The Job


The ad read, Wanted a young healthy male to assist with donations at a fertility clinic. Work one week be on call 24-7 and live in facility with meals and necessities provided. Minimum pay will be $3000.00 for the week but can make much more depending on productivity. Please call Ms Cleo at 919 222 1212 for interview.

As a college student I was always needing money. This sounded way too good to be true but with loans, rent past due and just wanting to have a life I felt why not call and see what it's about? So I did

I called, a lady answered the phone very professionally. Hi my name is Kevin Woods and I saw your ad, could I get more information?

With a charming voice she replied. I am Ms Cleo and I am so glad you called. Today is Wednesday could you come by for and interview at 6:30 this evening and I will answer all your questions in person. Our address is 873 Greystone Terrace.

Ms Cleo I will be there and look forward to hearing more about the position. Only work one week and get 3000.00?

She replied my dear you will probably make much more than that see you at 6:30pm.

I was nervous and really didn't know what to expect. I definitely needed the money as one of the guys I had borrowed money from was threatening to cut off my balls if I didn't pay up. Getting really scary here and I had exactly $5.00 in my checking account and past due credit cards that were all maxed out.

I arrived at the address. A nice brick building on the edge of town. The sign out front said Moore Fertility Clinic. The place looked deserted and dark. I went to the door and rang the door bell. A handsome well built man maybe 40 answered the door.

Hello, you must be Kevin. I am Dr. Brown but you can call me Matt. Just follow me back to Ms Cleo's office. He was wearing a lab coat and looked legit. I was taken to a very large office where a beautiful woman was sitting behind a desk. She looked maybe 40 or so and extremely well dressed.

Kevin, I know you must have many questions. I am Ms Cleo. I own the day spa next door and am co owner of this clinic. We assist women that have difficulties getting pregnant because of their husband's inability to provide good sperm. The job if you accept it would be to assist them with your sperm. We of course will if you are interested to give you a thorough physical to see if you can provide active sperm. We have found after much research and failure that artificial insemination many times does not work and cost as much as $10000.00 each time. Many cannot afford this so we offer an alternative and more effective method. Matt please explain the process.

Ok Kevin here is what we do after the physical which I will do on you if you are interested and if we determine you are a good candidate. First you get at no cost a body waxing, actually just your balls, ass and pubs are waxed at no cost to you. This is to keep everything sanitary. You will check into our facility on a Sunday afternoon and I will inject your balls and penis with a steroid which will increase your sperm production for 5 days. You will have a well appointed room in the facility for your week stay here. You can leave at anytime if this doesn't work for you even if you don't work a full day and get 3000.00 but if you stay you get half of what each client pays for the donation. Our clients pay anywhere from $500.00 to $6000.00 for the donations. We charge according to our clients ability to pay. Our process is 95% affective in getting a valid pregnancy with only one donation. Now I must disclose after the injections on Sunday your balls on Monday morning will be the size of grapefruits and you penis will be larger than ever. Note this condition is temporary and you will be back to normal by Saturday morning. No matter if you are gay or straight the slighted touch will make you ejaculate. This will wear off on Saturday and you will return to normal. Also when making your donations you will just push your penis in the clients pussy and it will immediately shoot off. This will take seconds. This really isn't sex as it happens so fast. You will appear in the room naked and a covering will be kept from the waist up covering our client. You will only see her legs in stirrups at the end of the examination table with her pussy exposed. Some of our former donors have made as much as 20,000 in a week depending on your productiveness. The client will never see you. You just make a deposit walk over to side wash off and proceed to the next room. You are allowed 15 minutes per donation but most do it in maybe 5 minutes. After you clean up you head to the next room and do it again. Ok are you game?

Ahhhhhhhhhhh my balls the size of grapefruits? Hey won't that injury me? I mean fucking over and over how can ahhhhhhhhhhh I don't know about that.

Ms Cleo has suggested you meet our donor this week to ask how he is doing this and really get and ideal of what you have to do. Just follow me to one of the examine rooms and you can meet Ben.

