Thanksgiving With Aunt Maggie


I was eighteen when this event took place and on a Thanksgiving Day of all times. My Step Mother Gloria's younger sister Maggie invited all of us out to her Ranch in South Texas like she normally did. This North Carolina boy loves going to Texas to be sure. Aunt Maggie have a pretty sizable Cattle ranch with over two hundred thousand acres of land with 25,000 head of cattle and two thousand horses of different breeds,like Arabian Thoroughbreds and Quarter horses. BIG RANCH! She sent her leer Jet down to pick us all up from Asheville.
My dad and I had a bet going on as to how much Aunt Maggie was gonna drink at this years dinner.She only started drinking after her husband George died four years ago.They didn't have any children because old George had a riding accident and was thrown from the horse in a most peculiar way. And as far as I know Auntie wasn't going with anyone which was sad because she was a gorgeous 30 year old blond with blue eyes and a hefty set of breasts and a plump ass. It must be a family trait because my step mom has the same kind of ass, not too big but just right.
I brought up our luggage while Mom and Aunt Maggie talked on the front porch. Dad lay on the bed with a whiskey in his hand trying to get over his jet lag. I dropped the luggage on the bed and he moved his feet then he suddenly laughed and gave me a look,"Devon,my son why don't you fuck Maggie and make her your own and inherit this glorious kingdom?"
My mouth dropped,"She's my aunt,Dad!"
"Ah come on dude.I see the way you look at her. You practically drool over her." He laughed and pour himself another shot of whiskey.
"Geez, I think your the one who needs to lay off the sauce." I laughed.
"Fuck off!" He said raising his middle finger as he downed the shot. Dad drank at the family gatherings because one we still didn't know Gloria's family all that well even those this will be our third Thanksgiving we've all had together.And two because we were the only two black people in the family and I guess we weren't assimilating very well."Shit boy when I was your age I was putting my dick in a tree."
"Whatever dad." I said and began unpacking my clothes in the adjoining guest room. I smiled at the thought and to to tell the truth it did sound appealing, not inheriting the ranch, mind you, but fucking Aunt Maggie. I mean If I couldn't fuck my mom maybe I could fuck her sister. She is fucking hot and she did tend to hug me a more than her other nephews. And damn was it nice, having those big titties pressed up against me. Made wonder what it would feel like with my thick ten inch cock between them.
After unpacking I dressed up in a white tee shirt and a pair of old gray gym pants and went downstairs. My mom seen me and called me into the den,"Devon baby why don't you go back upstairs and change please."
"Ah mom come on, dinner is not for another two hours."
She rolled her blue eyes in frustration with me.It was a move that made her look even sexy as fuck,even at 41."At least put some underwear on Devon!Your thingy is bouncing around."
I smiled at her and she blushed. My stepmom was actually paying attention to my thingy. Hum, I wonder if it turned her on.
"I know your proud of it sweetie but,Please,Devon."
I sighed and nodded, but before I could turn and go back upstairs to change,Aunt Maggie walked over and draped an arm over my shoulder.
"Are you finally unpacked Dee?" She asked pulling me away from my step mom.
Mom gave me a hard look and I just winked at her.
"Yes Auntie. I wanted to run over to the barn and check on Rufus." I enjoyed going to the barn and feeding Big Rufus sugar cubes. He was an 1100 lb stud bull.
Maggie frowned,"I'm afraid Rufus died on us honey."
My mouth dropped,"What? When?"
"It was right after Thanksgiving last year, sweetie."
"Ah shit, really?"
"We have another stud bull now. He 2200 lbs and black as the ace of spades. We call him Alex."
"Wow 2200 pounds?!" I gasped not really giving a damn about the weight of the bull. What got my attention was the elegant blue dinner dress she was wearing. It was sleeveless and hung just above her knees. The front was low cut and offered a generous view of tops of her large tits. Maggie caught me looking but I didn't look away.
She smiles,"Yes and Alex is really giving the young heifers a run for their money.We have thirty new calves this season just from Alex alone."
"Damn,I guess you can bet on black for all your breeding needs." I laughed.
She turned beet red,"Okay?"
She knew what I meant.
"Do you want to go out and see him. He's in the breeding barn."
"I thought breeding season was over?"
"You cant tell Alex that.I have to keep a heifer in the pen with him all the time, or he goes nuts and starts kicking down the fences. My other bulls are not that way."
I had to laugh."I can't wait to check him out!"
"Maybe after dinner, we can do just that."
"It's a date." I smiled.
She nodded and smiled, then took a sip of her drink and turned and walked to the kitchen.
From the den I saw Mom point upstairs. I shook my head and made my way back upstairs to change.

