Enticed Pt. 3 - A Picture's Worth


This is part three of the story of my time in the early 90s with a gay man about 15 years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. Check my post history for earlier installments of the story of an older man’s toy.

I knew Blaise’s birthday was coming up in a couple weeks. I wanted do something special for him, especially after the expensive lens he got me for Christmas. But, I couldn't afford much. It had to be special, specifically tailored to him, and yet, uniquely me all at once.

When the idea came to me it hit me like a thump on the head. Nude pictures. Glamour shots. Whatever you want to call it. As a professional photographer, it seemed only natural that I take some provocative shots of myself for him to enjoy. And, they have the added bonus of having been shot -- at least, some of them -- with the lens he bought me.

It would be the perfect gift. Photos of me from fully dressed to completely naked shot just for him on a lens he provided. The only problem was that I wasn't sure how many photos to shoot or how long it might take to shoot, process and print them. And, I only had two weeks.

The idea had just popped into my head Saturday just after I left Blaise's house. I didn’t want to waste any time. So, I started shooting that Sunday right after Blaise left my apartment. It was fate that the apartment was already clean.

I loaded a roll of black-and-white film into one of my cameras because I could develop and print black-and-white at work. That would be the quickest way of getting some prints to Blaise. And, of course, they would seem more artsy in black-and-white.

Color film would be a different consideration. We didn’t do color processing at work, or have color chemicals or paper and it would look suspicious if I suddenly brought some in. Of course, you couldn’t just drop off nudes at your neighborhood Fotomat or Kmart, either. Oh, you might get away with one or two shots on a roll. But multiple rolls of nothing but bare dick and balls would throw up a red flag. I did plan to shoot some color. But I would have to send it off to a professional lab that understood the concept and legitimacy of nude photography.

I hadn't seen many nude photos of men or gay magazines, so at first all I could do was imagine which poses I'd seen of women that might look good with a man instead. I had been thinking about it all night and had ideas for different spots in my apartment where the natural light was good and places where I might need to use artificial light or reflectors. A shooting plan was formulating in the back of my mind the entire time he and I were cleaning that Sunday morning.

One thing I was pretty sure of was that a lot of male models had clean-shaven balls. I already had been shaving my shaft for several years because my fiery red hair grew halfway up, which was uncomfortable both for me and for the few -- OK, two -- girls I’d been with. I’d never tried shaving my balls; I was afraid the wrinkles would be a real problem. As it turns out, shaving them, even with a plain dry razor was easy after a hot shower. The worst part was trying to see what I was doing to get everything back to my asshole completely hairless. Fortunately, I was limber enough to manage. I left all the hair in front though. I didn’t like the completely hairless look I’d seen before. I didn’t want to look like a 10-year-old or a porn star.

As soon as Blaise left, I hopped in the shower to make sure everything that ended up on film was clean, and then quickly shaved.

For the next seven hours I shot myself with my camera on a tripod and a long, air-controlled remote shutter release in several different outfits -- or I should say in and out of several outfits all over my apartment. I did shots in just jeans, in jeans with the button undone, in jeans with the zipper undone, in jeans pushed halfway down my ass. I did poses in just a button-down shirt. I did poses in just underwear, tight and loose boxers. I did poses in just shorts and a tank top and, of course, the swim trunks Blaise liked so much. Cheesy or not, I even took a few wearing only my brown leather bomber jacket. With each outfit and each location I slowly reduced the amount of coverage to zero so that I had a wide variety of poses completely nude.

I made sure there were plenty of poses that left nothing to Blaise’s imagination. In some I was sitting on the couch in a position that would be familiar to him, legs spread, one foot on the couch, knee up, half-hard cock well displayed. Some showed me standing with my dick straight out like a flagpole on the side of a flesh building. Many showed me holding my meat out offering it to him, both half-hard and fully erect. I knew these would be pretty popular because Blaise hadn’t really seen me jack myself off yet except for the few minutes he watched me play in the shower. I felt he might enjoy seeing me really handling my own cock for a change. I even did a few macro shots -- extreme close-ups -- of my swollen glans and puckered hole.

Ideas would come to me just walking through the apartment or while shooting something else. I sat on kitchen chairs, the couch, the bed, the floor, you name it. I did a few shots leaning against and sitting on my kitchen counter that I thought looked really good. At one point I got the idea of doing a series of shots showing me roll a condom on to my erect cock shooting from a couple different angles, that burned up almost an entire roll of film. At the time, of course, AIDS was a major thing, and this shoot seemed topical. There’s some of my photojournalism at work.

I wanted to shoot some of myself in the shower but I had to have the water too hot. The steam made photography impossible in my little bathroom.

