Sneaking out


Sneaking Out

When I was younger, I found great happiness in being on my own. Unfortunately, it was a rare occurrence that my parents would allow such an unsafe practice to happen. Sure there was the occasional hour or two, when they would go out together like a date night. They would leave instructions to stay in the house and call randomly to make sure I was there, but never totally on my own outside the house.

I was actually pretty average looking, except the presence of flowing red hair and about a million freckles that covered my entire body from head to toe. I had a petite frame with breasts that barely filled a “B” cup. The only interesting feature that stood out was a shapely backside and a large puffy vulva, that I found would swell even more when I became excited. It actually frightened me a bit, the first time I became truly aroused, as I thought I was having an allergic reaction. I soon realized it was normal reaction for me, but a secret I couldn’t tell anyone about.

I was boring living in the country, but the wide open spaces and nearby national forest made life interesting enough. I spent my days riding my horse around the property and sometimes even took a back gate into the forest. I was very proper on the outside, but inside burnt the heart of a wild beast. That only intensified when I grew up a bit and nature began to turn my body into that of a young woman. A fire began to rage within me, both mentally and sexually.

Soon I found my little escape. When I was sure that everyone was fast asleep I would sneak out my second floor window and climb down the trellis to the ground. It started out innocent enough. I would stay around the outside of the house and later ventured out around the barn. All this time I would wear my pajama’s or a night shirt and panties. I found great pleasure when the cool night air would make my nipples erect through my top.

It didn’t take long before I was pushing the envelope a bit. Once on the ground I would remove my top and walk around with my breasts exposed. I felt like that was true freedom. The possibility of someone seeing me was never an issue. My parents sleep like the dead and I always locked my room door before I slipped away. This went on for most of the Summer, on weekends when I didn’t have to get up early.

One warm early Autumn night I snuck out the window and quickly stripped my top off. I felt very worked up and wanted to do something different. I slipped my thumbs in my panties and pulled then off as well. I gathered my clothing and hid them behind a bush, where I had always hid my top. There I was totally naked for all the sky to see. Only a crescent moon shone a dim glow on my bare flesh. I quickly skirted around the house and over to the barn. Feeling very sure of myself I wanted to go even further then ever before.

I slipped along the fence and headed out into the open meadow. I intended to only find a nice little spot to relax and have a quick orgasm. But soon a little walk turned into at least a half hour. Soon I realized I was nearing the edge of our property and growing close to the forest. I stood at the gate for a moment trying to figure out if this was far enough or should I venture further. Hell the night was young and I was definitely up to the challenge.

No one ever walks around in the park this far, and seeing that the nearest campground was at least 10 miles away, I opened the gate and slipped through. I walked on the path for a little while but the chance of being caught only fed to my excitement. Plus the soft dirt felt much better then the sticks and pine needles on the bare soles of my feet. It was cooler under the tree canopy then I had imagined and now my nipples were like rocks, sending little jolts through my chest, as my small breasts jiggled a bit as I walked.

I came upon an open area with picnic tables a small paved road. I cautiously made sure no one was around before sneaking out from the secluded tree line. I leaned against the table and slid my hand down my chest, and even further down to the soft hairs that preceded my more intimate regions. I closed my eyes and started to move my hand lower. “SNAP” A noise came from a short distance away. My hand darted to cover my naked body and my heart was racing.

I become very alert and started to make my way for cover. I glanced back to catch a glimpse of a couple dogs rustling around near a trash bin. Once I was safely in the tree line, I laughed a bit at how scared I was yet how erotic it had made me feel. I leaned against a tree and slipped my hand between my legs only to find my vulva swollen and a moist sticky dew gathering between my legs. My mind began to wander as I softly moved my hand in a circular motion over my protruding clitoris.

