Oh, Fuck It, Let's Have Sex


"I'm getting ready to go out," I sang, brushing my hair while looking at myself in the mirror. "My hubby blew off our last two date nights, and we're finally gonna go out. He promised he wouldn't watch the game and take his wife out."

A minute later, I heard a knock on the door. "That must be him, come in," I said, failing to look at the door.

I heard it creak open a tad, but heard no words. I was too happy to really look at the door, but I heard some heavy breathing.

"Damn it, Mary," I whined, looking her way. "What are you doing? I'm in just a towel."

"I know," she replied, coming to my other side. "You're beautiful, by the way, Michelle."

"Mary, don't think you can butter me up; you know you're not supposed to be in here. I'm your step-mom, and your crush is okay, but this is too much. You can't peep on me."

"You're the one that said 'Come in.', Michelle. I love you, you know, you've been a great step-mom to me, and I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I'm not about to stop complimenting you and loving you either."

"I love you too, Mary," I stated, turning to her. "This is weird, though. I know you have a crush, but this is still not okay. You've been a great step-daughter to me too, but still, you gotta know that peeping on me isn't alright."

"I've never peeped on you, Michelle," she corrected me, angling her head down. "I just have a crush; I'm not a horny animal and disrespect you like that. You've been cool that I'm a lesbian and even set me up with Christa, but that just didn't work out. I was eternally grateful to you for accepting me and doing that, but I wouldn't peep on you. I'm not gonna lie and say I haven't enjoyed seeing your thong stick out from time to time, but I certainly wouldn't hide and try to get a look at you underdressed. I would think you'd know me better than that."

I sighed and hugged her for a moment. "You can get a sorry hug from me and feel my body with only a towel covering it, fair enough?" I asked, before a gap. "You're vibrating, so I'm gonna say yes."

"Yes, step-mommy."

I gently leaned away and kissed her on the lips. "I love you, and nothing and no one will make me stop. I don't even know how you'd have a crush on me, I'm your step-mom, but I'm still your mom. I'm not shitting on you, but you know that. I'm just saying it's a little weird."

"Okay, Michelle, I'm sorry," she apologized, before turning away from me.

I sighed again and grabbed her hand.

"What?" she pondered, turning back.

I bit down on my bottom lip for a few seconds and looked away. Nevertheless, I allowed my heart to get the better of me when I undid my towel. I looked at Mary's face to see her eyes widen and cover her mouth and nose.

I shimmered a bit as the cool air hit my nude body too, but also, as I knew my hot-to-trot step-daughter was gawking at me, I felt the thrills surge throughout my body. Needless to say, she was frozen, and I just let her soak in my body for a moment.

I wasn't even sure where her dad was because I thought she was him, but I let her get in sixty uninterrupted seconds just as somewhat of a knee-jerk reaction. I didn't know what to say, so I just let my figure speak for me.

"Wow, you're drop-dead gorgeous, Michelle."

"I know, Mary."

"Well, thank you, I love you so much more now," she said, backing away.

"Wait, you don't have to go."

"I don't?"

I pulled her back to me and shut the door. "Just don't tell your dad, okay?"

She nodded and stood to the side as I began brushing my hair. She glued her eyes to me, but I wasn't paying much attention to her. It was a little awkward, but of course, I loved her dearly and just let it happen.

'What the hell am I doing?'

I couldn't answer that, but I allowed her to soak in my body like she was a sponge and I was a big puddle of sexiness.

"Do you have any plans tonight?"

I failed to get an answer, so I peeked at her. "Mary, are you masturbating?"

"Fuck, I'm sorry," she fretted, evicting her hand from her shorts. "Please don't be mad, you're just so..." she muttered, shaking her head.

"Stunning, dazzling, radiating?"

"Yes, I guess, I'm sorry," she apologized, turning to the door again.

Once again, I grabbed her arm. "It's fine, Mary; I'm not mad."

She turned back. "You have probably the sexiest body on the face of the planet, and you're like the coolest mom ever."

"Is your dad here?"

"He's in the living room."

"He's not watching the football game, is he?"

"I don't know."

"Would you like to feel them, Mary?"

"What are you talking about, Michelle?"

I gently took her hands and brought them to my tits. Needless to say, again, she cheesed and shook nonstop too. It was as if I combined her birthday presents and Christmas ones all at once. I surely didn't think about my actions; I just did it because I loved her.