I stayed at work late Monday night to develop and print the 12 rolls I shot the day -- and night -- before. I was impressed I had more keepers than junk. It took a couple hours to print just half the shots I wanted to share with Blaise. Tuesday would have to be a late night, as well, to finish all the prints. I made sure I made two prints of each so I would have a copy for myself.

On the way home that night I stopped at a Mom-and-Pop gas station and convenience store that I knew had a wide selection of porn magazines. I bought the two gay magazines they had as research.

At home I started looking through my shots with a critical eye an found that my favorite shots all seemed to be a little more conservative. I liked the ones where I had only a bit of red pubic hair peaking out of low-slung blue jeans, or maybe just a tease of the tip of my dick slipping out from under a sheet on the bed. Of the nude shots my favorite pose -- and what I saw as the sexiest -- was shot from directly in front of me. My knees were up and my dick and balls were either hanging straight down between my thighs, or my dick was hard and pointing at the ceiling or even laying back on my stomach. Something about those shots really turned me on. They also highlighted my smooth balls.

Comparing my shots to the magazine, I found that I liked my work a lot better. A few shots lined up. But, most of the magazine photos were much more in-your-face with spread ass cheeks and close-ups of waiting assholes or two or more guys together and what looked like rough use of a models dick. I liked my attempt at art and glamour instead of the strong XXX of the magazines. I hoped Blaise would like it, as well.

At this point I hadn’t even considered the possibility of butt play or anal sex. Blaise hadn’t mentioned it either. Maybe it had to do with AIDS. But I assumed gay men liked at least seeing mens’ asses as much as straight men liked womens’ butts. So, I included some shots of my ass coming out of jeans, hanging out below a button-down or tank top, and completely uncovered. I even did a few bent over to give a clear view of my asshole -- in a nod to the magazines. In a couple I teased by covering it with my hand. Another shot I really liked was one of these showing my asshole, yes, but also my dick and balls hanging clearly down between my legs. With properly controlled lightly, my smooth balls and taint were on full display.

While these were shot in black-and-white, I had loaded color print film in one of my other cameras so I could shoot both color and black-and-white throughout the process. I tried to shoot only the best poses in color because that was really going to cost me. There were only four rolls to ship off. But, I was confident they would be full of great, sexy shots.

My grand idea here was to have them shipped back to Blaise’s address. So, when they arrived it would be a whole new surprise. Between now and then I would have to get him alone to show him my black-and-white prints.

I waited none too patiently for him to arrive at work Wednesday morning. As soon as he did I headed to his desk and asked what he was doing after work.

“Nothing, as usual,” he said.

“I want to come over and show you something”

Of course, he always was up for me showing him something. I told him I’d meet him at his house by 5:30.

He had just gotten in when I pulled in behind him later that night. Blaise gave me a quizzical look when he watched me walk in carrying a folder of photographic prints.

“What’s going on?” he asked. “Are we being watched or something?”

“Of course not,” I replied, indignant. “Just sit down and look at these.”

I placed one hand on his shoulder as I pushed the folder into his hands.

When he opened the folder and saw the first black-and white shot of me bare-chested in jeans leaning on the arm of my couch, his eyes got big and he exclaimed, “Oooh!”

I explained that I had shot these as a birthday present for him. But I just couldn't wait for him to see them.

He didn't speak for a minute, staring lustily at my photos. I thought he might not have heard me.

“You don’t have to get me anything,” he finally said without looking up.

“So, should I take these back?” I asked reaching for the folder.

“Oh, hell no,” he cried. “You better get your hands away.”

He headed for the couch as he flipped through the 8”x10” prints one by one slowly, savoring each one like a connoisseur. I sat right next to him on the couch and found my hand resting on his thigh while he looked through the prints. Eventually, I actually saw a drop of saliva fall from his mouth as he stared at one photo.

The dress pants he was wearing were a little tight in front and I could see a bulge developing and slowly straightening in his crotch. By the time he’d flipped through the entire stack there was a visible stain of pre-cum on his pants where his raging hard-on ached.

While he flipped through the photos he pulled out specific prints.

“I want to see this pose in person,” he said. “And this one.”

When he got to ones that showed my shaved balls and taint he said, “Ooh! You shaved your balls! I definitely want to see that up close!”

“Did you shave your asshole?” he asked, pulling one print up close to his face.

I explained that I wasn’t sure about the butt and asshole shots. But I’d seen a few photos of men like that and they all had shaved balls, taints and assholes. Blaise said he loved them.

“I’m not really into anal right now,” he admitted. “But I’ll try anything you want.”

“These are just photos I thought you’d like,” I answered. “What we do is entirely up to you. If you don’t want to do something, we don’t do it. I don't know what I’m doing, what a man likes, or what I’m expected to do. You know I've never been with a man before. Or had a friend with benefits, or boyfriend. Whatever this is.”

