Single and wanting Children of my own


I'm Rob (Robert) 37 single and not much to look at, I answer to Rob rather than Robert. My father was also Robert (deceased) and when I was growing up he was called Robert and I was called Rob and I'm use to to it. I'm an only child and inherited a lot from my parents and have also done well myself. My only close family I have is my father's sister Mildred's (deceased) daughter Pamela 34, who I hadn't seen in years. She is also well off and keeps to herself a lot like me. Last year with the corona virus pandemic I suddenly realized I was alone no heirs and I decided I should have children of my own. Getting a girlfriend wasn't likely too going by my track record and a so called mail order bride didn't suit me either. The only chance I had I decide was using a surrogate and paying a woman to have your child. But as I looked into it I became aware of the legal minefield it was. Then my chance Pamela got in contact with me, she was in lockdown and to break the boredom decide to do a family history. She was after any information I might have. Anyway as we talked I told her of my own interest in having children and what I was checking into in that respect. She told it was great I wanted a family and asked why didn't just find a wife. I simply said you know what I'm like another women and how much chance you think I would have finding a wife other than buying one. She thought for a minute or two and answered you'll have to buy one with a little chuckle, anyway I said I would get what information I had together and send it to her. Don't do that, the lockdown looks like lifting shortly I'll come and visit you and help you buy a woman online she said with another chuckle. I week or so later the lockdown was lifted and a day later Pamela arrived. First thing she asked had I a short list of possible wives yet. No I said and added not looking either, she just smiled at me. Neither of us were center fold model, unless it's for weird weird world magazine. But after a bit more fun I showed to her room for her stay and then the family history material I had for her. I left her to sort thru it and done some of my own work, several hours later it was getting late in the afternoon and I hadn't gotten anything ready for dinner. I told Pamela I would take her out for dinner and spare her my cooking, she smiled and said great, I'll get ready. We had a nice dinner then returned home, her continuing her family research and me just reading. The next morning we breakfast together and Pamela asked had I seen the new display at the local museum, no I replied and so we went to see it. Then to the local library as this town was where most of our family history was made. While she looked thru what the library held on our family I read a book. While Pamela was going thru old newspapers, she came across an unrelated story of incest in the town early days. Not to do with our family, just about how it had happened in the town the year that paper was printed. On our way back to my home, I asked how her research was going. She said great and then enquired how much do you want children. I just said a great deal, well I'm may have an answer to your problem. But will do some more research before telling you about it. She used her laptop on getting home and later I ordered takeout for our dinner. The next day she said she wanted to talk to me and I was to wait until she asked me for any questions, Before I interrupted, I agreed thinking it was about our family history. It wasn't she had looked up incest and the chances of relatives having normal healthy children together. The chances were good, if the relatives themselves weren't the product of incest. I was a little shocked and bewildered at the same time. She than said that she had also now started thinking of having children herself and as we were similar in our love life, mainly the total lack of a love life. Maybe we could help out each other and have a child or two together, depending on how it goes with the first child. I stayed silence for a while thinking and and finally said what you say is awkward for me, but it does make sense due to personal lives. But how do you want to make the child, I V F or sex I then I asked. Well there's a lot of legal issues with I V F to get past, maybe straight sex is the best way she answered. Now both of us were feeling rather awkward, especially looking straight at the other. Finally I decided and said we will think on it awhile and then make up our minds. She nodded and we left it at that, 3 days later she return to her home. After she had been gone a couple of days and not finding a another way to have my own child without big legal problems. I rang Pamela and asked if she was willing to have a child for me and she said she was and had already packed up her apartment and was returning to the family hometown. With her apartment on the market she got back week later, but with both of us being awkward around each other. It seemed we might not get together sexually, but I read force yourself into being close and the awkward feeling will decrease over time. I show it to Pamela and so we talked about what could do. I said take steady and so at first we started just sitting next to each other and then so close we were touching. It did ease our awkwardness a bit, I thought it would take years at the rate we were going. I decide we should push it, she did I mean trying to have sex straight away. I knew it wouldn't work that way, then said we sleep together in the same bed and if that goes well shower together and only went it doesn't concern us we have a try at sex. Sleeping together we had a couple of sleepless nights, when we started to sleep better. We had our first shower together, then bathed together and washed each others bodies. Finally I we started sleeping naked together, it only took 5 or 6 months to get that. We found that we cuddled up together while we slept and decide to try sex, we manage to fuck on our first try and I wasn't all that frilled by it and neither was Pamela. But it was our first go as it were and we tried again and then again. Finally on our fifth try we both felt really satisfied after the sex. We decide as we now were enjoying the sex to keep trying new things until Pamela got pregnant. Neither of us had considered what we would do after Pamela got pregnant. About a month later and regular sex each week, Pamela tested positive to being pregnant. We celebrated by going out to dinner and ended up home in my bed fucking. In the morning we had a talk on how and what to do about raising our child and I asked if she still wanted to share my bed. At first she was silence and then said maybe I should as we may want another child and I don't want to go thru that awkwardness again. I was delighted and now a month to go before our daughter is born, we are still sleeping together and having limited sexual relations as well. All test show the baby is healthy and everyone in the town who know s thinks we're married. We haven't told anything different.
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