Be careful what you wish for


I met an older man, in a gay bar, and we had several drinks and exchanged fantasies...His was to be a voyeur, while someone young and attractive like me, was tied up, masturbated to near insanity, and nourished with nothing but semen, which he assured me was incredibly healthy in minerals, vitamins, and about ten calories per ejaculation...since even a 'starvation' diet was over a 1000 calories a day, this would mean swallowing a hundred loads over a 24 hr period, which I said I thought was really unattainable...

Perhaps, he said...except I'm warden of the State Penitentiary...
So, in theory, you could make this happen? I asked
Easily...I can have a cock in your mouth, 24/7/365, until your stomach won't take any more...paperwork will show you to be a violent 'lifer' and requiring constant restraint, in a strait-jacket, in solitary confinement...then I can let it be known that you are officially a cum receptacle for all who desire such a service, and let the guards arrange a 'dance card' while I watch and record the whole thing...that's my fantasy! What's yours?
If I could be kept like this, but with a hood, allowing entry to a cock, when the opening was unzipped, but no other contact with reality, I'd certainly be very interested...I particularly love the idea of being masturbated to near insanity, I think you said...
I have several long-timers with E.D., but still obsessed with handling a generous erection...I could arrange for you to receive constant visit from these guys...
How long would this arrangement last? I wondered
Until I've had enough of it, however long that might turn out to be...
I need to think it over...I said
Offer is good for ten
I'll do it....what comes next?
Poor choice of words in the circumstances...Now I need to generate the paperwork that will lead to you being arrested as an escapee, and returned to me for appropriate disciplinary measures...
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