Journey to Self Realisation

first times

Hello everyone, so I am Sumant (Manty but few close) writing my 1st incident! Thanq in advance, everyone for your comments and personal emails and chats in future! I hope you all appreciate the humane in this story! If anybody of you wanna give feedback you can reach me at . I am still not single ;)
Well, this was 10 years back 2011 and I am new here, I was then a 40 yrs old bull trying hard to get out of a short toxic and bitter divorce between countries. Its been a while that this memory has still been fresh, Don’t recall where I connected with a wonderful lady from Chennai but originally from Bangalore and we had 2 common strings City and language. Time flew when we chatted on yahoo, since she was married with 2 kids, had lots of reservations and concern about privacy. Her fear dictated lots between us, thou at times felt she wanted to reach out or speak or maybe even shout. She came from a upper working class well educated and proud family. Knew her name wasn’t sure if that was real.
I had my challenges so when ever we chatted about identity the words went dry and pauses were more, It so happened that by mistake she sent her number and she panicked. I assured her that I will not save or call her till she chooses to and shared my number. It was a surprise after a few weeks early morning she called me and we started out a journey of talking hours together, lookback and wonder what we spoke.
One thing lead to another and trust started driving our talks. Her name is Pooja (finally). Times were 4 months since we first connected and she shared a valuable information about her visit to Bangalore for marriage
We chatted about many things. I asked her for a pic but she refused to that. She wasn’t comfortable but never declined gave me a smart reply each time. I couldn’t force her so left that matter there. We kept talking our chords out for many days but she never showed me her pics. We never touched any sex chats but could feel a tension when we shared jokes or incidents but pauses and expressions were still a mystery.
I asked her when she will be visiting my town and if we could meet but she always ignored that or replied with a let’s see!
Though our talks never ended but something kept the connect really connected for everything real ended right there!
Then after some days she told me there is a wedding at her place and she will be coming but wasn’t really sure if she will be able to talk to me or meet me since she will be surrounded by her relatives, though did not fell important to mention about her husband right thru the conversation. On the wedding day still was unsure if she chooses to meet me or not.
I had zero hopes but told her that whenever there is a chance to meet she can call me directly and I will come whatever the time it may be. She has become a integral part of my thoughts, that’s when for the first time in our talks she acknowledged.
Then she arrived in town and msgd me promptly at around 1 PM. It stated that she has reached Bangalore and will call me whenever she thinks she might have a chance!
She around 6 calls- hey Sumant (as she addressed) how are you?? All desperate to meet and see how pooja looks!!!! Pretty or And teased
Me- hello Pooja! Finally, you called. have been waiting for your call since. My throat went dry, was a long pause and she made fun, scared / lost confidence to meet and so on kind of easying words
Pooja- sorry ya, I got busy with my dressing usual combination issues and goes on, relatives are driving me crazy. never gave me a chance to speak that gave me time to compose. There came the invite I was waiting.
Pooja- have come to the washroom to talk to you, acha listen I will be going to the venue by 7 with my family around a known place, so if you can be there by 8 and message me I will step out for a few minutes we can meet and talk briefly! Looks might kill all your hope that you have held for months now!!!!!!!!!!!!be prepared!!!!!!!!!!! So we agreed
Me- sure I will be there! Let’s meet at 8! But how will I recognize you?
Pooja- don’t worry I will recognize you and will wink teasingly!
Me- okay! Cool, then I will see you today at 8.
Pooja – yeah sure, now I have to go will see you,!
Me- bye Pooja! Before you hangup what are you wearing for the event???
Pooja- what do you want me to wear????
Me- In all confidence Want you to wear Red spaghetti strap (Trust had made its way)
Pooja- what would you give me if I honored your wish??? (surprised by her guts, Marriage and spaghetti)
Pooja-Bye now
The conversation ended there! Her voice was very sweet but I didn’t know anything about her looks. Meeting her for the first time excited me!
Once we disconnected there was a challenge, 2 places with same name!!! took a chance and I reached there 10 mins before to confirm and waited. Msged her at 8 Sharp. Just in few seconds, heard a voice
Pooja- Hey Sumant you the guy in a blue shirt?
Me- yeah!!
I saw pooja for first time. She waved at me! And wow I couldn’t believe my eyes there she was in flesh and blood! And everything I had imagined she was. She was in a Green Traditional Saree which she had draped perfectly to accentuate modesty of any man with Consciousness! She was not slim but with a face like a matured mum, she had a perfect jawline and cheekbones like the girl next door you’ve known your whole life, someone you trusted right away and a enriched smile, painted lips were full and looked everything to make and wake the raw instincts and all this under shade of rain tree and sodium lamp. Yes she was fair, flawless skin with eyes that twinkled but nothing mattered, Watching her walk up to me in that wonderful saree with a warm smile of confidence intermittently managing the folds, tucking her pallu, Fixing her hair, so many activities yet all I could realize was we were meeting.