The dinner was held outside on the back deck because there was way to many guests to hold it inside. There were over fifty members of the family so you can imagine the size of the table. It was set up buffet style where the food was on one table and the eating was done at the main table. And what a spread it was,there were four turkeys five hams and yes BEEF, we were in Texas of course.
I got my plate and suddenly saw Maggie waving me over. So I walked over and she patted the chair beside her,"Sit with me,Devon."
I sat down next to her and started tearing into my steak. Oh Gawd it was so tender and delicious.
Maggie looked at me and smiled, then picked up a napkin and wiped my chin.
"Oh sorry." I smiled back.
Gloria shot me a look,"Slow down Devon, your gonna get choked."
"Ah Sis leave him alone. He reminds me of the way George use to eat. He would put his whole heart into it." Maggie winked.
I smiled back,"Hey what can I say,I love to eat."
She winked at me and nodded.

After dinner we all sat around the big table talking. Gloria had gotten up and walked around the table to sit beside Maggie and they chatted away. I wanted to test the waters per say to see if I had some kind of a chance. So I brazenly lowered my hand and put it on Maggie's knee. She turned her head and smiled at me and in tern she lowered her own hand and placed it over mine and squeezed it gently all the while talking to my step mom. Hell I didn't even know what they were talking about, my attention was on Maggie's soft thigh.
She lifted her hand and poured herself another whiskey and recapped the bottle. But she didn't put her hand back down. She picked up her glass and began sipping at it. And I began rubbing her thigh gently. She barely reacted instead she took a sip of her drink and then laughed at something Gloria said. Maggie was a bit tipsy but she had to know my hand on her thigh,but yet she was doing nothing about it. So I slid my hand between her thighs and that got a reaction from her. She actually relaxed her thigh and opened them slightly. I slid my hand beneath her dress and pushed the palm of my hand against the crotch of her now soaked panties.
Oh shit I thought to myself. I rubbed the clef of her pussy up and down very slowly with my index and and middle fingers.The muscles in her thighs clenched but she made no move to close her legs.And I noticed she wasn't talking anymore, she was just listening to Mom babble on about something another. Shit Mom could talk for fucking hours without giving someone else a chance to say anything. This time I was glad, because I got to see all kinds of expressions cross Maggie's beautiful face.I pressed my knuckle hard against her clit and the crotch of her panties became incredibly saturated like she's pissed herself.
I smiled and pulled my wet hand from between her legs and I stood up. She quickly looked up at me confused and flustered that I had suddenly stopped. I could have went on but I didn't, I wanted to tease her into following me.
"Where are you going,Devon?" Maggie asked."Come sit back down,Sweetie." she said.
"Nah,I'm feeling a bit tired, I think I'll go inside and lay down."
Gloria giggled,"You ate too much,Devon. What do you expect."
Maggie shot her a look and she shut up."Why don't you go to the den,honey. I have a big comfy Chaise lounge, just for resting in."
I smiled and winked at her,"I think that'll be a wonderful idea,Aunt Maggie, Thank you." With that I turned and walked into the house. And I made my way to the den and slid the big pocket doors closed behind me. Then I walked over sat down on the chaise it looked like a big brown leather queen bed it was so big. There were a few dainty looking silk pillows on it. I could see myself fucking Maggie right.
I laid back and waited patiently and I didn't have to wait long, The pocket doors slid open and Maggie stepped through. She smiled at me then turned and pulled the doors closed and locked them. "You know I was really enjoying what you were doing to me back there." She walked over and closed the blinds one by one. Then walked over to the bar and poured herself a whiskey shot. Then she downed it and walked over and sat down next to me and took my hand and laid her head on my shoulder.
"You must think I'm some kind of drunken slut." she said as her blue eyes began tearing up.
"I don't think that a bit about you,Maggie. I just think your lonely and you drink because you miss George."
She looked up at me and lifted her chin and kissed her softly.
Maggie smiles,"You know I want you Devon."
"How bad do you want me, baby."
She stood up and wobbled a little I couldn't tell if it was from her three inch heels or from being a bit inebriated by the whiskey she'd been throwing back all morning and afternoon. She unzipped the back of her dress and let it float to the floor. The sight of her standing before me in nothing but a small black thong made my dick surge with blood. And her tits WOW! They were beautiful white orbs crowned with a set of popping pink nipples that at the moment were incredibly hard and pointy. In truth the sight of her took my breath away.
