Moved to a new Job and Home


In June 2019 I moved to another state to start a new job and bought a house to live in. I'm Mason 32 single, I got the job as the supply manager of the business Richard and I use to work together. He left 4 years (2015) before and quickly done well in the mind of his new employer. The owner of the business decided to step back promoted Richard to manager his business. The business expanded and it was because business doubled in size. Richard sought me out for great paying job with the company. The owner was very happy with it success. I arrived having already bought my home via the internet, a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house in quiet area of the city. The area isn't a top selling area of the city as it doesn't have places for sale much at all and most residences are getting on. The houses are some of the oldest in the city and it doesn't have major roads passing thru the area. Surround by factory districts it thought to a be run down area, but it's not every street is well maintained and lined with trees and there's no cars racing about there either. Because you'll get caught by the police as there's only 2 ways in and out, so the idiots avoid it. I moved in set up my house no major problems and started my job and several weeks later I was totally settled in. I hadn't met many of my neighbors as of then, the ones I had were great. My immediate neighbors on right as you look at the front of my house, I hadn't yet met. I knew from the other neighbors, there was 2 women living together and were very quiet and rarely seen. So I wasn't concerned by anybody in the area. I've quiet myself and didn't date much, mainly as I'm rather shy around strangers for while. I talk to them , but feel awkward till I've known them for awhile. So having quiet and reclusive neighbors was good. It was late September I first saw them and didn't speak them till October. It was Sunday and I was watering my plum tree I had planted. When I saw a mature woman watering her garden also, I said hello and introduce myself and she told me her name was Isabel and that was the whole conversation almost. A week later I was again watering my plum tree and Isabel came to fence and introduce her daughter Esther and we had a talk and it wasn't until December I saw them again. They were trying to shift a large rock to the middle of a garden bed. The rock was close to there back door and they had decided it would look better in a garden bed. I saw them struggling and went over to help them. I managed to get the rock in the center of the garden bed and up on its edge. It looked like tombstone at first, they thanked me for my assistance and I returned home. After then I would see and talk with them more often, In February I was invited to dinner at their home. Over the next couple months I got more invites and started to get to know a lot better. It was Isabel 48 who asked me straight out was I interested in Esther 23. I was taken aback and said I thought Esther was very nice and asked why the sudden interest in my thoughts of Esther. I was told that Esther was fast approaching the age in their beliefs she was past marrying age. As there wasn't any single male of their beliefs in the region, Isabel thought I would be a suitable husband for Esther. I could say they are both good looking women and I would right, but they don't wear makeup of any sort and dress very discreetly. I knew from seeing them working in their garden, they were hard workers. I decided to tell Isabel I was interested, which I was. Isabel then told me how our courtship would proceed, holding of hands was allowed but only the company another person meaning Isabel. After a month Esther and I would be formally engaged and holding of hands would allowed without anyone else present. I agreed to this and I willing to see it thru. I was over their place 4 days a week after that sitting holding hands with Esther sometimes and just talking, They didn't have T V or even a radio. I thought it was strange for this day and age, but I kept it to myself. I learned more of their beliefs and it was pretty old fashion to my thinking. I saw a photo of a man on the mantle and it had a black ribbon on it. I thought was of a grandfather. But I found out it was of George Isabel's late husband, who was almost 60 when they married and she was 23. Sadly he passed away when Esther was 12. But he had left them well off. I got the idea I was their last attempt at finding a husband for Esther, when I was told 25 was too old for a woman to marry. I asked no woman can after 25 and was told they could remarry if they became a widow up to the age of 40. I then asked was the number of children restricted and was told no they are seen as gods blessings. It was 6 months to the day I started down the path to marriage of with Esther, that they named the day of the forthcoming wedding. I could've backed out then, but went along with everything. I had gotten attached to Esther, but as they had no close family I was asked would my father be prepared to give Esther away. I said I'm sure he would. A small wedding was planned back in my old hometown. It was great surprise to my parents and 2 siblings that I was getting married. Especially as I hadn't told them I was engaged. My father did agreed to give Esther away and in November last year we married. My parents love both Esther and Isabel and Esther and Isabel moved with me as is their custom, their house is kept for the families growth. I started having sex with Esther from the wedding night and could ask for sex and she would provide it always, as according to their beliefs its my right. Esther got pregnant quickly and we were all happy about that. Later on in her pregnancy she got really bad morning sickness as the doctor called it, but she had at night as well. This meant sex wasn't available as Esther wasn't well and I didn't want to pressure her. But Isabel told me it was my right to have sex, I told her I felt it's not right to have relations with Esther when she isn't well, Isabel told me she agreed with me. But she wasn't suggesting I have sex with Esther, it was her who would provide me me with the sex. I had accepted everything so far and accepted her into my bed as well. Esther had a son last week we called George after Esther's father, my parents and family are very happy and are staying in the other house for a few more days before going back home. I haven't told any of them I'm fucking Isabel as part of my family duties.
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