He paused and cocked his head slightly.

“Hmm. I hadn’t thought about putting a label on this,” he said. “I'm not sure we're ‘boyfriends’ really. But friends with benefits might be good.

“And, I know a benefit I’d like to cash in right now,” he said, reaching over to stroke my cock through my jeans.

“Why don’t you undress me?” I said. As I pulled my hand off his thigh, I made sure to brush against his erect cock in his pants. “Then I’ll assume a pose or two for you.”

He hungrily pulled my sweater over my head and nearly popped the buttons off the shirt underneath trying to undo them. The first thing he wanted to see was me sitting with my legs pulled up displaying my shaved balls and taint more than anything. He inspected the area thoroughly, lifting my balls and spreading my ass cheeks. My cock grew and thickened as he did so. By the time he’d seen enough I was rock hard and ready to be manhandled.

He spit directly on to my glans a couple times and started smoothing it over my entire length. Looking at the photos again and especially watching him look at them had gotten me aroused and I was ready for his attention.

He alternated stroking with a loose hand and then a tight squeeze. He pushed into my glans, squeezing it flat against the erectile tissue and pushed his index fingertip into the hole. He made sure to give my smooth balls extra attention and rubbed a saliva-slick finger over my taint down to my asshole for a new thrill. I found myself wanting to touch him, to stroke his shoulders or hair, but I couldn’t reach any part of him without getting in the way of his “work.”

He leaned in to drop some more saliva on me.

"Would it be better to just lick it a little for lubrication?" I asked, honestly not realizing what I'd said.

He gasped and his eyes became quarters.

"Are you sure?"

I silently thrust my groin closer to his face.

He sees immediately snaked his wet tongue from the base to the swollen tip of my cock. Now, it was my turn to gasp. He swirled his tongue around the head several times before gliding back to the base.

Finally, he went back to his hand work, stroking my shaft like master. His other hand had never left my asshole and was now applying gentle pressure, pushing inward over and over.

The new sensation -- combined with the feeling of Blaise's tongue -- was more than enough to drive me over the edge and I sprayed cum into the air between us. Cupping his hands over my glans he again caught most of it before doing his disappearing act.

After he cleaned me up I just half lay on the couch and he gently rubbed over my smooth balls and taint with his fingertips. I lifted and spread my legs to allow him access to my smooth crack. It felt wonderful, but it was relaxing me almost to the point of falling asleep.

I had to leave before I couldn’t and, after I dressed, told my friend I’d see him in the morning. For some reason I was driven to lean in and give him a hug at the door. He squeezed me close with one arm.

His smile and elevated mood the next day were obvious. We went to lunch together but spent it eating something from a drive-thru in a parking lot while Blaise thumbed through the prints. He stopped at different ones to point out little details he liked, or to show me ones he especially liked. This gave me another idea.

I had to work late that Friday. So, I decided to stay a bit longer to scan my copy of the prints. I then spent a little more time laying out and printing a small photo-book of my shots. It wasn’t much. It was just on plain paper and didn’t have a real cover. But, I thought Blaise would like having the photos in a more compact package.

I gave it to him the following day at his house.

“I love it,” he said. “I wish this paper was waterproof. ‘Cause this thing’s getting abused.”

“I still have the file,” I assured him. “I can print you another one when the time comes.”

The next Friday night I stopped by Blaise's place after dropping off film from some city meeting that ran late. Thankfully, the film could wait until Monday morning since it was already after 10 p.m. I was ready for a drink, but didn’t want to go home to an empty apartment.

I rang the bell on the carport door and Blaise was there in a second. Headlights in his driveway lit up the living room like a search light.

He was watching some movie he’d rented. I dropped to the couch just beside his favorite spot as he went to the kitchen. He returned with a beer for me. He’d taken to keeping my favorite in the house at all times. In a few seconds he was next to me with a hand on my thigh.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Some bad horror flick I rented from that place you like downtown,” he replied. He sat up and reached for the strings of my Nike's. I knew where this was going and let him have his fun. He liked undressing me almost as much as he liked watching me strip for him.

“I haven’t seen this one,” I said as I moved and repositioned as necessary for him to get my shoes and socks off. Blaise knew I had a soft spot for B- movies, especially horror and sci-fi. I think he was trying to find a way of appreciating them, as well. At least, for my sake.

After my shoes and socks were out of the way, he started unbuttoning my shirt. He took the beer bottle from my hand and set it on the coffee table long enough to get me shirtless. At this point we both stood up simultaneously. After the first few times, this had become a tightly choreographed dance.

Thirty seconds later my jeans were on the floor beside my feet. Blaise left my tight bikini underwear in place. This was his preferred outfit for television viewing -- at least, for the first little while. But, he always made sure to give my cock a stroke and squeeze through them whenever my jeans came off. I sat back down and he handed me my beer. His hand was back on my bare thigh a second later, sliding along its length. He would find my cock in a minute.

