Chance Meeting
I'm Theodore 32 soon to marry, last year due to the lockdown I decided I was moving to the country out and away from cities. While still in lockdown I checked real estate website looking for my new country retreat. Finding a 53 acre block with 3 bedroom house on it and brought site unseen. I worked from home mostly even before the lockdown, I'm not a very sociable. A bit like Sheldon in big bang theory, but not as talkative as he is. I loved keeping away from people and preferred being alone. I enjoy music and animals, only have a small list of singers I listen too. If I hear something I like I will add that artist to my list. That rarely happens those, I was taught to ride by my late grandfather also called Theodore and have enjoyed riding ever since. I've owned my horse ever since I was 15 and he's getting on in years now, so I got 3 mares when I brought my country retreat. I hope my old stallion can father another horse like him. But after the lockdown lifted, I headed off to my new home straight away. It took two weeks to get settled in and my horse was alone for those weeks. But the mares arrived and settled in quickly and soon 2 of them had the attention of my stallion. So much so I had to ride the old mare instead of him as he had his mind on other things. Which I accepted as what I wanted him to do. After 2 months living peacefully, I went riding and on my ride I met my neighbor for the first time, Marian 54 widow a daughter Chelsea 27 who both live on the neighboring block. Marian and artist lives and works from her home like me and Chelsea is very shy and reclusive and prefers animals to people like me. We started talking while we rode along our mutual boundaries and this became a regular thing for us to do. I was surprised I enjoyed talking to Marian and even accepted a dinner invitation from her. Something I wouldn't have done in the city, I had a nice dinner and Chelsea for the first time and she was very shy and hardly spoke to me. But I didn't mind I knew how she felt when strangers turn up at your home. But she relaxed more and more around me over the following months. My visits became more often as I started sleeping with Marian regularly for our mutual satisfaction. Then with my 2 mares in foal and older mare now the major center of attention for my old stallion. Chelsea liked coming over to see the horses and with Marian assistants I bedded Chelsea and she got pregnant as per the plan of Marian, with my willing assistance. I still sleep with Marian and Chelsea at her mother's urging has joined in my bed every night. They and their animals have moved in with me. Marian is selling her house as I'm marrying Chelsea in October. Also Marian is only selling her house and 5 acres, the other 23 acres she's keeping and it has been fenced as a part my property. Both Marian, mine and Chelsea name is now on the deeds of the joined property. I must say I prefer fucking Marian to Chelsea, but I won't refuse a fuck from Chelsea anytime either. Marian is more involved in the sex and Chelsea lets me do what I want and just lays there, but with help from Marian she is improving.
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