Then I calmly leaned to her and kissed her. She failed to fight me and let it happen. She clutched my boobs somewhat and surely gave off signs she was more than happy with my lack of thinking.

After a minute, I backed away. "Shit, why did I do that?"

"I don't know that either, step-mommy, but I loved it. I know it'd be wrong for you to cheat on my dad, but as you know, I'd love to do more. I'd love to get between your legs and make you feel good. I think you want it because why else would you do that for me?"

"Probably because I love you, Mary."

"Would you like to see me, Michelle?"

"No, we can't do this. I acted without thinking for a moment, and you got the advantage of it. So, be happy with that."

"Okay, step-mommy, but feel free not to think before you act again, though," she implored me, closing the gap. "I love you," she added, before kissing me.

"I love you too, but now I gotta ready for my date."

"Okay, again, I love you," she reminded me, before pecking my cheek. "I wish you luck in getting lucky, though."

"Thank you, Mary; I love you too."

"Your welcome," she said, before leaving.

 I rubbed my face with both hands and angled my head down too. "So, I make it clear to her to quit eyeballing me, and then I let her see me naked, kiss her and allow to feel my boobs too? That's not sending mixed signals."

After a few more minutes, I moved to the bedroom and got out my dress. I put it on along with my earrings and everything else too. I was feeling odd, but still ready to go out on our date. Even with my eyes open, I could picture Mary enjoying our time together.

"I'm not even sure what that was about exactly. I just did it, and shit, that was something. I think I might've just opened a can of worms, but I don't know; maybe we'll get closer."

A few minutes later, I walked out the door.

Mary just happened to walk out there to see me. "Wow, you're stunning, to say the least, Mom. The strapless looks dazzling on you, I swear, and pink is your color. It goes great with the blonde hair and blue eyes too."

"Thank you; your dad is supposed to take me to the most romantic place in town. So, I don't need the luck to get lucky, but thanks anyway," I said, before pecking her forehead. "I love you."

"I know, you already proved that. So, go out and have a good time, Mom; you deserve it," she told me, before returning the favor and going to her bedroom.

I watched her walk in there as we kept eye contact until the door covered her completely. I certainly knew there was something there, but of course, she had our step-mom/daughter relationship working for her too.

I licked my lips and thought about our time with her. I vibrated and even felt some juice coming down my legs as well. I surely didn't know what to make of those feelings, but they were clear as day.

"Stop, you dumb bimbo," I whined, before strolling to the living room. "Let's go out now, Ethan."

"Come on, run faster, get the fucking field goal damn it," he said, getting close to the TV.

"No, you said you weren't watching the game tonight; turn it off now because we're leaving."

"Let me just finish this quarter, Michelle. I swear, we'll still go out," he replied, failing to look my way.

"No, damn it, you blew me off twice in a row now," I whined, yanking the remote and turning it off. "Get your shoes on and take me out already. It's date night."

"Okay, I'll level with you, I've got some money on the game, and I'll have better luck watching it live, okay?" he asked, peeking at me.

"Are you serious? You're gambling, and you're blowing me off again?"

He took the remote back and turned it back on too. "No, just..." he groaned, clenching his fists. "Fuck yes, take that, you bastards. My team is gonna beat the spread now, so I gotta watch the game, honey," he told me, glancing at me. "It's halftime now, so we'll just go out a couple of hours later, that's all."

I clenched my fists and saw that he was already sold. There was no fight to be had or anything to really say. He didn't even bother looking at me for more than a few more seconds. He glued his eyes back to the TV even though the game wasn't back on yet.

After a few awkward moments, I thought he'd speak, but the game came back, and he was gone. I could physically see him, but emotionally, he was six hundred miles away in that football stadium. So, I rubbed my face for a few seconds and walked away.

He failed to speak a word, and I wasn't even sure if he noticed I was gone. So, I went straight to Mary's bedroom and brought my fist up to knock. Before I could, I heard something going in there, so I put my ear on the door.

"Yes, step-mommy, you like feeling my tongue in your pussy, don't you?"

