My First Night in the Hood
I am a brunette brown-eyed white girl with extremely large breasts. Today, I moved in with my elderly grandmother when my mother went to prison. My grandparents bought a house there before it became a black neighborhood. I immediately attracted attention from the black guys in the neighborhood. It was clear that I was going to have to give in to sexual coercion. I wasn't very sexually experieced, I decided I would just suck their dicks. I figured that would be the easiest thing to do. The first night around 10:00 pm, some black guys, in their twentys, knocked on the door and basically ordered me to come out to the alley behind the house. The alley was very dark and overgrown with scruby bushes.
I didn't try to resist. I got down on my knees on a grassy spot and unzipped the pants of the guy standing in front of me. I swallowed a lot of his cum, some dripped down on my pink cotton top.
There was a lot of guys. More kept arriving.
I was sucking for a two or three hours. I think maybe 30 guys. Finally, I stood up. I was crying at this point. I felt kind of sick. I begged them to let me go. They said I could go if I gave them all of my clothes. I stripped off my cum soaked clothes including my panties and bra. Someone grabbed my clothes and threw them over a fence. I turned to walk back to my house. I felt a strong hand push me forward. I feel forward landing with my stomach over a trash can. The hand held me down. Another hand pushed a bottle into my buthole. The pain was bad. Several guys started to hit my butt with their belts while someone fucked my butt with the bottle. After about ten minutes they stopped and yanked the bottle out. I started limping back to the house. I heard them yell that they would see again me tomorrow night. I was actually looking forward to the second night of my new life.
I didn't try to resist. I got down on my knees on a grassy spot and unzipped the pants of the guy standing in front of me. I swallowed a lot of his cum, some dripped down on my pink cotton top.
There was a lot of guys. More kept arriving.
I was sucking for a two or three hours. I think maybe 30 guys. Finally, I stood up. I was crying at this point. I felt kind of sick. I begged them to let me go. They said I could go if I gave them all of my clothes. I stripped off my cum soaked clothes including my panties and bra. Someone grabbed my clothes and threw them over a fence. I turned to walk back to my house. I felt a strong hand push me forward. I feel forward landing with my stomach over a trash can. The hand held me down. Another hand pushed a bottle into my buthole. The pain was bad. Several guys started to hit my butt with their belts while someone fucked my butt with the bottle. After about ten minutes they stopped and yanked the bottle out. I started limping back to the house. I heard them yell that they would see again me tomorrow night. I was actually looking forward to the second night of my new life.
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