Getting over my fetish 2


"Just think my shit and your shit is digesting in his stomach as we speak. Unless he throws it up. " Dawn closes the lid.

Dawn starts walking up stairs and Roberta turns and opens the lid, "So I guess you're proud off yourself. But look at it this way, your love of your life just packed my shit so tight into your stomach that you'll have no choice but to digest it. Even though you may have not been able to throw up that giant turd, Dawn mad sure it would stay down. Who knows you might see this ass again before I leave, enjoy." With that she closed the lid.

Hours went by and I could hear Dawn and Roberta moving around. Normally I would be worry that Dawn has not let me out yet but I was still in pain. I was finally able to close my mouth but my jaw was aching really badly. My throat felt like the walls were ripped apart. My neck feels like it is still expanded and not it still felt like there was still a big lump stuck down by the bottom of the throat. Not to mention my stomach I could not even move it. I want to throw this crap up but there was no way it would after Dawn packed it down. I still can't believe Roberta wanted me died. When I told Dawn I wanted no mercy I never thought someone could shit that much.

Upstairs Dawn and Roberta was playing cards when Roberta says, "So Dawn is there any other fetish you want to come true?"

"What? Oh well there is this one other thing but it could never happen."

"Never say never, come on what is it." Roberta was prying

"Well I have always wanted a bunch of people to just shit on his face. I want him to feel what it would be like to be almost buried in it. We have a deal that I'll let him out if he starts begging me to after fifteen people. If he does not beg me than I promised him that I would let everyone else use him before I let him out but I don't know that many people that would be willing to do it."

"What happens if he does not beg and let's say fifty people used him?"

"This is a deal I won't break. I would really suck to be alone but a promise is a promise. I figure after fifteen people he would be scared shitless not knowing how many people are going to use him afterwards he would be begging to be let out."

"Well you know I might be able to help with that a little. I know some people in Chicago that would drive down here to help out. If you want it to come true that is." Roberta said like it was no big deal.

"Really it would be great if they would come down right after Thanksgiving. Just think Jack never met these people before and he gets their ass in his face and gets their thanksgiving meal right on his face. That would be so funny." Dawn busted out laughing.

"So you want me to make the call?" Roberta grabbed her cell phone.

"Sure why not. How many do you have in mine?

"Well do you want just females? Roberta questioned

"It don't matter to me. It might to him but shit is shit right?"

"You're so mean Dawn. Well I think Amy would and she might be able to get some of her friends. Then there is Mike he might be able to get a couple more. Mike is a hot looking guy you two should meet." Roberta said smiling at Dawn.

"This is not a hock up party. Like I said Jack will be begging me and I still love him Roberta." Dawn jumped up from the table, "Oh my god I almost forgot to let Jack out I'll be right back.

"Ok I'll make the phone calls then." Roberta said with an evil grin.

As Dawn ran down to the basement Roberta texted her friends. "We have another one for thanksgiving, but this time it goes all the way. So get all your friends and come to this address the day after thanksgiving. Can't wait to see all of you loves and kisses." Roberta hit send and closed her phone and just smiled her evil smile.

"I'm so sorry Jack. I was paling cards with Roberta and forgot you were down here. How do you feel?"

"She was trying to kill me." I was able to say with all the pain I was in.

"Oh Jack she was not trying to kill you. You probably was not prepared for her to take a shit and just chocked on it a bit." Dawn reached behind to unlock the backing when she saw my stomach. She put her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god what is wrong with your stomach."

"That's her shit. I'm telling you she was trying to kill me."

"Come on Jack stand up. Maybe it well go down." Dawn said in a caring voice.

"I can't my stomach is to full." I tried to move.

"Well burp or something. Throw it up."

"I can't you packed it all down with your toy." I tried to hold my stomach but just putting my hands on there was very painful.

Dawn started laughing. "Oh my god I forgot. Is that why it fit down your throat so well? I did not think she shit that much. I was down when she was just pushing it out." Dawn lent over to look at my stomach closer. "Wow and all that fit in there. I wonder how much is in there. That most of hurt her when she pushed it out. I told her you could handle it but I had no idea she was going to shit that much. She probably did not even know."