I was in Daze, heard Hi Sumants!!!! Here we meet.
Hair was pretty long and straight! With flicks over her forehead and they flowed over to her shoulders!! Her neck was covered in traditional jewelry and lost into her Pallu/Red Blouse, Blouse was hugging her tightly could notice her arms, they looked good on that confident body frame, she almost resembled thoughts of perfection!! She was gracefull!! I couldn’t get my eyes off her and there she was inches away from me, smelling of jasmine flowers! I was speechless couldn’t utter a single word!
Pooja- hey are you here!!!!
Me- you are very beautiful!!!! In a soft voice (lack of art of complimenting)
Pooja- no Its your dirty thinking again with a satire ( blush )
She laughed and her nose and cheeks turned red!
Shook her hands rather fingers hahaah
Me- so finally you got time for me! My knees were going weak. (Lucky was leaning on the car)
Pooja- you don’t know how many lies I had to make to meet you!
Me-Underlining she is making efforts
Pooja- Tell me fast I’ll have to return before anyone misses me
Me- what do you want me to say???
Pooja-My gift???
Me- where is the spaghetti??
Pooja- Boldly glanced around to see if any one is watching and in a whiff slipped her blouse a bit over her shoulder and flashed her bright red bra strap and gaye a very cunning smile
Me-Tell me what do you want?
Pooja-Sure you’ll give anything???? Sure???
Me-Try me
Pooja- Tomorrow my return is RAC can you get it confirmed????
Me- That was a odd request, yet told let me try, asked her to share all the details.
Pooja-will share on SMS and she turned around and left.
I could see here in short distance as she faded away, mobile beeped and had got the details. (11PM Departure to Chennai)
Upon return it was quite just thoughts and images of what transpired in those few minutes.
Checked on the ticket details they are already been confirmed and they were booked under tatkal services. Surprised at around 1 AM msgd her the status, with a faintest idea she would reply. Mobile beeped immediately, Guess I plan to leave my house at 7 PM because never know the traffic or transport, what’s your plan for evening.
To and fro msgs and finally decided to pick her from a designated place.
At 7, saw her dragging the strolly, helped her load it into the car, to which she showed resistance. Kind of felt she was in a foul mood. We started of and asked if she would like to grab a meal, or a drink. By now the curtains were really down and it was all about mutual acknowledging choice. Got a nod not sure drink or meal, drove to a fine dine, with too many thoughts, grab a bite for a drive into lonely dark roads get some window to feel her and many more!!!!!!!!!!! In a brief moment she broke softly her silence,
Pooja-Why men are!!!! what they are?????
Me-Because they are dickheads and with a half-hearted smile said smarty. Slowed down, yet reached the parking lot. She pulled a tissue composed / apologized.
Pooja-Sorry for being emotional lets try and make the best of the evening
We were seated she has a lime soda she went on to give me permission to have a alcoholic drink Hahaaha. Ordered my whisky time flew packed a dish and started to station.
Usual Train was late so decided to wait till she boarded and the train started.
Was kind of a date, 40 year matured but yet stupid enough seeking happiness in daily life.
We spoke lots about routines of family ups and downs, Humiliations and why”s and Why not’s
Finally train started and at the last moment she invited Sumants travel with me!!!! till next station, (People who do not know bangalore and Chennai, Train passes thru Cant the next station). Just with platform ticket jumped into and sat with her. She held my hand in silence. That moment is still etched in my mind and I can never forget it to date. All that we communicated was looking into each-others eyes and some squeeze of the palm at times and soft slaps on the palm. As we approached Cant, She took my palm and planted a soft kiss and said thanq for everything, everything and also for not being a usual male. With a worthy smile she patted my plam again and said see you once I reach Chennai. Msg me once you reach home. We parted.
Reached home and msged Pooja, in the dark closed eyes, Months passed by in flashes and poojas beautiful smile. All that we had spoken, nagging comments by husband, judgmental attitude of kids. How one extra ring on land line made the whole world go into spin and pooja has ruined a mans life with her lack of common sense, social skills. Some good ones too, like how her son on the first day of school came running and hugged her, times how she outsmarted her mother in law, with all this passing thru, a shock of my life. What Next??Is there a next??
