the outdoor work, not indoors. But after several years I wanted something new, then my older brother George was going to check over a large property of the family. Several hundred square miles or so of untouched wilderness he said, George isn't the outdoor type. But as he oversaw the property portfolio of the family business and didn't know what the property was for, so he had decided to check it over. I'm Richard 25 youngest of 4, I also have two older married sisters. I decided it was wise to check with old great uncle Richard the youngest of 7, brother of my late grandfather George. He knew of the property and told me it was bought by his grandfather George as a hunting reserve and fell out of favor in the 1970's or so. Also there was an old cabin on the property and a old gold mine as well. George and I went to have a quick look and flew over the area seeing what it could be used for. I liked what I saw, George wasn't interested in it except for making money the business. But there was a giant problem for George, after getting back. He found that he couldn't use the land for anything except hunting and small scale gold mining and couldn't be sold either, it was a condition in our late great great grandfather's will. It was still valid today, as he complained it was a waste of money having it and not using it for anything. I decided I could use it and asked the whole family board for permission to go there and hunt and maybe look for gold at the same time. No one objected and so I started getting everything together for my trip. A pop top caravan to stay in and stat phone for contacting anybody I needed too and food and some tools for prospecting. I've hunted before and also took along a GPS to help find my way around the property. When I was ready to go, my cousin Isabel 22 decided to tag along. I wasn't keen. But Isabel had the family permission and I hadn't a choice, Isabel wasn't a camping type and only outdoors thing she done was horses, the whole family loves horse riding. The only thing I got from her wanting to come was the idea of having horse to travel the property instead of a quadbike. I could've taken horses from the family stables, but decided less expensive horses would be better and would buy them on our arrival. We got to the property and setup our campsite and I made a horse yard with a rough roof for shade in one corner. In my pickup we drove the 2 hours to closest town, rough road and it was only 52 miles. But you had to take your time on the road, once there we bought western work saddles and feed for the horses and were able to get a large horse trailer and 3 horses. Two for riding and a packhorse, stayed in a motel overnight. It that night sharing the same room I first saw Isabel in her underwear and she looked great, I've always thought of a bookworm type and hadn't given a second look. I now realized she was a good looking woman, we got back to our campsite stabled the horses in yard I had made and getting out the old map we had, found by great uncle Richard. Using the map we decided to first go to the cabin and check how good it was and the old gold was nearby we could check out as well. Early next morning we headed off with enough and water for the trip, left the campsite at 7 and arrived at the old cabin around 11. Its roof had collapsed and it was beyond repair, the old mine was in better shape and we done exploring inside it. We camped there overnight, I had seen an old road on the map leading to the cabin and we decided to follow it back to our primary campsite. The road was useable for the most part, one washout that wasn't too bad, after talking with Isabel we decided to move our campsite to the cabin and gold mine area and use it as our basecamp. I my drove my pickup and the caravan up to the washout and started filling the washout in with rocks and dirt, I did have a small wheelbarrow and after 2 hours it was filled. I then took the caravan to the cabin set it up ready for use and returned to get the horse trailer and everything else we had and Isabel and we headed to cabin, again building a horse yard and a shelter for them . The land around the cabin was pretty open and there was plenty of grass for the horses and a small running stream for water. We stayed a few more days working out what we would do, it was a bit surprising as I hadn't thought Isabel would want to return again, but she seemed to be very willing to stay as long as she could. Also I made a pass at her and she slept with me that night and every night after till we returned home. We had to go back as it was condition we return after 2 weeks and talk with the family. I wasn't staying back home and was returning as soon as possible, likewise Isabel was also returning. The family weren't going to stop us returning just wanted us to tell them of what we had found out on the ground. I said I wanted to fence the open land around the cabin so the horses could roam and eat the grass instead of being in the small horse yard I had made. We headed back after 3 weeks with extra family members coming to help fence the area and to also check over the property as well. The 3 girls amongst the 8 of us used the caravan and I slept under a tarp and the others in a tent. After a week all except Isabel and me returned home, we were straight back to sleeping together and fucking. With the area fenced the horses we allowed to roam, with more exploring of the property and some prospecting. We were quite happy as we were, then our parents and some of the others returned for a quick trip, I had pulled down the old one room cabin and used the good timber as fence posts. Only thing that was mention by our parents was the lack of horses, 3 is not enough when there 12 wanting a horse ride. So after they had left Isabel and me were going to make several trips to the town got more horses. I was unsure if I should 9 or just 5 more horses. Isabel got extra saddles and other tack and then bought a job lot as she called it twenty one extra horse and we took 3 back with us and Isabel had arranged for the others to be delivered along with a prefab shed to store all the tack which was now stored under a tarp since I pulled down the old cabin were it was stored also under a tarp but it was off the ground. We spent 3 day erecting the shed and making a concrete floor for it. Just after the family returned to check on our efforts, I said well timed, if you had come earlier you could've help with the shed. My father Alan smiled and answered good planning son. Everyone liked the setup except they said a house, cabin or something should be built. I said when you know what you want, you can come and built it. I then went into the old mine to do some looking around as I had started to see signs of possible gold. The others either went horse riding or hung about the camp area. I return several hour later with what I thought was gold in some quartz and great uncle who was also visiting had a look and said it was gold and brother George wanted to machinery in to get at the gold. But great uncle told him it wasn't allowed under the terms of the will. But if I want I could keep mining with pick and shovel and some blasting. After everyone had gone again Isabel and were back to fucking and sleeping together, then a kit home arrived on site and gang of men to put it together. My father had arranged for it to be built and with solar and wind power it was ready in a week, raised off the ground and enclosed underneath with wooden floor just above the ground allowed the underneath to be used as place to sleep when a group of the family was visiting. Also everyone had become aware of Isabel and mine closeness and they weren't surprised when Isabel got Pregnant to me. We intend to stay on the property and will soon have a daughter.
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