"Oh she knew and she was hoping it would have killed me."

"Oh hon stop that she was not trying to kill you. I'll tell you what. I well give you a break from eating anymore shit for a week and by that time Roberta well be back in Chicago. For now get comfy and relax and get some sleep." With that Dawn went back up stairs.

"Everything alright Dawn?"

"Holy cow girlfriend how much shit did you have up in there. His stomach was packed full."

"I did not think it was that much was it? Roberta said like she was concerned.

"It was more than I thought. I thought you just packed his mouth but that must have gone down his throat a little. Well maybe a lot. Did it not hurt coming out?"

"I did not even really know I was going. I'm sorry."

"No, no ,no don't be sorry he is still alive but the funny thing about it when I pushed my toy down his throat it packed into his stomach so tight he can't throw it up. So he'll have to digest all of that shit." Dawn said laughing.

"Well at least he is still alive." Roberta said and then thought in her mine His stomach was already packed you just packed it to the limit and laughed to herself.

"So did you make your calls?"

"Yep they well be here after thanksgiving."

"How many are coming?"

"I don't know. Not many I don't think. Amy and Mike know a few people."

"Ok, for now we well give Jack a break from being used. After your shit he needs to heal a bit."


The next morning Dawn comes down to the basement. "Morning dear how was your night."

"I'm still in lots of pain."

"I'm sorry hon." She looked over at my stomach. "It does not seem it went down any." She placed her hand on my stomach. "Well I'll be back a little later. I have to cook thanksgiving dinner. It's only going to be use three at least until tomorrow." She said as she walked away.

Until tomorrow what did she mean by that? Thanksgiving dinner, just the thought of it made me want to throw up if I could. I still can't believe another human can shit that much and for Roberta forcing all that her crap down my throat like that. How could anyone just sit there and do that knowing that it was that big. I am so glad Dawn came down when she did but the pain I am feeling kind of makes me wish she never did.

The day continued with lots of movement upstairs. Dawn and Roberta must be cooking. After awhile Dawn and Roberta walked into the room.

"How are you feeling?" Roberta asked sounding concerned. "I am so sorry for all that. If I knew it was going to be that much I would have never done it."

"Ah, that was yesterday. Don't worry about it. At least he is still alive. So Jack do you feel like getting up and having thanksgiving dinner with us?" Dawn asked.

I did not want to say a word with Roberta there. I was afraid if I opened my mouth Roberta would sit right down again. I just shook my head.

"Wow you're giving up thanksgiving dinner. Dang Roberta you most of gave him a meal better than turkey." Dawn giggled. "You keep resting you'll need your strength tomorrow. I have a special surprise for you."

"Are you sure you don't want some turkey and mash potatoes." Roberta asked looking down at me smiling.

"Just leave him alone Roberta. Can't you see you already gave him a huge thanksgiving dinner? Anyways I don't think he can fit another piece in his stomach the way it looks."

"I hope he is not having problems digesting my shit." Roberta said waving down at me as they walked away.

The rest of the night went by with a blur. My stomach still was huge. I don't think my stomach could handle all of Roberta's shit. I think it's just sitting there rotting in the pits of my stomach. Even the piece still stuck in my throat was not moving. The smell from it kept coming up in my mouth and it smelt worst than Dawn and her liver and onions.

"Morning hon are you feeling better?" Dawn asked.

"I think I need to go to the hospital."

"Hospital, why?"

"I don't think my stomach is digesting Roberts carp."

"Oh don't be silly. Your stomach is looking better." Dawn says looking at my stomach. "Well kind of. Look you have another fetish that is going to come true today. Remember the story I told you about allow people to use you?"

"No, no more shit please, Dawn." I pleaded with her

"Oh don't worry Jack. You don't have to eat any of it. Remember fifteen people and then I'll come down and ask if you want out. You're already lying down and I promised you no more eating for a week."

Didn't I already gone though enough already and know this. I just want Dawn happy and she looked so excited when she told me this that I just laid down and allowed her to out the backing on. Afterward I felt her tying my arms and hands down.