I thought back to the times when I had little adventures with our family dog. I was no virgin to the pulsating hotness of a well homed dog knot. I had found that secret out over a year ago quite by accident. I would be more avid with repeating, but time and privacy is at a minimum on a farm. It was far too dangerous to go near the dog pin on my little night adventures. The dog would have woken up the entire farm before I could have quieted him down. Still we had quite a few private times when my parents had left for an hour or two. I loved the feel and sound of his penis slamming into my swollen flesh. Unfortunately neither of us could be exactly quiet about those alone times were special.

I squatted down to spread my legs a bit and slid one finger between my fleshy lips and slowly pushed beyond. The wetness caused a squishy sound as my finger pressed just slightly into my vagina. I let out a small moan and closed my eyes, fully intended on working myself into a very good orgasm. I sorted of drifted off into haze, thinking about how sexy I felt, alone in the park, I was about to cum, when I heard leaves being stepped on close to me. I opened my eyes and peered through the branches of the bushes I was behind.
Barely ten foot away, stood a couple of mangy looking dogs licking on a fast food wrapper. I figured it was time to retreat back to the safety of our own property, and finish my orgasm. I quietly stood up and started backing away, but the sticks and leaves made my steps clearly heard. The night got very quiet, and I stood still. Suddenly there was a loud rustling and one of the dogs appeared on the path next to me. It didn’t seem alarmed but seconds later a second dog showed up, then a third.

I used my sweetest voice to whisper how pretty they looked and kept eye contact, looking for any signs of aggression. Their ears were perked but they didn’t seem to be moving towards me. I slowly backed up and got to the path. The three dogs stood motionless but never took their eyes of me. I backed about twenty feet down the path before I turned and picked up my pace. I guess that was my mistake.

I heard the distinct sound of movement behind me, so I started to run as fast as my feet would carry me. It was very dark and it wasn’t long before I tripped over a fallen branch. I fell face first onto the ground but was not injured. However, the dogs were all around me. Not just the three I had seen but now five stood glaring down at me. I finally got a good look at them. There matted coats and unkept demeanor made me instantly realize that these were most likely feral dogs. Often people dump their unwanted pets in the park and they run together for food and safety. These dogs had obviously been running wild for a while. Even in the dim moonlight I could see obvious signs of mange and battle scars.

I pulled my legs under me and tried to look non threatening. But their curious demeanor of earlier was now replaced with a more defensive tone. Every time I made a move they would growl or reposition themselves to get closer to me. They were a variety of large dogs, with one medium sized that kept his distance. The best I could guess is a mix of combined breeds among them, but it was dark and I really couldn’t see them clearly.
I curled in a ball which exposed my ass and vagina, which did have an effect. The largest dog started sniffing the air then zeroed right in on my exposed vagina. He just took deep breaths, obviously smelling the wetness from my earlier exploits. I cringed as a sloppy wet tongue dragged across my ass then directly parting my vulva. I felt so scared, not as erotic as I fantasied earlier. At any moment these dogs could turn nasty and injure or even kill me if they wanted to. I just left them do what they wanted in hopes that me laying motionless would make them go away.

Suddenly two other dogs began licking at my tender areas. I was covered in foul smelling, slimy dog slobber in minutes. I was sure that the bigger dog would make a move first but it was the smallest of the bunch that quickly grabbed my head and started humping wildly at my hair. I tried to turn but, in doing so, I felt a familiar grip around my waist. It was one of the larger dogs humping at my ass because I was laying on my side. Soon discouragement sunk in and the dogs began barking and making more demanding growls. I knew what they wanted.

I didn’t just submit, I gave up completely. While one was humping at me, I pulled my legs under and lifted up my ass. I hoped that if I let them have their way they would just leave. What seemed like an eternity of poking and prodding around my ass and thighs, finally paid off for one of the lucky studs. I felt it, as in slow motion, as his slimy shaft jammed through my exposed vulva and entered me. The first hit was rough but what to follow was worse. In his excitement, his knot was partially inflated, enough to hurt but not enough to stop entry. I felt my vagina spread open, in some attempt to encompass the intruder, then a sharp pain as his semi-swollen knot pierced my vaginal opening and sunk into me.