As we watched the movie a thought hit me. Blaise’s birthday was the next day. I had given him my photos last week. But, I felt like I needed to recognize his actual birthday somehow.

I supposed I could take him to dinner or something -- like anybody else might do. But, I really wanted to do something special, something that was unique to me like the photos. I knew exactly what it would be. And, tonight was the perfect opportunity. I was here unexpectedly. There was no set-up. It would be a perfect surprise. He was in the mood, or would be. I was in the mood and ready for something new. All the pieces fit.

I finished my beer and got up.

“I’m going to go wash off real quick,” I said, not an unusual thing for me to do. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

I was back in less than ten minutes, having showered off quickly. I was only wearing a towel since I hadn't brought any clean clothes.

When Blaise saw me he stopped the movie and turned off one of the lamps, setting a more personal mood.

I settled in on the end of the couch in my usual spot. I spread my legs, which pulled the towel open displaying my cock and balls. I wasn’t even half-hard yet.

Blaise’s hand glided up my leg beginning at the ankle that was nearest him. On the way up he leaned down and kissed my knee.

I made a small approving sound. That was only the second or third time his mouth had touched me anywhere. We’d been “together” for two months and he hadn’t offered to kiss me until last week and just now. If he wanted to kiss me, he just needed to do it. As with other things, I might have to take charge on that one.

When his hand finally reached my crotch I already was heating up. It didn’t take long for me to respond to his technique.

As he stroked my cock with one hand, his other kneaded my balls like a magician rolling trick balls between his fingers. His face pressed on up to my stomach and he started kissing a trail up to my chest and neck. I let another small moan show my approval.

I began running my fingers through his hair.

His work on my meat was getting results as a little pre-cum was released and he pushed me closer to cumming.

I pulled his head up to mine and kissed him. His eyes showed a little shock.

“Do you want to taste me?” I asked, breathless.

"You mean lick it again?"

"Not just lick."

Everything stopped. Blaise pulled back from me and stared wide-eyed into my eyes.

“Surprise!” I breathed. “Happy birthday!”.

Instantly, his tongue was in my mouth. Our tongues met, not timidly like so many new lovers, but knowingly as if they were long-lost friends. They instinctively knew their dance.

Then, he pulled away and just stared at my cock and balls for a long moment. Then he kissed and licked a trail back down my chest and stomach. He didn’t stop until he got down my inner thighs. Then he started working his way back up to the base of my dick before kissing over my hanging balls. He held them one at a time to cover my entire sac with wet kisses. He pulled back to stare at my sex again, then up at my watching face.

Finally, he started my first blow job by licking my cock from the base to the tip slowly, then swirled his tongue around the glans. He slowly slid it between his lips. I felt his tongue on the frenulum. And then it was gone. He’d pulled me out. In an instant I was back in his mouth. He licked over the head and glided his wet tongue around the helmet.

I found myself catching my breath every time his tongue hit the wrinkles of my frenulum, causing my breathing to become even more labored.

Suddenly, my entire cock disappeared into his mouth. The sensation was electric feeling myself completely engulfed in his hot, wet mouth. His nose was pressed hard against my groin. I don’t know how he got it all in, but I didn't want to leave.

He pulled back and continued caressing the head with his tongue. One hand was slowly jacking the shaft up and down. The other was holding my balls.

He engulfed me again to about halfway and undulated his tongue against the underside of my shaft for a long moment. He began darting his tongue against my frenulum side to side, turning it into a punching bag for his wet tongue. Again, I caught my breath and stiffened my back. My entire body was on fire.

I can’t count the number of times he hit a spot just right, enough to make my entire body jump, my hips instinctively thrust forward into his face. Up and down he stroked my cock in his wet, sucking mouth. Finally, he pulled me out but ran his tongue down the underside to my balls and sucked each one in turn into his mouth. His mouth seemed tighter, hotter on my swollen balls. I was shocked he could get one completely inside. Now he was pulling and stretching my sac. He knew I loved it when he did that with his hands. Feeling him do it with his mouth made me moan.

I found myself being more vocal than ever before, grunting, whimpering, and calling on a higher power over and over again.

He licked down below my scrotum toward my taint. I slid down on the couch to give him more access. The feeling of his tongue between my ass cheeks was wonderful, but he came right back up to suck my entire cock into his hungry mouth. I finally realized I was feeling the back of his throat on my glans. Then he began a swallowing motion with his throat and I felt my explosion building. I remember being surprised I had lasted so long.

He felt me getting close and pulled back to hold only my head in his mouth.

“I’m cumming!” I growled, breathlessly.