Battling between picking the mobile and tossing over it was 6 Am time for my routine. With all that happened the previous night, no sleep the short exercise was really good and needed. Headed of to work routine, incidentally no communications from her nor did I send any. At 3PM phone rand and it was Pooja.
Pooja- Sorry was tired as soon as I reached had to make BF pack lunch and send everyone to their daily routine then shower and got some rest. Sorry so Sorry she went on apologizing.
Me- Stop Pooja .
Pooja – I have something to confess!!!
Me-My heart was pounding really fast must have blown also
Pooja- You have been hiding that wonderful physique behind that modest character. I am unable to sleep with all the different emotions that I saw in you last night.
Lots passed by time flew when we spoke that was twice daily odd hours, cutting short I decided to visit her, She expressed her want to spend time together but was scared. Scared of husband children society people. Took a lot to convince her, still in fear agreed to try. Morality was a big fortress for her, Judgement and guilt played its role
Not sure what we both brought into that sweet and what both of us would return with, Lots casual observations and emotion’s between us, Nothing sexy but sure erotic for people with sex between ears than between legs.
Got the cottage allocated baggage placed and bell boy paid and disposed, closed the doors behind ensuring the soft thud, I came back around her to find pooja unpacking leaning on an old lounge platform. Her face and arms were pressed into and her hind quarters stuck straight up into the air. I had never seen such a lascivious display. My cock grew, stretching the skin tight.
Fuck it.
I pawed at her ass while I got behind her. My cock, a raging steely monster at this point, poked inside her sex so easily. My wife had never been so inviting over like this, I was amazed how ‘open and relxed’ Pooja got. Pressing my cock in more and more, feeling her grip me, well lust just washed over me. She moaned as I plunged in deeper, sinking my shaft as far as it would go until I hit “bottom.”
She jerked as I hit her bums, Cleavage made way for my hungry one eyed starved friend or something. I stopped for a second but she claimed, “It’s fine! Don’t stop. A little roughing is fine.”
I worried that maybe I should have gone slower at first but she was at such eay and comfort I couldn’t help it. She wiggled her ass, which I took as encouragement. Pulling out and then pushing back in deep, slow, strokes and grinding my way thru her chudi produced an almost constant moan from Pooja. I squeezed her bottom cheeks which produced a different moan. She turned her head and looked back at me with a smile, reached out to her breathing hard over her neck biting her ears, she shouted in pain, everything came to standstill.
Pooja- Don’t stop, abuse me use me just don’t stop, I have never felt so needed by a man as you. I want you to exploit me, use my body for your pleasure.
Me- totally flaccid
Pooja- Mocked me and said just for a short scream you were scared of my pain and disapproval!!!!! Stupid My Darlings Sumants, learn to handle a women bit more roughly, she likes it when her man demonstrated his desperate need for her. I was on the verge of orgasming just by your wild grab and there you stopped, its okay
Pooja- In a firm voice “Don’t stop at anything less harder, next.”
I got on the lounge chair with my flaccid in pants a drink in one and a smoke in the other hand. Trying to comfort sit, juggling in the chair lit a smoke and thru the glory of the smoke and glittering glass could see her unpacking.
After a few mins of general talk called Pooja as she walked towards me grabbed her by her wrist and made her sit on my lap, with no hesitation, she pulled the smoke from my lips and stubbed it away with the other hand around my neck. Her breast was rubbing my cheeks. Her sleevless uppers exposed her soft dark but moist armpits, They were heaven as they smelled simple sweat.
Pooja was generally toying about drinking and misbehaving
I could feel her right breast go up and down rubbing my cheeks as she enacted what she was expressing. That was the moment that the puzzle started to show. The trust of a married lady with 2 kids, pained in past by the very men she choose, was oblivious to her surroundings. She was in such great comfort zone that nothing could scare her around with me.
As she was talking laughing I bite her breast thru her chudidhar, she looked at me with a inviting smile and did not stop me and took my head and pressed it into her wonderful boosms, I slipped my left hand under her dress could feel her soft skin, within seconds both of us had moved to the bed, and I was pulling her top while she was unknotting her pyjamas and started sucking her breast thru her bra while she pulled her bottoms. I released both her breast while large with quite big areols.
My clothes were off in a jiffy, did not even see where to stick my dick in and thrusted hard, pooja was soaking wet and my cock slipped in eas. Properly mounted her Driving my full weight into her, kissing her hard and squeezing her tight, not realizing that I need to pay attention to such a wonderful soft and gentle lady.
