Boon's Story: Pt 2


The next morning I was lying in bed, watching Boon sleeping. What a strange women she was, I mused. I knew from the beginning that she was a bit odd - what with wanting to be with her mother’s husband, keeping to herself with no friends and now, being happy to suck off the neighbour’s dog.(See: Boon’s Story: Pt 1) She seemed like a strange mix of naivety and well, I couldn’t put my finger on it precisely. Before she had passed away, her mother Som had warned me she was different. For me, this was all to the good, for I had a compliant bedmate and a person who was happy to be a part of my more perverse sexual fantasies.

She woke and I kissed her, knowing that only the day before, those lips had been wrapped around a dog’s donga. The tongue that she pushed so lovingly into my mouth had been licking a canine shaft and balls, and gladly receiving its warm jism.
I had decided to play it more by ear and let Boon do most of the running. If she didn’t step up then I might intervene, though care was needed. I wanted everything to seem quite natural and unplanned. As it turned out, she was more than helpful.

“I worry about Toby honey,” she said yawning, “He missed out. He will be sad.”

She loved both Toby and Ben and had a cute earnestness about their welfare. I was only too happy to play along, mimicking the concern in order to push through my agenda.

“Yes, you’re right darling. Ben and Toby really do need sex. Ben looked so happy yesterday. We are the only ones who can help them, I think.”

“You think we help Toby today?”

“We can. This afternoon maybe. I’m busy this morning.”

I had plans to go shopping at Pooch Paradise. Their online catalogue advertised lots of convenient doggie treats. I also wanted to pick up some dog shoes - soft boots that might prove useful if things played out right. Ben and Toby were already beautifully manicured but their pads were a little rough.

There was one other thing. I intended to drop in on a friend who was a dog breeder. Under the guise of helping out a friend who was trying to get her bitch pregnant I wanted to get some advice on “mounting techniques.” I also knew he had access to a pheromone that was said to be helpful for mating. It was expensive but my lust was prepared to pay a high price.

“Okay,” she said, “I go over and give them breakfast soon.”

Another thought popped into my mind.

“Darling, it would help if you could do some practice with the boys while I’m gone,” I said nonchalantly.

“I think easier for me when you are there too. They are big dogs.”

“Of course honey. I mean just play with them. Practice touching them gently. Rub their balls and cock. Give them little kisses. Make sure you give them lots of hugs and doggie treats.”

Boon smiled and arose to go to the bathroom. If she thought my suggestions were odd, then she never let on.

My morning mission proved very profitable. I picked up the boots and a whole range of treats from the pet supplier and my friend the dog breeder was more than obliging. I was calling in a kind of favour with him - there was a time when I had vouched for him when he was seeing a hooker - so he took me patiently through a bunch of mounting assists. He also supplied a vial of the pheromone.

“Just one or two drops in a teaspoon of cooking oil,” he cautioned, “And watch out when you apply it to the bitch. They can bite.”

When I got home, Boon was nowhere to be seen, so I assumed she was next door. I quietly went through the side gate and saw her sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi. Toby was lying on the top step next to her and she was rubbing his belly. I watched as her hand gently made it way down to the dog’s groin, where it lingered. Toby looked up but offered no resistance. As I snuck closer I could see that he was sporting a hard on.

I retraced my steps and made a more obvious entry. The dog’s rushed to greet me.

“Hi baby,” I said, hugging the boys, “How are the dogs today?”

“Very good. Ben and Toby are relaxed now. Only sometimes make a noise. Or heavy breath.”

“Show me.”

Boon lead Toby to the same spot, allowing him to laze on his back on the step. She started to rub his torso gently, gradually moving to his groin. He looked a little pensive and confused, but allowed her to stroke him to an erection. His dick was perfect. Full and fat and a nice length with two gorgeous balls in a tight sack.