By the time the sound left my mouth I felt the cum release from my aching cock.

My entire body trembled and convulsed as I pumped load after load into my friend’s mouth. My back was arched and tense, my head thrown back, eyes shut so tight it hurt.

I never felt him get up or heard him walk out of the room. I must have blacked out. All I remember is finally opening my eyes naked and alone on the couch barely able to breath.

“Wow,” I finally breathed when he reappeared and dropped to his knees beside me. He didn’t have a wash cloth or a towel this time because, as I saw when I looked down at myself, there was nothing to clean up.

“I feel like another shower,” I said as I started to get up. “You want to join me?”

“Ooh! Really?” His excitement had him standing before I was even sitting up.

“Go ahead,” he said. “I’ll be in there in a minute. I need to check the doors and turn off some of these lights.”

I was already in the small shower stall and soaped up when Blaise opened the bathroom door. I glanced down to see that he already was naked. He was thin and pale with just a hint of hair on his chest. His legs were skinnier than mine. And, he had a thick bush of dark brown hair above a half-hard dick that looked to be thinner than mine, as well. I was struck by the realization that this was the first time I’d seen him without even a shirt, let alone completely nude.

He stepped into the shower stall facing me. He was five inches taller than me. So, when we were standing this close I had to look up at him. The stall was so tight our bodies couldn’t help but touch from chests to knees, though my cheeks hit at about his clavicle. I wrapped my arms around his waist and started dancing him around to get his body under the warm water.

This was a totally new sensation of holding another man’s nude body next to my own. Some part of me was surprised at how good it felt, how much I liked it.

Once he was completely wet, Blaise took control and spun me back around to wrap his arms around me from behind. His right hand went instinctively to my spent cock and swaying balls. I could feel his pubic hair against my back and the arc of his rising dick with the lump of his glans against the top of my ass crack. His left hand was wrapped tightly around my ribs keeping us close.

He was so much taller than me that I could feel him bending down just a bit to reach my manhood. But the sensations of feeling his wet skin all along my back, his pubic hair, his cock against my ass and his skilled hands working my own cock already was raising my heart rate again.

I reached back with my left hand to grab his tight little ass cheek. My right hand alternated between rubbing along the arm he had wrapped around my chest and reaching up to grab the back of his neck and rub his hair. His hot mouth suddenly was on my shoulder.

As our bodies vibrated and undulated against one another I began to feel my balls tighten and my dick swell again. Without thinking I started thrusting my hips into the fist Blaise had clinched around my throbbing cock. He loosened his grip enough to let me fuck his fist hard and fast. As I did I felt his own hard meat sliding up and down against my wet ass and back.

This amazing feeling seemed to spread out into an eternity. I could feel my chest heaving. My balls slapped back and forth between my own ass and Blaise’s welcoming hand. When the convulsions hit my knees went so weak I thought I was going to fall. I shuddered so hard I made Blaise’s body shake as well. When I could no longer keep up my thrusting Blaise began pumping me like he owned me and didn’t stop until I was spent, empty, and limp -- again. I can’t imagine I had any cum left to release. But, the sensation was just as intense and overwhelming.

I don’t know what came over me then. But, I immediately turned around to face my friend and hugged him tightly. My hanging cock was a strong contrast to the raging piece of steel pushing against my stomach now. I rubbed up and down his wet back and over his ass cheeks and kissed his chest without thinking. While my face was against his chest I felt him lean his own down on to the top of my head.

He held me close with one hand nearly in the crack of my ass. I slid one hand down to grab one of his tight little ass cheeks. I kissed his chest again before pulling away enough to reach one hand down between us to begin rubbing over his hard cock. I ran my fingers through his thick pubic hair and pulled it lightly. I stroked up and down his groin for a minute, his swollen meat gliding between two of my fingers. I kissed his chest once more before spinning around to get behind him.

I got the soap and lathered him up for lubrication. With both arms wrapped around his waist I rubbed my fingers all around his cock and balls and underneath to his taint and ass cheeks. I rubbed and squeezed his thin cock lovingly. I’d never touched another dick but I went after my friend’s sex as if it meant more than my own.

And, once again, the sensation of his body against mine, of his dick in one hand and his smooth chest under the other was bringing my own cock back to life. I juggled his wet balls between my fingers. I encircled his dick and balls together at the base and squeezed and pulled them out away from his body. Then I switched to just his balls and pulled on his sac like he’d done to me. He straightened and moaned as I ministered to his manhood.

Blaise reached around me with his left arm to grab my ass cheek, the other he used to hold himself up against the shower wall. I could feel his breathing getting heavier as I jacked and played, rolling and pulling his balls.

I stroked his meat slowly and set a long, slow pace as I lay my cheek against his back. I also made sure to use his own trick on him, rolling my palm over his swollen glans.