"You're masturbating thinking about eating me out now, Mary. I can't see you, but I could hear that, you beauty. I wonder if you're naked in there. You might be, but I don't know. Your dad blew me off, and now I think I need to prove to you how much I love you," I explained, before grabbing the doorknob. "This time, I'm thinking about it, but there's nothing to think about, though. He promised me he wouldn't watch that game, but yet, his eyes are glued to that screen. Maybe I knew that would happen, so I let Mary see me naked, and I kissed her too. Valid theory, so I guess that's what this is: revenge sex mixed with love sex, guess. I loved Mary when I met her all those years ago, and I still love her because she is my nineteen-year-old step-daughter. Maybe I wanted to take our relationship a step forward, so now maybe it's time to do just that. You made your choice, Ethan, gambling on some football game is more important than me? Well, fuck you," I let out, before I calmly opened the door.

I immediately got a view of her. "Yes, you're playing with your pussy while you're naked."

"I'll get you real good, Michelle. Just lie back and enjoy it all."

"I am, Mary," I said, before closing the door.

"Mom?" she whimpered, covering herself. "What are you doing here?"

"You don't have to hide yourself, Mary," I whispered, coming to her and sitting on her bed.

"What are you doing in here? You didn't even knock."

"Well, your dad blew me off again."

"He did; why?"

"He bet money on his football game," I answered, calmly bringing my hand to her blanket. "May I see you?"

"Why, Michelle."

"Well, because I'm saying 'Oh, fuck it, let's have sex.', Mary. If your dad wants to bail on me again, maybe I should give myself to someone that wants me," I explained, before kissing her. "I love you, and you love me, and you did tell me to feel free to act without thinking again. I'm not gonna do that; I thought about you, you fantastic step-daughter," I mumbled, rubbing her cheek. "It's quite flattering to know that you're here masturbating thinking about eating me out. Dare I ask, would you like to try the real thing?" I pondered, spreading out my legs.

"Well, at least you're a classy lady that wears underwear on a date. What about my dad?"

I pulled her to me on my lap, and I immediately wrapped my arms around her too. "His eyes are glued to that TV screen in there, so I'm pretty sure a tornado could come through here, and he wouldn't notice," I explained, before kissing her.

Needless to say, she grabbed my shoulders and pushed her lips onto mine as hard as she could. Within twenty seconds, I had her moaning and breathing heavily as well. It was still all new to me, but she definitely inspired me to try new things.

I moved my hands down to her butt and grasped her cheeks somewhat tightly. I also got to feel her tits, even though my dress, they were to die for indeed. I never kissed a woman besides my mom, but I got into it rather quickly for her.

She got straight to the hot passion she had for me, even though I told her to bury it, so to speak. I had no idea I'd be doing this once she came into the bathroom with me, but yet, she had her lips pasted to mine, and I was happy about that.

After five joyous minutes, she parted her lips. "You're an amazing step-mom."

"I know."

She kissed me again and brought her hands to my back. She found my zipper and calmly took it down too. Within a few seconds, she had it down enough for her to lean back and look at my tits. She gently pulled it down, and then she got a look at them again.

She helped herself to feel them again too. "Wow, if my dad doesn't play with these every night, then he's a dumbass. I could play with these all night long. Are they real?"

"You wouldn't be heartbroken if they're fake, would you?"

Her hands immediately stopped. "Are you serious?"

"They're real, I promise."

She kissed me again and casually got off me. Her hands stayed on my breasts, though, and she helped herself to taste them yet again. She looked directly into my eyes again, but that time, we crossed the line we could never take back.

We are officially having sex, even if her mouth was just on my nipple. She licked it ever so slowly and held my jugs tightly as well. I let my hands back and supported myself as I had the woman I loved most other than my mom please me.

She didn't have the same feistiness then, but I knew she'd build up to it, though. We kept eye contact, so she received the intimacy she craved and certainly made it clear how much she appreciated me. I saw a few tears come onto her face, so I pulled her face to mine.

I kissed her as passionately as possible for a moment. "Maybe this is an odd time to ask, but do you want a sibling from your dad and me at some point?"

"I have no idea; I've never thought about it."

"Okay, I've been curious, that's all. We've been married for ten years now and hoped you haven't been waiting this whole time."

"No, but you'll still be hot as hell if you did get pregnant," she complimented me, before licking my other nipple.

I put my hands on her head that time and felt even more thrills surge throughout my system like I never felt before in my life. I still couldn't put my finger on how either of us likes it, but it was true. We kept constant eye contact, but she did move her head, making her tongue go all over my nipple.

"I know this is wrong, but it still feels so good. I've never been with a woman, so I hope you go easy on me."

