Mom helps me masturbate.


I was exploring my mom and dads bedroom while everyone was at church. I should have been there to,for what was on my mind.I was going through my Mom's lingerie drawer. I mean I'm 17 and my hormones are going nuts what can I say. I was also awkward teenager and I didn't have any girlfriends, because I was what some girls would call an ugly duckling. My Mom told me don't worry about it that the girls would come around eventually when they find out what a nice guy I am. Mom wouldn't think that right now I bet as I'm rubbing one of her thongs against my cheek. It's cute as fuck and I just can't help myself.It's Red and lacy and crotchless! I didn't know Mom wore this kinda stuff. Shit my dad was a lucky man and one would think I should feel bad about lusting after his wife,but I am not.
It made my dick hard just knowing my Mom wore them. I don't know when and how I developed a lust for my mother but it happened. I know it's not right, but yet here I am. She's really my step mother but dad married her when I was three so it's like she is my real mom. I mean she raised me.And as far as I know she hasn't a clue about my obsession with her. My Mom's name is Jackie and she is 42 and flat out gorgeous. She has the bluest eyes and long curly blond hair.And she has big tits too and a nice fat yet firm looking ass. Hot Hot HOT!!
I pocketed the panties and started rummaging further into her lingerie drawer and that's when I found the two small photo books, I took them out and opened the first one and I damn near passed out. The book held several dozen Polaroid pictures of my Mom and she was naked in every single one of them, topless,full nudes and some spread eagle shots and damn did she have a big hairy blond bush.
I quickly opened the second book and was doubly shocked! There were dozens of pictures of her being fucked by different guys.Black Guys, White guys, and Latino guys. There were pictures of singles, threesomes and at least two gang bangs. Fuck Me Standing!!! My Mom was a slut! Or had been, the pictures were taken of her when she was much younger, possibly in teen and twenties way before she met Claude Pierce,my daddy.
I hear the front door open downstairs and I quickly push the photo books into the pocket of my gym pants and I close the drawer and tip toe back to my room. I hear Mom and dad talking about how wonderful the sermon was that preacher Harper gave. I sneak back to my bedroom and quickly get back in bed and pull the covers up to my chin.
I now hear footsteps coming up the staircase, the steps are soft and I know it's Mom. She was coming to check on me. My bedroom door opens and she steps in. "Toby?"
I open my eyes and look at her and fake a sick smile.
She walks over and places a hand to my shoulder,"Do you feel any better baby?"
"Yes,a little."
She brushes back her blond hair and sits down on the edge of my bed and places her hand to my cheek. "I'm so sorry your sick,baby."
And horny, I wanted to add.
She was dressed in a white skirt suit with a shell jacket and silk blouse, her normal church wear.She keeps the Blouse buttoned almost to the neck when she's in church but as soon as were in the car going home she unbuttons it half way down to give her tits some air I guess. It was unbuttoned now and I could see the creamy tops of her breasts which are being held in place by a white lacy bra. 38 DD mind you. (Something else I discovered this morning):-)
Mom caught me looking but did nothing to cover up. In fact she just smiled and gently pinched my cheek. "You seem to be getting better." With that she stood up and walked out of my room and I couldn't help but watch her skirt sway back and forth, the very way I see guys at church looking at her ass as she walks back to the car holding my dad's arm.
As soon as she closes the door, I tore the fuck book from my pocket and began going through the pictures again and decided on one I wanted to masturbate too. It was one of her being fucked by some muscular guy with a giant dick.Her legs were up past her head and she had this beautiful orgasmic expression on her face. I also chose another one were her face is covered in cum. I put the two Polaroids side by side. Then I pushed my covers back and took my gym pants off and started touching myself.
My cock quickly grew hard and thick in my hand and I started jerking my dick, as I imagined fucking her like that lucky black jock was doing. And then I look at the facial shot where her cheeks and mouth are covered in warm cum and I imagined me jerking my load on her sweet face. Oh shit! I was so close to spilling my seed...
Suddenly the door to my bedroom opened and my Mom came in carrying a laundry basket. She saw me and yelped and dropped the basket at her feet spilling my clothes across my bedroom floor."Oh my God,TOBY!" She just looked at me in shock. I was too shocked to cover up I mean at this point she'd already seen the goods.
"Jackie,are you OK?" My dad called from downstairs.
She threw her hands over her face to cover her eyes and turns to leave but then turned back to me and she spreads her fingers and her blue eyes are on my cock. She removes her hands and there was odd look on her pretty face,one I'd never seen before.
"JACKIE!" this time dad shouted.
She saw the pics and rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips,"Yes Honey I'm fine. I just dropped the clothes is all."
"Do you need me to help?" he starts up the stairs but Mom hurries back out into the hall.
"Everything is fine, Claude,Toby is helping me pick everything up."
His footsteps are going back down the steps now."So how is Toby feeling is he any better?"Dad asks.
"Oh it's a blessing Claude and he's up in a matter of speaking." She said and I could actually hear her stifle a giggle.
I blushed.
"Well tell him he missed an excellent sermon today. And Honey I'm going over to Bill's if that's okay."
"That's fine, but I'll be cooking around two and you said you wanted to help me with the ham."
"Yes dear." The front door closes.
My heart is still beating out of my chest when she reappears. She doesn't say a word as she walks back into my room. She looks down at the pictures and gives me a disappointed look."Why did you take those pictures out of my drawer Toby?", Then suddenly she stops and closes her eyes and raises a hand."Never mind, I know why."
I couldn't speak I was so embarrassed.
"And more so,why are jerking off to pictures of ME!" she asked giving me a stern look,which made her look that much more sexier.
