The Visitor
Elliot W
I'm Elliot 31 and live on my own farm, I got the farm from my late grandfather Keith. As nobody else wanted to take it on, they would've preferred it was sold and the money split between everyone. Keith realized that and made it a condition of his will that it couldn't be sold and if no family member took it on it would go a charity for their use as a farm not to be sold by them either. It also has to be run well, not left to rot. I'm always worked on the land and worked for Keith in his final few years. It's no urge farm, just 276 acres and it does make a fair income. But is a lot of work to run and manage. The farmhouse is old and has 3 bedrooms and a bathroom, not updated since the 1970's. But everything works and I'm happy with my life on the farm, I've had romances and even thought of getting married at one time. But it didn't work out, I use go into the local town most Saturdays and have some fun and got lucky some times. But that all stop last March, my cousin Linda 27 came to visit in February. She had just broken up with longtime boyfriend Daniel, she caught him in bed with another man. That shocked her and also lower her self esteem, as she started to believe men preferred men over her. Weird I thought when she told me that and I told her she was totally wrong. But she didn't believe me and thought I was just saying that to make her happy. I took her into town on a few Saturday nights, but she didn't try to meet anyone and the men that saw her thought she was my girlfriend and didn't approach her either. After several failures doing that, she didn't want to go again. I went once without her and found that I couldn't stop thinking of her home alone. after awhile I decided to return home grabbing a couple of cases of beer to take home with me. I like a couple of beers after working the farm with dinner and after. I got home found Linda reading in the lounge and wearing her bedclothes. I put the beers away and grabbed myself one and too another to Linda. I tried to improve her self esteem talking to her and drank my beer and she hers. I got us another beer each and kept trying to make her feel good about herself. This continued for about hours and about 4 beers each, I don't know whether it was all the beer or just us both being a bit horny. But Linda asked me would I fuck her if I had the chance, certainly I replied. I didn't say I wouldn't because she was my cousin as I didn't think she asking me to fuck her. She was silence for awhile and then finished beer and then said let's fuck. She stood up and stripped off her clothes, I was caught by surprise and didn't know what I could say without upsetting her. I was slow in standing up and she then said see you don't want to fuck me either. I replied your wrong I do, but you caught me by surprise and I'm very willing. Thinking that if I also undressed she might change her mind. I undressed and she came up to me and started running her hands allover m. My cock decided it was a good idea and went hard, as she didn't change her mind we ended up in my fucking and in morning we fucked again. In fact we kept fucking ever since, I haven't gone to town since without her and she is my girlfriend as far as everyone in town think. In June and July she missed her periods and so she got tested and is pregnant. Our parents weren't what you could say overjoyed by the news of us having a baby together. But Linda being happy and tests showing the baby is healthy has improved their view of our relationship. Linda is my father's brothers only daughter so she wears our late grandmother's rings. I must admit I'm very happy with everything and as long as Linda is also happy we'll stay together.
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