“He’s relaxed. It’s normal for a dog to pant a little and the noises mean he is enjoying himself. He would walk away if he didn’t like it.”
We spent some time chatting about the day. She was delighted by the doggie shoes and the range of treats I had bought. I didn’t mention my trip to the dog-breeder. As for her, she had spent the time grooming the dogs and watching Thai pop on her phone.
“Have you helped the dog’s today honey?” I said.
“Just patting and rubbing. No cumming. Just fun, us three.”
“Oh. That’s good.”
I was looking for a way to get things rolling without being pushy but Boon came to the rescue again.
“Toby’s turn today, yes?” she said with a huge smile.
“I think so. You get him warmed up while I put Ben in the studio.”
I took the other dog to the adjacent studio, the place where they regularly slept at night. I made sure he had a nice bone to chew on and shut the door. Boon had Toby aroused by the time I returned – on his back with a lovely boner displayed. Seeing an obvious opportunity, I said,
“That’s nice honey. Good work. How about we make it very easy for both of you. You get on top in a 69.”
She understood what I meant – we had done this often enough ourselves. She pulled off her swimmers and very slowly climbed over. I went to Toby’s head to calm and restrain him. He seemed a little bewildered but I calmed him soon enough.

“Hey Toby,” I said “That’s a good boy. Guess what’s coming your way.”
Finally, Boon had got herself into position and Toby had settled. I had a great view of her twat, situated where I was.
“Look at that Toby. Look at that pussy. You wanna eat that?”

I assumed that Boon had now begun to fellate the lucky dog. He fidgeted and began to breathe heavily. I ducked my head a little and looked back up Toby’s torso and almost fainted at the view. Boon was sucking the dog’s stiff donga, taking the full length of the cock in her mouth. If Toby wanted to spurt then so did I. I loosened my pants to allow my hard-on some space. As I watched I began to pull off. I had rarely been so aroused.

“It’s okay boy. You can come soon. You want to come in her mouth, don’t you?”

“Mmm mmmm mmmm,”murmured Boon, “Lots.”

“Swallow it all honey.Take his juice.”
Boon’s head continued to bob up and down as her lips eagerly embraced Toby’s squirting dick. He remained hard, whimpering and panting. Now and then he would sniff and lick Boon’s cunt, more out of curiosity than anything. I held him with one hand, the other pulling at my own cock.
Finally, Boon quit sucking and decided on massaging Toby’s still swollen member. He was still spurting intermittently, and Boon would playfully lick the tip of his dick. Another idea popped into my head.
“Honey. His balls are probably a little sore from cumming. I’m sure he’d like a nice tongue massage just there.”
“His balls? Lick?”
“If you like.”
She went to work on Toby’s tight testes, offering kisses and licks. From my angle, her straight black hair hung down over the dog like a shroud, her chin bobbing and weaving as she made her way around his balls.
“You stay Toby,” I said. I wanted to get a better look.
I went around to the other end and held Toby’s hind legs gently. He remained on his back and I watched as Boon worked on his danglers.
Boon went about her task with obvious enthusiasm. She continued to massage Toby’s dick even as she swallowed his balls, sometimes whole. She gently pushed her face into the dogs groin and I could only assume she was nursing them in her mouth and working with her tongue. Her face at times was perilously close to the dog’s anus, a small, tight, dark orifice. Like everything about both dogs, it was clean and close shaven. You can guess at what was crossing my mind, but I decided to leave that request for another time.

Toby was becoming restless so I suggested Boon hop off and let the poor mutt have its freedom. He sprang up, tail wagging.

“Look how happy he is darling! You were wonderful.”

Later that evening we were chatting in bed.

“You happy with me honey?”

This was a first for Boon. She had never asked me if I was happy with her.

“Of course I am darling. Very happy.”

Was she having second thoughts, or regrets, about the dogs?

“Is okay for me to be with Toby and Ben this way?”

“I’m fine – I’m very proud of you. Are you worried about something?”

“No,” she said softly, leaning into me, “I’m happy for them. They enjoy.”

“Toby’s face was so pleased. I think he was smiling.”

There was a pause and it was clear she was thinking of something to say.

“Today you buy dog shoes. Do you have a plan?”

Doubtless she would have seen these kinds of things in her viewing of zoo porn.

“Yes. I hope that they can mount you soon.”

I felt confident enough of my position to tell her what I had in mind, or at least, a part of it.

“Mount?” she yawned.

“You know how dogs have sex. That’s mounting.”

“You mean they fuck me. Inside my pussy.”

“Yes. But only if you want to.”

With the words “I can do” she drifted off to sleep.

The following day was sunny and warm and I went over early next door to prepare the dogs, make sure they were clean, fed and happy. I took the liberty of putting a tiny drop of the pheromone on my index finger and was pleasantly surprised to see the dog’s reaction. They sat up, ears erect, sniffing the air. They both seemed excited and distracted.