I pull the covers over myself and I started to tear up. And she must have felt sorry for me because she walks over sits down on the bed and she reaches over and touches my shoulder and pushes away the covers again to look at my cock. "It's okay Toby I know boy's your age go through these kinds of spells. Goodness knows Jake did.(Jake is my drunken step uncle)
She picks up the picture of her face covered in cum,"I should have tossed these pictures out a long time ago." She went to tear it up but I stopped her.
"Please don't."
Mom looked at me,"Look Baby,these pictures are of me from a long long time ago.I was a different woman back then. They mean nothing to me,OK?"
"But they mean something to me."
She looked at me curiously and then down at my still hard cock. "Well I can certainly see that,sweetie.",she blushed and picked up the two pics and the little photo book and stood up to leave. "Don't you tell your father about this." She walked out of my room thinking it was over. I hear her footsteps as she hurries to the master suite. Pretty soon I hear her hurried footsteps making their way back to my room faster than before.
She steps into my bedroom with a pissed off on pretty face.
"What?" I asked.
She extended her hand,"I want the other picture book too,young man."
I sat up and grabbed my gym pants and took it from my gym pants and handed it to her.
Her expression softened as she took the little book,"Thank you, Baby." She frowned and started to stand up but I placed a hand on her shoulder.
She looks at me.
"I'm sorry,Mom."
"But why,Toby. Why did you want to jerk off to pictures of me? I'm your mother."
I decided right then and there to just go ahead confess my undying love for her. "I love you,Jackie and I want you more than anything."
Her mouth dropped,"Toby Baby,I love you too but just not in that way."
I lowered my head.
She placed a finger under my chin and raised my eyes,"Sweetie."
"But your so beautiful Jackie. I see the way the men in church look at you and I look at you in the same way. I just don't understand how it happened,but it did."
"That's just lust darling its not love."
"But I do love you,Mom."
"I know you do and I also know,now that you lust after me as well,Toby. Which changes things between us.", she turned her head to look at my cock."Which brings us to this conundrum." She sighed and stood up and I thought she might leave,but instead she walked over and closed my bedroom door. She kept her hand on the door nob and placed her forehead against the door.
"Jackie I'm so sorry,really I am."
She turned around and waved me to stop,"Honey it's my fault to. I should thrown those pictures away."
"They are yours Mom. I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that."
"True,Toby. But I still need to fix this don't I." she nodded at my cock.
I didn't quite understand what she meant.
She walks over to with a foot of my bed her hands clasped in front of her."What part of my body attracts your attention the most, baby?"
"Every part of you attracts me Mom." I was surprised at how quick I said it.
"Pick one.What would like to see.", she smiled.
"Stop calling me Mom,Toby. I'm not your Mother at this moment in time. Now tell me what do you want to see."
"I want to see it all. Every fucking bit of you...Jackie."
"Do we an agreement that you want tell your father about the pictures?"she smirks.
"No I want tell him,I swear, Mom...Jackie."
"Good then I want tell your father your lusting after his own wife...and your mother."
Ouch talk about thrusting the dagger. But I was still horny as fuck, so fuck it.I nod.
She gave me the come hither finger,"Your gonna be a man and undress me." she said spreading her arms.
She didn't have to tell me twice. I quickly got of bed and hurried to her. I unbutton her blouse and pulled it down her shoulders, my heart beating with anticipation. Her bra snapped in the middle so In clasped it and her tits sprang forth.Her tits were sooo beautiful. They were so ample and crowned with two puffy pink nipples.I reached for them but she slapped my hands back.
"You don't get to touch me." she said and calmly slipped the bra off and dangled it in front of me. I snatched it from her and tossed it behind me." She chortled softly.
Then I dropped to my knees and undid the belt that held her skirt up and I unceremoniously pulled it down her legs,panties and all. And shit there it was right before my eager eyes...her frizzy blond bush.I leaned in and sniffed her sweet musk and I swear my dick bounced."Oh Fuck!" I moaned and sat back on my heels.
She giggled and reached down and helped me up. Then she led me over to the bed and I lay down. My dick was so hard it stuck straight up with the most perfect arch to it.
Jackie looked down at it and smiled. "Do you know, you have a bigger dick than your dad?"
"Really." I smiled with pride over that one.
Jackie reached down with her small and gripped my cock very gently, almost reverently. "Your so very hard,Toby."
Oh shit the feeling of her hand on my dick felt like heaven. She began stroking me softly.
"I know Baby, that you want to put that big thing inside my pussy,don't you?" she said in a sultry voice. Mmmm and it's so big you might hurt your Mom."
Oh my god, her fucking voice. I never heard her sound so sexy.
"You don't want to hurt Mommy do you?" she began pumping me faster.
I shook my head,"N N No?"
She smiles and reaches down with her free hand and pushes several fingers into her pussy, three to be exact and brings them out. Her fingers are dripping her and she smears it over the head of my cock.
"Oh Fuck!"
She smiles and rubs her juices all over my cock.
And oh shit I just explode, ejaculating ropes of cum straight into her face. My cum splatters her face with such intensity some of it lands on my stomach.
"Oh TOBY!"she gasped sitting up sudden like.
I think she's gonna be pissed but I see a smile cross her pretty cum covered face,"I thought I told you no touching." she chortled and began scooping my cum into her mouth. It was the sexiest thing I think I've seen any woman do. "Your Dad never lets me do this." she says licking her fingers.
"Your still a slut after all this time." I smiled
She stopped smiling and shrugged,"I guess I am." then she winked,"but don't you dare tell your daddy that."
We continued playing our little masturbation game all the way until the day I left for college. I fed my Mom sooo many times AND she never got rid of the pictures either.😁

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