I followed Matt down a hall he knocked on the door. Hey Ben, the guy we just interviewed with is here can you talk with him now. Yeah I just finished my last donation and am washing up. Send him in.

I walked in the examine room and Ben was muscular, with black hair, naked and his balls were like grapefruits and his penis huge. Oh ahhhhhhhhhhh how ahhhhhhh does it hurt?

Ben smiled, well, Kevin it doesn't hurt that much and this is definitely work. I have found that this is so fast paced that I just stay naked not that any of my pants would allow for my enlarged balls. I donated to 13 clients in just the first hour today. It's not fucking, hell I just slide in and I am shooting before I am in good. Pull out and clean up and head to the next room. Nobody sees me naked so don't worry. What they shoot us up with really works. Look, I just lightly touch my penis and damn it shoots off. I am so full of cum it's unreal. Hey follow me I will show you my room here.

I follow this stud to a room on the second floor. It has a big screen tv, a king size bed, a huge bathroom and food laid out on the table. I am so hungry.

Kevin, they feed us well. This is my dinner for this evening why don't you join me.

I couldn't resist steak, potatoes, shrimp and more.

Kevin I see you are blond. They need a blond for next week the guy that had signed up decided it wasn't for him. This isn't fun but it's big money quick. Oh ahhhhhhhhh I am guessing you might be gay and if you are don't worry with what they shoot us up with you still donate with no issues. I would know as I am gay and ahhhhhhhh Matt you are so hot. Gotta let you know without the shots my balls and cock are actually small and well I am really a bottom.

I looked at Ben he was so handsome and naked. I admit I wondered about him. Ben do you just stay naked?

Actually Kevin, great question I normally am not a nudist but my balls presently will not fit in any of my underware or pants. I go from one client to the next so fast and as with this evening I am so tired I eat and pass out on the bed ready for the next day.

Dr Matt scheduled me for waxing and then a physical on Thursday. I arrived first at Ms Cleo's spa next door to the clinic. A muscular woman told me to go to exam room 6 and get naked and on the table. I went in the room, it was small but clean. I was so nervous. I got naked and up on the table.

My name is Shelia and I see you are scheduled for a full body wax. Shall we start with your pits or your legs?

I ahhhhhhhhhhhhh no ahhhhhh I am only supposed to get my balls, penis, pubs and ass hole waxed not anything else. She was grinning and actually she was as muscular as any bodybuilder I had ever seen.

Ok Mr Kevin if that's what you want that is what it will be. Ok put your bare feet in the stirrups for me now. I will raise your legs high and apart so I can really do my work on you. You will be as smooth as a 8 year old boy.

I was thinking oh my God what have I gotten myself into. She pulled a thick strap across my waist that held me on the table then strapped my legs to the stirrups while raising them and spreading them. I was totally exposed.

Well boy when I finish your hole will be so smooth. I will just pull these levers and your ass will be off the table so I can get to your man pussy hole. I am putting a blindfold on you as you will be better off to not see this.

I felt hot wax pouring on my ass and balls. It burned I bit my lip to keep from yelling. Then hell she poured more on my pubs and dick. I felt something laying on the wax then oh hell she started ripping it off. Damn it hurt I was sure she had ripped the skin off me. I was tearing up. I expected to be bleeding.

Ok Mr Kevin all done you can relax. I am going to spray something cool on your cock and balls now.

It actually felt good but I was afraid part of my balls might be missing. She removed the blindfold and released the straps holding me down. I was shocked when I looked down my bush was gone. My balls looked totally smooth and looked so small.

Ok Mr Kevin you now have an appointment next door with Dr Matt. I put your clothes in a bag. He will want you naked so hell stay that way. Just walk down to end of the hall and you will find a door that connects to the clinic. Your clothes and stuff will be in a bag in exam room 3 over there.

You mean you expect me to walk down the hall naked? I want my clothes now.