She nodded and switched nipples. I massaged her head and neck lazily as I moved back and forth quite a bit too. I ventured into brand new territory and wasn't even sure how to process it, but I knew it was worth going through, though.

I licked my lips so much then; I thought my lips were an ice skating rink. My step-daughter came upon a soft spot I didn't even know I had. Even just from licking my nipples, she managed to woo me very easily. 

Her hands remained on my tits, too, and defied my thought that she'd want to get my dress off me completely. That only told me that she was respectful of me and didn't want to push me. That indeed made my heart grow for her more and remind me why I got involved with her in the first place.

"Wow, you've other ladies feel this good before, Mary?"

"Yes, but I never loved any of those ladies," she made clear, before kissing me and pushing me down.

She giggled somewhat and nonchalantly climbed back to me. She got in another kiss and even touched my cheeks too. She demonstrated how much she loved me by giving me the intimacy right back and taking it slow even though she clearly wanted to jump my bones.

After two minutes, she let her lips drift again, and she grabbed both of my melons again. I watched again, but that time, she took my left nipple into her mouth. I jolted around so much; my high heels came off my feet.

"Oh, that's good, Mary," I moaned, letting my arms above my head and angling it back.

All I could do was lie back and deal with the effects of saying 'Oh, fuck it, let's have sex' to her. I felt the intense pleasure of her mouth and tongue like I could never imagine indeed. She sucked my nipple deep into her mouth and still licked it too.

I felt my panties and dress getting wet, but I couldn't care less. Mary made it worth it, and already I couldn't figure out how I just hadn't let her fuck me before. It didn't matter by then because I had her with me, and nothing else mattered.

She squeezed my melons harder as time went on, and I couldn't make myself look back at her. It didn't seem to bother her, though; she just kept going on each of those nipples as if they were a literal lifeforce for her to live forever.

After a few more minutes, I had to drop my hands down towards her back too. Even though I couldn't see her, I felt her everywhere I could and enjoyed the smooth touch of her skin. I never felt anything so soft before, but I found myself hotter than hell for her as I did then.

She went back and forth between my nipple roughly every minute or so and kept me rather pleasured the whole time too. Her dad never paid that much attention to my hooters before; she was doing it with flying colors.

I switched on and off, but nothing, and no one was about to throw her off her game. She titialted me like she was out on a mission, to woo me without jumping off a bridge, it seemed. I felt my juice coming onto my legs, so she was good, but I wanted her to go all out as much as she wanted.

After ten minutes, she lifted herself to me and kissed me again. Although, she pulled me up and went back up with me without parting her lips. We made out like lovers where we both kept rubbing each other.

Whether it was our arms, neck, face, or wherever else, we kept it intimate and loving. Our boobs came together again, but they were both bare at that time. We even broke up the kisses somewhat but kept our make-out session going for over ten minutes that time.

I had to pull her onto my lap again so I could feel her butt again. I clutched her butt cheeks as hard as I could and pushed my lips onto hers quite hard as well. We both breathed heavily quaked the bed, too, so we were a match made in hell, since I was cheating.

After a few more minutes, she yanked her lips away again. "Are you sure this is okay, Mom? I don't want you to hate me for cheating."

"It's okay with me because I love you, Mary. You have a great body too."

"Thank you, may I take off your dress?"

I nodded, and she got off me. I stood up as well, and she tugged my dress right off me. She indeed took advantage of seeing me again.

After a moment, she had to grab the straps of my underwear. "May I take off your panties, step-mommy?"


She dropped her knees and calmly brought them down, too, exposing my twat. I saw her slathered her lips too, so I knew I had her more than sold as she dropped them. Then I sat down and kept my legs spread so she could see me perfectly.

Then she calmly got down on her knees again and casually brought her hands to my pussy. She immediately jiggled and cheesed, but that was just from feeling it. I stayed on my elbows and watched her.

She had to get a good feel for my snatch before tasting it, unlike my tits. I waited for her and shook a bit myself, all in wait to feel to connect with me in the best way possible. I watched her closely, and after a couple of minutes, she looked at me again.

I blew her a kiss, and she returned the favor. Then I felt the mighty rub of her hand on my slit. I grabbed my tits and held them tight as I tried to deal with the pleasure the best I could. I couldn't scream, so I restrained myself as much as possible.