“Are you looking for a bitch?” I said in my most friendly tone.

The dogs roamed around the yard, hoping, no doubt, to run into a horny mate. I realized that we would have to take them one at a time again until I figured out a way to have them both in on the same fuck. Maybe the latter was impossible. I had already briefed Boon on our strategy, starting with Ben again. I would help guide his penis into her.

“You are okay with this honey?” I said, putting an arm around her.

I had insisted on lubing her up and was careful to apply the pheromone solution lastly. The lips of her cunt were liberally wet with the wonder juice and I smeared the remainder on her butt hole. I had confined Toby to barracks with another large bone before Boon arrived.

“I’m okay. Happy if you happy.”

Her presence immediately stirred Ben up and his snout went straight into her groin. He looked about confused but apparently aroused. Poor boy couldn’t figure out why the scent was so wonderful and why it was coming from human pussy.

Boon took her place kneeling at the end of a banana chair, her knees on a cushion. I led the horny dog up to her, his erection apparent. I pushed his nose again into her arse and he sniffed crazily, licking and heaving up. I held onto him, lifting his forelegs onto the chair, each paw resting either side of Boons back side. After much to-ing and fro-ing and readjusting, I slowly guided the excited dog into Boons pussy.

He sat still inside her, his balls pushed tight up against her twat.

“Come on boy. You can fuck her.”

Suddenly he sprang into action, thrusting wildly at her snatch. Every time he popped out I guided him back in again and the same thing happened. Stillness, followed by manic fucking. Eventually, after a series of these episodes, he popped out and I saw a stream is semen rush from her hole.

“I feel him come Rob.”

“Yes baby. It’s coming out of your pussy. Lots of cum.”

“He finish do you think?”

“He has more. How does it feel? His cock?”

Ben was seated now and licking his dick.

“Good. Nice feeling.”

Boon sat on the edge of the chair and looked at Ben. Feeling between her legs, she touched the sticky semen that drizzled down her inner thigh.

“He did a good job. Maybe he is empty now?”

Ben was still sporting a boner and it seemed to me was still sniffing the air for signs of a lady dog.

“He’s still hard.”

I stood Ben up and gave him lots of pats and encouragement.

“You want a bit more boy?” I said, ruffling his head.

I got Boon to hold Ben while I placed the cushion from the lounge under the standing dog.

“I’ll hold him again while you give him a little bit more. I’m worried that he is still hard.”

“I go under him?” Boon said.

I helped Boon down and positioned her with extra cushions so she could easily fellate the dog. I knelt by Bens side.

“I suck him?” she asked.

She was gently holding his dick, which was sticky with semen and lubricant.

“Yes honey.”

I watched with increasing arousal as Boon took the full shaft of the penis into her mouth, her head rising from the pillow with each stroke. Ben became unsettled again but I calmed him.

“Good boy. You can cum again if you want to. Empty your balls boy.”

A short while later Boon exclaimed,

“He cum again.”

“Let me see.”

Boon dangled the dog’s rod on an outstroke, allowing a fine spray of semen to fall into her mouth.

“Oh baby. Good work. I’ll rub his balls to get the rest out.”

I began to gently tickle and caress the tight sack when another idea possessed me. I had read that some dogs will piss if their perineal is massaged. I began to rub between the balls and anus, increasing the pressure as I did. It seemed a couple of times that Ben was about to cock a leg, but no piss.

I looked down at Boons open legs, her pussy messy with cum and lube. She was still dutifully sucking the compliant hound. Now and then she would pepper the bright red stiffy with kisses and licks and Ben seemed almost to reply with a squirt of love juice. I figured that this was probably enough for one day. There was sure to be more to come.

Later we were talking in bed again and I asked Boon what she meant earlier about the good feeling she said she had from doggie intercourse.

“Oh,” she said laughing, “Not as good as you honey.”

“But it felt good – Ben’s cock inside you?”

It was amazing how far we had come that I could ask such question.

“His cock short and fat. He go crazy sometimes, very fast and he hit my happy spot. Many times.”

I guessed that she meant her clitoris.

“So Ben and you both happy!”

She laughed and fell into my arms. I felt confident that we could step it up a notch. Maybe a threesome with both dogs was a possibility, after all.

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