"Shit." I said before even thought about it.
Maggie chortled and brushed back her shoulder length blond hair and slowly lowered herself to her knees before me. Please don't think ill of me Devon because I don't normally do this sort of think,just off the whim. I'm not that kind of girl." She said nervously.Tears welling up in her blue eyes.
I smirked,"Yet here we are Aunt Maggie." I stood up and she watched me intently as I unfastened my belt and pulled my dress pants down underwear and all. She smiled in awe at the sight of my cock. Most women always do, I mean I am gifted for a kid, with a ten inch penis and a sack of balls the size of lemons. I was embarrassed about my size until I got into high school and witnessed the good of all the other boys, in a non gay way mind you. I was gifted!
"That IS beautiful." Maggie breathed shaking her head. I take it ol George wasn't as gifted as I was.I sat back down and Maggie pulled my shoes off and finished pulling off my pants and she did it slowly like a woman sure of her skills. She even folded then and placed them at her side. She smiled up at me and pushed my legs wide apart.She took my cock in her small hand and squeezed it gently and lowered her head and took just the tip inside her warm mouth she sucked the pre-cum from it. "Mmmmm,That's nice. It's been so long." She went down on me, sucking me deep inside her throat, humming as she did.
"Oh Fuck!" I gasped and rest leaned forward and rested a hand on top of her head. She smacked it away and started bobbing her mouth up and down on my dick with an intensity like I'd never experienced before. To say she went down on me like a greedy cock would have been an understatement. She cupped my balls and pushed a finger between my buttock and rubbed my anus. No chick had ever done that to me before and it sent shivers of pleasure through me.
"Damn Baby!" I was breathing heavily almost whimpering.
Maggie giggled well I thought it was a giggle, hard to tell when she had my rod deep in her throat like this. She suddenly pulled off of me and grabbed me under the legs and hauled me up until I was fully on the chaise. The she pushed my legs closed and climbed on top of me straddling me. Holy shit the move caught me totally off guard.
She slapped my right thigh,"Keep your legs closed!" she snapped as she every so gently lowered herself down on my cock. Shit her insides felt like a furnace to my big cock as she sheathed me with her pussy. She leaned forward and pressed her big tits into my face and started fucking me."Oh fuck yeah!" she cried out bouncing her pussy up and down on my dick.
I caressed her tits and thumbed her nipples side to side, pushing them in and twisting on them. It didn't even phase her because she was enjoying my dick too much to notice.
"Oh Devon! Oh Baby! Your dick is heaven!! Ahhhh!" She screamed.
She was fucking me like a mad woman and it was fucking awesome!
Suddenly she stops and pushes herself down hard on my cock and her eyes roll back and mouth drops and her body tenses as her orgasm takes over. It was beautiful to watch. I started pumping my hips up and down to extend her pleasure and she collapses forward against my chest, gasping and whimpering in pleasure.
I roll her over onto her back and it my turn. I begin fucking her hard, driving myself to the hilt with every thrust. She crying out begging for more. The excitement take me and I cum burrowing my dick so hard in her her hips lift up off the Chaise. I fill her pussy so goddamn full that it overflows and spills out of her and onto the leather. Try to get that stain bitch!
I down on top of her, both of us breathing so hard. I go to pull out but she locks her feet against my ass. "No Baby stay like you are...PLEASE. I need this." She used her Kegel muscles to hold my cock in place until I became so soft I slipped from her some of the sperm trickled from her and she told me push it back in and I scooped what I could back into her.I pushed two pillows under her bottom and raised her legs high into the air and wrapped my arm around her thighs and held them their.
She raised up and kissed my cheek,"You know what I want, right?"
I frowned and nodded.
She squeezed my arm,"Look at me honey."
I did.
"I need a baby.This is my only chance. Please. I'm sorry I tricked you."
I shrugged."It's Okay."
"You don't have to raise the baby,Devon. I can and will do that. This doesn't have to change your life at all." She said squeezing my hand.
"And what if I want to be a part of the baby's life? I mean I will be the baby's daddy."
Maggie smiled,"That would be just fine.Whatever you want."
"What if I want you too."
"You can have me,Devon. You can have every piece of me Baby.I'm yours." she smiled. "Anytime you want me baby. Just please give me this."
I smiled and nodded, "Yeah I can give to this Aunt Maggie." I said and pushed my fingers into her pussy.
"Oh Devon..."
We fucked again and again and again that weekend.

Maggie became pregnant and my life did change,but for the better...The End. :-)

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