I had to break eye contact again, and I clutched my boobs as hard as I could. With the notion that the biggest hurdle was still yet to come, I had to prep myself. Nevertheless, Mary still proved who was number one.

"Are you okay, Michelle? Is this too much?"

"No," I responded, glancing at her. "Keep going, and work out all of your sexual desires on me, Mary. There's no need to fret," I assured her, rising with her. "Just be my horny step-daughter, and do what you need to do."

"Okay," she muttered, before kissing me and going down to my pussy.

She placed a hand on each of my thighs and pushed her face onto my muff. She got her taste of my juice, but once again, I was her step-mom, and she had a big crush on me too. So, she needed to take her time.

I watched her closely and patiently waited for her to eat me out. Even though I never had a woman do it, I was still more than intrigued to feel her fuck me. She kept moving her hand on my twat and stared at it.

I made sure not to say a word, but jiggle a bit in response to her making me feel good. I loved it, of course, but with each other passing second, she got me a little more interested I feeling her making me feel good.

"Mom, what if I can't make you feel good," she sobbed, lifting her head.

"Don't fret; you're awesome," I assured her, rising to her. "I'm just your step-mom; I'm no one to be frightened of, I promise," I told her, before kissing her. "I'm cheating on your dad, but with the one person on the planet, I'd love to do it with only because I love you. Now make me feel good," I told her, lying back.

I kept my legs spread out for her, too, so she went back down to my cherry and placed both hands on my thighs too. I placed both palms on her head and gave her the most loving yet lustiest look I could muster.

From one second to the next, I felt her tongue come onto my slit, and I began letting out the love again. I caressed her head and broke eye contact, too, because even though I was dying to feel it, I still didn't know what I was getting myself into then.

"Oh, yes, that is something to remember. Wow, even just after a minute, I can tell you're way better than your dad. Sorry if I made it weird," I apologized, looking at her.

"We're past weird, Michelle, but I get it," she added, before blowing me a kiss.

"May I have another kiss?"

She pulled me up and granted me that wish. "I love you, Mom, even if you are a cheating skank."

"That's mean, but I get it," I replied, lying back down.

She got right back to eating me out, but I had to cover my face with both hands that time. I felt her tongue go rather slowly on my snatch, just like my nipple. I couldn't compare feelings at that moment, but I just knew both were amazing.

I lied back as much as I could and endured pleasure I never thought I'd have to in my life. I wasn't about to just let her take me down that easily, so I fought like hell not to scream again. At that same time, I knew I had her loving me like mad, so she wasn't about to push me off a cliff either.

She applied strong grips to my thighs as well, so she knew what Mary was doing indeed, letting me in the shallow side to start with, even though she wanted to dive in headfirst to the deep end. I couldn't even fathom that at that moment, but I was still more than willing to take that dip in due time.

She moved her face back and forth from time to time and massaged my lips towards the bottom too. Even though I couldn't see her, I felt it quite vividly, like she was painting a picture in my mind.

I kept my hands on my face for the first few minutes, but again, she didn't seem to mind that I was robbing her of the intimacy again. She could deal with the sex for the time being, but at the same time, I wasn't even certain she had her eyes on me.

I was at least confident that getting her tongue and lips on both my tits and pussy was already more of the grand prize than winning anything else. She kept her lips and tongue on the outside of my lips then, but again, there was something else to look forward to indeed.

I felt my heart racing and the bed getting drenched underneath me, but nothing, and no one was going to make me want to stop. If her bastard father wanted to yank his eyes away and ruin this for us, then that'd be it, but even that was unlikely.

The most likely possibility to come out of all of this was that my step-daughter and I would never have the same relationship. I let it happen, and she ran with it like she was a horny dog getting ready to run after another dog to fuck.

"Oh, step-mommy, you're a terrific woman, I swear."

I had to look at her again. "You're not so bad yourself, Mary."

"I love you."

"I love you too, but don't think you're getting out of making me feel good."

She inserted a couple of fingers into my slit and immediately began thrusting them. She watched me jiggle some more, but then she went back to licking my snatch. I managed to keep my head up, but I grabbed a pillow to prop my head up too.

We viewed each other like the lovers we seemed to be. She failed to stop even for a second for over five minutes straight. Although, that time, she brought her hands to mine, and we held hands with our clashing.