I kissed his back a few times just before he tensed and grabbed the shower wall with both hands.

His abs started convulsing, he clinched his ass cheeks so tightly they pulled my pubic hair. I kept up the slow pace until I felt the surge in his shaft and the first stream of cum fly out to hit the shower wall. I picked up the pace as he convulsed and shuddered in my arms.

I slowed my strokes, but didn’t stop moving until he was as limp and empty as he had made me.

Everything about this was new for me. I had never felt another man’s naked body, never held another man’s cock, let alone stroked it. But, what really drove it home for me was the feeling of another man’s hot cum running over my fingers. It was truly a thrill knowing I’d done that for someone else. I was shocked at myself, at how much I liked it, at how instinctive it all seemed.

I didn’t realize until after Blaise turned off the water that we both still were breathing heavily, sweat now mingling with the water running down our bodies. I stepped out of the stall and handed him the towel he’d gotten for me. I reached for the towel hanging on the wall.

“God!” he exclaimed.

I stared at his dying cock while I dried myself. I wanted to reach out and touch it again.

“Can we go lay down together?” he asked, almost pleading. “That was so amazing! I want to make-out and snuggle in bed. We can’t just go sit on the couch like THAT didn’t just happen!”

I said nothing. I just walked naked to the master bedroom still drying my hair. He followed and quickly helped me turn the bed down. I lay back closing my eyes.

Blaise appeared beside me and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close almost like a child. My face was against his bare chest. I snaked a hand under his arm up his back and returned his tight hug. One of his hands wandered down to squeeze and play with my ass.

After a few minutes, our breathing had returned to normal and he finally pulled away and we lay facing each other, each of us resting a head on a hand. He looked into my eyes for a minute then scanned down what he could see of my naked body.

“Are you cold?” he asked.

“Not at all,” I said, whipping the sheet completely off my body. I had an idea he wasn’t done with me.

He began rubbing down my chest and ribs, hip and thigh almost absentmindedly.

“Y’know, I’ve always wanted to do this,” he admitted. “Since I met you I’ve fantasized about laying in bed with you just like this. Kissing and making love just like a real couple.”

I reached over and began stroking his chest. While I did I lifted my leg so he could explore more territory.

“Everything we’ve done has been amazing. It really has,” he continued. “But it always made me want this even more.”

“Well, here we are,” I said. I rolled over on to my back and he moved in closer, his face nearly touching mine.

“Can I kiss you?” he asked.

“Of course,” I said, turning to face him.

He kissed my lips once lightly then started kissing down my neck and chest and licked my nipples. I got the impression the kiss on my lips was stolen, a quick prize he didn’t think I’d allow.

As he kissed my chest his hand moved down to awaken my cock, rubbing and squeezing in the manner he knew so well. I lifted my arm to put my hand behind my head to make it easier for him. Eventually, his mouth came back up to mine and we kissed. At first, he was very tentative, timid, not nearly as bold and passionate as before. I let him continue and willingly participated, though our tongues had yet to get involved. We kept this up for a long time while he stroked my cock.

He stopped to catch his breath and looked at my face while he rubbed over my groin.

“I’m curious,” I said when he looked back down at my body. “Why didn’t you try to kiss me sooner? Or try to give me a blow job?”

“Well, I’ve been letting you set the pace for this,” he said. “I didn’t want this to be just a quick sex thing. And, I didn’t want to push you into something you weren’t ready for. So, I guess I should ask you why we haven’t kissed before.”

“To be honest, I wanted this to be just about a quick impersonal handjob,” I admitted. “I wasn’t looking for a gay relationship. I thought I could divorce the emotional from the physical. And, if I did go too far, what if it didn’t work? We’d lose our friendship. And, you’re the closest friend I have in the world. And, the only real friend I have here.

“I thought I would just come over and do a show for you, take my clothes off for you and let you jack me off. And that would be it. I didn’t know, first of all, how much I was going to like it. Or, that I would be drawn in by it. But, I also didn’t realize I might be a little Bi.”

That drew a grunt from Blaise. He continued rubbing my cock, but sat up a bit and looked at me.

“As much as I’d love it, I don’t think you’re even bi,” Blaise said. “You just don’t feel -- bi, or gay, or whatever. As fun as you are, as much as you get into it and are starting to give back, I just don’t see you wanting to be with a man.”

“Does that bother you? I mean, -- .”

“No. I know that’s who you are, that’s what you are,” he said. “I love you as you are and am happy with everything I get.”

“But, how can you really tell I’m not going to - ?”

“Switch teams? It doesn’t really work like that. If you were going to switch teams, I would be able to tell. I could tell that that was coming.

“And, you’re always staring at Sarah at work.”

