My nosey Neighbor
Gavin W
I'm Gavin 31 divorced no children and work as a security guard for a bank. I live in an apartment in a bank owned building. I work only Monday to Friday and sometimes work at special events. I have a nosey neighbor Elaine 46 married to a lawyer and he works out of town a lot. I knew Elaine was always gossiping about everyone in our building, as I had heard while I was doing my laundry one Saturday afternoon. She acted so perfect you would think she was a saint. But I kept a wide berth of her, she could be trouble with a capital T. Then last March I was on duty at a special event for the bank held at a golf course clubhouse. I came across Elaine there and she was with another man than her husband and she was half undressed behind some bushes. They were both getting dressed after sex, I stayed out of sight and filmed her with my cellphone. I thought I would keep it as insurance in case she caused trouble at the apartment building. She had form for causing trouble for others in the building. I found out 4 days later that the stranger was her husband partner John 56 and he was married and his wife 51 had all the money and wouldn't want to be divorced by her. Elaine was his bit on the side and I didn't say anything at the time. Short time later I had trouble with Elaine, she tried to push ahead of me in the laundry and I wouldn't let her. She told me that I would regret it, so on returning to my apartment I downloaded a picture from cellphone to my laptop and printed out. Knowing her husband was out of town I slid it under door and waited for her reaction. It wasn't long in coming, first there was scream and she opened the door and looked up and down the hallway. Then seeing me looking out my door asked me had slid the picture under her door, I said maybe I did maybe I didn't. Elaine then asked me what I wanted, I replied nothing, just people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. With that I closed my door and waited for her response, she must have went back inside and thought about it for a while. About twenty minutes later there was a knock my door. On opening the door she asked could she come in and talk about the picture. Yep come I said and once she was inside I closed the door. What do you want from me she asked, I told you nothing you leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Still she wasn't satisfied and said I can't give you much money. I repeated I don't want anything from you, I will do anything you want she replied. I thought for a minute and asked what do you mean by anything. Anything I can do, I don't have a lot of money. But I'll do anything I can do for you was her reply. Like you did for John I asked, if you want she replied. Okay when I asked, now if you want she answered. I nodded and she started undressing and we had sex twice that day and she started giving me regular sex after that. She asked me to delete the pictures and I showed her my cellphone which had taken the pictures and they were deleted. But I knew if she started making I could tell her I still had them on a memory stick or something else. But she keeps coming over for sex when her husband is away and I like the sex.
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