We held them tightly as we reinstated that chemistry indeed. Nevertheless, Mary was a wildcard and immediately began to compromise it as I felt her tongue dive in past my lips somewhat. I bit down on my bottom lip, but kept my eyes on her.

I wanted to close them, but I kept them open to watch her seemingly have the time of her life doing what she's wanted to do most. She fucked her step-mom and even shed a few more tears in the process.

I had to shed a few myself because not only did I love her so much more in the past half-hour, but I certainly knew nothing, and no one could duplicate the feelings she was giving me at that moment. She let her tongue massage my pussy walls in there slowly and made it not only sexy but romantic, so to speak.

I never knew of a lesbian romance, but I knew it was happening right then if I was ever going to experience it. With m husband just being roughly fifty feet away and through a couple of walls, too, it was just something out of this world.y

With her tongue still buried in there somewhat, she moved her face back and forth a bit. That ensured she got her entire face wet and had to close her eyes too. Nevertheless, she made damn sure to look at me again and keep the love flowing.

We both increased our grips on each other's hands and quaked the bed too. We made it hit the wall a few times, but neither of them worried at all. We just sucked each other out most definitely, and nothing else mattered, it seemed.

I felt her tongue dive in deeper with each passing moment, and in return, I gave her more of my cum. I licked my lips frequently again and shed more tears in that time with her than I had during most of our relationship until then.

Neither of us said a word, but she managed to do all the talking her slick tongue and sexy persona I tried to get her to hide. I surely was conflicted about that, but at that moment, I still knew I'd have to kick myself for not letting her be herself.

Even with her hands busy in mine, she still massaged my lips, but with hers. She covered all of her bases like she was jumping hurdles. She did it perfectly and even made me wonder if I should fuck a different woman.

Either way, she stole my heart without even trying, and I wasn't even sure how I'd look at her dad after this was over. She was fucking me just how I thought a full-blown lover would, certainly just after making me feel good and making it clear that she loved me.

After five minutes, she calmly lifted her head. "So, you've never been with a woman before, Michelle?"


"How's your first time so far?"

"I love it, and I love you, Mary."

She climbed up to kiss me yet again. "I love you, and I don't care if it sounds repetitive; I love telling you and hearing it too, even before today. If my dad is still in the living watching that game, then he is a S.A.D.F.I., Mom."

"He is a stupid ass dumb fucking idiot, he's blown off our date three times in a row now, but now I want to taste you," I made clear, pulling her on my lap.

I took her tits in my hands, and I lowered my head to them too. I kept my eyes on hers again, but I began doing something to her for a change instead of just kissing her. I held her boobs somewhat tightly, but she also placed her hands on my head.

She petted it and made it clear again how much she appreciated me. I saw her slather her lips as well and endure the pleasure I gave her too. Even though I never did anything like that before, she seemed more than satisfied so far.

She still wouldn't take her eyes off mine to save her life. I failed to increase my speed as time went on, though I just kept it slow. I was inexperienced, but it seemed like that calm move was working for her so far.

So, I didn't push myself and just waited for her to do it. Her hands did move up and down a bit, though, ever so slowly and hard too. She progressed as her defenses went down somewhat, but I didn't increase my grip or anything else on her for the time being.

I switched nipples and licked that one ever so lazily too. Her big tits had matching big nipples to go with them, and I even thought they tasted like strawberries, or that might have been my mind getting high.

Either way, there was always a chance that Ethan could come looking for me and possibly find me in her room at any moment. Even with that in mind, I wasn't about to stop. I felt her twat leaking on my legs and stomach quite a bit, which flowed down to my snatch.

She maintained a small gap, so her cherry wasn't on me, but it was still relatively close. I wanted to pull her closer to me, but I decided to let her have that gap. We looked at each other as much as possible, but like me, she found out that was, in fact, a challenging task.

"Oh, Mommy, you're dynamite; there isn't another mom like you in the world. The only that could've stood a chance was my real mom. I miss her every day, but I still have you."

I leaned up to her again. "I'm happy to hear that; I'm sure your real mom was a great woman."

"She was, but after she died, my dad still met a great woman," she complimented me, before kissing me. "I hope you at least kick my dad in the groin because he deserves it."

"I will mark my words," I made clear, before going back to her nipples.

"I'm gonna hold you to that, but just minus you cheating on him," she moaned, taking hair into both hands. "You're dazzling just like my real mom, but we never did this."

