My son rapes me part 10 (Surprise!)


Each day that I woke up I felt more nauseated. I haven't went through menopause yet. I know I had my period last month but I haven't this month.
I decided to leave camping early to go to the doctor to get checked out.
I made the Dr appointment at a different office than I usually go to hoping no one would know me. I called on my drive back into town. It would be the last appointment for the day for the doctor.
I called my best friend to see how she was after she was raped by my son, her Godson.
Thankfully she sounded fine. She complained about a bladder infection but nothing serious. That was a relief. I'm sure Jay gave her the same concoction of plan B and a memory altering drug.
I waited in my jeep until I got canned to go in. Once in I peed in the cup and dressed in the paper gown.
I checked social media while I waited.
I heard laughter in the hallway which was nice to hear. I kept trying to get the sound of my best friend being raped in my bed by my son out of my head.
I heard "she's in room 5, go ahead and go in".
"I'm in room 5!" I thought to myself. I made sure to cover myself as best I could with the short, thin paper gown.
There was a knock on the door then it opened.
I saw Jay. My son. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed. "How did you know where I was?"
He smiled and walked to me. He learned over and kissed my forehead. "You're mine mom. Once you got a stronger connection your GPS showed up. You really never should have went alone. You see what that caused."
I was fuming. I was pissed. "You need to leave Jay" I hissed.
"Oh how is dear old GM?" He asked sarcasticly.
"She's fine. You're really sick Jay". I spoke hastily "you need help".
"No mom. I need you to love me like I love you. " he spoke calmly.
"Now don't make a scene about me being here, which by the way. Why are you here? This isn't your normal doctor".
Jay still standing in front of me on the table. His hands on my shoulders and arms rubbing and massaging my skin.
"That's non of your business. You need to go son." I told him.
But there was a knock on the door. "You dressed?" The nurse asked.
I shouted "no not yet. Give me a second".
Jay moved his hands to open my paper gown. "Mmmmmm mom all my marks have faded. I'll fix that." He whispered and his fingers pinched one of my nipples. Then he stepped back and called out "she's ready".
The door opened and a young doctor came in. He introduced himself and asked Jay if he was my husband. Before I could protest Jay nodded his head yes.
He winked at me. Which made my angry but I knew not to cause a scene as that would lead no where but regret.
"Well I'm happy to give you the news. Congratulations! You are very pregnant." The Dr sang out.
I felt dizzy. My ears were ringing. The room was spinning.
I felt hands on me and then I passed out.
When I woke I was still in the Dr office. I felt hands on my stomach. When I opened my eyes I saw Jay with his hands on stomach..
"You're carrying my baby mom" he whispered. He leaned down and kissed my stomach.
He stepped to my head and he bent down and he kissed me. My still being in a daze I kissed him back.
I got lost in the gentle kiss. The way his tongue danced with mine. The way his breathing paired with mine. The way his hands lightly touched my cheek.
Then I heard a knock on the door. Jay broke our kiss as the doctor came in. "Oh don't mind me. Kiss away. This is something to celebrate. So please go ahead." The doctor said.
Jay took that opportunity to press his lips to mine. He moved his hand to the back of my neck and grabbed a fistful of my hair. This caused me to gasp as he jerked my head. Then his tongue slid back into my mouth. He released my hair and kept kissing my softly.
His other hand lightly drug his fingers up my arm and across to my tittie. I heard the crinkle of my paper gown as his fingers began to squeeze my tittie.
Jay moaned into our kiss. I was still dazed thinking I was dreaming.
I heard the doctor walk to the other side of the exam table. His fingers opened my paper gown. I tried to break my kiss from my son's lips but he moved his hand to hold my chin while his tongue flicked against mine.
The doctor began to touch my other tittie." You're doing right. It's very important for her to keep her stress level down and this is a great way." The doctor exclaimed "your wife is high risk due to get age. So by you stimulating her breast is an excellent way as well as orgasms. The way you got pregnant should be the way you stay pregnant. So lots of nipple stimulation, lots of orgasms, stay hydrated and relaxed. So I'll be writing you an order to stay home as a way to ensure your safety and the safety of the baby. "
Jay never stopped kissing me. The doctor was still lightly rubbing my nipple while Jay squeezed the other nipple.
Jay moved his hand to the tittie that the doctor was still rubbing. I then felt the doctor squeeze my tittie harder.
All this while Jay kept kissing me. I could feel my body reacting. I was so turned on but all of this is so so so wrong.
I felt Jay's hand slid down across my stomach. With my feet still in the straps my knees were spread apart meaning my pussy lips were spread apart.
I felt Jay's fingers touch the inside of my pussy. When his finger brushed across my clit. I brought my knees together and pushed him away breaking out kiss.
The doctor laughed and stepped back. I could see both of their cocks straining in their pants.
The doctor adjusted his cock as he turned.
Jay reached and kisses my forehead "ok. Ok. Just calm down. You can't help it you're sexy as hell" he teased.
Once the doctor adjusted his hard on. He turned and spoke "you sir are very correct. She is killer sexy. I see why you couldn't keep your hands off her. But..... how about we do a sonogram to see the bundle of joy"?
He reached and grabbed the sonogram machine.
I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"I can't believe I'm pregnant at my age" I mumbled. "How am I going to live this one down?".
I was cut short when I heard a paper being ripped. I opened my eyes to see the doctor had grabbed the wand and had put a condom on it.