"Remember the only way I let you out is if you beg me to. No hand signals or anything else. Also remember Jack after the fifteenth person if you don't beg me you well not see me until everyone leaves. Remember I promised." Dawn unplugged the cord to the lift and walked out.

I was scared a bit but fifteen people and I don't have to swallow any kind of eased my nerves. Mike and his group was the first to show up. Dawn let them in as she counted them out. There were ten women and six guys.

"Wow, I guess one of them might have to use a real toilet." Dawn said to Roberta. "You are right Roberta mike is kind of cute."

"Go introduce yourself." Roberta said pushing Dawn.

"No, after what you did to Jack he well be begging me for sure and this entire thing well be behind use. Where is your friend Amy?"

"Oh, she'll be coming soon."

"Ok, everyone listen up." Dawn stood up on top of the table. "This is the rules I have them posted downstairs. You walk in and pretend he is not even there. Sit and go. Only what comes out of your ass gets dropped on his face in the back hole and pee and toilet paper go in the front part. Please be as quick as possible so everyone has a chance to do this. Only fifteen people may go down right now. If he begs me to let him out after that anyone left has to use the real toilet. If he don't beg than everyone can line up and use him. Remember pretend he is not even there even if he is begging you to stop. Ok who are my fifteen people?"

When they were already Dawn led them down to the basement. "There he is and have fun." She turned and walked up stairs.

The first girl sat right down. I could not see her to well but I was so use to opening my mouth wide because of instinct. I hear her grunt and something wet and slimy fell into my open mouth like yogurt but really nasty along with a turd about six inches long. My throat was still stretched wide from Roberta's shit that I did not have a chance to stop it from sliding down my throat. What was that slimy stuff I wonder to myself? I could see another piece sliding out of her ass. I did not even think about it but my mouth was still opened. This piece was about eight inch long and like the last one it went directly into my mouth and right down my throat. Shit idiot close your mouth. I immediately shut my mouth as I heard her pee and wiped her asshole. When she stood up she turned and looks down at me. She kept looking around like there was something she lost.

"Oh my god! Did you swallow all of that?" she asked as she covered her mouth. "I thought you were supposed to keep your mouth closed. " Then she started to laugh out loud. "So how did my boyfriend taste?" She closed the lid a left laughing about it.

The next one that came in sat down and started pushing. This time I had my mouth closed and the first turd hit my lips and rolled off the side. There was one more and then it came out very soft and my face was coated in shit. I was in shock Dawn never gave me running ones and I never expected it. I shook my head side to side to try and get it of my face. Just as I did that I saw another ass lowering to the seat.

"Dude no you're a guy. Please not you." I screamed he completely ignored me and just started to push a big turd out right on my face. This continued and I lost count I was too busy shaking my head so I could breath.

Upstairs Dawn is sitting with Roberta playing spades when there was a knock at the door. "Who can that be?" Dawn asked.

"Did you forget about Amy and her friends?" Roberta asked smiling.

"Oh shit, well I don't think they well are needed but I'll invite them in anyhow." Dawn walks to the front door as Roberta jumps up and grabs Mikes arm.

"Keep her busy until I get back up here." Roberta whispered to mike and then darted down stairs.

The fifteenth person used me and I was thankful that this was over. My face felt awful and the sides of my head where all the shit was almost touching my ears. The next thing I saw was the lid opened up and Roberta looking down at me with an evil grin.