I nodded and began moving my head around, too, making my lips and tongue go all over those sexy red nipples. Then she had to close the gap a bit and push her cherry on my stomach. She wrapped both arms around my head then and metaphorically screamed how much she loved the sex.

As she did that, I grabbed her butt cheeks and held them tight as she found herself on edge. I had to smile and surely rattle a bit myself to make it clear how much I loved pleasing her too. I wasn't about to consider myself bisexual, but she was swaying me.

"Don't be afraid to let those fingers slither towards my pussy; you may feel it, I don't mind. Let your fingers in there; you might like it. Your hand will get wet, but I'm sure you'll love it. You have to trust your hot step-daughter, Michelle. If you don't have trust, what do you got?"

"Nothing, I guess," I replied, feeling her slit. "Wow, that is soft and wet."

"And you were expecting it to be hard and dry?"

"I love you."

"I love you, now please, your sexy step-daughter," she ordered me, before pushing my head back down. "Suck that nipple too. Get it up into your mouth and provide the hardest suction you can."

I nodded and tried my hardest to get that done. I closed my eyes too so I could focus on myself the best I could. I felt Mary jolting a bit too, but she did pull my hair a bit. It didn't stop me, though, just like her; I went for it when I was off the leash.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure it's just me, just you're getting into it now. Damn, Mommy, do you love me or what?"

I nodded and went to her other nipple. I sucked it into my mouth as deep as I could, and I kept my fingers moving on the back end of her vagina as much as I could too. I rubbed them all around and even let them into her snatch somewhat.

She had to angle her head back from time to time too, but she made sure not to do it for long. So she looked right back at me as if I was her whole world. I wasn't sure I was that, but of course, as we both took our relationship to the next level, I might've gotten closer to that.

I kept her butt cheeks spread out too, so I could have the best access to her twat as well. Even though I couldn't see it, I was still moving my fingers nonstop, making her feel good. She kept her arms encased around my head, but made sure to give me room to breathe too.

"Fuck yes, Mommy, I love you, I love you, and I love you some more," she moaned, releasing my head and grabbing my arms. "Just don't let me fall."

"I won't, and I could play with your breasts all day too," I added, rising to her face. "You have a stunning body, no wonder you could attract ladies too."

"And my step-mommy," she added, before kissing me and pushing her bosoms on mine. "That's saying something, don't you think?"

"Yes, but it wasn't your body that attracted me to you; it was the red thing beneath your jugs, sweetie," I told her, feeling her chest with both hands. "I did it because you love me with the help from your heart. I knew you loved me every time I saw you checking out my thong, so I had to give you something great in return, and your dad is just... fuck," I whined, before turning her down onto her back.

I pasted my lips to hers and pushed my figure onto hers too as I grabbed her arms and made out with her as if her dad meant nothing to me. She wrapped her arms around me the best she could, but only had about half of them to work with, though.

I felt her entire body with mine for the first time and surely enjoyed it like nothing else. Nevertheless, even that wasn't enough, so I did release her arms, and we surely let our arms around each other as tightly as possible.

"I love you, Mary," I moaned, while kissing her.

"I love you too, Mom."

Even though we were step-mother and daughter, we fucked each other inside and out nonstop. We both introduced each other to our tongues several times and certainly loved that too, even though we hadn't done it before.

After five passionate minutes, I let my lips jump off hers and went down to her pussy. I failed to delay even for a second and went own on my smoking hot step-daughter like a lover yet again. I placed my hands on her thighs just like her and let my tongue and lips yell at her, but in a good way.

"Oh, Mommy, and you went up a few more notches, you loving woman," she moaned, angling her head back and feeling my head. "You must have watched me well because it appears you learned something."

"Damn right."

Once again, even as I had no experience, I fucked her to the best of my abilities and felt her enjoy it. She caressed my head and shook a bit right away, but I certainly after a bigger reaction than that. I didn't spend a lot of time on the outside of her pussy, but it went inside after a few minutes.

That got her to take my hands in hers again and rub her back on the bed too. All things considered, with her love riving me, it wasn't that hard to eat her out, but emotionally challenging because I still wanted to woo her.

Granted, she seemed more than impressed, but of course, she had the love working for her, though. For the time being, I didn't push myself or have her do it, but I knew in due time, I would make her squirm.