Sorry buddy but your stuff was taken over while I was dehairing your man pussy ass ah I mean your man junk.

Shelia left the room I got up and opened the door. Nobody was in the hall and I ran down and found the door to the clinic. When I entered the clinic there were several women in a sitting area. Ms Cleo was there. I was about to freak out.

Ms Cleo announced ladies that is one of our potential donners if he passes his physical and is fertile. As you can see he is one fine specimen.

I saw exam room 3 and got inside and shut the door. I was shaking totally naked and had been seen by maybe 8 women. Humiliation at it's worst. I looked for the bag with my stuff but found nothing. The door opened and Dr Matt came in.

I see Kevin you survived the waxing. Definitely no fun. Now lets get your physical so we can see if we will be able to employee you.

Hey Doc where's my clothes, wallet, keys, shoes and socks? What's with making me be on display here naked? This sucks.

Kevin, I promise the money will be worth if. Now lay down I have to put sometime in your penis among other places.

What? ahhhhhhhhhhh is this going to hurt and why?

Yes it will hurt for a short time but this is what you have to endure for our samples or if you want to leave now your things are up at the front desk now. It's up to you but think about the money.

Ok go ahead and whatever I guess. He pushed a long tube down my pee hole which had a bulb on the end of it. He had me hold it in place as he injected something into my left testicle. Damn it hurt but instantly I felt myself shooting cum into the tube. It filled the bulb. My left nut hurt like hell. He yanked the tube out of my cock. Ok now I need to see if you have any Parasites. He pushed a thick tube up my ass damn it hurt. I could hear a vacuum sound, hell it was sucking poop out my ass. I teared up and well he pulled it out. I looked down this procedure had made me piss and poop all over the table. Next he took blood from my arm. I was in total humilation now. I felt cold, naked and so dirty.

Ok Kevin we are about finished now. I will text you tonight to let you know if your samples will work for us and we will then probably offer you a job.

I looked at Dr Matt, this is more than I ever imagined. Why do you embarrass me naked and do this? Here I am laying in my poop, cum and piss. Doc this is more than I bargained for. Did you do all this to Ben?

Yes sir we did all this to Ben. I promise the money will be worth it. I am sure you want to clean up, actually shower. Your clothes have been taken to Ben's room upstairs where you can clean up and go home and wait for my call. Now take this towel and wipe up your dripping body and head upstairs to Ben's room. He just finished his shift and is eating up there now.

You expect me to leave this room naked covered in piss, shit and cum go upstairs to his room? Wow, you guys are definitely not considerate on anyone's pride.

Kevin, the money will be worth it.

I left the room thankful nobody was in the hall. I was covered in my shit, cum and piss. I ran up the stairs and knocked on what I thought was Ben's room. He opened the door and I was shocked. He looked exhausted and very pale. Worst of all he looked so sad, like he had been crying.

Ben are you ok? You look really beat and ahhhhhhhhhhh well.

Ok Kevin this job is hell. I am donating actually putting my cock in a different pussy every 5 minutes. My balls hurt, my cock hurts and oh gosh what have they done to you, oh yeah that damn physical. I should have warned you but knew if I discouraged you they would cut my pay.

Ben grabbed my arm and took me into the bathroom. We were both in the shower he was washing me gently. I am so sorry Kevin I feel so isolated here. Damn I am a breeding bull. I haven't been outside since Sunday. I got one more day of hell here. Kevin you are so cute, handsome and nice. I could go for a guy like you but all you'd seen of me is with the huge balls and my swollen cock which in reality are small without that mess they shot me up with. I am told I will get back to normal Saturday.

Ben washing me was so wonderful even though whenever his cock barely touched me it shot out what looked like a pint of cum. He seemed embarrassed by this. I couldn't help but take him in my arms under the warm shower spray and kiss him deep.

Kevin I can't help shooting off with what they gave me. Hell when I roll over in bed I shoot off. I wake up in a pool of my cum. This is hell. You seem like a nice guy how bad do you need this money and how much do you need.