“Is it that obvious?” I asked. “I mean, she’s got it going on. She could be a model if Features doesn't work out. Men would buy anything she stood next to. And, women would buy anything she wore.”

“But, I’ve never seen you look twice at that college intern that just started. That boy’s pretty. You could have him on his knees if you said more than two words to him.”

“Well, don’t take this the wrong way,” I said, hesitant. “But I don’t find men attractive. I just don’t get anything out of looking at men, even the Tom Sellecks and the Robert Redfords. I know they are good-looking. But, they don’t turn me on. I mean, the guys in your porn videos don’t do anything for me. I’m not turned on by guys.”

“Because you aren't gay - or bi,” Blaise said. “No matter what we do together, no matter how close we get, it isn’t who you are.”

“I’m sorry.” I didn’t want to hurt my friends feelings.

“Don’t be. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said, going back to my now shrinking dick. “Besides, do you know how cool it is that I’m scoring a hot, young straight kid?”

“I do like making you happy,” I said. “I like finding new things to do, new ways to turn you on.

“But, I am discovering that it doesn’t bother me being intimate with you. Actually, I like the intimacy, being able to rub your hair or your shoulder while you’re going down on me. I like being able to hug you.”

“And, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to hug without it making you gay,” he said. “But, if it bothers you so much, we can slow down. Or, just go back - .”

“No,” I said. “I like doing this - for you and for me. I really don’t know why, though. I guess, I’m turned on by the attention, the affection. I don’t know. I guess I’m just having a bit of an identity crisis.”

“As far as I’m concerned, your identity is a hot ass stud being charitable to an old fag.”

“Well, this hot ass stud thinks of the old fag as more than just a friend and he wanted to give him the best birthday he could think of,” I said. “Tonight, I just wanted to give you something special. I wanted to do something unique to me. Y’know?”

“Well, it was definitely unique to you,” Blaise said. “And, that shower was something else!”

Now my hand found his dick already hard again and ready for attention. I started pulling it hard when Blaise teased my lips with his tongue. I pushed him over on his back and grabbed his hands. I put them both above his head and held them there while I sent my tongue between his lips. He moaned his surprise just before I felt his body relax into the moment.

“How about I give a little more back?” I said.

I let go of his hands and put mine to work on his dick. He grabbed the back of my head with one hand and began swirling his fingers through my hair while I kept his mouth sealed with mine. I jacked him to an explosive orgasm. His hips bucked against my hand as he shot another heavy load into the air. He covered my hand and his chest with his sticky mess.

We both were breathing heavily as I rolled over on to my back. Blaise made no move to clean his cum off as he rolled over to face me panting and sweating. I felt some of his cum as our torsos touched. He reached down to begin his own work on my cock. He kissed my neck and chest while his hand was busy.

It only took a couple minutes of his expert skill to send my own white fluid into the air. This was the first time he made no move to catch it and run off to the bathroom. We just lay wrapped around each other for a long time until our heavy breathing subsided and sweat dried.

Weakly, I got up and headed to the living room. I made a stop in the kitchen for another beer. I realized it was already after midnight. It was only 10 when I got here. Where did two hours go? Did I really black out and lose time?

Just as that thought occurred, Blaise joined me naked and smiling. He let me finish my beer before giving me an order.

“Turn around and get on your knees, Hot Ass Stud. I want to see if you like something,” he said. “You’ve had enough of a break.”

Dutifully, I turned around and got on my knees on the couch, my elbows on the back of the couch, my ass in the air. I had no idea what he was about to do. But, I was willing to try just about anything he suggested. At that moment, he owned me.

He climbed under me, grabbed my limp dick and began licking it from its tip all the way down over my balls to my asshole. Suddenly, I felt a totally new sensation, a man licking, rimming my tight asshole. It was amazing as his tongue swirled and darted and pushed into my orifice. He licked up my crack from my taint to my back. Whenever he paused to push back into my asshole I pushed back against him. While Blaise ministered to my ass, my cock returned to full strength and was ready for more by the time his saliva was dripping off my ass.

After a few more minutes of ass licking he turned me around to get back to work on my dick. I told him that if he was going down on me again, I wanted to be able to play, too. So, we dropped to the living room floor. Neither of us wanted to wait until we made it back to the bedroom.

We lay on the floor almost in a 69 position. His face was back in my crotch. I had his playthings right in front of me. I reached out to begin my fun as he engulfed my meat again.

I began a twisting stroke up and down his shaft. But, the intensity of a second master-level blow job destroyed my concentration and I couldn’t continue. I could barely move. I ended up strangling Blaise’s raging cock in my clinched fist as I quickly exploded into his mouth again. I couldn’t give him quite the same load as before. If he wanted to complain, I’d remind him that was the fourth time he’d tapped my well in two hours. I was a little surprised I had anything left.