The dogs body fell on my back and his grip around my waist tightened. His untrimmed claws raked at my thighs, as his assault intensified. His rough matted fur scratched my back, but the worst was yet to come. His penis grew inside of me. Not just the knot, but the length seemed to be jabbing it’s way against the back of my vagina. Each thrust felt like a kick to my stomach. Then his knot swelled even more. It couldn’t fully distend inside of me, so it actually stretched my vaginal opening wider then it have ever been. Tears ran down my face from the pain I was enduring. He slowed then went still on top of me. I could feel jolts as his penis pumped copious amounts of his foul seed in the deepest part of me. With each disgusting pulse his shaft would grow then recede, and I could feel the warmth gathering inside of me.

At least the more brutal assault was over. For several minutes I only had to contend with the other dogs trying to mount my arms and head. I pulled my arms under me which sparked some reaction from the dog within me. He became restless and started pulling away from me. After several rough jerks I felt myself stretch worse then ever. It felt like my vagina would be ripped apart. When his shaft did erupt from me, it was as if I had given birth and a stream of hot goo dripped down my legs and trickled along my stomach.

It was only seconds before another dog jammed his penis into my, now opened, vagina. This one was more brutal upon my body. It didn’t seem as thick as the first but made up for it in length. My body involuntarily jerked forward with each thrust. My vagina just couldn’t handle the length of his member, but that didn’t stop him from trying. I swear my cervix took a beating. Luckily his knot couldn’t be forced inside of me and swelled outside. Relieved at first I soon felt the knot slamming mercilessly against my vulva. Swollen already, I felt it becoming even more spongy and engorged. Again and again his violent thrusts inflamed my vulva. I managed to slide a hand back and try to protect my body from further assault. My fingers spread open could barely contain how much it had swollen.

Soon he hopped off and walked around to the front of me, where I saw the longest and thickest penis I had ever seen on a dog. It was mammoth in size. No wonder it didn’t fit into me fully. But while I was mesmerized by the dogs penis, another large smelly beast mounted my back. This dog smelled particularly awful. I winced as his penis entered me and droll dripped from his mouth onto my back. The only relief was he was not exceptionally as long and thick as the others. His penis jabbed at my vagina sliding easily in and out. Of course I was dripping copious amounts of dog semen at the time, so I am sure I was well lubed.

My brief moment of relaxation ended as the penis, now slithering inside me started to feel..well odd. It had a weird upward curve and, while it gave my cervix some needed relief, gave me a uncomfortable feeling. Then without warning his slowed and stopped. His penis just grew in girth. It seemed to be swelling out in all directions. It was firmly lodged deep inside of me so the knot wasn’t stretching my vaginal opening, yet was engorging itself more internally. For at least 2-3 minutes it grew and pulsed filling my flooded vagina with even more vile seed.

Within a few minutes, the dog simply hopped off my back and turned with his butt to mine. The feeling was almost undescribable. His penis and knot simultaneously twisted inside of me with a squishy audible slop. I sighed as I had a second to relax, and a second was all I got. The smaller dog took advantage of the situation and wrapped his paws around my head, humping wildly. His penis grew and kept shooting his slime all over my hair. It then would drip down my forehead and eyes. I spit as drops trickled across my mouth. I felt so totally used.

Suddenly a couple of the dogs stood up with their faces looking back toward the path and clearing. I strained to avoid getting poked in the eye by the smaller dogs penis, but I soon heard what had gotten their attention. I heard a truck engine coming down the paved road toward the clearing. I was far enough down the path they probably wouldn’t be seen, but still to be in this position if they did..scared the hell out of me. A dull glow appeared toward the clearing and I knew they were almost there.
The dog lodged inside of me began pulling crazily. His knot, fully buried in my vagina, strained to break free from it’s fleshy cage. He was so strong I began to feel my legs being pulled across the dirt and mossy ground. All the time the smaller dog just kept humping away at my head, which was now saturated by his ejaculate. A couple of the dogs scurried off into the safety of the woods, and I came up with an escape plan. I physically tried to stand, pushing the smaller dog away. The knot caught inside of me pulled at my vaginal opening and distended my vulva. “POP” it burst free with a loud sloppy noise and with it erupted a warm gush of semen from within me.