We got out of the shower I looked at Ben his blue eyes and black hair so damn beautiful. I need all of $10,000 which since I have $5.00 in my checking is a huge amount.

I like you Kevin, I like you allot, you are the type to take home to meet the parents. $10,000? Is that all? Ok don't tell Dr Matt till Sunday that you can't do this. I have a plan. I will get a huge sum of money and I will give you $10,000 provided one thing. You date me and see me without my balls and dick so fucked up. I don't want you working here.

Ben that would be great but you don't know me. I felt his hands on my shoulders, he held a towel between us as he held me.

Kevin the towel is to keep me from shooting all over you again. I think I am falling for you. Can't wait to actually have you see me in my normal state. Kevin the only way I could make it today was dreaming about you.

Kevin you gotta get out of here. Ms Cleo and Dr Matt wouldn't approve. I gotta get some sleep so I can perform tomorrow.

I got dressed thankfully they actually had put my stuff in Ben's room. I went home and Dr Matt called and said report back at the clinic at 6pm Sunday for your injections, next week you will be our donor.

I texted Ben and let him know.

Ben texted back let me help you with the money. I don't want you to endure this hell ok? Oh yeah I think I love you.

I texted back that I want you out of there asap but understand you have to finish up to get whatever the money is you more than deserve. Ben I really like you.

Kevin, Dr Matt says I have to stay till 7am Saturday morning to get my full earnings, If I leave before then I just get $3000.00. I have earned much more than that if they pay me as they say being half what the ladies are charged. Big favor, could you pick me up Saturday morning like 7:01 am. I should have plenty of money in my account then. You are desperate for $10,000 I will have several times that. I want to pay off your debts so you don't take this hellish job. My balls ache and my dick is sore. I have only seen you, Dr Matt and countless bare asses of women since Sunday. Also I think you are one handsome guy that I would really like to get to know. If I am honest I have to admit I am falling for you. If you pick me up at 7:01 Saturday I have a real doctor's appointment at 8:30am. If you could take me I would really appreciate it. I want my doctor to make sure I haven't picked up any STD's at this hell hole besides checking out my equipment to make sure it still will function like it should. I so want to hold you in my arms.

Ben I will be there Saturday to pick you up. You are so kind to pay off my debts. Honestly the jerk I borrowed from said if I don't have the money by Sunday he will crush my balls. When he loaned me the money he seemed nice. I really want to get to know you better. Ben, I would rather have my balls crushed than have you hurt in that freaky place. Please know I think I am falling for you. I can't wait to see you with clothes on and small balls. Bet we both never thought we would want your balls to be small. Love you

Kevin, it's Saturday morning, and my balls are back to their small size. I love it. They still hurt some along with my dick being so sore but it feels great to be able to ware my tighty whitey underware and my tight jeans again. You have only seen me naked with my balls and dick blow up. I hope you like the real version of me. Looking out the window gosh there you are in your car waiting for me. Makes me smile. Checking my checking account to see of Ms Cleo and Dr Matt made my deposit. I will be out in a few minutes. I love you man.

Seeing Ben walk out the back door of the facility was like the most beautiful sunrise I had ever seen. He looked weak, but he had the biggest grin on his face. He got in my car and kissed me. I was in heaven.

Kevin, hit the gas lets blow this joint. I ahhhhhhh well I got more money than I thought. Maybe you should pull over this may shock you.

Ben, ok I pulled over on the side of the road . What's up?

Kevin, first I love you, second 123,000 was deposited to my account by the clinic. Can you imagine what they made off those ladies if they paid me this much? Ok buddy before you take me to the Dr's office lets find your loan shark so I can pay the jerk off.

I took Ben to where the loan shark lived. Ben went right up to the door.

I am here to pay off Kevin's debt. I understand you have bloomed his 1000 debt to 5000 here's a check for 5000 with one condition never come near Kevin ever again or I will have someone castrate you and cut off your dick. Understand jerk?