"So I see my shit is still in your stomach after three days. Do you realize that it probably is so packed in there that it is stopping your acids form digesting it? So I'll give you maybe two days before it starts poisoning your system and you'll die from my shit. I decide to stop your suffering." She reaches into her pockets and pulled out some rubber gloves then she pulled out two piece of some kind of rubber tubing. She put the gloves on and grabbed my head with one hand. The other hand she reached down and started to insert the tube into my nose. "Now be still this should allow you to breath for some time." As she finished pushing the last one in she tucked the tubes into the shit with the two ends hidden in the back of the box about two inches above my head. "Dame, don't have time to clean your face off, fuck it!" She turned and pulled down her pants and sat down. She reached over and plugged the lift in and lowered the seat to my head. "Open your mouth or I'll kill you by suffocating you to death." She's going to shit again? Oh no, she can't be serious. I closed my mouth and could feel me breathing though the tubes. Well Dawn will be down her soon, so as long as I keep breathing she'll help me. I opened my mouth wide once again for Roberta just so this can be done with. She looks between her legs and saw that my mouth was opened. "Good boy" she lowered the seat all the way down. She did not even waste any time. She pushed as hard as she could and forcing another giant turd down my throat. I could feel it packing what space was left in my throat, stomach and mouth. When she was done she jumped up and reached in with her rubber gloves and pulled out the piece that was in my mouth. What was left she packed to the back of my throat entrance. She removed her rubber gloves as she smiled down at me. "Now you have enough air until all the shit you'll be getting covers those tubes. With my shit once again packed to the top of your throat makes it so you can't talk. So I hope you enjoyed your short miserable life. Mike well takes go care of Dawn for you." With that she closed the lid pulled the left plug and walked away.

What the hell! She just finished packing my throat once again! This can't be happen! She is just going to allow me to die like this? What a bitch. Minutes later the lid opened and I saw Dawn looking down at me. Great she can help me. Dawn gave this gross look and turned and sat on the seat with her jeans still on.

"Sorry I can't look at you with all that shit in there it must be awful. Well hon that was fifteen people are you going to start begging me to let you out? I tried to speak but Roberts packed shit was not allowing me to. I tried to move my legs and arms but Dawn tied them really tight. "Please Jack say something." Dawn said in a pleading voice. "Just say something you don't even have to beg say one word." Dawn started to cry. "Look Jack I promised that if you did not beg I would allow everyone that came to use you and I'm begging you to say something, because" Dawn began to cry more. "Because there is more people here than I thought would show up. I know I promised I would not tell you how many but please say something." Dawn kept crying. "GOD DAME IT JACK! You suborned bastard just beg me to let you out please." I tried and tried but Roberta real fixed me good. "Now you're just pissing me off. I'm giving you one more chance to say something anything or I'm closing this lid. I know what is going to happen once I leave this room and well I guess." Dawn paused for a moment and stood up and locked down at me. "Roberta has this friend of hers that wants to hook up with me so anything you want to say? I tried to move my head so she could see the tubes coming out of my nose but she was still crying. "Fine I love you and she blew me a kiss and closed the lid.

"So did he beg you?" Roberta asked

"Nope not even a word." Dawn said sadly

"So are you keeping your promise to him? Roberta said like she was concerned.

Dawn looks up and around the room the whole house was filled with people. There was hardly any room to move. Mike walked over to Dawn and placed his hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"It's alright." Make said

Dawn stood up and gave a slight smile to everyone. "Well he did not beg for me to let him out and I made a promise to him and" She paused and looked at Roberta. Roberta nodded back at her. "This is what he wanted so feel free to use the basement toilets." Just as Dawn said that everyone started pushing to get down into the basement.

When everyone left Dawn, Roberta, Amy, and Mike all went down to the basement to see what was left. When Dawn opened the door a bad smell came from the room. Everyone covered the nose and looked in. There in the room was a pile of shit above the toilet about four feet tall.

Dawn was the first to speak, "What the hell did they climb up on the toilet to just take a shit on Jack?

"Do you think he is dead?" Amy asked

"I don't think anyone could survive that but to make sure" Mike reached for Jack's arm to take his pulse. "Yep he is a goner."

"Shit what about the police?"

"Don't worry about it Dawn I'll take care of everything. Don't worry about a thing." Mike wraps his arms around Dawn and starts walking upstairs.

"Are you coming Roberta?" Amy asked.

"Just a second I'll be right there just some last words." Roberta looks into the room. "So Jack did you actually think I was joking with you when I said my shit was going to kill you. Just think if it was not for my shit you would probably be sleeping in your bed right now. It was nice knowing you, NOT, rest in crap.

The End
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