Pooja- “Deva… Sumanta… where did… where did you learn this? Most of you boys just cum and go… could you move harder manty… yes yes yessssssss… there oh my Deva!”
I pushed my index finger inside her mouth. Pooja clamped her legs around my waist and I think she squealed but it was hard for me to hear much with her legs wrapped so tight on me. But I felt her shudder and shake, then tremble, and then her legs relaxed as she gently pushed my head off her neck and ran her fingers over my face with a content smile on her face . She pulled me by my neck and she kissed me full on my dry lips before she lapped my chin and cheeks like a puppy. “I knew there was still one in there. Want me to go look for more?”
“Stop!” she laughed. “Just sit here with me awhile, I need a breather. My Husband or kids might call,
Me- Does he know how lucky he is?”
As we both lie there seeing the ceiling, her hands were all over me, feeling my naked body and memorizing every last pore in me. She yearned for her life visiting untouched beaches hidden from the tourists hordes. Stretches of glistening golden sand and turquoise seas. Mystical temples where the air was filled with the sweet smell of sandalwood, Jasmine and Frangipani and the chanting of the monks was both hypnotic and rhythmic.
Lying down totally naked mentally and giving voice and words to. Pooja was getting more aroused and every touch of her lips and hands on my body sent electrical currents racing around uncontrollably. Kissing her nipples delicately then took them in her mouth one by one as her hands moved down to my body. I was aching now under her touch and grabbed me as feverishly as she could.
She managed to slide her hands onto his until she could feel the firmness of my penis and began to massage it. He was already hard and she could feel the blood pulsing through his veins driven by his hunger.
Pooja just wanted to be eaten alive. She could feel her body reacting to every touch she gave that took of her as she could feel herself begin to climb to the heights of intense pleasure, a pleasure she ached for. I was intoxicated and overcome by her, She wanted me. Savouring the urgency of her kisses laced with the saltiness of my sweat as our bodies writhed under the teak ceiling, bright light of the summer noons. Our hearts pounded as they revelled in their rhythm together, two strangers losing themselves to the sultriness of the warm aromas of lust and cardinal secretions.
As in a soft voice she asked manty do you enjoy licking your lady?? “Shhh, relax, let me do the work.” In my low voice whispered in her ear and I turned my head slightly, only to be rewarded with a kiss. My lips parted as she deepened the kiss, my tongue tangling with my fingertips glided across her bare skin. She shuddered with the sensation and tried to turn to him but I stopped with a small gesture.

“Not yet.” I nudged her gently and I rolled on to my front, waiting in anticipation for whatever her illicit lover had in mind.
Gentle kisses rained down her body and along her sides, the barest of touches making both ache for more.
And I slowly placed my hands over her honey pot and started playing she was oozing, I crawled down past her breasts, licking and biting for a few moments before I got to her V. I had never been with a lady of such a persona before and I wanted to see her close-up.
I peppered featherlight kisses towards her and I turned to meet her softness, yearning to be closer.
“You’re driving me crazy.”
“That’s the idea.” In laughter was shaky, letting her know I was just as affected as she was. I indulged my desire and allowed myself to draw into her, kissing her with the same hunger I felt. All too soon, however things felt slow. Her dainty pubic hair tickled me as I rubbed my nose in it. Fire flower, indeed! Her bright skin changed color to a deeper red as I got to her lips dark, puffy from just a few minutes ago. I ran my tongue over them, eliciting a deep moan from her. She tasted so clean and even sweet, sort of like a muscle addiction. Bits of our naked flesh were taking control, I pushed her legs apart farther and licked up and down her blossoming flower. I stayed clear of her little bud as I wanted to tease and explore her first. I felt her wet fire as I pushed my tongue inside her butt and she purred woov lovely nice to feel your wet tong and warm breath around my hole. I had to swallow several times to keep up with her puckered hole. My hands went lower and under her cheeks played with her little bottom.
“How could you think these are ugly and filthy considering the pleasure they give us both?” I laid a kiss between her but then came back to kiss her inner thighs as my hand trailed over her stomach.
I couldn’t answer, only breath hard in response as her elegant hand quested lower.
Her hands gripped my shoulders as her hips came up, desperate for his touch.
A sudden ringing made us tense.
“Keep going.” I kissed her filling her husbands void in her crushed emotions and hungry heart.