I took advantage of the moment and stood enough to get a running start away from those four legged rapists. I looked back to see the unmistakable lights of a vehicle now illuminating the clearing. I didn’t stay around to investigate. I ran as fast as my bare feet would carry me. Into the safety of darkness and closer to home. Each agonizing step more semen would trickle down my legs. I even had to run awkwardly because my vulva was so swollen and irritated it hurt to press my legs together.

After a few minutes I reached a point were the gate was in sight. I slowed a bit, sure my attackers were long gone. They had obviously ran away from the approaching vehicle, and gave me a chance to escape. It was only then I realized how long I had been their captive. In the East a faint glow gave a prelude to the rising sun. It surely must be within 30 minutes of dawn. I must had been those dogs sex toy for at least 2 hours.

I opened the gate and rushed through the meadow. When I saw the barn up ahead I slowed a bit. The safety of home was upon me. Quietly I made my way around the barn and peered around the corner. Luckily, I saw no evidence of anyone awake. I crept across the yard and to the trellis. I retrieved my shirt but tucked my panties in my mouth for the ascent. When I lifted my leg up to the first rung I felt a warm gush escape my vagina and trickle down my leg. Even after all that running, there was still semen pooled within me. I grimaced and went about the climb, quietly slipping inside the window to my room. I spit out the panties and finally took a moment to relax. I felt filthy and slimy. I unlocked my door and peered to make sure I could get to the bathroom without waking anyone.

Once in the safety of a locked bathroom I pulled off my nightshirt and surveyed the damage for the first time. Several scrapes and dried blood covered my thighs and back, none looked severe, so I wasn’t worried. I would just have to wear long pants for a few days. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair matted and wet. Dried patches of semen were on my neck and shoulders. Then I sat on the toilet and spread my legs. There is where I found the real damage. My vulva was deep red and vastly swollen. I spread it gently, each touch stinging. As I opened myself up, a stream of pale white goo ran out of my vagina and dripped into the toilet. I winced in pain as I slid a finger inside me to scoop out the remaining seed. My vagina didn’t close in on my finger as usual, but remain slightly gaped. A clear result of the stretching it had endured. I noticed something the fine red hair of my mound were black moving specks. I had fleas!

I long hot shower and a careful scrubbing later I felt somewhat cleaner. I just shaved off my pubic hair to make sure there were no more fleas. I looked down at my feet to see a few tiny cuts but nothing major. However in the bottom of the tub was dried matted brown and black hair, dirt and flicks of green moss. I was disgusted with myself. I cleaned everything up and retreated to my room. I applied some hydrocortisone ointment to my irritated and hyper sensitive vulva. It burnt but the coolness felt good. After a bit I drifted off to sleep.

Hours later I awoke, and immediately felt moistness between my legs. Even after a long shower and vigorous scrubbing, I still had canine semen escaping from within me. The salty smell was a dead give-a-way. I just washed up and went down stairs, slowly as my vulva had shrunk a bit but was still very swollen and sore. I sat down at the table and my mother walked in from the porch. “Hello sleepy head”, she chuckled. I then realized it was almost eleven o’clock in the morning. I poured a glass of milk and made small talk. I asked where my father was. My mother replied; “Oh he’s out in the upper meadow, something about some wild dogs upsetting the horses.” I spit up some milk, claiming I had choked.

It took days before my vulva returned to it’s large but not swollen nature. It was still longer before I could manage to masturbate due to the irritation. My vagina did shrink back to it’s former tightness, and the scrapes on my legs faded. I never had any inkling of an orgasm during my traumatic experience, but it served me well as fuel for many a strong orgasm since. The thought off all those little canine semen swimming in my womb for days after drove me wild. It did take a while before I ventured out my window at night. But I did stay on our property, which lead to many adventures in the barn. But that’s another story.

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