I rolled over just in time to see him leave the room again.

By the time he returned, I was just gaining enough composure to get up. I was surprised that my ass no longer felt wet. But, I also realized -- again -- that my cock was as clean now as it was when Blaise wiped me down.

We kissed for a few minutes and I mentioned heading home. But, Blaise begged me to stay. It was late and he was dying to feel me sleeping next to him. It seemed like a reasonable request. I mean, when was the last time I’d been to a sleep-over? Besides, tomorrow was Saturday; I’d be back here in a few hours anyway. But, I didn’t have anything to wear, I said.

“I just threw all your clothes in the washing machine,” he said. “You won’t need anything tonight. But, you’re welcome to anything of mine that will fit.”

So, Blaise turned off everything in the living room and we headed to the bathroom for our nighttime rituals. One thing I didn’t have here was a toothbrush. But, he convinced me that it wouldn’t really matter if we swapped spit directly or on his toothbrush.

Again, he held me close in his bed, occasionally kissing me. We were both naked, but unable to pursue any lustful desires. This time we both were ready to rest, not excite. It didn’t take long for us to doze off. We’d worn each other out pretty well.

I slept very soundly that night. I remembered it as some of the best sleep I’d had in years. I don’t know if it was because of the sex that night or the company with whom I was sharing the bed. I woke feeling another new sensation, that of a hard cock pressing against my back. Blaise was still asleep but holding me tightly from behind. Apparently, his dick had awakened before him and was trying to dislocate my spine. I slowly, carefully lifted my leg so I could reach down with one hand to try to find his hard cock or, at least, his balls without waking him up in the process. A few minutes later he stirred and his hand moved around to grab my own stiff member. I rolled over to face him, but was immediately confronted with his breath.

“Damn. What did you eat last night?” I said, kissing him anyway.

“I think it was some new kind of sausage,” he said. “How ‘bout I get some more dick-breath?”

I rolled over on my back, but sat up some. I wanted to watch my first morning blow job by a man.

He was quicker this time, spending less time exploring no longer new territory. I filled his mouth all the same. I’d had all night to rebuild my reserves.

One communal shower later and we spent our usual couple hours cleaning his house. He gave me a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt to wear -- without underwear. They fit well enough. But, occasionally my dick would peak out. He chose to wear roughly the same outfit. Occasionally, when he was close enough Blaise patted my butt or even gave my cock and balls a light squeeze. He started the laundry, including drying the clothes I shed last night, while I took care of the living room. As I finished up in the kitchen, he stopped me and kissed me like he’d never kissed anyone before. Somehow we danced over to the table and I ended up laying back on it. As we made out, Blaise’s hand snaked into my shorts. At about the same time we both realized we were getting hard together. As one, we stood up and pulled off our shirts and shorts. I lay back on the table again and Blaise positioned himself on me so that our cocks met nearly perfectly. As our lips met again, he began thrusting his hips so our dicks rubbed together, cock stroking cock. I was struck by the sensation of having his smooth balls banging into mine.

“Hold on,” I said. “Let me get something.”

Blaise let me up and I headed to a cabinet and grabbed a small bottle of olive oil. I stood in front of him again our meat straining together and dribbled some of the oil over our swollen heads. I wrapped first one hand around both dicks, then I used both hands to ensure I spread the slick lubricant over us both.

I began jacking us both. But, while my hands stroked I began pumping my body up and down to make sure our cocks rubbed tightly together. I stopped at one point to look closely at our joined dicks. I moved just enough to get our bases even. I wanted to really see the difference in size between us. I towered over my friends cock by an inch and a half, at least. And, his thin meat was completely hidden by the thickness of mine.

“Yes,” he said, sounding exasperated. “You’re much bigger than me. You’re a cock monster compared to even average-sized men.”

I went back to stroking our oily cocks together.

Blaise began kissing me again and pushed me back down on the table. He took over the work again, thrusting himself against me to force our dicks to masturbate each other. Soon I felt myself trembling and beginning to convulse. Blaise apparently was close, as well, and picked up his pace. A few breathless seconds later we both came together, my stomach and chest taking the brunt of the cum coverage.

Breathing heavily, we headed back to the shower, but only huddled close together, kissing and washing off the oil and cum.

“Have you had a nice birthday?” I asked as we dried off.

Blaise grabbed me and kissed me.

“This has been the best birthday I’ve ever had,” he said looking down into my eyes. I could almost see a tear forming. “Last night and today have been the time of my life!”

“Well, there’s really no reason for me to go home today,” I suggested. “Why not make it a weekend?”

“Oh. My. God!” he shouted. “I can’t believe you’re giving me the whole weekend?”

I lifted myself on my toes and kissed him.
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