I knew Ben was strong but never realized how strong till I saw him hand the guy a check evidently the guy have him some flack as Ben grabbed the guys crotch and well the jerk was laying on the side walk begging him to not crush his balls.

Ben got back in the car ok buddy my Doctor's office is on Dark Lane. Take me there.

When we got there the office appeared to be closed. Ben your Doctor has Saturday hours ?

No Kevin he doesn't but he is a personal friend doing me a favor. He does not know what I did at the facility last week and I don't plan on telling him. I want to make sure I didn't pick up anything that I could pass on to my new boyfriend. Kevin that's you.

We walked in the office together. The doctor let us in, he introduced himself as Chuck. He was a very muscular blond man. He was wearing a tank top, skimpy shorts as I could see the outline of his massive cock and flip flops.

Chuck looked at Ben, Hey it's been awhile. I am glad you help you out anytime but what's the rush? I apologize for my appearance as I was only going to see you I just rolled out of bed and threw on what I am wearing.

Chuck the rush is I had unprotected sex and I definitely don't want to give my boyfriend Kevin anything. I think I am in love with this guy.

Chuck looked at Kevin. You are one lucky guy Kevin. Ben is a kind and generous man. Ok let's get on with your testing. First I will take blood samples from your arm then I want you to pee in that cup in the bathroom. While in the bathroom change into the exam gown or just come out naked which ever you feel most comfortable with. I will then take a look at your body mainly your penis as you are concerned regarding a possible STD.

Chuck will you have to stick anything inside my pee hole? I sure hope not.

Chuck replied no my friend.

I watched as Chuck took Ben's blood pressure, temperature and drew blood from his arm. Ben went in the bathroom and I could hear him pissing in the cup. He walked out of the bathroom completely naked. This made me hard and I noticed Doctor Chuck showing a woody in his shorts.

Doctor Chuck pulled on latex gloves and examined Ben's balls and penis.

Question Ben, what the hell have you been doing to your cock and balls. They are almost rubbed raw. I am sure they are sore. I don't see any signs of disease and your lab work will come back probably this afternoon and I will call you asap. I am going to give you some cream for you cock and balls but buddy for God sake give your dick and balls a rest. Keep this up and you will ruin yourself.

Ben looked at both of us. I can't tell you what I have been doing but I promise you and the world I won't ever do it again. Hey Doc when will it be safe to have sex with Kevin?

Ben and you Kevin. I recommend you both leave Ben's cock and balls alone for at least 5 days providing they heal up ok. Also I suggest don't do anything other than kiss till I get the lab results back. If we find anything I will have Ben back in here Monday for treatment. As a head start and preventative Ben I suggest I give you a shot of antibiotic now.

Ben's eyes got big ahhhhhhhhhhhh no shots in my balls or cock please.

The doctor laughed more like your adorable muscular ass. Relax and bend over here it comes.

Thanks Doc that didn't hurt a bit. Can I get dressed now?

If you must but honestly I think there should be laws to keep a beautiful body like your's naked 24/7.

Kevin looked at Ben and laughed I don't think Ben's into hanging out naked at least not anymore.

Ben had me drive him to his apartment. We kissed and held each other till we got the call from the doctor. His test results were negative. Doctor Chuck said you guys can do anything except Ben's cock till it heals up.

Ben looked at me, kissed me then begged me to fuck him. I need you lover. He ripped off my shirt kissing my nipples, sucked my cock hard and licked my entire body including my toes and fingers. I was so hard I rolled him on his back raised his legs and pushed my hard into his ass. Gosh his ass was gripping you cock I had never had this feeling. His eyes staring into my eyes begging for him to breed him. I told him I forgot to put on a condom. He looked at me and replied we don't need one. Breed me lover. With that I exploded inside him. He grinned at me. I didn't touch his penis but notice a slight amount of cum dripping out of it. I wanted to suck his cock so bad but knew that had to wait for healing. To be perfectly honest I wanted him to fuck me too when he was healed. Ben, lets get married. I love you.
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