I kept my fingers on her thighs then, but still, I was working up to making her scream even if her dad was nearby. With her also fondling my head, I knew I was on the right road, but it was still a road I had to keep going down, though.

I got a massive dose of her juice and surely loved it. Even though, again, it was brand new to me, but still, with it being her, I had to love it like nothing else. I licked more and more inside her pussy and kept her juice too.

So, she kept me rather horny and ready for more. I kept her moving around a bit, and she needed to yank her hands back too. Although, she still managed to stay somewhat upright so she could watch me cheat on her dad.

I kept the passion up and fucked her like it was the last thing I'd do. I licked her somewhat quickly, but all over her pussy walls in there. I ran with it indeed and surely let my tongue bounce off them like it was a bouncy ball.

I also pushed her bush on my face, which even dried my face too. Simultaneously, it made it itch, but nothing was about to stop me from making her feel good. My knees were getting sore, but still, she gave me such joy, I couldn't stop to save my life.

"Oh, yes, step-mommy, that feels so damn good," she moaned, feeling her boobs. "Holy shit, you're so much better than I could ever imagine. You have some pair of lips down there; suck on my lips too for me. I didn't do for you, but do it for me, hot stuff."

"I will," I added, before doing just that for her.

She took my hands back in hers again and squeezed them as hard as possible. I had direct access to her juice and drank as much of it as I could. I wanted to watch her react to the pleasure, but I had to close my eyes as tightly as possible and focus on making her feel good.

I also had sweat coming down all over my body as well, but still, we were in lesbian hell, but it was a good place, like heaven, the only hell because I was cheating. She moved our arms around all over my head, indeed had her crotch go back and forth too.

I had no trouble following it and kept her lips inside my mouth like they were glued in there, even with her juice lubing my mouth up nonstop. With my sucking for so long, I did get a little lite-headed, but again, her love was worth it.

I made myself look at her again and witnessed her lying her head back yet again. She dealt with the pleasure, and I dealt with it too, but differently. I never got to please someone in that way, and once I did, I was sold because of her.

'I'd do just about anything now because of her. I love her like no one else, and it shows now. I can't imagine what life was before today. Holy shit, I just to take her away for a weekend, or maybe a whole week now. Yes, look back at me now, and show me the love. Tell me how much you love me.'

I didn't get to hear those words at that moment, but I knew them. I kept sucking on those lips for a moment, but did rerelease them. I gave my mouth and tongue a small break, but let my fingers into her slit, though.

We both breathed heavily and glared at each other. I rose some more and propped herself up with her hands that time. She couldn't feel my head, but she didn't need to, though. Her eyes did the emotional wooing, and she made kissing faces at me too.

"I love you, Mom. Even though I loved mine dearly, I knew you loved me like your own, so I never had a problem calling you 'Mom.' because even though you didn't give birth to me, you're still my mom. Even though you've gotten a little annoyed with my crush on you, I know you've never stopped loving me at all. You're a fantastic woman, and I know if my mom met you, she'd love you."

"I'd love her too, only because she gave birth to a great young woman," I told her, thrusting my fingers. "You're a top-notch step-daughter, and I hope you think the same as me, but as your step-mom."

"I do, step-mommy," she added, inserting his fingers into my muff. "I hope despite that that I'd love to get into your panties again, that you won't frown upon me. I'm going to want to get back in there in the future, but you're still gonna be married to my dad. He's a jackass, I love him, but it's true. Now we're fingering each other just because he can't take his eyes off a football game? How bad should anyone feel for him if he frequently undervalues you?" she questioned, before leaning to me to kiss me.

"I don't know, but you aren't even the one that proposed, and you've appreciated me more than him. Who wouldn't love their step-daughter when that's true?"

"I have no idea, but your snatch feels absolutely wonderful on my fingers, and so do your boobs on mine. You're a woman's woman, Mary. Whatever women you fucked before, you're too good for them. Whatever happened between you and them was all their fault because you're perfect."

"No, I'm not the best; I'm not the best lover in bed, Mom. I can be mean and selfish at times, but of course, you're special. I almost want to tell my dad, so he knows that I value you much more than him. I don't know what's he like when you're intimate, but it's all but certain to happen on date night. If he's taking you for granted, someone should set him straight."

"I agree, and shit, you're hot as hell. Maybe next weekend, we can have our own date night."

"Well, if you're expecting to get lucky, you better woo me."

"I will, woman."

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