“Damn it.” My eyes flew open and took further look at her pink glittering clit
Pulled back and now I was totally in paced, in control how to make the time to eternity. Lifting her leg kissing her feel sole of her feet, she was shuddering in between, and placed the other leg on my shoulder, as I Kissed and bit both her legs alternating, I could see Pooja smile in her thoughts, Her eyes were bright and face was flushed by previous spasms,
"Oh wow, you really are stunning." I said as I pulled Pooja of the bed and stood in front of me in all her splendor. She was filled, her legs fair and quite rolly, and had such sexy subtle curves. I ran my eyes along her naked emotions, noting the way her smooth thighs curved up to her hips, then down to her waist. Her breasts were simply beautiful, full and round, her areolas huge and dark, and her nipples erect atop each perky mound, a small gap between them. I moved my gaze along her stomach Scars of marriage (C Section), stretch marks were hardly seen, grinned at the sight of her cute little navel while she locked her legs in shy, yet straight looking into me in the mirror. I Slowly pushed my leg between hers and split open her soft smooth thighs, scanned her vulva, her pubic mound completely smooth, then honed my gaze on her tight little pussy, devouring it intently. Both stood there watching eachother intensly I am sure she was doing the same while my cock was always in touch of her skin.
Pooja blinked as she looked at me standing there completely naked not her wedded husband. My penis just dangled between legs, soft, not even semi-erect and quite unimpressive. She looked at it, feeling embarrassed, then noted my cock slowly beginning to grow.
I looked at Pooja’s pussy, then looked at Pooja glued to my cock and bit down a smile, as she made it get hard. Now Pooja touched it started to grow harder before she knew it was throbbing and in a awwww she said big, you’ll hurt me bad with other hand on her mouth. Reminded she had already devoured it once and we both broke into laughter.
Caressing her pussy feeling her get wetter and wetter as I gently stroked her occasionally rubbing her sending a jolt through her body when I did. As I moved down to start licking her pussy, she seemed a little embarrassed and asked what I was doing. She said her husband never perform oral sex on her before and she was nervous.
Mobile rang, she hurriedly searched for the mobile and took it in her hand, and I grabbed it back
Pooja- Not him who never understood you or respected you, still if you choose here take it.
Pooja- took it and placed it aside to ring thru while we continued. She reluctantly opened her legs and let me . I leaned in and inhaled her musky aroma deeply making my cock get a little harder and slapped her pussy just before I started to lick. I started off with some long slow, gentle licks before I moved to doing a brief tongue fucking session, followed by some clit sucking. She was biting her lip and trying to hold it all inside when I told her that it would feel even better if she stopped fighting it and just let it all out. Let herself go, moan, cry, scream whatever she felt, let it happen. She slowly opened up and started to moan a bit. Then she got a bit louder, and started to come, Oh yes Sumanta, use your pooja, make her your slut, don’t stop keep going,
The waves rose higher and she came with a gasp, a sweet release that started at her pussy and took over the whole body. More followed and she shook with pleasure, lovers name on her lips. When she could take no more she collapsed and came back slowly, letting her breathing even out. Pooja gripped me desperately, before she knew it she was wild in her world closed eyes, beating the bed, kicking, grabbing my head not knowing what next and there she squirted and as I stopped licking and played with her clit desperately trying to stop me she squirted again and again. As she collapsed in the bed gasping for breath, I slid up next to her and she saw my wet shiny face and apologized not realizing she squirted, which told me that she had never felt so relived as a strong orgasm which she enjoyed. She turned away as her face turned bright red. Pulled her into my arms comforting her,
Pooja- I have seen and read. But never felt, we both continued allowing eachother to find out what pleased enough to make the time burning. She picked the phone and it was past sunset and we had consumed more than 5 hours in our small battle. She hurriedly got out of bed and started dressing, totally dazed but yet chattering away “Husband will be home kids would have returned, need to give a good excuse, hope he does not doubt. Need to speak to Meena, tell her I was with her!!!! Wearing Slipping herself into her panty, then Bra, Chudidhar then Brushing her hair applying cream some eye liner, and while brushing her hair, She said to me don’t just stand there help me reach home.
Pooja-How am I Looking???? Tired?? Scared?? Worried?? Stressed???
Pooja was literally every where, Finally said bye and both hurriedly opened the door and we left. Took a Auto her place was short distance too much of silence she was sweating which she regularly wiped. Reached closer to her house stopped the auto and she did not even say bye just walked away, Waited till she reached her home, pooja turned around while closing the gate and in a very emotional gesture she pulled her hair on one side and I could understand she is fine and happy.

I was restless got into the same Auto and started towards my cottage, and the phone bell rang, In a soft voice she said all well, speak to you later. I decided to stay the next day. I reached my cottage and sunk into the couch with great sweet memories, the Air in the room was smelling of Pooja the wind was her voice, the light was brighter but yet softer.
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