I attempted to sit up. "Wait.... why... why are you doing a vaginally scan?" I asked.
The doctor proceeded to step between my thighs and his elbows pushed my thighs apart. "Just let your knees fall. I'm doing the vaginal since you're high risk to get a baseline". I laid back and I gripped the sides of the exam table. Jay moved his hand to lightly rub his fingers across my still exposed titties.
Jay was watching the doctors every move. I flinched as the doctor's first touch of my pussy lips.
"Ok. Slow deep breaths ..... try to relax" the doctor advised as he slid the probe deeper into my pussy.
Jay's light touch became more forceful. He went from lightly rubbing to now squeezing my titties as he watched the doctor slide the probe into his mother's pussy.
Jay was breathing harder. He presses his hard cock against my hand on the exam table.
"Ah there it is" the doctor said as a black circle appeared on the screen. A few clicks and then doctor moved the probe further inside my pussy.
"Wait.... wait.... oh it is. Look. There's another... you're having twins!" The doctor shouted.
I felt fuzzy and my ears began to ring again. I felt nauseated and hot. Then I passes out.
I woke up to being rocked. My nipple was hot and felt wet. My pussy felt full and stretched.
When I opened my eyes I saw Jay sucking my nipple and squeezing the other. The doctor was thrusting his hips back and forth.... it took me a second to realize he was fucking me.
I opened my mouth to scream but Jay quickly covered my mouth with his hand. He moved his mouth to my ear and hissed.
"Take it. Take it. Or I'll post this on everything socal media, our family, your friends. You know it feels good. You've already came twice. Now please lay back and relax so you don't risk our babies".
Everything seemed to be in a fog. I felt my pussy being stretched. I looked over and I saw the ultrasound picture of my twins I was carrying. Frozen on the screen.
I looked down and saw doctor thrusting in and out. It was then I realized that he was fucking me with the probe and his cock.
Jay had his cock out and it was flopping and dripping his precum.
"She feels good doesn't she doc?" Jay hissed.
He bent over and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. His teeth lightly bit it then his tongue flicked over my nipple.
"Damn man this is heaven" the doctor grunted as he kept fucking me.
I felt tears running down my face as I felt my body react. My pussy began to throb. I felt my body quiver as an orgasm flooded over me.
I heard the doctor moan "she's cumming man.... aghhhhhhhhh" I felt my pussy juice gush around the doctors cock and the metal probe that was fucking my pussy.
"Take it. Take it. Take it" the doctor grunted as he thrusted harder grinding his pelvis against mine. He shot his cum into my pussy. Then he stepped back. He pulled the probe from my pussy. I felt the cold breeze hit my hot wet pussy as his cum leaked out of me.
I sobbed. When Jay moved to between my thighs. I shook my head no.
But Jay pressed the head of his cock into my sloppy pussy.
He sank deep. I moaned and gripped the exam table. I couldn't tell him to stop raping his mother because I couldn't do that too the family. I didn't want my son to go to jail. I knew I had to take it.
The doctor walked up to the side of me and his hands grabbed my titties and he pulled and twisted them. I flinched. Not enough to bruise but enough to get a reaction.
Jay moaned "do it again doc, that made her pussy tighten."
The doctor twisted my titties again and again. I moaned "ahhhhhhhh" as my body quivered as an orgasm flooded my senses.
"Damn man you got one sexy lady here." The doctor moaned "I'm getting hard again".
He twisted my nipple again then he reached his hand down to my pussy. I felt his fingers ribbing my clit as my son fucked my pussy. Each thrust was a sloppy smacking sound. Each thrust he went a little further.
The doctor slid his fingers across my clit then down to grab Jay's cock shaft when he would pull back. Jay moaned "fuck. Oh God yes". Jay thrusted harder, faster.
Doc grabbed my nipple and pulled it so hard it caused me to arch my back and moan loudly "aaaahhhhhh". Waves of pleasure washed over my hot sweaty skin causing my skin to be covered in goosebumps.
I felt my pussy throb and gushed pussy juice that ran down the Crack of my ass. I felt the stickiness reach time Jay thrusted.
I felt Jay hitting my cervix. I kicked him and pulled myself up in one quick motion.
I was panting. The doctor was panting. Jay was panting.
"No. Tell him doctor. Tell him he can't hit bottom. He'll make me lose the babies. " I shouted at him.
Jay's cock was long, thick wet with my pussy juice and the doctor's cum.
The doctor walked over and touched Jay's cock.
"Yeah with your cock being this long and thick you will cause her cervix to weaken. So you're gonna have to take it easy on her. Maybe think outside the box. She has other holes".
I sighed, relieved at least that is settled.
The doctor started stroking Jay's cock. He turned and looked at me. "Go ahead doctor. He's all ready. Finish him off" I spoke with a smile.
The doctor got on his knees and started licking and sucking Jay's cock. Jay looked at me and smiled and winked. Then Jay grabbed the doctor's head and started face fucking him. Watching Jay's muscles flexed as he thrusted making the doctor gag. I caught myself biting my bottom lip as I was still so turned on. What is wrong with me?
It wasn't long before Jay shot his load all over the doctor's face.
The doctor stood up. Wiped his face and said "thanks for the good time. Congrats again on the twins. Please come back and see me in two weeks for a checkup.... oh no charge for today's visit".

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